Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1982, p. 3

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Mens Digi|d Alarm Watch Shows time, date, day plus automatic alarm system Ladies Digital Watch Easy-to-read display panel shows time, date F WATCH ^ T OR ANOTHER ""Keep On Digging' Special Next ^^Week oi McHENRY S A V I N G S I 101* tSSOClMIM Clearance Sale! *50 to S100 OFF SHOP E A R L Y ! w/THIS AD Our Entire Line Of Motobecane Lay-Away For Christaias! 4808 W. ELM ST., McHENRY 385-4642 OPEN 7 DAYS YOURS FOR BETTER WRITING, TIMING, CALCULATING...ELECTRONICALLY, DIGITALLY! NOW AT McHENRY SAYINGS. i ' t <• A* ' f There's still time for you to get in on our exclusive space age gifts for new savings. McHenry Savings and Loan makes it worth your while to start saving now with thesefine LCD pens, watches and calculators. But it won't last forever. Credit Cord Sixe Calculator All math functions; jacket holds cards Mini Card Calculator Ultra thin unit with jacket, auto power off Digital Time-Pen Handsome writing instrument with • built-in watch Micro Calculator Tiny but full range, complete with pouch, key chain CHECK OUR SAVINGS TABLE, THEN CHECK IN WITH US. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID. COMMUNITY CALENDAR NOVEMBER 5 CWU World Community day, 9:30 a.m.--Resurrection center--2710 S. Country Club Rd., Woodstock. NOVEMBER 6 Beach Gals Christmas Bazaar-Bake Sale-8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach House-refreshments available. Ringwood church Bazaar, 3 p.m.- Roast Beef Dinner-serving, 5, 6 and 7 P-m. V McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country Club. Christmas Bazaar-Moose Lodge- Women of the Moose-10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Autumn Evening of Song-concert, 7:30 p.m.--Spring Grove United Methodist church. NOVEMBER 7 Beta Sigma Phi Fall Brunch. NOVEMBER 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus-program, McHenry Choral group. NOVEMBfeR 9 S.P.A.C.E. seminar-8 p.m.--St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-two films shown. McHenry Junior Women's group- business meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church-Royal Terrace speaker. NOVEMBER 10 Fall Bazaar, 1 to 7 p.m.-Chicken dinner, 5 to 7:30 p.m.-Zion Lutheran church. McHenry-Fox Lake LaLeche League-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-call 385- moo. NOVEMBER 11 McHenry Woman's club-meeting, noon-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-speaker, on hypnotism. Priscilla Circle-meeting, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church-babysitter provided. Lakeland Park Women's club- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Community House-1717 N. Sunset Ave.-White Elephant auction. sponsor, VFW Auxiliary-Post 4600 home-Route 120. H o l i d a y B a z a a r - . - F a i t h Presbyterian church-Lincoln and Chapel Hil roads-9 to 4-candy, gifts, bakery, plants, hot sandwiches. Phi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi- •benefit for FISH, 11 a.m.-Chapel Hill Country club. Marriage Encounter Community-8 p.m.-Bill and Connie Gates' home- 344-3935. Fox Ridge Women's club-couples pinochle, 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 14 CDA Deceased Members Mass, 9:45 a.m.-St. Patrick's church, McHenry. Turkey Shoot-McHenry ISport- sman's club-Weingart road-open 10 a.m.-public invited. NOVEMBER 15 T.H.E.O.S. meet, 5:30 p.m.-dinner, Circle R. restaurant-2214 W. Route 120-then, First United Methodist church for fun and fellowship. NOVEMBER 16 S.P.A.C.E. seminar, 8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-'Intervention' with Sister Therese. Valley View PTO meeting, 7:30 p.m.-panel discussion on Special Services offered by all of Dist. 15-at the school cafeteria-public invited. McCullom Lake Conservation club- Lakeland Park Community house- 1717 N. Sunset-8 p.m. Fox Ridge Women's club-ladites luncheon. NOVEMBER 17 Whispering Oaks Woman's club- membership meeting, 1 p.m.-Musical program by Litchfield-Hill duo. Fox Ridge Women's club-monthly meeting, 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 18 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, home of Mrs. Sue Amerson, 8 p.m. Catholic Daughters-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Liberty hall. United Methodist Women's general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-plastic ware party-guests welcome-First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main St. Mt. Hope Bazaar-10 a.m. to 3 p.m - luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.- Pistakee Highlands. Phi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi- -meeting, 8 p.m.-Diane Cashen home. Girl Scouts-Hopi Neighborhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. turkey dinner at nominal fee-dancing afterwards-6:30 to 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 21 Fox Ridge Women's club-Family afternoon bowl. . NOVEMBER 22 McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam­ pus-entertainment. NOVEMBER 23 S.P.A.C.E. seminar, 8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-True Story Hour-guest speakers. *• ' "t DECEMBER 3 Marriage Encounter Community, 8 p.m.