Shoes Water p W" ' i co» and Winter tremendous •Jg'S&s and J, - ad:ĵ s-̂ S=: •y/omens Lego/ Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Mortgage Associates, Inc., PLAINTIFF, -vs- Wayne E. Moran, Mary Ann Moran, AND UNKNOWN OWNERS DEFENDANTS. NO. 82CH385 PUBLICATION fiOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Wayne E. Moran, Mary Ann Moran, ana UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Chancery Division, 6y the said Plaintiff against you and c^her defendants, praying* for the foreclosure of a certain. Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, t^ wit: That part of the Northeast • Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Fractional Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Begin ning at the North west corner of Lot 20 ir> First Ad dition to King's Fairview Sub division in said Section 13, ac cording to the Plat reconded on October 10, 1928 as Document No. 85494; thence North 34 degrees 21 minutes East along a line that is 1 2 5 . 0 f e e t 'measured at right angles) Northwesterly from and parallel with the Nor thwesterly line of Fairview Avenue in Schmitt's Bridgeview Subdivision in said Section 13, according to the Plat' '.recorded June 30, 1938 as Document 133359 a distance of 799.5 feet to the point of beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1 in Schmitt's Bridgeview Subdivision First Addition as now recorded in McHenry County Illinois; thence Southeasterly' at right angles to the * last described line alone the Northerly fine of Lot 1 aforesaid, 125.0 feet to a Roint on the lorthwesterly line of Fairview Avenue aforesaid lying 150.0 feet Soutn 34 degrees 21 minutes West from the South westerly line of State Aid Road S e c t i o n 2 (M.F.T.) thence North 34 degrees 21 minutes East along said Nor thwesterly line of Fairview Avenue, 65.00 feet; thence Northwesterly on a line forming an angle of 94 degrees . minutes f^om Northeast* to North and Nor thwest with the last described line extended a distance of 125.4 feet to a point on aforesaid parallel line lying 55.0 feet North 34 degrees 21 minutes East „ from the point of beginning; thence South 34 degrees 21 minutes West 55.0 feet to the point of begin ning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Common Address: 2108 W. Fairview Avenue McHenry IL„ 60050 and whicn said Mor tgage was made by Wayne E. Moran, Mary Ann Moran, Mor- t g a g o r s , t o Westamerica Mortgage Company as Mortgagee, and recorded# in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois, as document number 832989. And for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless you, the said above named defen dants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Chancery Division, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 21st day of Jan., 1983, default may be entered against you at any time after that day and a decree en tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated, Woodstock, Illinois, Dec. 13, 1982. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., Clerk S H A P I R O & KREISMAN, P C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 1535 Lake Cook Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 312 564-9000 Mail To: Wayne E. Moran, 2108 W.Fairview Avenue, McHenry, 1L., 60050; Mary Ann Moran, 2108 W. Fairview Avenue, McHenry, IL., 60050; UNKNOWN OWNERS, 2108 W. Fairview Avenue, McHenry, IL., 60050. 82-7869 (Pub. Dec. 17,24 & Dec. 31,1982) No. 820527 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 10, 1982 a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth tne names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, con ducting and transacting the business known as WIN LOSE OR DRAW, located at 4105 East Wonder Lake Road, Wonder Lake, IL., 60097 which certificate sets forth the owners as follows: Win Flanagan. Dated December 10, 1982. Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Dec. 17,24 & Dec. 31,1982) No. 820528 \ZJujLCZ ^Ho[d FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 29. 1932). The tax rate in McHenry, according to figures given out by County Clerk R. D. Woods, is the lowest in McHenry county this year, a reduction of 11 cents from last year's rate. This is due, in a large way, to the efficient administration of the late John R. Knox, mayor. A drop of 20 cents in the corporation rate made it possible for the rate to be lower in McHenry than the previous year. Woodstock ranks second in the county. Bob Becker of the Chicago Tribune spent a day in this vicinity. With his gun and dog and a pair of field glasses, he walked along the river studying the birds and observing the wildlife of this region which he in cludes in his Chicagoland. