Appears In Johnsburg Play Smoke Detectors House Current or Battery-Powered....Which Kind Is Better? That depends - on where you plan to put your detector, how likely you are to test it regularly, and even the likelihood of power failures where you live. Smoke detectors which operate on batteries tend to take less time and fewer tools to install, though there are exceptions. Usually most of the effort is devoted to physically attaching the detector itself to the ceiling or wall. This may be done with adhesives, screws, or expansion fasteners, depending on the manufacturer. Once the battery-powered unit is mounted, the owner simply slips in the battery, tests the unit, and the job is done. In about a year the detector will begin to emit "beeps" every minute or so, and will keep this up for a week or longer, to tell the owner that the battery has begun to fall below a safe minimum of power and should be replaced. Smoke detectors which operate on household electric current have the power they need to operate as long as there is current in the circuit to which they are connected. However, installation is somewhat more complicated with these units. In the simplest versions, the detector has an ordinary line cord which is PAOK21 - PLAIN i>K.\LER - WKUXKSDAY, NOV KM I i'R 10. i»K2 plugged into a wall socket juc* like <^her appii3nces A problem can arise, h<>v.«-ver. when ?Tie best location for the detector (in terms of ah »lv,v cr nearness to the bedrooms; may not have a convenient outlet. In these instances, it will be necessary to hkve an electrical outlet installed (by an electrician) in the proper location, at the cost of some delav and expense. In fact, if such electrical work is necessary to install plug-in detector, it may be simpler to have the electrician install a detector which he can wire directly to household wiring, without an external Plug-in units should not get their power from a distant plug by means ol ;< 1 extension cord. This puts an extra plug connection into the circuit which could become disconnected without being noticed, rendering the detector useless 1 hi line cord of most plug-in detectors, in fact, has a device for securing the plug to thewalloutletina way that makes it difficult for children or pets to remove In the event of a power failure, detectors which operate on household elecU current will become inqporable (except for some brands, which contain stand by batteries). In most prions this is a rare event, but if power outages arc- frequent where you lire, you might think twice about depending only on this type of smoke warning device. . It is also possible that a fire could actually start in the circuit which supplies power to the detector, and power to the unit might fail before it gave the alarm However, this does not appear to be a significant danger. »" By Firefighters of the McHenry Township Fire Protection district. 1th Year spurgeons McHenry Market Place 385-4100 A scene from the Johnsburg high school production of "The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes". From' left to right. Laura Carlson Rick' ^ «S»Mer' ^u« iWeSte^( in the wheel chair)' Debbie Swinford and Paul Metfger n m tnWf h? iihK.S' if, '"ystery-comedy will be presented Nov. 12 and 13 at 8 ® Johnsburg high school auditorium. 20% THIS WEEK -- reg. $19.99 to $34.50 women's and girls boots are on sale! Get the styles you want for fashion and warmth .. . nylons, pig suedes and more with fleece and pile linings, nylon and pile cuffs. Stacked heels, flat heels .. even wide widths. In navy, H < > ^ walnut, saddle tan. tauoe. f Vv Johnsburg high school presents the omedy, "The Very Great Grandson f Sherlock Holmes", Nov. 12 and 13 at in the Johnsburg high school auditorium at 2002 W. Ringwood road. ; In a'ddition, there will be a special performance Wednesday, Nov. 10, for senior citizens. The comedy is a spoof of Sherlock Holmes' mysteries. In the play the audience meets Sherlock's grandson, Sherwood, who is trying to continue the family tradition of solving crimes. Unfortunately, Sherwood is not the • great detective that his grandfather was. The play is directed by Roger Zawacki, Johnsburg high school "^^heatre director. Assistant director is English teacher Cheryle Olson. Student stage managers are Lisa Matulka and Jon Wills. Other student crew members include Bill Schmitt, Lisa Kelly, Cindy Swinford, and Chappie Hughes. The cast of 12 students has been rehearsing for the past six weeks. Included in the cast are several Johnsburg high school theatre veterans. Paul Metzger, Kathy Wester, Debbie Swinford, Lisa Boyer, and Scott Tvaroh were all seen in last year's production of Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew". Tickets to "The Very Great Grandson of Sherlock Holmes" will be available at the door beginning one hour before each performance. Senior citizens will be admitted free of charge to Wednesday's performance. Save j ^ w m walnut, saddle tan, taupe, ^ black, wine, fawn. Girls' < Hurry...Sale ends Sunday, November 14tn! sizes 5-12,9-4; women's //* 5-10. Put yourself in our boots and save now! Choooe and charge today t Daily 9 to 9 Sat 9 to 6 Sun 10 to 5 SAFETY HINTS By Secretary of State Jim Edgar With clocks turned back to stadard time and November already * here, winter is on the way. Prepare now for cold weather driving. If your vehicle is not running smoothly, a tune-up may be necessary. You or your service attendant should test the anti-freeze in yoUf ' car or truck to make sure it will start when temperatures suddenly drop. Also check all belts, hoses and radiator connections. Replacing a weak or old battery will give your vehicle every chance of starting when the wind chill factor is below zerb. Keep distilled water in the battery. After checking the i defroster fan and «heater, inspect the windshield wipers and lights. The best possible ti / visibility is critical in a iiojil snow storm. zi To reduce the severity 6 of sliding on slippery or fa'j ; :. jCy streets, brakes and tires also should be n 'r checked. J Carry an ice scraper ? and snow brush for obstructed windshields. A can of de-icer for windshields and frozen locks could come in handy. Some motorists keep a bag of sand or gravel and a scoop in the trunk, just in case / they get stuck in snow or ice. If you have any questions about the • Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800- 252-8980). . ( A copy of the Rules <Jf you^poh ̂ uest^WVite b to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) ^American Viewpoints If a man has come to the point where he is so content that he says: "I do not want to know any more, or do any more or be any more," he is in a state in which he ought to be changed into a mummy. -Henry Ward Beecher ti \ z 1 s t V \ • i £ ?A ft! i f m n. i ul ii 3 la-Lt. | j.H i.i .H. V ' fcv'i' i . noi; - "X/ggi r.T"v«n | ,9Wsfir.\»r -/rtufT . ,?itf a, '•riui y' :j' r> • % 'nobody has more toys than Bohn's!' "ay for including* this area's finest collection of: •Effenbee Dolls u' •- •" •Video Games & Cartridges --also-- HOUSEWARES: •Gourmet •Kitchen •Kntertaining mm mm •BOHN'S BKST Bl'V (Ot'PON" •••| | OLLS 20 .stock onl> with coupon Nunda>. 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