PAGE8- V \l\i>r\( vr-WEDNK*., i#r.l KMRtfRl.1982 Legal Notice MctlUlNKi COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 156 3926 W. Main Street. McHenry, IL. 60050 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED June 30,1982 * (Section 10-17 of The School Code of Illinois) INDIVIDUAL FUND BALANCE SHEETS size of District in square miles - 40 Number of Attendance centers - 2 Number of Non-Certificated Employees Full-Time 83 Part-Time 68 Number of Certificated Employees ^ill-Time 117 Part-Time 8 Average daily attendance -1466.694 N1 Total Bonded Indebtedness June 30,1962 - $4,885,000 Percent of bonding power obligated currently 55 Assets Land Buildings Equipment Value of Capital Assets Basis of Valuation Usw! 346,097 Historical Cost 10,353,705 ° Historical cost 844.962 Historical Cost • Based Upon the Illinois Program Accounting Manual for Local Education Agencies (1980) * * When publishing this report in the newspaper, type requirements must be in accordance with Chapter 100, Section II of the Illinois Revised Statute ISBE 50-37 (7-82) VENDOR LIST A.B.Dick, $2,138.16; Adams Bros. Steel Div., 668.27; Ace Hardware, 9.524.27; Adams Lawn and Leisure, 1,350.40; Advance Products Co, 697.42; Alexander Lumber Co. 5,478.55; Althoff Industries, 38,784.57; American Bindery, 526.55; American College Testing Prog. The, 1,355.67; American Hotel Register Co, 651.58; Andre's Steak House, 1,844.57; A.R.T. Studio, 625.18;" Aurora Public School Dist. No. 129, 1 288.31; Badger Graphics, $888.01; Barclay Alternative Learn. Prog.. 1,306.08; Bark, Donald E., 5,155.93; Becker Foods, 10,461.31; Beckley Cardy Co., 604.03; Bell Lumber & Supply Co, 3,339.33; Bit O Gold Foods, 1.396.69; Blue Cap School, 4,186.92; Bob's Colors, 811.09; Bolotin, 1,056.30; Bornquist, Inc., 1,228.31: Bott's Welding & Truck Serv., 622.40; Breber Music Co.. 5,080.51; Brddheaa Garret, 1,241.10; Brooke & Assoc., Robt., 561.25; Brown Schools, The, 23,518.94; Bull Valley Asphalt, 1,537.90; Burgess, Anderson & Tate, 2,975.55; Burlington Wholesale Groc., 15, 495.27; Burroughs, Corp.. 3,088.01; Buss Fora Sales. 605.38; Calhoun Comm. Unit Dist. No. 40, $1 457.49; Capital Controls Co., 858.96; Carbit Paint Co., I.711.26; Carey Electric Contr., 3,926.75; Carroll Seating Co., 34,917.18; Cary Dairy, 34,088.69; Cassel Indust.,1,802.30; Central Baptist Children's Home. 29,089.59- Central Camera Co., 1,244.56- Chain O Lakes Travel Agency, 1,155.50; Champion Products Inc., 4,582.85; Chem- Rite Products, Inc., 742.13; Children's Haven Residential School, 640.74; Chuck's Enterprises, 11,895.00; City Of McHenry, II,813.03; Classic Communications, 513.02; Colonial Baking Co., 4,261.72; Com munity Auto Supply, 588.43; Community Unit School Dist. No. 2, 1,382.88: Community Unit School Dist. No. 200, 3,402.27; Com monwealth Edison, 158,069.29; Com- pugraphic, 615.99; Computerland of Niles, Ltd., 3,958.25: Con federation Life Ins. Co., 113,627.99; Creative Kitchens & Baths, 576.93; Crystal Lake Herald, 584.10; Crystal Lake South Activity Fund, 600.00; CWC Industries Incorp., 3,609.63. D.R Building Sup- 6l i e s , $ 5 0 0 . 5 0 ; a k t r o n i c s I n c . , 3,852.00; Dannon Milk Prod., 1,107.59; David, Geo. A., 1,205.70; Decision Systems Co., The, 600.00; DeKalb Comm. Unit School Dist. No. 428, 1,314.60; Demco Educ. Corp.. 2 , 3 2 7 . 