{•tuti.rmi.Mn. uxn-riuu*t. PTO Sponsors "Holiday Happening Hold "Essence Of Christmas" Dec. 4 The pahbc is confiafly invited to come and enjoy the warmth, ex citement and taring spirit of the holiday season at "The EMence of Christmas", Saturday, Dec. 4, presented by Nativity Lutheran church, 3S0S E. Wander Lake road, from 10 a m. to 2 pjn. Children wiD delight to the hmng kindness of St Nick and Mrs. Oats, or be enchanted by a beautiful Christmas Bgf ptwiSfd in a Puppet Workshop. Shoppers may also browse through the General Store, where there'll be handcrafted items, hafceriyodi andtawly, andean have a silhouette drawn or a favorite photo pot on a button pin. An added attraction wffl be the opportunity to linger awhile and take pleasure in a delicioas breakfast amid the sounds of beautiful Christmas melodies. Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at il:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-ttSO. The menu for the week of Dec. 6 through Dec. 10 is as follows: Dec.«: Beef stew with vegetables, stewed tomatoes, cole slaw, bread, jdlo, ""Mr Dec. 1: Chicken ala king on biscuits, baked squash, jellied cranberry dice on lettuce, spice cake, mitt Dec. S: Beef Stroganoff on noodles, buttered beets, jeUo fruit salad, bread, cookie, milk. Dec. 9: Barbecued chicken, scalloped potatoes, spicy vegetable salad, roll, apple cobbler, milk. Dec.lt: Boiled dinner with potatoes and carrots, cabbage, pineapple Cheddar cheese salad, bread, baked custard, milk. Dems To Hold Holiday Party The McHenry County Democratic Central Committee (MCDCC) will hold its annual Christmas party Sunday night, Dec. 5, at the John Evans Inn, Rt. 14 and Virginia mad, Crystal Lake, from 7:30 until 10:30. Tickets can be purchased from any Democratic precinct committeeman For further information contact Monty Yates, chairman of the McHenry County Democratic Central committee, at 815-388-029 or Jim Mallot-treasurer of the MCDCC, at Everyone is invited to join Fifth Grade Voyagers Chris Gingerbread House, the Youngs, Jim, Ed and Sandy. Hoffman and Kim Snyder, shown above, at the Valley Coffee and apple juke will be available for purchase and a View PTO sponsored "Holiday Happening", Dec. 4, from special gaest appearance of Santa will be an incentive for U a.m. to 4 p.m., at the school. The bazaar offers Santa's camera buffs to come prepared to take pictures. Kevin Secret Workshop, pnwiting gifts to purchase from change Hied is to be commended for winning the recent logo toft; Mrs. Clans's Bake Step, selling homemade baked contest at Valley View with a clever space ship design and goods; Trim the Tree Shop, with handmade ornaments; new school name, "Voyager". T-shirts and sweat-shirts and a Children's Craft Corner, where ornaments to take featuring the new logo wiD be available for pnuhaif at home can be made at a nominal cost. Special handmade the Holiday Happening. The new school color, gold, was items have been donated by families, including a calico selected by a vote of the entire school. Christmas tree, Wendy Honea; doll, Mary Yager; and STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Cookie Sale Aids Scholarships MAUREEN BAUER AND JEFFREY VAN LANDUYT !ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baser of McHenry ;announce the engagement of their dnughter Maureen, to Jeffrey J. Van •l̂ induyi, son of Mr. and Mrs; Join E. Vaa Landnyt of Woodstock. The bride ickci graduated from Marian Central Caihottc high school hi 1919. The ^prospective bridegroom graduated from the sane high school la 1977 aad i» eeeived an A AS degree in Building Construction Technology from Rock Valley ;< ollege in l»7». A Sept. 24,1983 wedding is ptaaned. Bride Wears Something Old Something Borrowed At Wedding J (in ihe day of her own wedding, the former Linda Schiller, in keeping with jwedding traditions established long PH'k was wearing "for something Md", rings which had belonged to her iaie great-grandmother, Mrs. Lesta J,Jaker, formerly of Sigourney, la.; jand "something borrowed' (from her grandmother, Beraadine Springman of Woodstock) a pin which originally belonged to her great-great- grandmother. . The bride, daughter of Vernon and jJean Schiller, 533 N. Draper road, jMcHenry, exchanged promises of marriage Nov. 27, with Jeffrey Robert bucket t, son of Robert and Shirley puckett, 5510 Savina, Dayton, Ohio. The 4:30 p.m. nuptials were per formed by Pastor Gordon Shaffer in J he First United Methodist church, Woodstock, beautifully decorated tvith pew candles graced with large Uhite bows; and a candelabrum at ^ach side of the altar, which was further enhanced with an arrangement of white and pink roses {»nd fern encircling the "unity" ^andle. < Appropriate music was provided by hill Biedermaft, who accompanied himself on the guitar as he sang •'Beautiful"; and a rendition of "You And I" by I>ori Merrill, accompanied by organist Charlotte Pierce. J The bride wore an ivory satin gown with a flowing train. The bodice, ii'yled with a sheer inset, forming a i'.ide, V-neckline, finished with a {.land-up collar of lace, was further embellished with English lace and pearls The lace and pearl treatment Kas echoed on the full length sleeves £nd hemline of the skirt From her small lace cap headpiece, studded iviih pearls, streamed an ivory English net, split veil and ivory satin ribbon which fell just short of floor K'ngih. Her blusher veil was worn forward during the ceremony. To Complete the look, she carried a bouquet of silk roses and orchids in ihades of ivtiry and dusty 'rose, picking up the color of her attendants' gowns. Complementing her ensemble Were pearl stud earrings and a diamond, heart-shaped pendant, a gift from the groom. I Attending the bride as maid of fionor was Lora Schiller of Chicago. the location for the sale, which begins at 19 a.m. mm A will continue until all baked goods are sold. Christmas cjjokies and other holiday treats are featured so that shoppr . rs can stock up for the coming festivities. In 1962 the auxiliary awarded three scholarships, in the amount of $599 'emeh, to new recipients, and renewed two scholarships, one for $300, and one for 9590. PhoU, by WEG Full 139- 0ue£Nlfe9 ; I vr -I , WAfT. i ICTS «! , HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: Mrs. Virginia Spengel and JO/seph Connor, both of McHenry/ OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 8 PM 1250 N. GREEN ST., McHENRY 385-0806 r-SHEI!A IS BACK-, Pflyjxu- . 4n- \ 2ft- WA«T (XE. Of THtSE ICC C<€A"\ CWMA 2?" FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY DEC. 3, 4 & 5 ONLY . GARANIMALS W\ AND HEALTH-TEX "IT CHILDREN'S WEAR Bfctt hai >rteofc Coer RACK <^iTo vourjf^ queen sleeper 37?- Br ft as SHEILA GALLI Shi EILA IS LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING HER OLD FRIENDS AS WELL AS MAKING NEW ONES. CALL HER FOR AN APPOINTMENT f OR YOUR NEW HOIIDAYI OQKt 4507 HWY 120 /AcHEMRV B6AUTV SHOP 133p N. Wlvrtld* Dr., McHonry 385-7112 FWE GOLD CAID TO FIRST 20 CUSTOMERS WITH $25 PURCHASE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 ONLY