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 17, 1942). Among the names selected by the draft board one for future service in the armed services were James Smith, William Kreutzer, Arthur Krause, Robert James Buchert, Daniel Miller, Daniel Ducey, Lester Adams, Jr., James Steinsdoerfer, Irvin Steinsdoerfer, Stanley Raven, and George Jackson. A new petit jury was drawn. It was the first to be selected since the terms of new county officials started. The roster included the name of Dorothy Matthews of McHenry. Taken from the 25-years-ago column in the Twice Told Tales 40 years ago: Peter W. Engeln and William Rothermel have rented quarters in the old bakery building on Elm street and will begin operating a radiator repair shop. TWENTY-FIVE - YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of December 19, 1957). Especially in these days before Christmas, when the spirit of the season seems to permeate the hearts of even the less sentimental folks, it is distasteful to mention the fact that 15 PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24.1982 dollars from a "box for the poor" was taken at St. Mary's church last Sunday morning. Even more un pleasant is the task of relating that a 14-year-old McHenry lad has admitted the theft. Walter Larson, Jr., in spending a holiday furlough with his parents, the senior Walter Larsons. The executive board of the McHenry County Association for Crippled Children and Adults met at the Easter Seal therapy center, at which time plans were formulated for the 1958 Easter Seal drive. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of December 22, 1972). Sheriff deputies investigated two*, reports of alleged shooting at automobiles in an area east of the old bridge. A driver told officers that while driving south on Lincoln road, near Woodland drive, the right win dow of his auto was shattered ap parently by use of an air rifle. The projectile could not be found inside the auto. The incident took place about 6:45 p.m. " Bowling scores from the Tuesday Thirty-Niners: Bitsy Schaefer. 179- 499; Delores White, 199-529; Cammy Gaylord, 177-522; Dorothy Freund, 497; and Patti Miller, 145. Shamrock Club Aiding Needy During the Christmas season, the Shamrock crab of Twin Lakes is contributing toys, gifts and food certificates to needy families in the community. Members Angie Karow, Barbara and Ernie Andres, Larry Coffey and Rich Quinn spent many hours gift-wrapping the packages that were purchased with funds from the club's treasury. Deliveries will be made before Christmas eve by the club's own Santa Claus. Founded in early summer of 1982, the Shamrock club of Twin Lakes is a growing organization with close to 300 Irish-Americans listed on the membership roster. The organization is non-political and non-profit making, stressing goals that are social, culturable and charitable. Membership covers a six-county area, extending from McHenry, Lake and Cook counties in Illinois to Walworth, Racine and Kenosha counties in Wisconsin. For membership information contact Larry Coffey at 414 877-2696. Winter Survival On TheHoad No one drives during bad winter weather unless they must. However, business obligations or holiday plans often make winter traveling necessary. The following tips on traveling in winter weather may help one to have a safer trip. First, be sure the car is in good condition and properly serviced. Snow tires or chains are a must! Plan your trip carefully, listening to weather and travelers' advisories and keeping an alternate route in mind. Let someone know where you are going and what time you plan to arrive. Travel by daylight and use major highways if possible Try not to travel alone. / Keep your gas tank as nearly full as possible, especially if you are un familiar with the route you are traveling or are entering open country. Even if you restrict your winter driving to short, local trips, certain supplies can help in an emergency. You should always keep basic items such as a windshield scraper, battery booster cables, a tow chain or rope, a bag of sand or gravel, and a flashlight in your car. For longer trips, you may want to add a transistor radio (with extra batteries), a first aid kit, road maps, a small, non-perishable food supply such as nuts, dried fruit, and candy, matches and candles, blankets, and two or more large coffee cans (for sanitary purposes and to burn candles for heat). If you should get caught on the road during a winter storm, keep clam. Give some indication you are in trouble - turn on your flashing lights, raise the hood, or tie a cloth from an antenna or door handle. Stay in the car. Do