0 2 ; D i a m o n d Chemical Co., 8,510.36; D i a m a t r o n i c s , I n c . 597.00; Director of Labor, 8,312.56; Don & Co., Edward, 1,339.00; D o r o n P r e c i s i o n Systems, 1,440.00; Dundee Comm. High School, 600.00; Dura Wax Co., Inc., 1,196.10; Dye Masters, 1.176.00. Easter Seal Therapy C e n t e r , 5 0 0 . 0 0 ; E c o n o m y B u s i n e s s Mach., 3,167.47; Ed's R e n t a l , 9 7 3 . 0 0 ; E d u c a t i o n a l D a t a C e n t e r , 8 , 2 9 6 . 0 6 ; Elkhorn Chemical Co, 879.67; Empire Elec trical Supply Corp., 1,404.76; Enterprise Ready-Mix, 2,577.02; Erickson Chemical Co., 1,142.60; Fisher Scientific Co., $1,073.17; Flow-Flex Engineering Co., 780.00; F o r e s t H o s p i t a l , 1,010.00; Fox Ind. c-o 1st Granit City Nat. Bank, 1,322.63; Fox Lake Office Supply, 2,312.25; Fox River Foods, 10,594.91; Fox Valley Audio Visual, 1,130.56; Franke & Miller, 4,210.00; Freeport Dist. No. 45, 1,385.30; Freund Inc., Geo. P., 9,317.19; Gale Research Co., $534.60; Gibson, James A. M.D., 1,365.00; GJK Enterprises, 4,000.00; Glidden Paint, 540.00; GM Audio Visual Serv., 782.88; Grant Athletics, Inc. 1,968.37; Graphic 14, 1,655.06; Halogen Supply Co, 500.02; Harcourt, Brace J a v a n o v i c h , I n c . , 1,798.48; Harrison In ternational, Inc., 598.04; Hauschildt Electric Co., 2,145.60; Hausman Bus Sales, 71,509.18; Hayden's Sport Center, 10,124.37; Heath & Co., D.C., 761.90; Heelein C o n s t r u c t i o n C o . , 60,726.18; Hines Lumber Co., Edward, 4,961.17; HoUeb & Co., 4,801.43; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 786.76; Houghton Mifflin Co., 947.07; Huemann Water Conditioning, 3,687.79; Hughes, 8,678.14; Huntington Laboratories, Inc., 1 . 0 9 5 . 1 3 ; H y d r i t e Chemical Co., 740.57; I . B . M . C o r p . . $8,841.95; 111. Assoc. of School Boards, 1,975.15; 111. Bell Telephone, 1 7 , 7 9 9 . 3 3 ; I l l i n o i s Mechanical Sales, Inc., 597.82; Illinois Prin cipals Assoc. 669.00; Illinois Vica, 585.00; I.M.R.F., 90,726.28; Industrial Appraisal Co. 6,320,00; industrial Towel & Uniform, 1,244.70; Inlander- Steindler Paper Co.. 665.54; Institute of Logopedics, 6,660.68; Inter Collegiate Press, 993.44; Interstate Music Supply, 629.72; Jamk Construction Co, $5,700.00; Jays Food, Inc., 2,817.00; Jewel Food Stores, 2,569.21; Johnson Co., E.F., 1.400.00; Kankakee Industrial Supply Co., $3,025.31; Kaaisak Tile, 718.09; King, Darrell, 1,005.93; Kinne, Jr., Harry C., 533.00; Kirchner Fire Extinguisher, Inc., 2,365.78; Knuth Co., P.O., 1,512.03; Kotiw, Richard, 2,747.15; Kraft Foods. 4,735.52; Laidlaw Bros., 783.61; Larkin Home School, 6,625.40; Latta, J.S.. 2,211.05; Lawrence Hall School For Boys, 6 , 2 9 8 . 6 2 ; L a w s o n , Carolyn, 685.00; Leach Enterprises, 691.29; Lee & Ray Electric, 854.95; L i b e r t y B u s i n e s s S y s t e m s , 7 1 7 . 4 6 ; Locicero & Son, Inc. Guy, 1,863.30; M C C P o w e r s . $1,004.38- McGraw Hill Book Co., 2,273.63* McHenry Consolidated G r a d e S c h o o l s , 86,849.28- McHenry County Film Library, 815.00; McHenry County Glass & Mirror, 1,577.18; McHenry Coun ty CoUector, i,900.82; McHenry County Office Machines, 5,302.51; McHenry Disposal Co., 5 , 0 6 7 . 7 6 ; M c H e n r y Electric, 1,074.64; McHeniy Lumber Co., 633.60; McHenry Paint, 3 , 3 9 2 . 3 6 ; M c H e n r y Plaindealer, 1,775.12; McHenry Postmaster, 6 , 8 7 9 . 