PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1983 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT BEDROOM SET, twin headboar'd, frame, complete, double dresser $240.00; Odyssey II plus 11 cartridges, $230.00 in cludes K.C. Munchkin. 815-385-8468 . 2-25 3-4c 2 7 f t C O N C O R D TRAVEL Trailer. Fully self contained, dual tanks, roof air, TV antenna, 21ft.. awning, spare tire and wheel, sleeps 8. Excellent condition. 815-385-9604. 2-25 6' PADDED BAR, Formica walnut top, 4 padded stools, excellent condition, $250.00, 815- 728-0791. 2-25 KING SIZE BED; Heart shaped. White fur headboard and bed spread. $100.00. 815-344- 2290 . 2-25-3-4C BEAUTIFUL WOOD, Console TV, radio, record player, 63" wide. TV doesn't work. Cost $1,000, sell $115.00 or offer. Call 815-385-3490. 2-23-2-25C VIDEO GAME, Like new, Bally Astrocade with 10 cartridges, 2 controllers, T.V. jack included, $170.00, call after 2 pm. 815-344-1029. 2-25 BEST QUALITY used Railroad Ties; new landscape timbers; bulk grass and pasture seeds; Purina Chows and much more. Woodstock Farm and Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rte. 47,815-338-4200. 2- 23 tic PANASONIC AM-FM Receiver with cassette stereo system, with 2 speakers, also includes a Gerrard phonograph, 5 years old, excellent condition, $175.00; one dark green wing back occasional chair, good condition, $25.00; one 3 drawer oak dresser, good condition, $15.00. 815-385-1700. 2-23-2-25C PINBALL MACHINE, triple action, 2 player, $50.00. After 5:30pm, 815-344-4083. 2-23-2-25C REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE [cHENRY ! AVI N G S A L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N McHenry Savings & Loan • " ) Is Actively Seeking MORTGAGE LOANS pplications AreNow Being Accepted For FIXED, NON-VARIABLE RATE 25 YEAR LOANS For information call (815) 385-3000 .. .ask for Mr. Bob Stermer McHenry Savings ^ V t a 0 i 0 > k t » 0 C K i i M W 1209 Nor}h/»reen Str*«t, McHenry II5-305-3000 10520 Main Street, Richmond • 15-470-2061 10402 NOirth Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312-449-3333 ' - SAVERS HOURS: 9:00 am to 4.30 pm. Monday. Tuesday, and Thursday 9 00 am to 8:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday. McHenry Office Drive in windows open Wednesday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Closed Wednesday in Richmond and Huntley. Deposits Insured f 100.000 by the Eederel Isslwf A lo«n Insurance Carp. McHENRY SAVINGS A IOAN ASSOCIATION. FSLIC 2/18-2- 25-3 4TF2 QntuiK Ln 815-344-1033 3717 W. Elm, McHenry, II. Located on Rte. 31 A Rte. 120 (Elm St.) CARE REAL ESTATE NEW LISTING $67,000 will buy this quality built tri- level on wooded lot! Only 1 block to your own boat slip & pier. AMERICA'S NO. 1 TOP SELLER CENTURY 21 NEW LISTING Very livable 2 story home w/full basement & 2 car garage! Central air & fireplace! GOOD Financing! $88,000. r NEW LISTING Custom 2 story colonial home on wooded acre! 3040 sq. ft. of beautiful living space! Formal dining rm, family rm, full basement & 2'/> car garage $122,900. COUNTRY LIVING! Johnsburg area! 2200 sq. ft. 2 story Colonial with full basement! Family rm & fireplace! $91,000. REDUCED TO $149,5001 Master bdrm w/dressing rm & bath! Formal dining rm, central vac & air, all thermo win dows! Many extras! $59,90013 bdrm brick/frame ranch w/heated 2 car garage & beautiful wooded lot! Financing available! 3 Bdrm Ranch w ' f . replace, att garage. Loads of kitchen cabinets! 2 sheds & lake rights! Don 1 miss this one! 2572 sq. ft. of excellent living! 2 story Colonial w/full basement! Enclosed por ch, central air, fireplace, many extras & "5" acres too! $160,000. MIS NEW LISTING Smashing contemporary 3000 sq. ft. home high on a hill!! Immaculately kept half acre site! Many extras! $179,900. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY! $128,9001 Rental income from "3" going businesses! Dock, freight elevator, basement & parking! PROPERTY RIPE FOR DEVELOPMENT! High traffic count! On route 120 near Rte. 12! 2 story, building with parking area! $149,000. Well Establishad Lounge! Large bar, dance floor & kitchen. Zoned comm. rec. partial basement! Owner may help! $189,000. $180,000.6 Unit Apartment Building, 2 story with full finished basement! Con sider special contract terms! LEASE/SALE! 8000 sq. ft. multi-use building! 