2304 W. Church St Parents Without Partners Leader y * * <» Has Optimistic View For Year Ahead COMMUNITY CALENDAR - ^.Gladys Sandmann, president of Chapter No. 189, Parents. Without Partners has declared 1983 as "the year of growth and great things" for PjVP She goes on to say, "We have all had stress and anxiety of late and I am sure we are all ready for great things to start happening." Steven R. Wennerstrom, director of admissions of the Chicago Junior school, will offer an alternative to ease certain stresses of parenthood for single parents by presenting the story of this special school that is right in the Chicago area. It offers a unique boarding program and large scholarship fund which is given primarily to single parent families. The presentation has been well feceived by other PWP groups in the area and promises to be interesting and informative to single parents and grandparents raising children today. * The program will begin at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21, at the Crystal Bowl in Crystal Lake, immediately following a brief newcomer orientation and business meeting at 8 p.m.. Parents Without Partners is an international non-profit educational organization devoted to the interests and welfare of single parents and their children. To be eligible for membership in PWP, a person must be a parent of one or more living children and single by reason of death, divorce, separation, op un married. Custody of children is not necessary for membership. Chapter No. 189 meets the first and third Fridays of each month in the Yacht Club room of the Crystal Bowl in Crystal Lake, at 8:30 p.m. Call 815- 568-7543 for further information. The Widows and Widowers division of Chapter No. 189 is throwing a "Big Birthday Bash" Saturday, Jan. 29, in West Dundee. In the midst of winter doldrums, this is always a warm, happy occasion, offering a chance to celebrate one's birthday again. Everyone in PWP is invited to attend this gala event, enjoy the balloons, favors, cake and punch, along with entertainment and games. Reser vations may be made bv calling Betty at 312-426-3484. Young Infant Christened The third child and first daughter of Ken and Sandy Young of Pineville, N.C. was christened Kariann Therese on Sunday. Jan. 2. , The holy sacrament was celebrated by Monseigneur William Wellein, in St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church and sponsors were the baby's brother Jeff Young and a friend of the couple, Mrs. Carol Stauter of Sterling, 111. The infant's grandmother, June Sch- munk, was proxy for the godmother, who was unable to attend. Following the ceremony, Kariann was presented with a beautiful bap tismal bib with her name on it. Then, the family enjoyed a delicious dinner, featuring a cake appropriately 1983 DINNER THEATER Season Opening... "SUBJECT TO CHANCE" ' NOW RUNNING WEEKENDS OF JAN. 14 ft 21 Ticket Prices:Fri & Sundays $14 per person Saturdays...$17 per person Group rales available (or 25 persons or more (Fri & Sun Only) Fri & Sat Dinner 6:30pm Showtime 8:30 pm Sundays Dinner 1:30pm Showtime 3:30pm UPCOMING OWNER THEATERS. FEB. "ACCOMMODATIONS" MARCH-VCOME BLOW YOUR HORN" GIFT CERTIFICATES FOR DINNER AND DINNER THEATRE SEASON NOW AVAILABLE Daily Evening Specials M O N . $ - 9 5 THRU O THURS. Friday Fish Fry SJ95 Open For Lunches ^Afton-Fri 1 lam-2pm BANQUET HALLS AVAILABLE PARTIES FROM 25 to 750 •WEDDINGS 'FASHION SHOWS *PROMS •SHOWERS 'REUNIONS •BRIDAL REHEASALS •RETIREMENTS. ETC FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION CALL: 81 >,678-2671 l/2 Mile N. Rte. 173 on U.S. Rte. 12 I 1 106 U.S. 12 North, Richmond. Illinois 60071 Mrmbfr: McHenry County Restaurant Association Dip sugar cubes into orange or lemon juice and add to hot tea for a lovely treat. decorated for the occasion, served at the celebrant's home. Among the guests sharing this important celebration were grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F„ Young of McHenry. who visit«T%r the weekend. The baby girl was born Oct. 28,1982. and in addition to her godfather, she has another brother, Jason. St. Agatha No. 777 Schedules Meeting The regular meeting of St. Agatha Court No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 17. in the Johnsburg Community club. The second round of the card tournament will be played at this time. Mrs. Clara Michels is in charge of refreshments. JANUARY 15 Polka Dance & Dinner-7 p.m.