Christmas Greetings! Champagne Nut Assortment Hershey s 14 Oz. Holiday Kisses Asst. Print Christmas Towels 12 Oz. Heet Gas LineAntl-Freeze Chaz Double Set An all milk chooolate assort ment of nuts (almonds, brazils, cashewa, ate.) and favorita nut can tar piacas. Packad 24 to carton. 12 oz.. Maat gasllne antMraaza ab- aorbs moisture and is a fual system deicer. Tha start of groat days (or nigMs): Cologna, 1 oz. and Body Freshening Talc, H oz. Now only 6.97! A special treat everyone will enjoy. Give a Hershey'a chocolate kias. Give your kitchen a festive appearance with these aaat Christmas print towela: Chrletmas tree, Santa, Snow man, Bells, and Mouae. No. 01471L-M. us.,n«» tsssr" \ ttiNin • Our|yV • < ( i <? r •" t i « 5cHonTf*L \ear MH12/1-1 MIDWEEK