Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Nov 1982, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11,1182 o±t[u <SocLa,L ' a-r America's Miss Charm National Scholarship Pageant is looking for girls to represent this state at the upcoming national finals, to be held in Washington, D.C. There are five age divisions: Little Miss (ages 4-6); Miss Ideal (7-9); Junior Miss (10-12) ;. Teen (13-16); and Miss (17-25). Each young lady will compete in a private interview, talent, evening gown and sportswear. Over $20,000 in scholarships, prizes and awards will be presented throughout the finals. As a Youth Development Program in its sixth year, it encourages community and state participation through civic and social organizations by giving of their time and talents to charitable functions. America's Miss Charm National Finals are presented to award scholarships and to bring outstanding recognition to all par- tiqipants and to bring states closer together. . Each representative will be of­ ficially crowned and presented a trophy at the national finals for her participation. Mail a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope, stating age, for more details to America's Miss Charm Scholarship Pageant, P.O. Box 7246, Jacksonville, N.C. 28540. BPW Club Schedules Speaker For November Dinner-Meeting Members of the McHenry Business and Professional Women's club will meet Monday, Nov. 22, at the Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake, for a social hour 'starting at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7, followed by the regular monthly business meeting. Induction of new members will be held and the program for the evening will feature a speaker. A1 Gabor of McHenry will talk on "Collections and Credit", interspersing humor in this informative subject. All members are urged to attend and bring guests. President of the group, Lynne Donarski, called a meeting of all committee chairmen Nov. 9, and a discission was held on which direc­ tion the club is heading. With the input of those present, several questions were compiled to be presented to club members in the form of a survey at the November meeting. It is hoped that these efforts will solve the problem of procuring of­ ficers and committee chairmen in the future and promote more interest in the organization. SQUARE DANCE CLUB HOLDS THIRD DANCE The Crystal Pistols family square dance club of Crystal Lake will hold its third dance of the season Sunday, Nov. 21, at St. Thomas school, 265 King street, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Van Fossler will call the squares, with Barb Dale cueing the line dances. Couples and singles are welcome. Club members are asked to bring refreshments. Further information is available by calling 459-6830. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE 10 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER The McHenry Plalndealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 f 1 3 YEARS • $40.00 ! 2 YEARS - $28.50 !"] 1 YEAR-SI 6.50 I A MONTHS -$8.50 i ; PAYMENT ENCLOSED Name CLASS REUNION Lane Tech high school graduating class of June, 1952 will be celebrating its thirty-first class reunion Sunday, March 13,1983. All alumni are urged to please contact the committee at once. Write to Class Reunion, P.O. Box 48335, Chicago, 111. 60648-0335. Man has tiny bones once meant for a tail and usually unworkable muscles once meant to move his ears. "Often, the surest way to convey misinformation is to tell the strict truth."...Mark Twain Address Ci ty . . . . Prices good in McHenry County Bazaar And Buffet Nov. 20 10AM-4PM Mchenry Country Club 820 N.John St. Mchenry, Illinois A Unique Bozaqr of Finely . Crofted items by Area Craftsmen' Lunch And Shop in Festive Surrounding F R E E ADMISSION BLAKESCELEBRATE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Bernard "Ben" Blake of 2212 N. Richmond road, McHenry, will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary Saturday, Nov. 20. A 6 o'clock dinner by invitation at the Johnsburg Community club will be followed by open house at 8 o'clock. Prepare For St. John's Bazaar Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In cento* beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Nov. 22 through 26 is as follows: Nov. 22: Chicken ala king on biscuits, baked squash, jellied cranberry slice on lettuce, spice cake, milk. Nov. 23: Beef Stroganoff on noodles, buttered beets, jello fruit salad, breads, cookie, milk. Nov. 24: THANKSGIVING DIN- NER-Turkey with dressing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, rolfc, cranberry slices, pumpkin tart, milk. NOv. 25 and 26: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! ALL SITES AND. OFFICES CLOSED! COMMUNITY CALENDAR KENNETH SCHEUBER AND LESLIE WALTER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walter of McHenry aanoance the engagement of their daughter Leslie Teresa to Kenneth Charles Schenber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alhan C.Scheaber of Joliet, 111. The bride elect is a graduate of McHenry West high school. Her fiance graduated from Joliet Catholic Ugh school. An April 16,1MB wedding is being planned. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Americas Miss Charm Pageant NOVEMBER 19 NAIM St. Margaret chapter-regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.