Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1982, p. 2

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PAGE 2 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 15,1982 o± OCLCL .U • • I Forester Ct. 594 Christmas Party The Catholic Order of Foresters Court No. 594, youth division, will hold a Christmas party for boys at the old Knights of Columbus hall, 1304 N.. Park street, McHenry, from 7 to 9! p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21. Pizza and pop will be served and there will also be a guest appearance of Santa Claus. 4 For more information, call 385-1755. Bake-Arts-Crafts J •" • A/ Sale Sun. Dec. 19 St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo, will benefit from a bake and arts and crafts sale to be held Sunday, Dec. 19, at the Volo Sales Cpuntry store, Volo. The^hoyrsJwiHH5e"from 10 a.m. to 5 P Carqfflers will be present to en- Young Single Parents, Woodstock Chapter 112, meets every Wednesday evening upstairs at the Old Cour­ thouse Inn at 8:30 p.m. ; On Friday, Dec. 17, there will be a jWine and Rap, a group discussion to Ibe led by Larry Gilman, well-known •columnist and mental health con­ sultant, who will speak on "Coping !with the Holiday Season." ; On Saturday, Dec. 18, there will be a iKids Kraft Korner, offering a last ; chance for kids to make their parents .and grandparents at special Christmas jgift. i The Family Christmas Party will be held Sunday, Dec. 19, upstairs at the Old Courthouse Inn, from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Advance registration is required. Young Single Parents offers educational and social activities selected to accommodate the special needs of divorced, widowed, separated or single parents between the ages of 21 and 45. Custody is not a factor for membership. - For further information regarding Wednesday meetings or the special activities, one may call Lynn at 338- 8747. Alpha Theta Christmas Meeting I Alpha Theta chapter of the Delta j Kappa Gamma Society International i held a 10 o'clock brunch-meeting at jTurnberry Country club, Crystal • Lake, Saturday, Dec. 4. Christina ' Main, who could not be present at j initiation ceremonies in November, | was initiated prior to the business • meeting. ! Nancy Tober, president, presided [ ov6r the business meeting. After the . minutes and treasurer's report, an | announcement was made that ap­ plications for state and international , scholarships were available for in- j terested members. Immediately following the business meeting, "Christmas Memories" were sung by the Crystal Lake Central Madrigal Singers and a Shop Swap of Ideas was presented by the Personal | Growth and Services committee, 1 headed by Marlene Goetschel. ! The Native American Project 'committee had various Christmas , items on sale. j The next meeting, to be held at Northwood E!ementary school on Feb. 14, will include a program by Sue Witte entitled, "Women in Leader­ ship", and will be a World Fellowship fund raiser. FANCY CHRISTMAS BAUBLES 1) Cut out 8 scalloped circles, each about 2 inches in diameter from whatever pretty paper you might like. (Red or green tissue paper; red or green florists' cellophane paper; or just scraps from Christmas wrapping paper make pretty baubles). 2) Place the circles one on top of the other in a stack. 3) Fold the top circle in the stack in half, then unfold it. Sew through all 8 circles with heavy thread or fine yarn, using the fold line as a guide. Leave a piece of the thread long enough at one end to hang the ball. 4) Open up the paper circles, spreading and slightly creasing each of the 16 sides so that they fluff out to make a lovely Christmas bauble. JUST ARRIVED FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! RECLINA-ROCKERS AND RECLINA WAY CHAIRS Choose From Over 60 Sty les $199 F r o m • mm a n d u p •SHOP EVERY DAY •WEEKNITES TILL 8 PM OfcD VObO COUNTRY COMPLEX On R o u t e 1 2C m i l e w e s t of R o u t e 12 \ /AI r\ c , n Volo Women Of The Moose Chairman Betty Reimer, of the Social Service committee hosted Tuesday night's Christmas Potluck Dinner. Delicious food was in abundance since everyone made their specialty dish. After dinner, the Dec. 7 chapter meeting was called to order by Senior Regent Lil Baker with 36 women in attendance. Chairman Reimer introduced her committee to the ladies present. Their fund raiser was the White Elephant Sale held at the last Christmas Bazaar. An enrollment ceremony was held for four new candidates. They are Janice Votava and Jean Niska, who were sponsored by Doris Low; Susan Koerper, sponsored by Diane Burgdorf;. and Christine Knapik, sponsored by Pat Knapik. During the ceremony, proper uses and meanings tertain those who come to buy or toX SSodidatS along with the lessons of faith, hope to browse The public is inivted to attend W'Wm MR. AND MRS. NEIL WRIGHT } | RESIDE IN WONDER LAKE - Newly married Mr. and Mrs. Neil D. Wright I are making their home at 7508 Cedar drive, Wonder Lake, following their Nov. 120 wedding. Father Tranel performed the 2:30 p.m. ceremony in Christ the i King Catholic church, Wonder Lake. The bride is the former Ladonna P. j Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Walker, 7619 North drive, Wonder ! Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, 2502 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, 1 are the parents of the bridegroom. A reception for 155 guests was held at the ] McHenry Country club. The bride graduated from Marian Central Catholic 1 high school, Woodstock, 111. in 1980 and Is employed by RAE corporation in {customer service. A 1979 graduate of McHenry high school, the groom is > presently an installation and service technician for Scan Am Company, Inc. | Don Peasley Photography Slate YSP Special Activities Invite Catholic Daughters To Join Festivities The Christmas party on Dec. 16 will climax a year of many actiyities for the Catholic Daughters of America. Chairman of this event, Anne Marie Hellyer, urges all members to join in the festivities. One of the highlights of the past year was the last meeting with the veterans. For 29 years, a faithful group of women brought goodies and entertained the men in game ac­ tivities. Bertilla Freund is especially saddened that this could not be con­ tinued as she has participated for many years. The next C.D.of A. meeting will be held March 17. Open House For t Finiello9s 80th To honor Joseph Finiello on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, an Open House will be held for friends and neighbors at his home Sunday, Dec. 19, after 2 p.m. Mr. Finiello has lived in West Shore Beach for thirteen years; was treasurer of the West Shore Beach Property Owners association; was a member of the Masonic lodge for 50 years; and belonged to the McHenry Shrine club. •» \ and charity. Pat Knapik announced the sale of tickets for her Polka Party Dance slated for Jan. 15. A Polish, home- cooked dinner will be served; af­ terwards there will be dancing to live music. For tickets, one may see any Woman of the Moose. The senior regent asked the ladies to help wrap Christmas gifts for the Loyal Order of the Moose Annual Childrens Christmas Party. The gift -wrapping will take place Thursday, Dec. 16, and any donations of gift wrap will be greatly appreciated. Following the meeting, cake and coffee were served and the ladies present exchanged Christmas gifts. At this special time of the year, it is appropriate to bring to mind the basis of one of the purposes of the frater­ nity, "Believing that every child has a God given heritage of life, health, happiness and the opportunity to fill its chosen place in the world. Jackie Magurek Publicity Chairman LINDA ALTON AND JAMES EATON ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alton of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter Linda to James Eaton of Mt. Prospect, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eaton of Elcajon, Calif. The bride elect is a graduate of McHenry West campus. Her fiance to a graduate of Wheeling high school. March 26,1963 has been set for their wedding day. Sixth Annual Easter Seal Dance-A-Thon Scheduled At MCC "You Can Do Magic" is the theme of the sixth annual Easter Seal-WXRD FM Dance-A-Thon, planned for the McHenry County college cafeteria Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 5 and 6 from 11 a.m. to the following 11 a.m. Dancers will register to dance a full 24 hours at the event. The Dance-A-Thon is the largest fundraiser of the year for the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County and has brought in nearly one-third of the annual operating budget in the past. Jenny Van Treese, Easter Seal Public Relations Director, states, "This year, dancers really can do "magic" by helping raise funds and dance for all of the McHenry county residents who can't. This event is so much fun...not only for the dancers, but for all the volunteers and all the people who donate food and prizes to bring the event to life." Last year over 200 dancers of every age from throughout McHenry county raised nearly $23,000. Anyone in­ terested in donating prizes, food or funds to support a dancer are asked to contact the Easter Seals office in Woodstock. Birthright Celebrates Anniversary CALENDAR As this joyful holiday season brings loved ones and families close together in celebration, the "family" of volunteers at Birthright asks residents of McHenry county, on the occasion of the Organization's fifth anniversary, to join in its efforts to help make, this season a happy one for those in need of its services. ' / / Birthright is in desparate need of ~ Sd condition, bassinets, or ich. clients are unable to their own. There out at present. If crib they received from Birthright in the past, and no longer needs it, it would be ap­ preciated if they could return it to the office or call for a volunteer to pick it up. Also, there is a need for a high chair. As always, there is a demand for maternity clothes, mostly small or medium, and in good condition. And, as the staff is small, Birthright can always use the help and talents of new volunteers. It is through the generosity of people whose donations have helped keep the doors of Birthright open another year. Entering the sixth year of service to the community as a non-profit, emergency service and confidential hotline for pregnant women, Bir­ thright remains dedicated to helping unborn children and their mothers. It will continue to offer friendship and emotional support to pregnant women in need, with the help of the com­ munity. All donations are tax- deductible. ' • 'AB I Birthright is located in the Whispering Point center in McHefrry and the office is open, 9 to li %m. ̂ pd 7 to 9 p.19, weekdays. JlWurrA J V* • >" •' *>< -j; <*T DECEMBER 15 Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-annual Christmas party, noon-home of Bea Nuziard-potluck and $2 grab bag. McHenry Grandmothers club- Christmas Party Luncheon-12:30 p.m.