P.L.A.V. Members Entertain Vets On Oct. 12, a group from Chapter No. 188 of the Polish Legion of American Veterans visited veterans at the North Chicago Veterans hospital in Waukegan. An enjoyable evening was spent with 22 veterans playing games and rewarding them with cash prizes, along with a small gift* The veterans were also treated to doughnuts and coffee. Those attending were commander, Frank Ficek; chapter president, Evelyn Ficek;. Barbara Biyniarski, Ellen Berent, Irene May, Sally Bujak, and V.A.V. chairman, Barbara Karaskiewicz. Publicity Chairman Rose Lingl > Secretaries Meet U . _ • • - _ • - In Crystal Lake The Fox Valley chapter of P r o f e s s i o n a l S e c r e t a r i e s International will meet at the offices of Zukowski, Poper and Rogers, 50 Virginia street, Crystal Lake, Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m., and a representative from an office machine store will give a presentation on word processing. There will be an open discussion period after the presentation. Anyone interested in the program or in becoming a member of P.S.I, is invited to attend. P.S.I, (formally known as the National Secretaries Association) is a non-profit professional association that unites its members for the purpose of upgrading the standards of secretarial performance by means of continuing education programs. One may call Joyce Wolter, 338- 6060, or Judy Bartels, 459-2050, for further information. »'AUr. V I - -f ALhK - WEDNESDAY, UCTUttUtt ZD, 1WZ The first television cook was Marcel Boulestin who demonstrated how to cook an omelet on English TV in 1937. COMMUNITY CALENDAR OCTOBER 20 Whispering Oaks Woman's club- Membership meeting, 1 p.m. •4 OCTOBER 20-27 Annual St. Patrick's CCD Fruit Sale-to order, call 385-9631. OCTOBER 21 Halloween Fall Fest-Dessert Card Party, l p.m.- sponsor, St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-church hall. Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Virg Stasiak. UMW general meeting, noon-First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall-bring bag lunch. Court 573 CDA Anniversary- Liberty hall, 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 22-23 ° . UMW Fall Bazaar-Christmas sale- First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rummage Sale-Ringwood church- Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. OCTOBER 23 Mt. Hope United Methodist church- adult night out-Progressive Dinner, 6 p.m.-information, call 497-3805. VFW Post 4600 & Auxiliary- Membership Kick-off dinner- cocktails, 6:30 p.m.-dinner, 7:30 p.m.- -reservations by Oct. 16. Bake Sale-sponsor, Lilymoor Assn.-9 a.m.-noon-McHenry State Bank. OCTOBER 24 Turkey Shoot-McHenry Sport smen's club-Weingart road-open 10 a.m.-guests invited. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-cribbage tournament, l p.m.- blind draw elimination-East Wonder Lake road. Semi-annual Chicken Dinner- sponsor, McHenry American Legion Auxiliary-Legion Post Home- Ringwood road, McHenry-noon to 4 p.m.-public invited. Polish Legion of American Vets- Chapter 188 meeting, 2 p.m.-Post meeting, 3 p.m.-Polish Legion home- 1304 Park St., McHenry-food served- join now, call 385-1383. Pancake Breakfast-Bake Sale-7:30 a.m. to noon-Johnsburg Community club-benefit, St. John's Restoration fund. OCTOBER 25 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus. McHenry Area Toastmasters club- 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenp^Nfttional Catholic Society of GirlRfJrfesters-Halloween Party, 7 p.m.pm.VMary's hall. OCTOBER 26 McHenry Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library- lunch, 11:30 a.m.-McHenry Country club. S.P.A.C.E. seminars-8 p.m.--St. Patrick's parish hall, 3500 W. Washington, McHenry-'Teenage Use of Drugs & Alcohol. OCTOBER 28 Girl Scout Leaders & Co-leaders- Hopi Neighborhood rtieeting--9:30 a.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. OCTOBER 29 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-costume party-dance, 7 p.m - blue grass band-legion hall. OCTOBER 30 NAIM-St. Margaret chapter- cards, 7:30 p.m.~St. Mary's school- Oak room. OCTOBER 31 o Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Breakfast, 9 to noon--Kid's Halloween party, 1 to 3 p.m.