3 0 ; M c H e n r y P r i n t i n g S e r v i c e s , 761.21; McHenry Sand & Gravel, 65,625.00; McKee Baking Co., 5 , 6 1 0 . 0 8 ; M c K n i g h t Publ. Co., 1.218.79; MacMillam Publ. Co., 550.85; Main Line Book Co., 1,035.19; Maisey & Dion Hardwood Lum- b e r , • 1 , 4 0 9 . 4 4 ; Manhattan Supply Co., 851.29; Medco Supply Co., 1,802.15; Meyer Bros., 1,563.46; Midwest Visual Equip. Co., 3,890.31; Milwaukee Cheese Co., 9,376.43; Mohawk Refrigeration, I , 3 7 0 . 5 8 ; M o n r o e Division, 1,343.47; Nasco, $1,116.85; N a t i o n a l E l e c t r i c Supply, 580.08; National Plumbing & Heating Supply Co., 529.66; Nissen Corp.. 3,483.12; North Suburban Bldg. Maint., 750.00; Northern II. Gas Co., 98,386.06; O'Donnell Wicklund Pigozzi Architects, $8,277 75; Office Shop, The, 558.46; Op portunities for Lear ning, 785.27; Palmer Co., Inc.,! 1 , 4 1 3 . 5 0 ; P a x t o n Lumber Co.. Frank, 5 5 2 . 0 0 ; P a x t o n - Patterson, 2,815.09; Payton Chevrolet, 1,269.78; Perfection Form Co., The, 1,043.80; Perma-Bound, 1,116.74; Pioneer Blacktop & Concrete Serv., 1,620.00; Pitney Bowes, 695.55; Plum Tree Ind., 2 , 9 7 5 . 0 0 ; P y r a m i d Paper Co., 1,125.91; Quill Corp., $1,308.59; RAW Graphics, $3,107.70; Radicom Inc., 678.00; Railton Co., Br.A., 5,119.44; Retco Alloy Co., 1,105.11; R. Graphics, 778.54; Rich Supply House Inc.. 1,594.70; Richmond Welding Supply Co., 2,183.58; Ridgeway A c a d e m y , 8 3 0 . 3 0 ; Riversedge Hospital, 1.312.50; Robertshaw Controls Co., 9,038.00; R o s e m a n T r a c t o r Equipment, 1,225.49; R u n g e P a p e r Co.,1,823.82; Rutland Tool & Supply Co., 3,428.58; S a r g e n t W e l c h Scientific, $3,024. 39; Schoeps Ice Cream Co., 7,022.00; School Health Supply, 642.30; Scott Foresman & Co., 1 , 3 4 8 . 7 5 ; S e a r s Roebuck, 2,246.22; Simplex Time Recor der, 1,765.90; South western Publ., 6,091.17* Special Educ. Dist. of M c H e n r y C o u n t y , 92,962.27; Spellman Chevrolet Inc., 1,080.70; SRA, 967.23; Stack The Deck, Inc., 1,742.28; Stan's Office Machines, 1,740.46; Stoffel & Reihansperger, 67,536.00; Sund, Bill, 650.00; Sward, Henry, 669.00; Tapaninen, Bridget, 510.04- Tappe Sporting G o o d s , 1 , 9 9 4 . 7 5 ; Teachers Retirementt System of U., 204,612.36; Teledyne Post, 752.36 ; 3 M Corp., 1,174.57; T o t e m W h o l e s a l e Lumber Co., 4,496.82; Towen & Country Dist., 726.00; Uarco Inc., $3,395.82; Union Oil Co.of California, 1,788.55; United Visual Aids, 2,449.62; U.S.Fidelity & Guaranty Co., 2,425.00; Utrecht Linens Inc., 1,114.05; Valley Litho Supply Co.. $4,757.02; Valley S c h o o l S u p p l i e s , 6 , 9 9 1 . 6 4 ; V a l m e y e r School Dist. No. 3, 1,510.81; Van Der AA Bus Lines, Inc., 4,362.50; Video Alley, 3,957.30; Wadsworth, $793.28; W a u k e g a n P u b l i c Schools-Dist. No. 60, 1,364.20-Wesa, Annette, 639.83; Wilcox & Follett Co., 516.88; Wolverine Sports Supply, 654.13; W o o d w a r d * F o r d - Mercury, Inc., 1,856.92; Worth Publ. Inc., 562.94; X e r o x C o r p . , $17,464.02; Zeigler & Sons, Inc.,- Wm, $987.45. CERTIFIED PERSONNEL Less than $10,000 Kimberly Bailey, David Burton, Nellie Cina, Claudia Dalton, Maria Devore, Heather Dodge, Wayne Dye, Dennis Edwards, Paula Eckstrom, Rockwell Eide, Karen Engle, James Goebel, Shelley Gray, Kathe Greer, Jeanne Hertz, Dwight Hibicke, Elaine Hof- man, Mary Johnson, Mary Kasprzak, An thony Kryc, Anthony L a a n e r , D o l o r e Leonard, Susan Long, H