-McHenry Country Club. DECEMBER 16 McHenry Senior Citizens club- Tiffany Treasures-Museum of Science & Industry-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 8 a.m. Xi Kappa Iota Chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-Christmas Party, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Etta McCarthy. CDA Christmas Party meeting- Liberty hall, 7:30 p.m. U.M.W.-general meeting-potluck luncheon-noon-Marcia Mary Ball Circle hostesses-Fellowship hall- Christmas program. Pi Alpha and Xi Kappa Iota chapters-Beta Sigma Phi Christmas party, 8 p.m.- home of Mrs. Kathie Etten-Pi Alpha hosts. DECEMBER 17 NAIM-Christmas potluck, 6 p.m.- St. Mary's Oak room-grab bag-bring dish to pass and table service. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169--E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Rock & Roll party-Larry Johnson, D.J.-no cover-dance contest prizes-7 p.m. to 1 a.m. DECEMBER 18 Santa and Mrs. Claus-at Pearl St. THE WORKOUT THAT'S ALL PLAy. V O L O S I O W N R E V O L V I N G C H A R G E (815) 385-3896 NEW CLASSES BEGINNING JAN. 3RD CHANCE TO DANCE PLACE <04 Mill ST., McHENRY 344-5250 (CALL FOR A FREE SCHEDULE) JAfCNsoftenseTs 3:» Aajoeic^bAncinc Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 11 a.m.-guests invited. Skate, sled and toboggan exchange- Pearl Street Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Moose Lodge Annual Children's Christmas Party-2 to 4 p.m.- members' children only. DECEMBER 19 Wonder Lake American Legion Post ,1169-Christmas party-1-3 p.m,.- Santa & helpers-legion and auxiliary .'members' children only. Bake, Arts & Crafts sale-Volo Sales Country Store-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- sponsor, St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo. Christmas Hymn Sing-3 p.m.- Christian Science Society-1511 Eastwood lane, McHenry-everyone welcome. DECEMBER 20 T.H.E.O.S.--Annual Catered Christmas Dinner Party-Fellowship hall, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-grab bag ex­ change-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. DECEMBER 26 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meat shoot-open 11 a.m.-public invited. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Breakfast- -all you can eat-9 a.m. to 12 p.m. DECEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizen's club-no regular meeting-school closed- Christmas holiday. McHenry Woman's club-Board meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry Public Library. DECEMBER 31 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Will be open. JANUARY 8 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 11 a.m.-public invited. Holiday Bread Basket Something to really whet appetites for a holiday meal is a bread basket woven from real dough! It's just for looks, however, and not edible because varnish is an important ingredient to make the basket beautiful and durable. To make the bread basket, follow these easy steps: Mixing 1) In a large mixing bowl mix 6 cups of flour and lMt cups of salt with 2% cups of water. 2) Dump the dough onto a lightly floured counter or board. 3) Knead the dough for about 5 minutes. 4) Using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough to V* inch thickness. Cutting 1) Cut dough into long strips about % inch wide, using a pastry cutter or paring knife. 2) Cover the strips with a damp cloth until ready to start weaving. , Weaving 1) Turn an oven-proof dish upside down on a cookie tin. 2) Place strips of dough, parallel over the dish, making sure the strips are long enough to touch the cookie tin on all sides of the dish. 3) Now cross these strips with the new strips, weaving the new strips under and over the strips already laid. 4) As you weave, moisten the places where the strips meet. 5) Weave strips around the sides of the bowl, also. 6) To keep the strips from slipping, you may wish to pin the strips down. 7) Wind the last strip around the bottom edge of the bowl, pressing it firmly against the ends of all the strips it touches. This strip will be the edge of the finished basket. Baking Bake basket at 325 degrees, 1 to IVi hours until it is lightly browned and dry. Remove basket from oven; take out the pins, and let it cool. -Ease the basket off the bowl. Varnishing Brush every inch of the basket with varnish, covering thoroughly. Let dry. Add a second coat of varnish. Let it dry again. Now the bread basket is ready to be lined with a cloth napkin and filled with delicious holiday rolls. SAVE YOUR BATHTUB! Is your bathtub porous, worn ond hard to clean? For professional resurfacing with our patented synthetic porcelain, call the BATHTUB RESURFACING SPECIALISTS. TABLE DECORATIONS If you are having guests over for a festive New Year dinner, remember that your taty 1 Sf^nement will be the crater of a ' ̂ You want the table to be attract veyout don't forget that the meal is the really important thing. v If you use a floral arrangement ad the table centerpiece, keep it 12 inches or less. Your guests should be able to see one another. If you use rnndlffi. be sure they are higher than eye level. The size of your centerpiece should be determined by the size of the table. Don't crowd guests at the table. If there is sufficient room, plates may be 30 inches apart-from center to center. Spacing of less than 24 inches should be avoided. PORCELAINCOTE ANTIOCH. IL. OFTEN IMITATED. NEVER DUPLICATED (312)395-0643 DARLENE SIABLA COOLS, ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual, Couple, Family And Group Therapy (815) 728-10$ DAYS. EVENINGS AND SATURDAY HOURS BY APPOINTMENT

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