-games, prizes and treats. NOVEMBER 1 Compassionate Friends-meeting, 7 p.m.-Family Serv. & Comm. Mental Healih-4302 Crystal Lake road-Suite G. NOVEMBER 2 S.P.A.C.E. seminar-8 p.m.-St. Patrick's parish hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-'Medical Viewpoint on Drugs & Alcohol'. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-meeting, noon-home of Mae Stinespring-bring sandwich. NOVEMBER 3 CDA Day of Recollection-Church of St. Mary of the Assumption-10 a.m. NOVEMBER 4 • Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, home of Mrs. Sue Amerson. NOVEMBER 6 Beach Gals Christmas Bazaar-Bake Sale-8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach House-refreshments available. Ringwood church Bazaar, 3 p.m.~ Roast Beef Dinner-serving, 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Craft Sale-Moose Lodge, Route 120- -10 to 4-benefit, Lilymoor Assn. NOVEMBER 9 S.P.A.C.E. seminar--8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-two films shown. NOVEMBER 14 CDA Deceased Members Mass, 9:45 a.m.-St. Patrick's church, McHenry. Turkey Shoot-McHenry Sport sman's club-Weingart road-open 10 a.m.-public invited. NOVEMBER 16 S.P.A.C.E. seminar, 8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-'Intervention' with Sister Therese. Valley View PTO meeting, 7:30 p.m.-panel discussion on Special Services offered by all of Dist. 15-at the school cafeteria-public invited. NOVEMBER 18 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, home of Mrs. Marlene K nut ilia. Catholic Daughters-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Liberty hall. NOVEMBER 20 McHenry Junior Women's group- Christmas Crafts Bazaar- Community Room-McHenry Public Library-Green St. On tJzff'i McHenry Junior Women's group- businessf meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church-Roval Terrace speaker. NOVEMBER 10 Fall Bazaar, 1 to 7 p.m.-Chicken dinner, 5 to 7:30 p.m.-Zion Lutheran church. NOVEMBER 13 " Annual bazaar, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- sponsor, VFW Auxiliary-Post 4600 home-Route 120. H o l i d a y B a z a a r - - F a i t h Presbyterian church-Lincoln and Chapel Hil roads-9 to 4-candy, gifts, bakery, plants, hot sandwiches. McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country club. If a lifetime ii devoted to one pursuit, maybe it should be to acquiring friends. Friends are always special people, but they become an even more important part of life when we are troubled. They come in many varieties. , Friends are not always people we often see. Sometimes they are only part of a past that carries with it memories too choice to forget. Friends are not always at our fingertips, but they have a way of popping up at the very time they are needed. Friends never get in the way, but they let us know they will be there when we need them. - Friends don't wait to be asked for help. They offer, then tactfully step aside, all die time keeping careful watch to be sure we know they mean it. Friends say 'yes' when they would rather say 'no*, just because it pleases us. Friends are sometimes only acquaintances who sense our needs and say, "I'll sit with you", or "I'll walk with you". Friends take time in a busy day to drop a note or place a call because they know it makes us feel good. Friends are not gushy, but may squeeze our hand when they know the going is rough. Friends remember old ties through the years, and when we most need the memories, they share them with us. Friends smile w^ien-we smile because it makes us happy. Friends cry when we cryls^cause they know it means they share our unhappiness. Friend^t(fe wonderful peoph who exist within and without the family. They can be jsin, an aunt or an uncle-they can be a neighbor down the street-or they can be ^someone out of the distant past who was once a part of our life. Friends occasionally fail us as we fail them. They have human frailties that convince us they are sometimes letting us down. But we know, down deep, it is a momentary slip. Friends-real friends-never really forget the role they play in our life. They