I'Atitvtt - PLAlNDKALfcK -FKIDAY, FEBKLAHY 18. 1SMC HELP WANT£0 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT LOVING RESPON SIBLE Woman to care for 2 children in my home 5 days a week. 6 month old all day long and 9 year old before and after school. Salary plus meals. References. Please call after 5pm evenings or weekends. 815-385-4325. 2-18-2-25C WANTED: Mature loving lady, sit my McHenry home, 2 year old girl, 2 evenings and 2-3 days week, hours flexible, salary plus meals, must like dogs. Start March 1st. References. 815-385-7033 after 7pm., anytime weekends. 2-ll-^18c GREAT OPPORTUNITY! How would you like to be a computer programmer? We will train you! Earn while you learn. No experience in com puter programming is preferred. IM- PORTANT-Must have excellent work record, be neat, organized, hard working and logical thinking person. 3 learner positions available. Applications will be taken by Mrs. Parker at Fox Valley Systems 640 Industrial Drive Cory Please apply in person beginning Monday, February 21 at 8:00 AM MANAGEMENT Op portunity v with a stichery company. Creative Expressions, 9- 5pm, Monday-Friday, 312-395-0370. 2-16-2-25C F A R M E R S , A ~ T ^ TENTION:Buy spray adjuvant and defoamer from yourself and make money in your own business. Call for ap pointment. 815-385-7974. 2-18 BABYSITTER IN MY Home in Lakeland Park f o r n e w b o r n . References. Monday- Friday. 815-344-2362. 2- 16-2-18C MALE OR FEMALE Slim Plan Advisers. Do you desire to lose 10 pounds or more and help others lose weight while earning money, if so call 414-279-6643 from 5pm to 10pm. 2-16-2-18C SUPERVISOR-MACHINE SHOP Small motor manufacturer seeks an experienced supervisor yvith a 4 year toolmakers apprenticeship to supervise our machine shop. Some NC experien ce desirable, but not mandatory. Basic turning equipment with light machinery operations. Minimum 3 years supervisory experience required. Send resume and salary history to: Director of Personnel 5S01 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. *0050 Call tl5-M5-3500 C O R P O R A T I O N equal opportunity employer m/f McHenry School District IS/156 Transportation Department F1U TIME SCHMLBVS MECNANIC WITH OWN TOOLS Apply in person between 10 am - 2 pm 5S05W. Rte. 120 McHenry 3S5-6622 2/16-2/18 Fast growing company has position available for MIXER/EXTRUDER Operator Experience not essential but willingness to work and learn a must. Submit resume and references to Personnel Department P.O. Box 415 McHenry, II. 60050 WANTED: PERSON E x p e r i e n c e d w i t h horses. 815-455-2344. 2- 16-2-18C A WORKING POP Rock Band is looking for a new Bass player and a Keyboard player. Must have own equipment and transportation. For an audition call 815-385- 6199. 2-11-2-18C FUll TIME Responsible, hard working individual needed for lawn mowing crew. Work to begin ap proximately March 15. Must have valid Illinois drivers license, Class A, prefer 'Class B. High school and college students need not apply. Call 815-385-2834 between 1 PM through 5 PM for an appointment 2 16-2 18 Local Firm Seeks 1 Part Time Girt Friday t One Fall Time Experienced Bookkeeper to handle accounts payable/receivable/ payroll and general ledger. Good salary, medical benefits. Send resume and salary requirements in con fidence to: Personnel Dept. P.O. Box 243 McHenry, II. 60050 Small, growing company in area, seeking individual for hill time all around MAINTENANCE POSITION Must hove strong background in hydraulics, injection molding and electrical experience. Send references and qualifications to Depl. M P.O. Box 415 McHenry, II. 60050 AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS GET YOURSELFA A.P.R. •48 Month Term •29% Down Payment OCash or Trade and Rebatel Financing #To Qua|ifled Buyers •Through Feb. 28th Only •Applies To New 1982 Models - PLUS - Through March 31st Benoy Motors is the only area dealer offering 9.9% financing PLUS Rebates On 1982 model cars. - Cars - 9.9% A.P.R; Financing Through February 28, 1983 *300-*700 Factory Rebate Through March 31, 1983 • SPECIAL BONUS - 5 Yr./50(000 mile Powertrain Protection Plan Choose from these New 1982's Rebate (2) PLYMOUTH SAPPORAS *300 (2) DODGE OMNIS. .*300 (2) DODGE ARIES. *400 (1) PLYMOUTH RELIANT MOO (1) DODGE 400 2 DR. COUPE .