- McHenry Moose lodge-tickets at door-sponsor. Women of the Moose. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice, 1 p.m.- public invited. JANUARY 17 T.H E.OS.-meet for dinner, 5:30 p.m.-Tl^e Spirit of A New Decade family restaurant-1225 N. Green St.- then to First United Methodist church for fun and fellowship. Landmark PTO program- Emergency Medical Services for Children-by Dr. George Gallant-7:30 p.m.-in school gym-public invited. JANUARY 18 ' McCullom Lake Conservation club- meeting, 8 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach House-Orchard Drive. JANUARY 19 Whispering Oaks Woman's club- Community Center-1 p.m. JANUARY 20 United Methodist Women-general meeting, noon-potluck luncheon- First United Methodist church- Fellowship hall. JANUARY 22 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice, 1 p.m.-- public invited. JANUARY 22-23 - McCullom Lake Ice Fishing Derby- LndfiiCC a WIPE OUT SALE 25% TO 50% OFF DRESSES SLACKS BLAZEf$ SWEATERS DON'T MISS OUR 1/2 PRICE BARGAINS IN OUR CHRISTMAS SHOP! 3307J^/. ELM ST., McHENRY, ILL. 385-11 72 MON-SAT 9:30-4:00 SUN 9:00-3:00 9 a.m.-4 p.m.-Headquarters: Mc Cullom Lake Beach House. . JANUASX p McHenry Sportsmen's club- W?Tf5gSft"fd&'(f-Meart Shw>r, n a.m:- public invited. JANUARY 24 McHenry Area Toastmasters-meet 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Center & Main streets-guests welcome. McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East campus cafeteria-entertainment. Landmark PTO program-Fire Safety in the Home-by Wayne Amore- -7:30 p.m.-in school gym-public invited. JANUARY 25 McHenry Garden Club-Meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library. JANUARY 29 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice, 1 p.m.-- public invited. JANUARY 31 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Board Meeting, 1 p.m.-McHenry Public Library. FEBRUARY 2 Valley View PTO-International Dinner-7:30 p.m.-at the school. McHenry Grandmothers Club- a.m.-Shepherd of, the Hills Lutheran church-members bring own lunch-program, 1 p.rric-please at tend. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens club- Executive Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Business Meeting, 1 p.m.-church hall. FEBRUARY 9 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Card Party & Buffet Salad Luncheon-ll:30 a.m.-church hall-public invited-pre- ticket sale-call Helen Koblitz of McHenry. FEBRUARY 10 McHenry County Genealogical Society-monthly fleeting, 7:30 p.m - Grace Lutheran church-Washington St., Woodstock-questions and an swers. Aurora Blood Bank drawing~3 to 7 p.m.-McHenry Moose Lodge-2816 W. Route 120-sponsor, WOTM Hospital committee. Set UMW Mission Team Meeting Some of the prettiest drawings and photos appear on Christmas cards. They can become a mini-art gallery by using inexpensive frames and making i n t e r e s t i n g w a l l arrangements. The next meeting of the U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee) of the United Methodist Women of Lhe First United Methodist church of McHenry will be held Monday, Feb. 7, at 9:30 a.m., in the church parlor. The January meeting of the group was called to order by President Robbi Hurckes, followed by prayer by Nancy Hodges. In the absence of the secretary, Vera Lowery, the minutes of the December meeting were read by Lyda Radisch. Correspondence incfuded thank you notes from FISH, Wesley Woods, Methodist Youth Services, and Lake Bluff Homes for Children. - A communication from Hospice for McHenry .County was read, and further discussion and action will be taken on this at the January General meeting. Expressions of thanks were received from Robbi Hurcke^ for her Christmas cactus gift; and Kathy Boehmer and Bea Nuziard for their certificates of recognition and