-erection of of­ ficers-Oak room, St. Mary's school. NOVEMBER 20 ; McHenry Junior Women's group- Christmas Crafts Bazaar- Community Room-McHenry Public Library-Green St. McHenry Senior Citizens club- Milwaukee Folk Fair-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 10 a.m. Fox Ridge Women's club-gourmet night. Thanksgiving dance-8 p.m. to 1 a.m.-American Legion Post 491-2505 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry - Moose Lodge Thanksgiving partyr turkey dinner at nominal fee-dancing afterwards-6:30 to 8 p.m. Bake sale, 9 a.m. to noon-McHenry State Bank ft Carey building-sponsor, Polish Legion of American Veterans Chapter 188. McHenry. Sportsmen's . club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 1 p.m.-guests invited. NOVEMBER 21 Fox Ridge Women's clubr-Family afternoon bowl. NOVEMBER 22 . McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church. • McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam­ pus-entertainment. McHenry Woman's club-Board meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry Public Library. . NOVEMBER 23 S.P.A.CJ3. seminar, 8 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-3500 Washington, McHenry-True Story Hour-guest speakers. NOVEMBER 27 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 1 p.m.-guests invited. . NOVEMBER 27 ft 28 St. John's Holiday Bazaar- Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.-at the school-public invited. NOVEMBER 28 Polish Legion of American Veterans-Chapter 188 meeting, 2 p.m.-post meeting, 3 p.m.-Polish Legion home-1304 Park St.-food served-call 385-1383. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meat shoot-open 11 a.m.-public invited. NOVEMBER 29 ... U.M.W. Mission Team-United Methodist Women-special program planning meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Board meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library-any member may attend. DECEMBER 1 Ladies Auxiliary to VFW Post 4600- dinner meeting, 7 p.m.-members to bring dish to pass. DECEMBER 2 . Xi Kappa Iota Chapter-Beta Sigma Rosalie Beaumont, on the left, and Sonia Larsen, both members of St. John'ji church in Jofcnsbvg, are admiring the beautiful Christmas wreaths created by fellow parishioners for St. John's Holiday Baxaar. TUs annual event is being presented in St. John'* school Saturday/ Nov. 27, from It a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 28, f$om 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The good cooks of St John's are preparing gifts of food frojtn homemade Jams and Jellies to cakes, fresh breads, pies, and many other tf sty culinary offerings. A variety of items will be contributed by tLe Blessed Virgin Sodality and the St. John's Home and School association, including Christmas ornaments, handmade crafts, plants, a book fair, plus the sale of many religious articles. Lunch will be served on Saturday for the holiday shoppers. Everyone Is invited to come early, have a cup of hot coffee, stay late, and enjoy the festivities. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD VFW Post-4600 Ladies Auxiliary Mem bers Host District President Lillian Nielsen, 5th District President of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars made her official visit at the November meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of." Foreign Wars Post 4600. The meeting was called to order by President Gerry Kuck with 20 members present. Chairman reports were given with Community Service chairman Mary Fergen stating she had given a report on the auxiliary activities to the Department chairman. A letter received by the post commander was read, regarding PQWs and MIAs and requesting each post and auxiliary send a Christmas card to each POW and MIA from the state of Illinois. Listed were 106 men and it was noted, that there were tha list . center pieces for the membership kick-off dinner. Barb Bryniarski, Cancer Aid and Research chairman, stated the auxiliary was well over the quota set by the national organization for donations by the auxiliary to the Cancer Aid and Research fund. The national organization asks each auxUisu*y to donate two dollars per member. Junior Girls Unit chairman Pat Spoto stated the Junior Girls Unit conference willbe held in April, 1983, and asked the auxiliary to continue tor support the program. . Legislative chairman Edna Olson distributed letters to the members requesting that they be sent to President Reagan. The letter informs the president of the concern there is over the failure, to return the POWs. Eva Snell, Safety chairman, stated she had not been contacted by the police in regards to the auxiliary Li te­ a-bike program, and suggested the auxiliary participate in the Chicago Adopt-a-cop program. Hospital chairman Da Hogan ad­ vised the auxiliary had received over $1100 monetary credit for the month of October. Included in this credit was the hand lotion which was from the president's special project. Ila Hogan, Membership chairman, stated the auxiliary requires 31 members to pay 1983 dues for 100 percent in membership. Anne Scarbrough, Rehabilitation chairman, .asked members to bring in staple food items. She will have a container for these items which will be given to FISH for distribution. Ite membes present agreed to have a dinner meeting in December. The auxiliary will provide barbecued ribs and each member is to bring a dish to pass. The dinner will be served at 7 p.m. with' the meeting immediately following. Phi-meeting, home of Mrs. Fran Black, 8 p.m.