5 offices plus service arec High traffic area on Route 120 in City of McHenry! Good Terms! CORN STALK STACKS Laced with corn. Good cattle feed, also can be used for* bedding. Delivered. 312-428-3909. 2-2-2-25C WASHERS, DRYERS & Refrigerators Recon ditioned and Guaran teed. 815-385-6431. 2-2tfc 36" SEARS Snowblower for Garden Tractor, excellent condition, Cost $500.00, must sell $125.00 or best offer 815-385- 8602. 2-23-2-25C PAINTERS Hooks and Stirrups; metal pulleys; e l e c t r i c b r o o m ; humidifier; ajr con ditioner; jet pump; antique chair; electric drill; electric spit (barbecue). 815-385-1328 after 6pm. 2-23-2-25c HUB CAPS, Buy and Sell, thousands in stock. Country Collector, Wilmot, Wisconsin. 414- 862-2914 . 2-23-4-13C COIN SHOP Complete, sell all or part, retiring. 815-568-6748, Marengo, II. 2-23-2-25C FRIDGIDAIRE, Good running condition. Suitable for basement or garage $40.00. 815- 385-1189. ,2-25 B E A U T I F U L 7 ' Chickering Grand Piano, cherrywood, Louis XV Styling. Or nate hand carving, $6,500. Call 815-385-3490. 2-16-2-25C U S E D M O B I L E HOMES For sale. Modular buildings, portable classrooms. Ideal for Hunting Cabins, Sunday schools, etc. Used mobile home tires, axles and frames. 815-459-9405. 2-2tfc REAL ESTATE CONTRACT SALE, Waterfront property, 3 b e d r o o m s , s t o n e fireplace, large living room, kitchen-dining, sun room, attached garage, appliances, $55,000, $4,000 down, balance at 8V4 finan cing. Cafll'815-385-6513 or 815-385-3192. 2-2tfc I N S U N N Y S I D E Estates, 3 year old ranch style, 3 bedroom, lVfe bath with 1 car at tached garage, fully carpeted, gas heat. Must sell $47,000. Ap praised at $57,000. No money down with conventional financing, 312-949-1635. 2-23-2-25C 8M> ASSUMABLE In Crystal Lake, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick and cedar ranch on Vfe acre, central air, .full basement, 2 car garage, $79,900,815-455-5588./ 2- 23-2-25C ' N O R T H F O X C o n - * dominium, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, lVz baths, all applainces and pool privilege, $37,500. 815- 385-2179,312-473-4384. 2- 23-2-25C FOR SALE BY Owner, VA assumable 11% percent, 1% story cape cod, 2 large bedrooms, living room with knotty pine paneling, large foyer with'open stair case, eat-in kitchen, 1 car attached garage, large lot, private backyard, appliances included, $48,500. 312- 526-6447. Absolutely no realters need call. 2-23- 2-25c BY OWNER, Com pletely remodeled. 6 room house, deck, at: tached 2 car garage, all appliances, 9x11 shed, vinyl sided, larger double lot, beautifully wooded, lake rights, Highland Shores, 5 percent down, 12 per cent 30 years. Ldw taxes, $45,500. 815-728- 1016, 815-385-8341. 2-23-2- 25c A N X I O U S O W N E R needs mid $50's offer on 3 bedroom raised ranch. Over 1,800 sq. feet. Excellent terms. 815- 344-3288. 2-23-3-4C CONDO /IN WHISPERING Oaks, excellent „ 'ocatiori, 2 bedroom, baths, c a r p e t , d r a p e s , mirrored wall in dining a r e a , d e c o r a t i v e fireplace. Adults only area, $45,000. Fitzgerald Realty, 815-385-8700. 2- 23-3-18c ACCORDIONS, Child size; also one adult model. 312-662-2610. 2- 23-3-4C APPLIANCES: Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers and Dryers, Electric-Gas Ranges, Water Softners. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 3421 B. Pearl. 815-385-1872. 2- 2tfc MUST MOVE" 2 Bedroom Mobile Home, refrigerator, stove, window air conditioner, $3,800,312-669-3479. 2-23- 2-25C BEBE EYED Parrot, 1 year old, with cage, $150.00; Baby crib and changing table. 815-385- 5286. 2-23-2-25C GUJLD GUITAR, model D 40, accoustic with pick up and new amplifier, $400.00.815-728-0656. 2- 23-3-4C LENTEN SPECIALS, 10 Percent Discount on all Meatless Pizzas. I t e m s a v a i l a b l e : Mushrooms, onions, cheese, tomato, green pepper, black olives, green olives and an chovies. Try us, you'll be back for more! Dusty's on Howe Road ( o f f B a r n a r d M i l l ) , Wonder Lake. 815-653- 2400. Carry-Outs. Open 4pm. Closed Tuesday. 2- 23-4-lc SKIS K2, Bindings, Solomon S222, $80.00; Nordica Boots, size 6, $15.00. Ski Shop ap praised. 