o w a r d M c H u g n , Dianne Miller, Susan Miller, Leonard Morris. Thomas Parsley. Jerald Rankin, Eileen Reagan, Karen Roti, Bonnie Ruggero, Mary Lou S c n a e f f e r , M a r y Simkin, Kathleen Stark, Carol Tomas, David Educational ASSETS Curr«it Asset* _ ̂ Cash 927,294 Investments - • • 741,616 Other Current Assets * 64,643 TOTAL ASSETS 1,733,553 Operations, Building and Maintenance 238,906 439,910 678,816 Bond And Interest 302,827 260,730 Trans portation 184,144 159.125 343,269 Municipal Retirement 30,594 42,930 Site and Construction 9,268 91.014 563,557 NOTE: The data needed for the completion of this page, with the exception of the Working Cash Fund, can be obtained on pages6-7 of the Local Education Agency Annual Financial Repeat (ISBE 50- 35). Data needed for the Working Cash Fund can be obtained on page 2 of that report. * Balance receivable from building trades house sale 73,524 100.982 Number of pupils enrolled per grade: Ninth, 415; Tenth, 395; Eleventh, 351; Twelfth, 334. Total Secondary, 1495 Tax rate by fund (in percentage): Educational, 1.32; Operations, Bldg., and Maintenance, .25; Bond and Interest, .38; Working Cash, .05; Transportation, .12; Municipal Retirement, .04; Tort Immunity, .04. District Assessed Valuation $190,906,809 Assessed Valuation per A.D.A. Pupil 130,161 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities Fund Balance Reserves Fund Balance 1,733,553 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE ...... 1,733.553 33,402 645,414 678,816 563,557 563,557 343,269 343,269 73,524 73,524 100,282 100,282 NOTE: The data needed for the completion of this page, with the exception of the Workir Fund, can be obtained on pages 8-9 of trie Local Education Agency Annual Financial Report 35). Data for the Working Cash Fund can be obtained on page 3 of that report. 1 Cash >BE 50 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS-REVENUES, DISBURSEMENTS- EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Receipts-Revenues and Transfers Local Sources 2,977,337 State Sources ' -- 1,129,382 Federal Sources 142,353 TOTAL RECEIPTS-REVENUES AND TRANSFERS .4,249,072 Disbursements-Expenditures and Transfers Instructions 2,740,132 Supporting Services 1,123,395 Nonprogrammed Charges 91,276 Qatvipps TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS-EX PENDITURES AND TRANSFERS 3,954,803 Excess of Receipts-Revenues and Transfers Over (Under) Disbursements- Expenditures and Transfers 294,269 Fund Balances, July 1,1981 .1,452,141 Other Changes in Fund Balances Increase (Decrease) * (12,857) Fund Balance, June 30,1982 1.733,553 618,132 273,000 891,132 786,659 786,659 104,473 574,343 872,840 872,840 8.067 685,913 693,980 178,860 384,697 563,557 237,507 258,294 495.803 321,05V 14,461 335,518 160,285 182,984 343,269 Usrey, Mary Watrous, - h v w h i t Russell Williams, Susan Wirch. T i m o t h 1 t m a n , CERTIFIED PERSONNEL $10,000-16,999 Deborah Berg, Jamie F i f t i e s , B o n n i e G o n zales, Denise Hay, Gail Rock Howard, Gina Riddle. Gerald Sch- m e l c h e r , L y n n Schnelker, Katheryn Shaw, Margaret Smith, Guy Waymire, James W h e e l e r , K a r e n Wheeler. CERTIFIED PERSONNEL $17,000-24,999 - James Aull, Louette Ames, Deborah Bald win, Colleen Barton. Gloria Burke, David Callahan, Robt. Dor an, Thomas Eickenberg, K a t h l e e n E v e r i t t . Wilbur Farrell, Ronald