-co-hostess, Mrs. Barb Kellogg. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meeting, 8 p.m. DECEMBER 3 Marriage Encounter Community's p.m.-Earl and Cindy Awe home-344- 3680. DECEMBER 4 Holiday Happening-Valley View school-11 a.m. to 4 p.m.-public in­ vited. Toys for Tots-drop off, McHenry theatre-10 a.m. to 1 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open l p.m.-guests invited. Dinner-Dance, 6:30 p.m.-McHenry Moose Lodge 691-2816 W.-Route 120- behefit McHenry Police Dept.-tickets at Moose lodge. DECEMBER 4 & 5 McHenry Choral Club Christmas Program-8:15 p.m.-West campus auditorium. _ Montini Parents association, sponsor-Santa's Secret Shop ft Craft Bazaar-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Sunday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.-St. Patrick's hall. DECEMBER 5 AAL Pancake Breakfast-benefit, Mary Ann McGee-American Legion hall-2S05 Ringwood Rd., McHenry-8 a.m. to l p.m. Johnsburg PTO-Breakfast with Santa ft Bazaar-8 a.m. to 1 p.m - Johnsburg high school-2002 Ringwood R4 Hopi Girl Scout "Family" Fashion show-2 to 5 p.m.-refreshments, prizes and Santa-Parkland Junior high school. DECEMBER 6 McHenry Senior Citizens club- ORSOIINI'S A '^uu. •• </jyi<.'/ r y----- r Ls ft OI J t ( • I ') r. S?ood fiat Oxtail C-onvcxuxtLon <SlncM. igtl A Traditional Thanksgiving Day Dinner Awaits You Featuring: ". Roost Turkey Roast Duck Baked Ham Plus Our Regular Menu Reservations Preferred: ttf-47S-M17 Dotes Still Open For Christmas Par Major Crodit Cards Accepted\ In Fashion With t look «t footwear offerings, milady will step out in style in the cold weather season ahead. One should chooje shoes and boots carefully for comfort as well̂ s style. Most populax is the'pump and winter's best heel height is medium. Low heeled walking boots are made of soft suede or leather. Executive Board meeting, 10 a.fn.- McHenry Public Library. Aurora Blood Draw-Zion Lutheran church--4206 W. Elm, McHenry-3:30 to 7:30 p.m. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Potluck Christmas party and meeting, 12:30 p.m.-in church hall-speaker, editor of Keen-Ager News, Chicago-guests invited-bring dish to para. Compassionate Friends meeting, 7 p.m.-Family Service ft Mental Health building-4302 Crystal Lake road, Suite G., McHenry. DECEMBER 8 Telephone Pioneers of America- monthly meeting, 11*30 a.m.- McHenry Country club-820 N. John- reservations by Dec. 1-344-4144 or 338- 6637.. DECEMBER 8 ft 9 Landmark PTO Book Fair ft Santa Worksbop-4 to 9 p.m.-public invited. DECEMBER 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Annual Christmas Dinner-McHenry Country club-social hour, noon-dinner, l p.m. Country Quilters meeting, 7 p.m.- McHenry Public library. . DECEMBER 10 McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Cookie Sale-10 a.m.-Pink Door-benefit Scholarship Fund. DECEMBER 11 Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive-Pearl St. Park-1 to 3 p.m. Toys for Tots-drop off, Pearl St. Park-l to 3 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 1 p.m.-guests invited. DECEMBER 12 . McHenry Sportsmen's club--* Weingart road-meat shoot open n ' a.m.-public invited. DECEMBER 13 . McHfnry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam- pus-entertainment. DECEMBER 15 . Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-annual Christmas party, noon-home of Bea Nuziard-potluck and $2 grab bag. Tiffany Treasures-Museum of Science ft Indus try-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 8 a.m. Xi Kappa Iota Chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-Christmas Party, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Etta McCarthy. CDA Christinas Party meeting- Liberty hall, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 18 Santa and Mrs. Claus-at Pearl St. Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 1 p.m.-guests invited. DECEMBER 26 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meat shoot-open ll a.m.-public invited. DECEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizen's club-no regular meeting-school closed- Christmas holiday. DECEMBER 16 McHenry Senior Citizens club- About Your Wedding Write-Up In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer mails wed­ ding forms to all whose engagemen­ ts have been announced in the paper and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days before the wedding. The story containing all the infor­ mation given on the form will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out- of-state weddings, where an ad­ ditional week is allowed. Forms received the second week af­ ter the wedding will be printed with the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be. included with the wedding information if they accom­ pany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement announcement hos not been published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. Space problems experienced by a non-daily newspaper, and a desire tc print up-to-date news, make this policy necessary. ®fte fctameb |iant Call Now for " Custom Stained Glass Gifts In Time for Christmas. (815)344-4724 suss sunns V

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