-Earl and Cindy Awe home-344- 3680. DECEMBER 6 . McHenry Senior Citizens*vclu>~ Executive Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. DECEMBER 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Dinner-McHenry Country club-social hour, noon-dinner, 1 p.m. DECEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam­ pus-entertainment. DECEMBER 16 McHenry Senior Citizens club- Tiffany Treasures-Museum of Science & Industry-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 8 a.m. HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: Francis Sweeney and Thomas Doherty, both of McHenry. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1982 PARENTING WORKSHOP "Growing Up - A Shared Respon­ sibility" will be the topic of speaker Ned Rusin, Ph.D. when he conducts a workshop on parenting at Spring Grove United Methodist church on Nov. 12 and 13. The workshop will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. For further information and reservations call 675-2133. McHenry Americon Legion Auxiliary After the advancement of the flags, singing "Star Spangled Banner", reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and the invocation given by Chaplain Betty Lou Smith, the October meeting of McHenry Unit 491, American Legion Auxiliary, was called to order by President Maria Guettler. President Guettler announced her chairmen for the 1982-83 year. They are: Midge Scharf, Americanism; Evelyn Osmon, auxiliary loan, education and auxiliary emergency fund; Evelyn Osmon, Betty Lou Smith and Marge Datz, budget and finance; Reba Owen, community service; Pearl Cooper, coupons; Katie/- Ed- strom, foreign relations; Eleanor Reid, gold star; and Marg^ Datz, Illinois girls state. Also, Edie Rourke, junior ac­ tivities; Colleen Barry, legislative; Midge Scharf, members liaison; Pearl Cooper and Vickey Bottari, membership; Marge Datz, memory book; Dawn LaBuy, music; Marie Howe, national security; Betty L i n g e n f e l t e r , p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ; Dorothy Messer, past president parley , Lois Crouch, sunshine; Midge Scharf, poppy; Ruth Mrachek, public relations; Marie Howe, veterans affairs and rehabilitation; Betty Lou Smith, veterans craft; Ceil Violett and Pearl Cooper, ways and means. Midge Scharf announced she presented a flag to the McHenry Women's club and a donation was made co the American Seminar Valley Forge ~2 Department of Illinois, American Legion Auxiliary Community Service chairman, Mrs. Kathryn Marcius, announced her slogan for the year will be "Share Your Love In Service For Your Community". Members of the auxiliary have a responsibility not only to the organization but to themselves and to their neighbors to extend their services to help build strong communities for America. Mrs. Reba Owen, Unit 491 Com­ munity Service chairman, has asked the unit members who have par­ ticipated in any projects such as Beautification, Blood Donors program, fund drives such as Cancer, March of Dimes, Cystic Fibrosis and others, to record their hours during the year from May 1, 1982 to April 1, 1983, and mail them to her in care of the McHenry Legion post nome, so she can include them on her annual report. A donation was made to the Auxilary Emergency fund. This fund is provided for auxiliary members when there is an emergency. Other donations were to the Chapel of Four Chaplains and National Security fund. The unit also sub­ scribed to the National Legislative bulletin. Dottie Messer stated that 12 past presidents attended a dinner at a local restaurant. Pearl Cooper asked the members who have not paid their dues to please send them to her in care of the legion home. Birthday greetings were extended to Florence Black. Ceil Violett and Vickey Bottari were winners of veterans' craft prizes and Mary Ann Koleno was not present to receive the attendance award. It was announced that Veterans day ceremonies will be held Thursday, Nov. 11, at the McHenry American Legion post home, and all members are urged to be present. It was voted to have the junior auxilairy members as guests at the December meeting. Ceil Violett was refreshment chafrman for this meeting and Ruth Mrachek will be chairman for the November meeting. i Pastor Begins Message Series Pastor Merle D. Conklin of the Wonder Lake Bible church will begin a new series of messages Sunday, Nov. 7, based on I Corinthians. The test for this Sunday will be I Corin­ thians 1:1-11 and the title of the message is, "The Believer's Standing and State". The Evening Bible Fellowship hour will have a guest speaker, Bill Zibell. He and his wife, Marge, are missionary candidates to Indonesia with New Tribes missions. Bill became a Christian through the AWANA ministry at the Wonder Lake Bible church and he and his wife are members of the Woodstock Bible church. They will present a program describing the work they will be doing among the Indonesian people. Looking ahead for the month of November there is communion sche­ duled for Nov. 14, the monthly visit to Valley Hi Nov. 21, and Kent Ray BIRTHS A girl, Erin Marie, was born Oct. 19, to Mark and Linda Standley of McHenry. The first child of the Standleys arrived at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, weighing 6 lbs. 4Vfe oz. Maternal grandparents are Leo and Eleanor Herkert of Chicago. Mrs. Frances Standley of Chicago is the infant's paternal grandmother. Robert and Cheryl White of Fox Lake announce the birth of their first child on Oct. 18. Christopher Ryan was born at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, and weighed 7 lbs. 2 Oz. Maternal grandparents are Richard and Audrey Johnson of McHenry. Jack and Mabel White of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Debi and Rick Bronars, 4510 Prairie avenue, McHenry, became parents of their second child and first son Oct. 13. Nathan Richard was born at McHenry hospital and weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. He has a sister Carrie. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David Clark of Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bronars of Medinah, 111. are the paternal grandparents. Kevin Charles is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. Darron Minsky of McHenry for their son, born Sept. 18 at McHenry hospital. He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. at birth. The Minskys have one other child, also a son, David, 15 months old. Grandparents of the new baby are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhns of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Minsky of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kuhns of Chicago are the great-grandparents. will present a program about Vacation Bible school NTov. 28. The big event for the congregation will be the annual Harvest Home dinner which will be held Monday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. It is a planned pot- luck dinner with a program and devotional following. This is the time when the traditional thank-offering is received for the church fuel fund. There will also be a Thanksgiving eve service Wednesday, Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m. The public is always welcome to the services and activities at the Wonder Lake Bible church located at 7501 Howe road. Further information may be obtained by calling 728-0422 or 728- 1687. YOUR SELECTION DEPOSIT YOUR SELECTION $1,000.00 OR MORE $2,500 OR MORE $5,000 OR MORE $10,000 OR MORE LCD Tim* Psn $5.00 i FREE FREE FREE Ladies Digital Watch $7.25 $5.25 FREE FREE Mans Digital Watch, with Alarm $9.25 $7.25 $5.00 FREE Credit Card Calculator $6.50 $4.50 FREE FREE Micro Calculator $6.50 $4.50 FREE FREE Mini Card Calculator $7.50 $5.50 $3.00 FREE Open a new McHenry Savings checkbook account Deposit $1000 into a new McHenry Savings with a minimim of $500.00...get a free gift. passbook savings account...get a free gift. * THIS WEEK'S "KEEP ON DIGGING" SPECIAL SELECT BLOUSES * 30% OFF... ...PIUS... . Your "Keep On Digging" Prospectors Cord Will Save You An EXTRA 10% OFF ...A TOTAL 40% SAVINGS <\}a.s.lxLon 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. WE. 31) McHENRY 385-7747 HOURS;MON-FRI10-5:30: SAT 9-5 tffbyftcp/ef FSIAE Ovpoiiti Insured $100 000 by fh» F«**rol Savlng> I loon Insurance Corp. HICHENRV SAVINGS C "WE'VE GOT McHENRY GOLD ;x -- 1209 North Green Street, McHenry 815-385-3000 10520 Main Street, Richmond 815-678-2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312-669-3333 SAVER HOURS: 9 00 om to 4 30 pm Monday Tuesday and Thursday 9 00 am to 8 00 pm Friday 9 00 am to \ 00 pm Saturday McHenry Office Drive In windows open Wednesday 8 00 am to 2 00 pm Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley McHenry County Genealogical society-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Grace Lutheran church-Washington St., Woodstock. NOVEMBER 12-13 Workshop on Parenting-speaker, Ned Rusin, Ph. D.-Spring Grove United Methodist church-Friday, 7 to 10 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. < ui' vwnH NOVEMBER 12-14 West Campus Drama club- Comedy, "Blithe Spirit"-Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.-Sun. 2 p.m.-West auditorium. NOVEMBER 13 Annual bazaar, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- NOVEMBER 19 NAIM St. Margaret chapter-regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.-election of of­ ficers-Oak room, St. Mary's school. NOVEMBER 20 McHenry Junior Women's group- Christmas Crafts Bazaar- Community Room-McHenry Public Library-Green St. McHenry Senior Citizens club- Milwaukee Folk Fair-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 10 a.m. Fox Ridge Women's club-gourmet night. Thanksgiving dance-8 p.m. to l a.m.-American Legion Post 491-2505 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry Moose Lodge Thanksgiving party- ForSale Just what does the govern­ ment still call its own? Most of the West--almost all of Nevada and Alaska, moi£> than half of Utah, Idaho, and Oregon, and big chunks of Arizona, California and Wyoming. The federal gov­ ernment owns at least some part of every state in the uni­ on, about a third of the nation. The Reagan administra­ tion's plan to sell off some of this land, beginning with nearly S million acres, could turn into the biggest transfer of public lands into private hands since frontier and homesteading days. THE RING WING...On the drawing board is aa ad­ vanced airplane for the post 2000 year time period, such an aircraft would contain many advanced technologies. Wind tunnel tests wfli be conduct­ ed by Lockheed-Georgia Co. before the end of the year. Deposits mud remain 90 days. Prematura withdrawal subject to substantial penalties.

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