not try to walk from the car unless you can see a shelter within a reasonable distance; disorientation comes quickly during a blowing snowstorm. For heat, turn on the car engine for brief periods. To avoid deadly carbon monoxide poisoning, always leave a downwind window open slightly. Also, make sure the exhaust pipe is clear of snow when the engine is running. Exercise from time to time by clapping your hands and moving your arms and legs. Do not stay in one position too long, but do not overexert yourself by shoveling or trying to push the car. Leave the dome light on at night as signal to rescuers. If more than one person is in the car, sleep only in shifts. Drive carefully and defensively. Don't try to save time by traveling faster than road and weather con ditions permit. If a storm begins to test your ability and endurance, seek shelter. Additional information can be obtained by contacting McHenry County ESDA at 815 338-6400 or in person at their office at 2200 N. Seminary avenue, Woodstock. Hear Presentation Of Author - Illustrator Four Johnsburg students recently spent an exciting day attending a presentation-demonstration by Mercer Mayer, nationally known author-illustrator. Fourth graders, Julie Gritmacker, Tara Parks and Jenny Wester, and seventh grader, Jon Piggott were accompanied by Kathy Mullen and Trudy Medendorp, Learning center teachers from Bush and Middle schools, respectively. Tara, Jenny and Julie were selected to attend the demonstration as members of J. C. Bush Elementary Art club. Jon, whose father works for the sponsoring company, had authored two student books that resulted from student writing activities when he was at Bush. The students and teachers were among many librarians from northern Illinois invited by a book company in Crystal Lake to hear and watch Mayer's presentation. Mayer delighted and entertained, his audience by creating illustrations that captured the feelings he includes when writing children's bodes. He encouraged and solicited audience participation. As participants explained their imaginative thoughts, he illustrated what he heard, and developed a story theme as the hour continued. Following the presentation, students were surprised further when Mayer presented each of them with one of the illustrations, which he autographed. Upon their return to school the children climaxed Children's Book week by visiting various classrobms and explaining their eventful experience. "Having watched a professional like Mercer Mayer develop what may be his next book, will no doubt be long remembered," commented Kathy Mullen. "It was an extremely interesting and worthwhile experience for the students and me," she added. COLUMBUS According to some historians, Columbus may have been the first white man to celebrate New Years day in the Western Hemisphere. His ship landed on the island of Haiti on January 1, 1493, for repairs. Rental 9 75 PER MO. rent soft\ • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 FOXVAUEY DIVISION * IM2 SAME DAY SERVICE AT LAKES AUTO RADIATOR FREE TOWING SERVICE (15 Miles) One Of Tha Largest Radiator inventories In Lake County •Repairing •Recoring ̂ Flushing Healer & Radiator Eidwf-Air C»>dftii»i>g States Gas Tanks RepairedReverse Prim* Water taps ASK ABOUT OUR WRITTEN CONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Ovtr 17 Yean' Experience-Sewor CHiieees Discoort 5 Miles from McHenry (312) 587-7799 Tak_e *°"r L,?°ks 514 Rollins Road, Ingleside ° a es Across from Ingleside Train Stotion COMPLETE AUTO RADIATOR SERVICE P AntJrLoNa even lower • Harcj to childrens, in- regular low PrrS® sinrnens,wornens• c£0o/o 0ff our styles, s,^.e®' noare\ now reduced ^ > eadv marked fantsfafton appare hand.s nota\rea V Qur regular low Piratically reduced 2U down will t the cash reg regular low pnee ^ ̂, anoth Robes _ Ciuoflters Pul Full Length Robes Womens Fui Sweaters _ , 'W°me"Ss Long Sleeve Blouses •Womens U> flCoats ci»eve Sweaters .Mens Long S eeve :r»*̂ co,K . 5 . ™ T sK-asr"' as: ssr 'om?s3^,hCoa,s 'Womens f yests •Womens W Pants ,NN°men, coordinates .VYomens Co Childrens Zip pants One Entire Week e* Fantastically Low Sale prices1. , does n»* inclU<le •Sale does ^ ,ira9ITunie.9»'",en,S' sleepweat ot to. *e NOW ON S*LE_ |2> ,An Remain"1^ es ssr -ci=r •Bo^s Decorations •Gtftwrap ihop, fS'ttnECf»C^ S«N. °Si HORMSBV P M R S ' U I O R E ™ r •" , vwrttt P" iwi q , STORE .ntlQ * Rt. 47 & Country Club Roao CA,M\N(* Woodstock, Illinois D 4400 W. Rt. 120, McHenry,Illinois • Daily 9 to 9; Sunday 10 to 6 * Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to quantities. I* 47 & Country Club Roao Woodstock, Illinois McHenry,Illinois 9; Sunday 10 to 6