PAGE«-PI - FRIDAY. OCTOBER 15,1182 HORNSB YOUR SAVING STO WITH MORE MAKE HORMSBY'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS QT. Limit ft Protect your cur's tn îvic w«ar ond #xp#fitiv# r#poira Ufllll AaiaLAa CAmAa Willi I4WKVT liviv Rog. 2.17-f.7ft Ammv Lyi H îl |n n|i LIML nniwr iiyni ivi in on oracK kit t--i--i--a e#» iAA iiivivuvii • nvi rv^w 11 Ox. STF (Nlfcestsssi Sava 41% Atta W1p«r Refills 1.27 AC A«h Air Filters $100 Kwpi out dirt ft impuritlos could harm your ongino. Hack A Itckw® Lit* 11.89 Flood, spot and omorgoncy light to u*o In cars, truck* or boat*. Plugs into most 12 volt clgdratto lightor roc op toe las. No. 9512. Rag. 1.72 Koap your car running its bast- add STP oil tractmant to your, oil. Rag. 2.17 Stop smudgos ft straaks with now wipor bladas or rafills. Save 24% Ndi 1.07 ^Rag. 1.42 Ponatratos to loosanl I or sticking par-1 > os. cans. Sm27% 1.27 Rag. 1.7ft Claan tha carbutator. SCOSOfl̂ y, fS^MCSt stalling ft rough idNing. 12 os. oasy- pour plastic bottla. idling Um , ARlî rHn 00 Rag.51' 12 os. plastic bottla. GET YOUR CAR IN SHAPE TODAY FOR THE HARD WINTER DRIVING AHEAD Rubber C2mr Umr iitirt Stock Car Waits 25% OFF Eatire Stockf A ate Floor Mats Sm 30% Hawk Xmm fiming Light Save oil to 26% Craig Cassette Players WAM/FM Radio 16.67 Rag. 23.87 RH. PRICES Glvo your car's body that nasdad protec tion from winter's snow ft lea with any ono of tha fina quality waxas from Hor- nsby's. Mado of high Impact plastic with pistol grip styling. Spocially daslgnad Ions focusas light for axtra brillianca. No. 719. Protoct your cars floors with Rubbar Quaan floor mats in a varlaty of slxas ft colors. 89.87 93.87 Rag. 119.97 Rag.127.54 OPEN DAILY 9 to 0 SUNDAYS 10 to 6 • ---'•> Prices Effective while quantities last. Mq reserve the right to limit quantities. mm YOUR SAMIHG 5T0^EJf!'™s[itCTO« Gat complato listonlng onjoymant in your car with ono of thaso fina Craig units. No.'s Tftl4 ft TS4I. McHENRY STORE ONLY McHENRY MARKET PLACE 4400W.RTE. 120, McHENRY 'RIES SELDOM DIE; THEY ONLY FADE AWAY In the history of the automo bile, no battery ever failed when it was financially con venient to the owner or timely, the director of technical serv ices at the Automotive Parts & Accessories Association, Tim Tiemey, points out. "A battery can be a year past its 36-month warranty and the car owner still will try to get that last nickel's 'juice' from it," Tiemey says. "So he ends up paying a tow bill and buying the nearest battery with little choice in cost." Sensible alternative Instead of trying to save a quarter, the car owner should look for the battery's signal that it is wearing out. then shop around. "Batteries don't die, thjy wear out, "Tiemey says. Here are signs your car's battery may be ready for replacement: • One or more cells need water trided frequently. • Corrosion returns shortly after the battery terminals are cleaned. This usually means the battery is charging contin ually rather than holding a charge at a constant level. • Loose battery hold-down bolts or brackets. Bouncing can damage the battery's case. • Battery hydrometer readings are significantly dif ferent in one or more cells. On a numerical scale, a reading of .025 difference would indicate a problem. • Loose or slipping fan belts. This can keep the alter nator from charging the bat tery properly. Maintenance hints Proper battery maintenance includes checking the fluid level when getting gas or on a Saturday morning. Keep the terminals and terminal ends free of corrosion by cleaning the battery and battery support periodically with a solution of baking soda and water. Weak or marginal batteries can fail if the car has a low idle speed and several of the elec trical accessories are operating while the vehicle is" sitting in traffic. Look for a battery that holds a greater charge. t • * » « • - • • CHECK CAR'S WINTER VISIBILITY Autumn brings early dark ness and foul weather driving conditions. To be sure you can see and be seen by others while driving in the fall and winter months, the Automo tive Parts & Accessories As sociation recommends you make these following checks: • Lights:. Inspect and clean headlights, tail lights, back up. stop lights, turn signals and emergency flashers. Check for broken lenses. a Windshield I Mtrmrs: In spect all glass for flaws and scratches. Check mirrors for cracks and any mounting prob lems. • Wipers: Streaks or noisy squeaky blades indicate ineffi cient blades. If squeaking, check the arm tension. If streaking, replace the blade. If the wipers fail to operate, check the fuse first, then the wiring and switch. • Washers: Check and fill reservoir with a cleaning solu tion that contains an anti freeze. If the washer is clogged, blow it out with air or push a fine wire through the jet to open it. • Defroster: If not work ing properly, windows may become foggy. A check for air flow is all that is required to determine any malfunction.