pins. It was unanimously agreed that a gift will be given to William Toalson and the choir for the beautiful musical program they gave at the December General meeting. A new "Young Mother's Circle" is being formed and the first meeting was set for Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 9:30 a.m., at the home of Mrs. Thos. J. '(Robbi) Hurckes of Pistakee Highlands. For further information, one may contact Mrs. Hurckes or Mrs. Dennis (Kathy) Boehmer of McHenry. The January General meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 20, at noon, in the Fellowship hall, and will begin with a potluck luncheon. If your cakes tend to fall a lot it could be because the eggs you use are too big. Medium to large eggs are best. Extra large may be too much for your baked goods. Johnsburg, Illinois 60050 815-305-3959 We offer o quality program for 3 ond 4 year old children. If you are interested please call. We only hove a few openings. PAINTING SPECIAL ANY AVERAGE SIZE ROOM (15 'x 12 'OR SMALLER) . PROFESSIONALLY PAINTED USING QUALITY MATERIALS: 00 EULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES DAN RYAN DECORATING "FOR ANY PAINTING NEED" (815)344-2525 SINCE 1970 Graduation Day For "Little People PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER-^FRIDAY, JANUARY 14J983 ^ ^ ̂ ̂ ̂ ^ [ <A/[o±tCy <zSocLa,[ j • - • _ _ _ _ _ _ • The LiUle People's Tree house of McHenry West high school held graduation in the auditorium Monday, Jan. 10. The ceremony opened with a Good Morning song; followed by a welcome speech by teacher Beth Lance; children's program, including Finger Play-Thumbkin, and songs, Nick-Nack Patty Wack, ABC's and I'm a Little Teapot; speach by teacher Gina Bennett; presentation of diplomas by teachers Karen Gannon and JeanetteStraumann; and the closing speech by teacher Kathy Gartner. After the program, the parents and children were served refreshments in the Child Care room. The day care center, under the direction of Mrs. Mary Johnson, is run by students of the Child Care Occupations classes. The class is designed to provide students with actual training in working with young children in a laboratory setting. The student teachers plan all activities and observe the behavior and progress of the children. The center is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:45 to 9:15 a.m. On Tuesday and Thursday the student teachers receive instruction regarding such topics as guidance and discipline; special needs children; physical, intellectual, emotional and social development; health and safety; play activities; child care facilities and careers. During the first semester, the children ranged in age from three to four. On Jan. 17, a new group of pre schoolers will begin the second semester. These, children will be in the four to five-year-old range. This split in ages helps the students compare ages and abilities of the children and enables them to better plan activities. Student teachers include Linda Altergott, Gina Bennett, Laurie Blake, Kim Bucero, Karen Gannon, Kathy Gartner, Vicki Geiger, Sue Hester, Laura Lam berg, Beth Lance, Sherri Leman, Peg Major, Yvonne Miller, Pauline Mullen, Shelly Naber, Kerri Nielsen, Rose Pedretti, Mary Jo Simon, Jeanette Straumann, Colleen Thennes, Sharon White, Patti Wijas and Dawn Wright. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD In photo at the right, teacher Kerri Nielsen is shown on the left, giving a few words of encouragement to the class of 1982-83 Little People graduates who are anxiously awaiting the big moment when they will receive their diplomas. From left to right, they are Terin Brodin, Brian Cook, Andre Hennig, Sarah Klapperich, Bryan Kroening, Jessica Meyers, Jonathan Smith, Steven Spasojevich and Zabrina Zriny. « A variety of expressions in the picture below, left, tell the feeling^of four classmates as they wait their turn. They are, from left to right, Jessica Meyers, Jonathan Smith, Steven Spasojevich and Zabrina Zriny. In the remaining photo, Ms. Nielsen assists Bryan Kroening as he approaches teacher Karen Gannon to accept his diploma. *