815-385-4873 after 4:30pm. 2-23-2-25C A-l SWIMMING POOL Buy! Limited time only! Big, New, left over 1982 family sizes pools, which includes deck, fence, filter and warranty for only $ 9 6 6 . 0 0 c o m p l e t e . Financing arranged. First come, first served. Call 312-564-3620 collect. 2-23-2-25C MUST SELL! Ford 300, head, distributor, a l t e r n a t o r a n d miscellaneous $100.00; Ford t&ilgate $40.00 ; 8 ft. Camper top $125.00; Hilti DX 100 Concrete Shooter with shots, no n a i l s $ 1 7 5 . 0 0 ; Milwaukee Drill, 1V a taper, % chuck, 210 volts $300.00; axle with frame $75.00;. Meyers snowplow case housing and miscellaneous $75.00; 100 amp breaker- box $25.00; adding machine $20.00; white naugahyde recliner $25.00; John Deere 200 9 with mower, plow and chains $1,900. 312-658- 4304. 2-23-2-25C Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3 00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call CoHect- 815-338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning NEWLY DECORATED Private 2 Bedroom C a r r i a g e H o u s e Apartment, Johnsburg School District, water rights, includes at tached 2 car heated garage, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer. No pets. $300 per month plus u t i l i t i e s , s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t r e q u i r e d . Available immediately. 815-344-1443. 2-23-2-25C 3 BEDROOM, 2% bath, central air, many executive extras in cluding microwave. $525 per month plus security and references. 815-344- 0017,312-894-850. 2-25 2,225 SQ. FT. Brick ranch, 2Vfe car attached garage, 270 ft. water front, Pistakee Terrace, no pets, references, $550 per month, security deposit, available April 15,815-385-6392. 2-25 READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 2% baths. 815-385-2181. 2-2tfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7830. 2-2tfc D E L U X E O N E BEDROOM Apartments in city of McHenry, f e a t u r i n g s e c u r i t y , privacy, luxury. Call 815-385-3192 or 815-385- 7632. 2-2tfc SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 2-2tfc FURNISHED APART MENT and sleeping rooms. Weekly or monthly. 815-385-8905. 2- 2tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 2-2tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 2-2tfc FOR SAlf 1978 VOLKSWAGON Rabbit, $1,950; Player Pt^no $350.00; Call after 6pm, 815-385-2252 . 2-23- 2-25C HAY FOR SALE: No rain, good quality, excellent for horses. L a r g e q u a n i t i e s available. 815-385-6099. 2-18-3-llC SEWING MACHINES: 1 Singer Zig-Zag in desk type cabinet $150.00; 1 singer cabinet model $75.00; 3 Singer por tables $39.00 each; Rodney cabinet model $45.00; 1 Kenmore Zig zag portable $65.00. All machines are rebuilt and guaranteed. Keener and Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672. 2-23-2-25C WAREHOUSE SALE 100's of Cabinets to Choose From MEDALLION CABINETS and KITCHEN KOMPACT CABINETS Slightly damaged kitchen and vanity cabinets at great savings. Large assortment of cultured marble vanity tops at astounding low prices. A wide choice of colors on all remnant counter tops at special prices. For free estimates bring in your room dimensions. Cash 4 Carry All Sales Final Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. _ Saturday V 9:00 a.m. • 2:00 p.m. TOP FORM CO., INC. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake, 815-728-0203 FREE RENT BONUS. Large or small offices available. Call Pat Letizia, 7432 Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake, 815-728-0404. 2-2tfc STORAGE SPACE on Route 120. Dry, clean with semi-truck dock. Electricity available. Call 815-385-3192 or 815- 385-7632. 2-2tfc ROOM FOR RENT In lovely executive home on Pistakee Bay. Kit- A chen privileges, $50.00 per week. Long stay preferred. 815-385-1811. Leave message for Doris. 2-2tfc M O D E R N O N E BEDROOM Apartment, on waterfront, walk to stores, carpeting, stove, refrigerator. Adults. No pets. $270 plus security deposit. 815-385-3493. 2- 2tfc OFFICE DOWNTOWN, McHenry, air con d i t i o n e d , i n c l u d e s a l l utilities, $115.00. Call 815-385-3490. 2-2tfc MAN WANTED to share conifortable home in McHenry. Fireplace, air conditTt)j}ed, dish washer, mit?re>wsffil washer and dryer, $260 monthly includes all. Available now. 815-385- 2233, leave message. 2- 23-2-25C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE F u r n i s h e d , i n Lakemore. 815-385-5442 or 312-831-5034. 2-25 JOHNSBURG AREA, 2 bedroom apartment. Kitchen and living room, $285 per month i n c l u d e s u t i l i t i e s , security required. No pets. R15-385-9872\ 2- 23tfc ! SPACIOUS /OLDER Home in town, 4 b e d r o o m s , l a r g e k i t chen, dining and living room, stove and refrigerator. Available March 1st, $450 month plus utilities, security deposit and references required. Call 815-385- 5021. 2-23-2-25C R E M O D E L E D 2 Bedroom Apartment near McCullom Lake Store. Stove and refrigerator, $275 month. No pets. 1 child. 815-344-1459. 2-23-2-25C OLDER GENTLEMAN needs someone to share his large home, extra large kitchen, living room with fireplace, one or two private bedrooms with bath plus garage, furnished ,©r un furnished. Children w e l c o m e . R e n t w i l l include all utilities. 815- 385-1653. 2-23-2-25C POR RENT Business zoned brick building on Route 120 and Green Street. Ap proximately 1400 sq. ft. Owner may divide building into 2 small offices. Call Century 21 Care Ask for Dennis Drake 344-1033 COCOA BEACH FLORIDA 1 bedroom con- dominimum on the ocean. Poolside. By the week or month. 815-385-0282 UVEMtUimFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, fully car peted, 1 Vi ceramic baths, color appliances, dish washer, air conditioning, laundry, large storage area, gas heot. By lake, several blocks from down town. finm Uki ApartMrts 1321 W. Main St. Lake Geneva, Wi. 414-248-4572 2/4TF2 a i--i IHI IMGAS PUMP Accelerator Pump A likely cause of en gine stumble when you attempt to accelerate is a faulty accelerator pump. To check the pump, re move the air cleaner from the carburetor. With en gine off and the choke valve open, move throt tle once or twice while looking for gas to squirt into the carburetor. If there's a weak squirt or none at all, replace the accelerator pump. CONSUMER^CHECKLIST LmJLS/^ Wise Food Buy Beef prices are expect ed to inch up all year. It would be wise to use ex tra money in the food budget to select the beef cuts of which the family is fond of while they are on special. Properly wrapped, these cuts will maintain top quality in the freezer for up to 10 to 12 months. lere is such a thing as hbnest pride and self- respect . Edwin Chapin FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, $400. month, security deposit required. 815- 385-5970. 2-25 M I N I S T O R A G E , 2 4 hour access, in McHenry. 160 sq. ft. $30.00 per month. Call 815-385-3192 or 815-385- 7632. 2-lltfc O N E B E D R O O M Apartment, 1st floor, mewly carpeted and decorated. Stove and refrigerator. No pets. $260 plus security deposit. 815-385-6080. 2- lltfc 1 BEDROOM APART MENT, air conditioned, includes heat, stove-end refrigerator, $265.00. Call 815-385-3490. 2-16tfc WOODSTOCK: Country Home on 2 acres, 3 bedrooms, lVfe baths, g a r a g e , f i r e p l a c e , appliances, $475 month. Days 312-537-3501, evenings 312-398-0084. 2- 16-2-25C NICE 4 bedroom tri- level. Family room with bar, 2M> baths, all ap pliances, deck, 2Vfe car garage, lease and security deposit. Rent $530 per month. Ready March 1.815-385-4933. 2- 18-2-25C MCHENRY, 3 bedroom home for rent or rent with option, full basement, 2 car garage, 815-455-1586. 2-18-2-25C 3 BEDROOM House, new 2 car garage, on large lot, west side of Wonder Lake, available April 1st., $400 month. 312-345-4300, 312-452-4467 Linda. 2-18-2-25C READY MARCH 1st, 1 and 2 bedroom apart ments, in town, big rooms, big closets, aU appliances, security deposit, 815-385-5727 after 4pm. 2-18-2-25c 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, air conditioned, includes, heat, stove and refrigerator, $285. Call 815-385-3490. 2-23tfc VERY NICE, Large 2 bedroom apartment, $329 per month. After 5pm, 815-678-4264 or 815- 675-2475. 2-23-2-25C HOUSE IN TOWN, 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, immediate possession, $375 month plus (me m o n t h s s e c u r i t y , references. 815-385-1140. 2-23-3-4C • PRIME OFFICE SPACE * FOR RENT AT 1075 LAKE AV£NUE WOODSTOCK AREA: 1169 sq. ft. - or -. 1620 sq. ft. •Fully Carpeted .Trash Removal •Ample Parking •Central Air •Snowplowing AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 815-338-J440. /"\ \