Glawe, David Glenn. David Hines, Muriel J a n n o t t a , K e v i n Klopfenstein. Karen Kraft, Robt. Lud- w i g s e n , E l i z a b e t h Marcello, Pat Marks, Marcia Maule, Ray M a t h i s , D o l o r e s M a u r e r , B a r b a r a M e d i n g , B a r b a r a Miller, Bruce Mon- tressor, Cecilia Morner, Ken Mueller, Jean Natoli, Amanda Noyes, Wm. Noyes, Alan Olsen, Mary Lou Osterman, Pam Pettit, Wilnis Platacis, Chas. Popp, Ron Schmitt, Pam Shaffer, Lee Simons, Joel Smith. Anthony Stumbris, Johri Sytsma. Linda Usrey, Jeft Varda, Sandra Vitale, Brian Wilson, Wm. Winkel, Pat Wirtz, Philip Zack, Ron Zimmerman, Susan Zimmerman. CERTIFIED PERSONNEL $25,000 & OVER Beverly Aweve, Wm. Blankennorn, James Blum, Donald Blume, Dan Boland, Thomas Carl, Emma Chaberski, Geo. Cina, Chas. Cuda, Wm. Day, Ronald Dale, Wm. Dodds, Wm. Godshall, Gary Gray, Geo. Haasl, Catherine Hamilton, Katherine Huck, Wm. Hutchinson, Gregory O. Johnson. Michael Kelly, Earl K y l e , G r e g o r y LaPlante, John Leighty, David Luckett, Kenneth Ludwig, Ellen Meyers, David Mihevc,' Martin Mullen, Marilyn Munz, Elvin Partenheimer, Mary Jane Peters, Pam Pettit, Robt. Putnam. Peggy Quick, Richard Rabtntt, Shirley Rogers, Eugene Rosio, Joseph Scnlender, Toby Scott Donald Seaton, Michael S h a n a h a n , M a r t i n S o b c z a k , K e n n e t h S w a n t o n . R o b t . S w a r t z l o f t , E m o r y Swinney, Wm. Toalson, Gary Trembly, Jack Vick, Dennis Welter, Norbert Wolter NON CERTIFIED Less than $10,000 B r a d y A n d e r s o n , Shirley Anderson, Jeff Anderson, Christine A m o r e , K a t h e r i n e Adrian,Dorothy Adams, Jean Adams, Karen Andel, Jane Boeldt, M a r g a r e t B e n son, Shirley Blume, P a t r i c i a B u h r m a n , Daniel Blanford, John Bakker, Susan Bankson, Terese Behrle, Sally Belzer, Sharon Boger, Peggy Boggs, Delores Bown, Mary Barrier Richard Becker, Ron' B e n e d i c t , S a n d r a Betancourt, Franklin Branham, Barb Brodin, Herb Brossman, John Brostek, Kathy Coles, K a r e n C o l o m e r , J a c q u e l i n e « C r e u t z , Earle Cooper, John C r a w f o r d , N a n c y Carder, Donna Chesler, Walter Coari, Ann Davis, Diane Doyen, Deborah Durrenberg, NOTE: The data needed for the Fund, can be obtained on pages (ISBE 50-35). Data neededtor tlx 678,816 i completion of this page, with the exception of the Working C 10 ana 11 of the Local Education Agency Annual Financial Re] i Working Cash Fund can be obtainedon page 4 of that report. * 1981-82 Cash receipts on sale of BuildingTrades Hous* 88,917 88,917 55,287 31,302 86,589 2.328 71,196 73,524 46,989 46,989 242,829 242,829 (195.840) 2%, 122 100,282 Cash port S c a r l e t t D e n n i s , Suzanne Dopke, Maxine E i s e l e , L u c i l l e Engmark, Jeannette Everitt, Marilyn Ehlen, Ann Faciana, Nancy Farwell, Cheryl Flam, Cynthia Fultz, Jennifer Fossum, Pat Gilmore, Leslie Glass, Dreanna Garcia, Kelly Gartner, Judith Garde, Eugene G o r m a n , W m . G r a y , Robt. Gurske, Sharon G a c e k , M a r c e l e n r Gough.Marlene Gurske B r e n d a G u t e k u n s t , S t e v e n G e h r k e , Kathleen Hanus, Mary Heidenreich, Elyse Harth, Rita Herdrich, Theresa Huska, Marv Lou Hahn, John Huff, Robt. Householder, Thomas Householder, D o n n a . H u l t b e r g , C h r i s t i n e H a u c k , Timothy Hamil, Wilbur Haak, Robt. Heneise, James Hum, Everett Ingersol/' Diane John son, Frances Jackson Beverly Jus ten, Karer Julian, John Johlonski Elizabeth Jannotta Jennifer Jarvis, Karei Klapperich, Ellen Kidd, Laverne Kovarik, Johr Kory, Card Ketchum, Kenneth Klein, Wes Kopsell, Dorothy Kuta, P a t L a s k o w s k i , P a t Freund, John Mergl M i k e S u t u l o v i c n . Russell Tantillo. (Pub. Dec. 1,1982) No. 820502 WHO KNOWS? 