Sports Calendar SATURDAY (NBC)COLLEGE BASKETBALL North Carolina at Virginia (NBC) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE GAME Super Bowl Tournament, round No 2 (NBC) HULA BOWL East-West collegiate football all-star game featuring the country's best seniors, live from Aloha Stadium in Honolulu (CBS) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE GAME Playoff action (CBS) EAST-WEST SHRINE GAME Live ffom Palo Alto, Calif College football all-star action. (ABC) PRO BOWLERS TOUR SUNDAY (CBS) NCAA BASKETBALL < College action (CBS) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYOFF GAME \ (NBC) SUPER BOWL TOURNAMENT GAME Round-two action SATURDAY, JAN 15 69 ® MOVIE: 'Creature from the Black Lagoon' A scientific expe- diton is attacked by the Gill-man, halt man, half-fish. Richard Carlson, Julie Adams, Richard Denning. 1954 dD ffl (53) Lap Quilting CD Sporting Life CD MOVIE: 'Brigitt Hass Must Be Killed' CD (39) NFL Weekly Magazine © Hank Raymonds Show QD Co-Ed €D SI Consultation 60 Livewire 60 Q® Wild Kingdom 2:00 PM O MOVIE: Eyes Behind the Stars' CD Odyssey CQ) 09 @ Magnificent Movie Musicals CD Charlie Rose Show CDdi Tom Cottle Up Close CD MOVIE: 'Sin- bad & the Eye of the Tiger' © NCAA Basketball: Notre Dame at Marquette 03 Ovation 60 NCAA Basketball: Notre Dame at Marquette € D i H u m a n D i m e n s i o n 60 (18) Wonder Woman 60 MOVIE: The Haunting' A carefully selected group is introduced to frightening manifestations of the su pernatural. Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson. 1963. 2:15 PM CB MOVIE: Wes- tworld' Two businessmen travel to an adult fantasy resort and have a vaca- ^on of suspense jfhe system op erating the totally automated land of Delos breaks down. Yul Brynner, Ri chard Ben|amin, James Brolin. 1973 2:30 PM G CD NFL 83 CD MOVIE: To Be Announced CD Medical Marvels CD® Portrait of a Legend) , 6D 38) Metroview 60 You Can't Do That On TV 6D MOVIE: Fort Dobbs' The rugged western story of a man's fight against circumstances and Indians to win honor and happiness. Clint Walker, Virginia Mayo, Brian Keith. 1958 2:45 PMOOOD East- West Shrine Game 3:00 PM GCB AFC Divisional Playoffs "IF America's Top Ten CD dD MOVIE: Atragon' A 2000 year old Oriental empire which van ished beneath the tea is found to be thriving and threatens the existence of the world. Kenji Sawara, Akema Kita, Tetsuko Kobayashi. 1964 CD Nova 'Salmon on the Run.' To night's program looks at what the hu man race is doing to the salmon. (R) (60 min.) (Closed Captioned] CD Special Presentation CD MOVIE: Liar' s Moon' CD ® MOVIE: 'Rulers of the Sea' A man struggles to conquer the sea with the first steam boat trip ac ross the Atlantic. Douglas Fairbanks Jr4, Margaret lockwood. 1939. 