always stand strong when we think we can't go on alone. We have known many friends in the past week. One of them passed along a quote we would like to share: "All life is 90 percent heirlooms and memories-an accumulation of small but precious deposits left by the one who leaves us". lie. <cNouotruj family 5 BIRTHS Loren and Susan Klapperich, 4713 Gregory street, McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on Oct. 11. Stephanie Lynn was born at Manorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, and weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. Maternal grandparents are James and Beverly Wickenkamp of McHenry. Wilfred and Estelle Klapperich of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Jennifer Renea is the name chosen by Alice and Bill Radtke, 119 E. Grand avenue, Fox Lake, 111., for their second daughter. The 6 lbs. 5 oz. baby girl arrived at McHenry hospital Oct. 11. She was welcomed home by a sister Jessica. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Radtke of McHenry are the paternal grand parents. Eric R. and Dana M. Larkey of McHenry became parents of twin girls Oct. 8 and named than Jennifer Nicole and Jessica Marie. They arrived at McHenry hospital weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 5 lbs. 9 oz., respectively, and were awaited at home by Tifney. Maternal grandparents are Clayton and Joyce Dornbush of McHenry. Carl and Mary In Cole of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Gregory Michael, Jr. is the name chosen by Gregory Michael and Ruthann Regina Pitt- ner, 2913 W. Parkside, McHenry, for their third son. The baby boy was born at McHenry hospital and weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. He was eagerly awaited at home by his brothers, Gfene Joseph, age eight, and three-year-old James Anthony. Maternal grandparents are Joseph and Lucille Garifi of McHenry. John and Renelle Pitt- ner of McMurray, Pa. are the paternal grandparents. Doreen M. Rasbaugh, 2507 Highwood, McHenry, announces the birth of her first child on Oct. 2. Rachel Lynn was born at McHenry hospital and weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. Maternal grandparents are Dave and Diane Rasbaugh of McHenry. A girl, Courtney Lane, weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz., was born at Good Shepherd hsopital, Barrington, 111., Oct. 2, to Diane and Stephen Buss of McHenry. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler of McHenry. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buss of McHenry. Michael and Theresa Gore, 1608 N. Woodbine, Round Lake Beach, announce the birth of their first child on Sept. 30. The 8 lbs. 5Vt oz. . baby boy entered the world at McHenry hospital and they named him Joshua. Maternal grandparents are Glen and Nancy Mincks of McHenry. Ray Gore of Ingleside and Linda Wolf of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. "Trifles make per fection, and perfection is no trifle.'r Michelangelo $ hristoplirrs 3r(j ANNIVERSARY AND from the bottom of our socks (the heort doesn't seem deep enough) for eleven wonderful years. Your patronage, kind deeds and kind words were greatly ap preciated. Stop in at HOURS CtUNTRV CORNER in beautiful downtown Volo and meet Judy and Jim Rogers. We think you will like them. NORA AND TOM _ MURPHY, , or THEIR New SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT located in the lower level of Christopher's Men's Wear. CELEBRATION Thursday, Friday & Saturday October 21 st, 22nd, 23rd 'It your old (eons look liko this....they're worth $7.00 in trade this weekend I Your Old, Torn, Worn, Out-Of-Size Jeans Are Worth In Trade Toward the Purchase of Any Sedgefield Jean or Corduroy Valued at $23 to $35 this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Our Sportswear Department features a complete line of Sedgefield Jeans and Cords, Sweaters and Sportshirts for men (tall sizes available). Also boots and shoes by Dexter and Florsheim. wrvE GOTH MCHENRY GOLD" Qlhriatarihrra MEN'S WEAR 3902 Main St.-McHenry 385-4060 We now 'eatur TALL Mont Sli., In Sweaters £ sportshirts Daily 9-5, Friday 9-8:30 J&dgefield THEJEANS WITH