1. Where would you find the phrase, "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind."? 2. Where is the Liberty Bell kept? 3. Complete this quota tion: "Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that..." 4. Which is longer a stat- uate mile or a nautical mile? 5. In what year was Thanksgiving Day pro claimed a national holi day? Which president made this proclamation? 7. What was the name of the ship on which the surrender of the Japanese army was signed? 8. Who wrote "Song of Hiawatha"? 9. For what is Charles Bullfinch best remem bered? 10. Define onamatomania. _ Norma Losch, Answers to Who Kaowa Leman, Myrtle Ludwig, Lohse, Sherri Love, Barbara Julia Mahon, Chris M o r g a n , B e a t r y c e Maag. Olive May, Marie Mergl, Debra Mack, Shirley Mann, Joanna M a r c n e s e , G e r a l d M c M a h a n , S h a r o n McNish, Rose Merkel, Catherine McConnell, Arthur McKillip, Chas. M a r t i n , R o s a l i a M e r k h o f e r , G l o r i a M i c h a l c z y k , B r y a n Nobbe, Gary Neeley, Jennifer News, Donald Nordholtz, Lori Odom. Steven Ohrwall, Harold O h r w a l l J r . , J u d y Pedersen, Elizabeth Podpora, Janet Pour, Barbara Powers, Gloria P e c h o u s , , A k a n i t Garoongsup, Erland Person, Marco Pisauro, Tun Pankiewicz, Mary Pierce, Terry Parejko, Dennis Palps, Frank P h i l l i p , M a r i l y n R o m m e , E l e a n o r Regelin, Elwood Rusco. John Rhodes, Carol Reed, Crystal Reed, Roseann Rokosz, Peter Rakas, Paul Rickert, John Risko, Barbara Skarzynski, Jean Sund, Kelly Snow, Linda School, Karen Sarabia, A n d r e w S a r t o r i u s , Gayle Serginia, Eileen Sima, Louise Simons, Chas. Steele, Deborah Smith, Mary Stockwell, Bernice Szadowski, Margaret Teuber, Patsy Vickery, Joan Willis, Debbie Wiles, Dorothy Wiebe, Elizabeth Wirtz, Barbara Sue Williams, Lisa Wheaton, Laura Winkowski, Harriett Wilson, Walter Wilkes, Irene Weiss, Jane Weiss, Sandra Werry, Colette Wipper, Patricia W a y m a n , M a r i e Yorevich, Joseph Zelek, Patrick ZiebeT. NON-CERTIFIED $10,000-16,999 G e o . A r m b u r s t . Vernon Freund, Fred Goering. Wm. Jones, Lester Krueger, Antonio M a r c h e s e , G e o . M r a c h e k , L o r e e n O'Brien, Harold I. O h r w a l l , P h i l l i p P a l a d i n o , E l a i n e Pankiewicz, Raymond R a n d o w , J a c o l v n Sheehan, Douglas van Dyke, Jean Weldt, Donald Zazkowski of 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. The Declaration Independence. * 2. Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. 3. "Leadeth to destruc; tion." 4. A nautical mile. 1863. Abraham Lincoln. USS Missouri. Henry W. Longfellow. He is said to be America's first profes sional architect. 10.The compulsion to re peat, words. Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, But still remember what the Lord hath done. * -Shakespeare. Now thank we all our God, With heart and hand and voices Who wondrous things hath done. In whom His world re joices. -Catherine Wink worth. Courthouse Squares k- n WHesJ I GOT INTO 1 OFFICE, TME TWIMG "THAT SURPRISED M£ THE MOST WAS THAT THINGS WERE JUSTAS BAD AS I HAP BEEN SAYIMG THEY WERE. BUY fi (reametTes M A C A R O N I Explain Archaeological Search At Coral Woods A public program to present the reasons for, and the results of the recent archaeolocial search at the McHenry County Conservation district's Coral woods will be offered from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 4. Professional staff of the Center for American Archaeology and volun teers with the Sauk Trail chapter of the Illinois Association for the Ad vancement of Archaeology will ex plain the project. For the past six months, an in tensive hunt for signs of the human past has gone on at the Coral woods site. "The old historical record of an Indian village in these woods in early settlement days was on» reason the Parking for the Coral woods Ar chaeology program is on the west side of Rt. 20, south of Marengo, between Union and Coal roads. Look for a "Coral Woods" sign. Call MCCD at 338-1405 or 673-4431 for further in formation. MOTOR OIL TIPS Q. Motor oil cans bear inscriptions such as SAE 10W, 20W-20, 30,10W-40. What do these terms mean? How do I know what to buy? A. Numbers such as SAE 10W, 20W- 20, 30 or 10W-40 are Society of Automotive Engineers designations directly relating to the viscosity of a particular lubricant. The lower the viscosity, the easier the oil will flow, so you'll want, generally a low Bccuviiicm iHi ve ww^'VisvrvpewM MIC * * ,, w f. . _ district acquired the land," notes number for cold operation, higher for MCCD director Ken Fiske. "We need to find out what's here before we begin any development, so we don't end up destroying something that was here," Fiske adds. The survey methods will be ex plained and demonstrated in the field by members of the project crew. Time outside will be about 45 minutes, so participants should dress warmly. warm. A "W" simply means that the product has been tested at low tem perature and is a "winter grade". A product with two designations such as 10W-40 indicates that the product is multi-viscosity. That means that when cold, the product performs like a 10W fluid, and when warmed as the engine operating temperature in creases, performs like an SAE 40 product. HOMEOWNERS: Don't postpone important plans any longer/ r NON-CERTIFIED $17,000-24,999 Robt. Clove. Lawrence . Phone Beneficial now for big cash to get things started. AS A HOMEOWNER, YOU HAVE A SPECIAL EDGE TODAY AT BENEFICIAL Consider the important things you want to do right now. Adding on to your home instead of buying a new one in today s market could be a good move. Cover tuition costs. Buy a fuel efficient car. Liquidate balances you owe and come away with a single monthly payment often considerabty lower than your total present monthly outlay. Weatherize your home. Whatever the purpose may be you know what you want to do. The full amount you have in mind. Whether you want $10,000, $20,000. even as much as $100 000 < !l!J? 0U1 vKhy fami!,es 'lke y°°rs -- worldwide -- are using over two billion dollars in Beneficial Loans to Homeowners. Your edge at Beneficial. Take advantage of our experience. Your Beneficial personal financial specialist will work with you to create a special plan that's right for your special situation. 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