60 @) Se Anunciara 6D@ Better Way 60 Standby... Lights! Camera! Action! (SliJ (18) Battlestar Galactica 3:30 PM O Soul Train 35 6D 9® Milwaukee Profiles CD Mommy, Daddy and Me CD MOVIE: Buddy, Buddy' 6D®> Christian Children's Fund 4:00PM O CB CD Pro Bowlers Tour til Magic of Oil Painting (TP tjj (10) Undersea World of Jacques CoOsteau CD Cable Health Week In Review CD MOVIE: 'Superman II' 60 (23) Beautiful Korea ® AFC Divisional Playoffs fiil Sports Probe 60 1983 Rose Bowl Hilites 60 Black Beauty 60 C18) Kung Fu 60 Championship Wrestling 4:30 PM O Best of Midnight Specials CD Victory Garden 6D NCAA Basketball: Florida State at Virginia Tech 60 NFL Films €D® Adventures in Learning 60 Against the Odds 6D Motorweek Illustrated 5:00 PM CD (32) Star Trek CD Frugal Gourmet (33)QI(3§) Matinee at the Bijou 'Memphis Belle.' CD New Way Gourmet CD MOVIE: Skyward CD (3§) Entertainment This Week @ (g) Pol-Am TV Journal 60 ESPN SportsCenter 6D (38) Nancy Harmon's Love Special 60 Rory Gallagher 60 (3D Best of Sha Na Na 6D World Championship Wrestling 60 Racing 5:30 PM 0 Eyewitness News o Solid Gold CD Julia Child A More Company CD News CD Three's Company CD1 Weekend Athlete CD MOVIE: 'Chain Reaction' 6D d® Outdoor Sportsman 60 ® Dance Fever 60 In Search of.... 6:00 PM Q © News e Glen Campbell Show (£9 Walt Disney 'The World'; Grea test Athlete.' A jungle boy becomes the greatest track and field athlete in the world. (60 min.) O Eye on Chicago O (23) Dance Fever CD (32) CHiPs Patrol CD Sneak Previews Co-hbsts Neal Gabler and Jeffrey Lyons look at what's happening at the movies. CB CD Hee Haw CD J Memories With Lawrence Wei fCrisis Counselor 5®) 60 (31 Solid Gold Y ugoslav-American Show 60 NCAA Basketball: Old Dominion at James Madison €D(3$ Shape Up 60 Matt & Jenny 60 Sports Legends 6:30 PM O Dance Fever 19 You B 7 on Location O S3) Lome Green's Wilderness o At The Movies ' CD This Old House (33) ffl (3§) Sneak Previews Co- hosts Neal Gabler ond Jeffrey Lyons look at what's happening at the mov ies. CD Regis Philbin Show CD Tulsa Country Music Festival © Fight Back 03 Sports Look 6D(S) Lahayes on Family Life 60 Black Beauty 6D NBA Basketball: Los Angeles at Atlanta 60 NHL Hockey: New Jersey ot Hartford 7:00 PM G O O ©Bring 'Em Back Alive Buck and Ali discover a journal that could lead to the Miss ing Link.' (60 min.) GO© Diff'rent Strokes Mr Drummond's visit with a business asso- date turns sour when Arnold, Willis and Kimberly come home from a rained out camping trip. [Closed Cop tioned] O CB CD T.J. Hooker Hooker ond Romano clash when Hooker sus pects Romano's girlfriend may be an informant to some fur thieves. (60 min ) G NCAA Basketball: Notre Dame at Marquette CD m MOVIE: 'Death Rides a Horse' A man seeks revenge against the outlaws involved in the slaying of his family. Lee Van Cleef, John Phillip Law. 1968. CD MOVIE: 'King: Montgomery to Memphis' ® ® ® Eric Sevareid's Chronicles CD MOVIE: Fort Apache. The Bronx' CD MOVIE: 'Four Friends' CD (§§) Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew W*1 Loving III: Temptation © m NFL Week In Review Mil NCAA Basketball: Providence at Villanova 6D (38) Blackwood Brothers 60 Livewire 60 (31 Glen Campbell Show 7:30PM G CD © Silver Spoons Ricky gets into a fight to de fend his father's honor (3® 60 (3® Fred Waring Show CD Take Charge! QD MOVIE: Love, Lust and Ecstasy' The stakes are high in this search for love, lust and ecstasy Ajita Wilson. 60 (56) Rock of Ages @D (S) Laverne Tripp 60 (l® NBA Basketball Milwaukee at Chicago 8:00PM G G O © MOVIE: 'Hooper' ^.jstunt man who] claims he can do anything faces some tough challenges. Burt Reynolds Solly Fields. 1977.