*400 (1) DODGE 400 CONVERTIBLE *700 (1) CHRYSLER LeBARON 2 DR. COUPE *400 (2) CHRYSLER LeBARON CONVERTIBLES *700 (2) DODGE CHRYSLER MIR AD AS. *400 (1) CHRYSLER CORDOBA. *400 (2) DODGE RAMPAGE PICKUPS $300 (5) DODGE DIPLOMAT 4 DR. *400 Serving the Woodstock area for 33 years. - Trucks - 9.9% A.P.R. Financing Through February 28, 1983 •400-»750 Factory Rebate Through March 31, 1983 Choose From These Remaining 1982 Pickups Rebate I (2) DODGE VANS .*400 (1) DODGE D50 2 WD PICKUPS *500 (2) DODGE DS0 4 WD PICKUPS *500 (2) DODGE DISS PICKUPS *500 (1) DODGE D250 PICKUPS *750 Hurry! After February 28, 1983, We'll No Longer : Be Able To Finance Vehicles at 9.0%. THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW!! CHRYSLER BENOY Motor Oodgo Vlymouifi 656 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 815-338-5100 M. T, Th. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. W. Fr. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat.. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Top Quality USED CARS BABYSITTER Needed in my home, must have own transportation, r e s p o n s i b l e a n d references. Flexible hours and days, paid vacation. 815-338-6479. 2-16-2-18C JOBS, FAST Growing company has im mediate openings. Can earn part time $7.00 per hour, full time $360.00 per week. Students welcome. Mr. Drager, 312-449-1920. 2-2tfc I'M A COZY 2 bedroom house for rent in Wonder Lake, I have my own stove and frig, $325. per month, call after 7pm. 815-728-1086 . 2-18 QUAINT 1 bedroom home, sun room, living room, kitchen, full bath, utility room, ap pliances, large lot, river rights, $290 per month Call 815-385-3192 or 815 385-7632. 2-18tfc EXPERIENCED Shipping, receiving and warehouse clerk, with forklift operating skills. Machine Operators- plastic vacuum forming and various plastic trimming operations. Experience in this type or similar manufacturing skills needed. Supply resume and references. Call for appointment. Window Well Protector 815-344-5555 REAL ESTATE -- LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom aportments fully car peted, lVj ceramic baths color appliances dish washer, air conditioning laundry, large . storage area, gas heat. By lake several blocks from down town. Geneva Lake Apartments 1321 W. Main St Lake Geneva, Wi. 414-248-4572 2 4-TF2 REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE BY OWNER, Ranch house with • family room, 3 bedrooms, carpeted. Johnsburg schools, $59,800, 84 per- cent 30 years. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566. 2-ll-2-25c •~A NEW MILL-CRAFT HOME ---- JUST $23,990.* This spacious 3 bdrm ranch features car peting, no-wax flooring, Kohler bath fix tures, Crestline wood windows, energy- efficient design w/R-40 ceiling and R-20 wall insulation. Low maintenance Mirro^ Aluminum siding and more. Call for Details! •Includes transportation, setting and interior carr pentry finish, within McHenry County. Does not in clude utility hookups, heating system or foun dation. MARCH BUILDERS, INC. 4721 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. * 815-385-8180 FHA ft VA FINANCING AVAILABLE 2 18 HELP!HELP! AND REALLY HELP! Price Drastically Reduced! Seller wants offers on this very sharp bet ter than 2000 sq. ft. home with three levels plus a full basement. Beautiful '/j acre lot. Great floor plan with many extras, such as central air, woodburning fireplace and an extra wide paved parking area for our boat or RV. Asking $75,900. I t mi JUST LISTED-Almost 2000 sq. ft. Cape Cod home oft V* acre wooded yard. Full basement,4 bedrooms, } baths, stone fireplace. One step away from Chape4 Hill Country Club. Solid older home with charmj Needs some interior work. Outstanding value foj $51,500. 4 JUST LISTED-Edgebrook Heights-Almost 2500 sq. ft. of living space in this very charming and comfor table family home with five bedrooms. This very well maintained home hos everything your family could want as well as a superior location overlooking all of McHenry! $125,000. JUST LISTED-Worthmoor Estates-McHenry Schools- large 3 bedroom home with 2 baths! Separate family room, with adjoining eat-in kitchen. Stonf fireplace. Hardwood floors, lake rights to Lake Jerilyn. Private park and beach with tennis courts. A lot of house for only $64,000. '«• IBtHS •ESSEX COSTELl g I I EC SOLD HOME I I "EC SOLD HOME" For Real Estate Service "That's Out Of This World" call Essex-Costello PBBPX-raBtpUo I r?al eatatp ru.1 _ _ _ -M4N. FRONT ST REL©385-7050 wtHtN,Y ILL