THE LONGHORN WILL BE CLOSED SAT. DEC. 18 • FRI. DEC. 24 •SAT DEC. 25 WE ARE NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR NEW YEARS EVE! JOIN US FOR FINE DINING FROM OUR "SPECIAL MENU! (DECORATION COMMUNITY CALENDAR Mt. Hope Presents Chr is tmas Drama ME. AND MRS. STEVE ROSSMAN HONEYMOON IN BAHAMAS - The former Joy Spengel was delighted when her new husband, Sieve Rossman, surprised her with a honeymoon in Free port Bahamas following their Oct. 23 exchange of wedding vows. The couple was married by the Reverend Wykle and the Reverend Carlson during a 4 p.m. ceremony in the First United Methodist church, Crystal Lake. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Theodore Spengel of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rossman of Cryital Lake are the parents of the bridegroom. About 250 friends and relatives toasted the newlyweds at a reception at John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake. The new Mrs. Rossman graduated from Marian Central in 1979; attended McHenry County college and is a teacher at Cooper Kiddie college. Her husband graduated from Crystal Lake Central in 1977 and is an installer for United Cablevlsion. Young Single Parents Schedule Many Activities For December Young Single Parents, Woodstock Chapter 112, meets every Wednesday evening, upstairs at the Old Cour thouse Inn at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22, is the date set for the group's Christmas dance. There will also be Bake Sale Auction and everyone is urged to bring temp ting baked goods. On Saturday, Dec. 25, Christmas night, at 6 p.m., there will be an open house dinner for adults who are alone that evening. A Christmas Recovery day will be held Sunday, Dec. 26, at 2 p.m. at the Woodstock Recreation building, Woodstock City Park. It will be a day to unwind and relax. The club will host a Pre-New Years Eve Party Wednesday, Dec. 29. Thursday, Dec. 30, YSP is slated to sponsor a Teen Sock Hop. This will be a special time just for members' teens. Young Single Parents offers educational and social activities selected to accommodate the special needs of divorced, widowed, separated or single parents between the ages of 21 and 45. Custody is not a factor for membership. For further information regarding Wednesday meetings or the special activities, call Lynn at 338-8747. CHRISTMAS WEDDING WISHES In noting the many different Christmas traditions for various countries, it's very interesting to see that in many cases the Christmas spirit also includes wedding wishes. For instance, in Czechoslovakia a girl puts a cherry twig in water on Dec. 4 and if the twig blooms before Christmas Eve, it supposedly means that she will marry sometime during tte year. In Albania, at the end of a meal each person shows he is grateful for having more than he needs by leaving a spoonful of food on his plate. Then everyone stands and swings the table back and forth as they sing, "May there be plenty in this house. May the time for a wedding be near!" In Switzerland, on their way to the midnight Christmas Eve dhurch services, the young people visit nine fountains, taking three sips of water from each fountain. According to a legend if they do this they will find their future husband or wife waiting at the church door. In Norway, the family bakes a special Christmas pudding which contains an almond. The person who gets the almond in his portion of pudding will be the next to be married, they say. May the Christmas holidays be the beginning of a year of happiness! ALUMNI BREAKFAST The annual McHenry Community high school alumni breakfast will be served Tuesday, Dec. 21, at 8 a.m., in the West campus guidance office. All graduates are invited to attend, but the class of 1982 will be honored guests. DECEMBER 17 NAIM-Christmas potluck, 6 p.m.- St. Mary's Oak room-grab bag-bring dish to pass and table service. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Rock & Roll party-Larry Johnson, D.J.-no Cover-dance contest prizes-7 p.m. to I a.m. DECEMBER 18 Santa and Mrs. Claus-at Pearl St. Park-1 to 3 p.m, McHenry Sportsmen's club-- Weingart road-practice shoot-open II a.m.-guests invited Skate, sled and toboggan exchange- Pearl Street Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Moose Lodge Annual Children's Christmas Party-2 to 4 p.m.-members' children only. DECEMBER 19 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Christmas party--l-3 p.m,.-- Santa & helpers-legion and auxiliary members' children only. Bake, Arts & Crafts sale-Volo Sales Country Store-10 a.m. to 5 p.m.- sponsor, St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo. Christmas Hymn Sing-3 p.m.~ Christian Science Society-1511 Eastwood lane, McHenry-everyone welcome. DECEMBER 20 T.H.E.O.S.--Annual Catered Christmas Dinner Party-Fellowship hall, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-grab bag ex change-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. DECEMBER 26 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Breakfast- all you can eat-9 a.m. to 12 p.m. DECEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizen's club~no regular meeting-school closed- Christmas holiday. McHenry Woman's club-Board meeting, 10 a.m.-McHenry Public Library. DECEMBER 31 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Will be open. JANUARY 6 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meeting, 8 p.m. JANUARY 8 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 1 p.m.-public invited. The public is invited to attend a musical Christmas drama at Ml. Hope United Methodist church in Pistakee Highlands, on Sunday, Dec. 19, at 10:30 a.m. The cast includes elementary school students and members of the Junior and Senior Hi Youth groups. Musical direction is courtesy of Ann Faurbo of Spring Grove United Methodist church. The play is entitled, "Mary Had A Little Lamb'V. Pictured are members of the cast, John Carlson, donkey; Rachel Wolter and Becky Wolter, sheep. Everyone is urged to join in this special witness to the meaning litf Christmas. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD Business And Professional Women Change Meeting To Christmas Party The usual monthly meeting of, the McHenry Business and Professional Women's club was cancelled for the month of December so that members could get together for their annual Christmas party on Monday, Dec. 20. The time of arrival is set for 7:30 p.m. Dorothy McKenna and her husband Pat graciously offered their home at 2307 Edgewood lane, McHenry, as the setting for this festive occasion and extend a warm welcome to all members. There will be no main course dishes served and those attending are requested to bring hors d'oeuvres. Also, for anyone interested, a collection will be taken of $2 gifts for nursing home residents, wrapped in Christmas paper and clearly marked for a "Man" or "Woman". It is hoped that there will be a good turnout at this party as it is an excellent opportunity for everyone to get acquainted and take the time, that is never available at meetings, to get to know one another. At the November meeting, six new members were inducted into the organization, including Cathy O'Leary, Cathy Ackerman, Marlene Goetschel, Gloria Smith, Hester Curry and Dee Price. Cathy Nolan asked the membership to assist in procuring names of young women who would be interested in being McHenry's Young Career Woman. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of personal accomplishments and a three-minute speech on the topic, "The Changing World of Working Women". This experience can be added t6 a young woman's resume, it will give her the chance to meet other highly- motivated young women and hopefully go on to state and national competition. For more information, one may call Mrs. Robert (Cathy) Nolan of McHenry. I BEN FRANKLIN I 1250 N. GREEN ST., McHENRY 8 • 385-0806 Christmas i=5>alp I 10% OFF I 5 OUR ALREADY LOW PRICED g I ALL TOYS!!! j ENTIRE STOCK I SUNDAY DEC. 19th ONLY 10 TO 3 P.M. | NAME BRANDS: 8 IS • MATTEL • KENNER F JG • STOMPER • PLAYMOBILE " I ® AND MORE! « 'K HARMS FARM Across From West Campus On Crystal Lake Road 385-3074 COUNTRY GIFT SHOPPE We still V* have a great selection of fresh & Christmas Trees . also.!. Congratulations were extended *to Ms. Nolan for submitting the winnii g entry to rename District VI, former y "Smiley 6" to the "Rainbow District . New pins should be available in tin e for the Mar. 20 Spring Distri t meeting which the McHenry-BP V club is sponsoring. It was announced that memb r profiles started last year were so we - received, the practice of printir \ them in the bulletin will be continued Fellow members were asked to tab i the time to fill out a 3 x 5 card and gi\ j to the president, Lynne Donarsk , stating their job, experience, famil; , how long a member of BPW, oth< r organizations they belong to, hobbiei , etc. They should be brief bt t comprehensive. Following the business portion < f the meeting, everyone enjoyed i humorous presentation by A1 Gab< • who spoke on credit and collection . Regular monthly dinner-busines > meetings will resume in January. CHRISTMAS ^ FRUIT BASKETS QUANTITY O* DISCOUNTS COME SEE OUR GIFT SHOP * WITH HAND CRAFTED ITEMS FOR /nj* AKlD GIFT-GIVING Hf HOMEMADE LOVABLE DOLLS N OPEN DAILY 9-9, Sot* Sun 9-6 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TROPICAL FANTASY PET SHOP 1331 N.Rivarsida Dr., McHenry Afcyi, Tue», Thur « Frt 10am-7pm, $at 10-4, Sun 11-3 -SALE- 10 Gal. Tank Starter Sat......... *23.99 20 Gal. Tank Startar Sat *40.99 (Starter set includes tank, heater, pump, filter, thermometer & 10% off Fish Purchase) 55 Gal. Woadarain Tank. (With hood & light) Rod Lag Tarantulas aa. *22.99 Franch Mini Lop-aarrad Rabbits.. *19.99 Mala Singing Canarias.. *49.95 PLUS WE HAVE CI FT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR ANY AMOUNT The Crystal Pistols Family Square Dance club will hold its annual Christmas dance Sunday, Dec. 19, from 2 to 4:30 p.m., at St. Thomas school, 265 King street, Crystal Lake. The dance is open to all area dan cers and in-class beginners. Bob Hammerstone and Don Smith will call squares and Barb Dale will cue line dances. Every other tip will be a beginner tip. For further information, call 459- 6830. Senior Walk-In Center -n.-i - t .. c.r, r r,yi\%\ vx.>_ t uptn \- ' ^ l [o i t lu <^>OCLULA\ r ̂ It Club Sponsors Annual Dance Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by £30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Dec. 20 through Dec. 24 is as follows: Dec. 20: Tuna noodle casserole, buttered peas, beet pickle slices on lettuce, roll, piece of cheese, frosted apple squares, milk. Dec. 21: Barbecued pork country ribs, baked potato, mixed vegetates, bread, canned pears, milk. Dec. 22: Meat loaf, cauliflower, Harvard beets, bread, vanilla pud ding, milk. Dec. 23: Ham, sweet potatoes, tomato and butter beans, molded salad, roll, milk, cake. Dec. 24: ALL SITES AND OFFICES CLOSED - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Pictured above is santa, Mike Haase; Mrs. Santa, Carrie Pottgether; and elves, Katie Conway and Simon Sullivan; all members of the cast from "What, No Santa?" a Christmas production being presented by Mrs. Les' fifth grade and Miss Coonrad's fourth grade at Hilltop school. The students have been practicing for over a month and their efforts have resulted in presenting the production for their parents as well as Valley View school and Bush school in Johnsburg. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD