Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Mar 1983, p. 12

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RINGWOOD NEWS Doris Low 653-9262 Koty Christopher 385-8007 Bruce Observes 74th Birthday Bonnie and Roger Petska, and sons, hosted a family get-together last Sunday for her dad, Clayton Bruce, in honor of his seventy-fourth birthday. Lunch was served complete with birthday cake and gifts.. JFamify members attending in­ cluded his wife Virginia, Mr. anaMrs. Delmar Shook of Woodstock, the Larry Bruce family bf Wonder Lake, Jay and Judy Koeller with Tim from McHenry, Wes and Wade Bruce, and a neighbor, Shawn Kelly. Unable to attend but still think of Dad on his day, two daughters made surprise phone calls, Bev Ackerman of Thorndale, Tex. and Cindy Mc­ pherson of Downers Grove. Another unexpected phone call came from Virginia's brother, Owen Carlson, from Oregan. They had not heard from him in a long while and were delighted to get the call. We wish you many more happy birthdays, Clayton. YOUR PRIVILEGE Yes, it is your privilege and your right to vote. It is also your respon­ sibility to vote. Are you registered?? If not and you wish to register, you may do so by contacting Patti (Miller) Hanson, 653-9324, by Mar. 14, so that you may take part in the election April 12. Who must register are new citizens, or those who have a new address or changed their name or whoever became of age. The last date to register is Monday, March 14. Give Patti a call. NOSTALGIA Nostalgia, or call it what you may, but after having been gone from town for awhile it was really a great homecoming as we drove into town and heard the factory whistle. That whistle is something that a lot of us were so used to, it was really noticeable when it quit blowing. Now that the whistle is blowing again at 8 a.m., 12,12:30, and 4:30 p.m., we are very grateful to the company management. FEELING BETTER Wanda Bistolfo is 'perkin' a little better than she has been. Wanda had a bout with the flui bug and it almost got the best of her, but Wanda said "No" Way" and is on the road to recovery. 0 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. UA 'OCO. Our Pledge "Personal Serviced Satisfaction" LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •KEMPER-MILLCREEK CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •ARMSTRONG CEILING SYSTEMS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •STANLEY GARAGE DOOR OPENERS PHONE OUR FRIENDLY ADVISORS FOR HELPFUL HINTS WHEN YOU WANT TO BUILD, REPAIR OR REMODEL YOUR HOME FREE Planning ft Estimating Services. Phone 385-1424 909 N. Front St., McHenry DELAYED NEWS My apologies to the Ackermans way down there in Thorndale, Tex. for be- • ing so late with this news. Rhonda Ackerman, daughter of Charles and Bev Ackerman, has enlisted in the Navy through the Delayed Entry progiam. After finishing high school in Thorndale, where she is an "A" student and very active, Rhonda will take her boot training in Orlando, Fla. Further training win be at a school in Memphis, Tenn., where she will study to be an air traffic controller. FISHING IS GREAT A note from Bev Ackerman lets us know that the fishing is great in Texas in January. They were catching a lot of them at times. Then one evening they weren't biting so good but Rachel was dangling her line over the bank and caught an 11 inch fish. Then right away she caught another one, 17 in­ ches long; 7 inches tall; and it weighed 2M> lbs. Now that's a fish. RETURNED HOME Doris and Walt Low were a couple of the snowbirds who returned to the cold country; except it hasn't beeCLi cold. Betty and Don Justen also are returnees after a small vacation south. I'm sure there are others glad to be home too; but they didn't call. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" to little Nicholas Thomas Low, who will become a big one year old on Mar. 15. Mar. 16 is that special day for Max Davis and John David Klapperich; with Muriel Gilmore celebrating her special day Mar. 17. Mar. 19 is that special day for Trudy Hohmann and Cory Betts; with Mar. 20 being a busy day for Lynn Bauer, Sue Madey, Rita Cemy, James Reed and Michelle Lynn VanEvery who will all add another candle to their cakes. ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" to Chris and Linda Ferrara, who will be celebrating 13 years of wedded bliss on Mar. 21. We wish you many more years of togetherness. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday -- Worship service - Ringwood church - 9:15 a.m. church school - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday - Choir practice - Ringwood church - 7 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 16 - Ad­ ministrative Board - Ringwood church -- 7 p.m. Friday, Mar. 18 - Rummage Sale - Ringwood church - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 19 - Rummage Sale - 9 a.m. to noon. Cancer Crusade Chairman Plans Neida Rechisky, chairman of the McHenry county unit of the 1983 Cancer Crusade, is shown at left preparing kits for Laura O'Brien, center, and Patti Hartmann to distribute in their home communities of Sunnyside-Johnsburg and Wonder Lake, respectively. Based on the theme,"Cancer can be Cancelled", the kits contain information on what everyone can do in the fight against the disease. Ms. Rechisky encourages the public to welcome these volunteers when they call in April. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Missionary At Local Conference Fresh from her first term as a missionary in Africa, Miss Beth E. Taube will speak at the annual missionary conference of the Alliance church, 3815 Bull Valley road. The public is invited to attend all sessions, held daily at 7:30 p.m. March 13-16, and 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday, March 13. Miss Taube, a missionary nurse with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Mali, West Africa, since 1978, will speak about her experiences learning two new Tanguages, serving in medical ministries, and teaching classes at the Ntorosso Central Bible school. She says, "There were 'firsts' around every corner." Raised in Toledo, Ohio, Miss Taube, a registered nurse, is a graduate of the nurse training program at Toledo's Flower hospital and of missions studies at St. Paul Bible college, Minnesota. She felt called to missionary service on learning about Alliance missionaries martyred at Ban Me Thuot, Vietnam, in 1968. She says, "God has called me to Mali, and I am glad He has." Church Girls Invited To Hear Fellowship Speaker WOODSTOCK THEATRE M A I N S I R K K I - J u s t O f f T h e S q u a r e A d u l t s > 2 ; 1 1 & U n d e r M . 5 0 ; M a t i n e e s ' 1 . 5 0 8 1 5 - 3 3 8 - 8 5 5 5 S t a r l i n g F r i d a y : WE ARE OPEN FOR DINNEI (Dinners Served Fri., Sat. & S«n. Only) The Year of Living Dangerously <po • • • * EBERT & SISKEL Starring Mel Gibson & Sigourney Weaver FRIDAY: 7:00. 9:10; SAT. & SUN: 1:00, 3:00. 7:00. 9:10 MON . TUES . THURS: 7:00. 9:00. WEDS: 2:00. 7:00. 9:00 I • • • * EBERT Starring Dudley Moore FRI., MON.. TUES.. THURS 7 00. 9:00 SAT A SUN 1 00. 3:00. 7:00. 9:00: LCA/ESICK WEDS: 2:00, 7:00. 9:00 I [PGjO *" JUuttQCOMwor mvui * * > ST. PATRICK'S * DAY SPECIAL: .4 BUY ONE TICKET WITH THIS COUPON AND I ̂RECEIVE SECOND TICKET FREE. OFFER GOOD^ MARCH 14 thru 17, 1983. (Mon. thru Thurs.) £ SI. PATRICK'S DAY |CIIEB*AII MARCH 17th SPECIAL MENU Friday PERCH, Fish UKE PERCH, SNHT OR! SOUP ft SALAD BAR ALL YOU CAN EAT I Sunday Brunch FROM 10 AM TO 2 PM ALL YOU CAN EAT I F«<l»iR« Mgiw Waffles, CrijKs, Omilth and Fresh Frail. Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE (CIRCUIT ' COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY - IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of RUTH M.S. KAMLAGE, Deceased No. 83-P-46 ft M M B C u r t u f f ^ CUM SHI •••! CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB oriftO N CHAPEL HILL RD McHENRY 395-0333 1 GALLON (128 OZ.) PEPSI CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of RUTH M. S. KAMLAGE, of Huntley, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on February 17, 1983, to ROBERT S. PARKER. 11 Brent Drive, Hudson, Massachusetts, 01749 whose attorney is B R I T T A I N , K E T - C H A M , S T R A S S , TERLIZZI, FLANAGAN. WEIR & JOHNSON, PC., P.O. Box 556, Elgin, Illinois, 60120. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N o r t h S e m i n a r y Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerfc of the Circuit Court) Janice M. Arnold (Deputy) (Pub. Feb. 25, Mar. 4 & Mar. 11,1983) No. 830085 Tuesday evening, March 15, the ladies of the Wonder Lake Bible church are extending a special in- viation to the junior high and high school age girls to join them for their ladies fellowship, at 7:30 p.m. The speaker for the evening will be Laurie Hevndericks, whose talk will be on, "How to be an A-plus Wife". Special feature for the evening will be Vicki Bender, "Awake the Sleeping Beauty In You". Vicki will show the women and girls how to determine the shape of their face and how to contour with makeup. All women in the area are welcome to attend the ladies fellowship. On Saturday, March 19, the Sparks (AWANA K-2), their parents, and anyone who would like to cheer them along, will be attending the Spark-A- Rama at Round Lake high school. Also, on the same dav and at the same place, will be the AWANA Olympics for grades 3-8. The Sparks will compete at 10 a.m. and the Olympics begin at 6 p.m. Spark-A-Rama and Olympics are the time when all the churches sponsoring AWANA groups get together for some exciting com­ petition among themselves playing the various circle games, team relays, and individual events that they have at their weekly meetings. There is also a "Tribe Time" in AWANA, when the children stop playing games and come aside for a time of devotions, learning Bible verses, and learning about nature. AWANA ac­ tivities are open for all youngsters from kindergarten through eighth grade. Also, on Saturday, the nineteenth, the Couples' Bible Study group will meet at the home of Randy and Shirley Anderson at 7:30 p.m. On Sunday, March 20, the Joyce Landorf film series, "His Stubborn Love", will begin during the 6 p.m. Bible fellowship hours Pastor Merle D. Conklin's message for Morning worship service at 10:50 a.m. will be "Have We No Rights?", based on I Corinthians 9:1-14. At the 6 p.m. Bible fellowship hour, Pastor Conklin will conduct a discussion on things which shortly may come to pass as he concludes his series of prophetic messages. Open Dental Clinic With Valley Hi Senior Citizens PRESENT THIS COUPON AT "KRISTOFS CIRKUS" WHEN YOU 5 ORDER ANY LARGE PIZZA TO 60 AND WE WILL FILL YOUR CONTAINER WITH ONE GALLON OF PEPSI ABSOLUTELY FREEI I • ONE GALLON PER PIZZA • APPROX. VALUE $2.29 • OFFER EXPIRES 4/1 /83 I 3702JSL erH^^tS-7* 55 M c H E N R Y 1 - 2 RICHARD GERE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE I AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN. FRI THRU THURS 6:30-9:00 $1 50 A L L S E A T S 385-0144 S I 0 0 S A T & S U N T i l 5 P M $ 1 . 0 0 T U E S D A Y A L L S H O W S STARTS FRIDAY SECRET OF N.I.M.H., SAT & SUN MATINEE 2:30-4:15 DUDLEY MOORE §<N COMEDY LOVE SICK STARTS FRIDAY P€ FRI-MON THRU THURS 6:45-8:45 SAT 4 SUN 2-4:15-6:45-8:45 SHOWPLACE1-2-3-4 ™ECS™YIC $l KTfc 14 & J | A l l S H O W S matinus f K Y S T A I I A K F 4 5 S I D O f , '1.00 D A I L Y I I I S P M s:i DO A(>U1 IS S? 00 YOUNG AUUl IS 12 16 Si 50 CHILDREN I ! & UNDER SAT & SUN 2:30-7 [ FRI HON THRU THURS 7 GANDHI 11 Academy Award Nominations HELD OVER THIS IS A HELL Qt A1MY TO MAKE A LIVING PS FRI & SAT 24:156 308 4S10 45 SUN THRU THUBS 2 4 15 6 308 45 MY TUTOR « ftl ft SAT 2:30-4:30-6:30-8:30-10:30 SUN THRU THURS 2:304304:30430 CHARLES BRONSON IN 10 TO MIDNIGHT FRI ft SAT 2-4-6:45-8:45-10:45 SUN THRU THURS 2-44:454:45 NOTICE You'll find additional savings at Hornsby... These rebates refer to Coleman' Items You'll Find In Our March 11-15 Circular... Coleman® Gal. Jug 1 Our Reg. 9.67 Your Net Cost. . SALE..8.47 Rebate - 1.00 7.47 Rebate -- 3.00 Coleman® 12 Gal. Cooler Our Reg. SALE...21.97 24.96 Your Net Cost Coleman® Lantern SALE...29.97 Our Reg. Rebate - 4.00 18.97 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on March 8, 1983, a cer­ tificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, set­ ting forth me names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as GARY'S LAWN EQUIPMENT REPAIR, located at .2017 W. Sunnyside Beach Drive, McHenry, IL., 60050 which cer­ tificate sets forth the owners as follows: Gary Adams Dated March 8, 1983 Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Mar. 11,18 & Mar. 25,1983) No. 830102 The first session of the dental clinic, which is a cooperative venture of the McHenry County Department of Health and the McHenry County Dental society, was held by Dr. Leslie Krieger of McHenry Friday, Feb. 25, at the newly established dental offices at Valley Hi in Hartland. On the basis of Dr. Krieger's examination of 25 patients, it was determined that 90 percent of the senior citizens are in need of some type of dental work. The most prevalent need is denture adjustment, followed by the removal of roots and snags of decayed and broken teeth found imbedded in the gums. If the persons examined are a true sample of the senior citizen population in the county, a spokesman for the project said there is very little in­ cidence of lesions or sores that in­ dicate oral concern. Volunteers from the McHenry County Dental society will continue to hold these clinics at least twice a month, servicing all 100 residents at Valley Hi. It is hoped that this program can be expanded in the future to serve other senior citizens and dentally indigent persons McHenry county. in Lyric General Manager In Creative Living Series On Thursday, March 17, Ardis; Krainik, general manager of Lyric Opera of Chicago, will appear at the Woodstock Opera House. This will be the fifth program in the nineteenth annual Creative Living series spon­ sored by the Woodstock Fine Arts association. Miss Krainik's talk, "Backstage at Lyric", will begin at 10 a.m., following a coffee hour which begins at 9 a.m. Miss Krainik has not appeared in this area before and looks forward to meeting the supporters of Lyric Opera, one of the three great opera companies in the United States. Miss Krainik has been called "Wonder Woman of Opera" for her dramatic reversal of the fragile finances of Lyric Opera. She has impressed business tycoons as well as opera buffs, and has entered the Valhalla of international opera company managers. She is expected to reveal some of the secrets of her success in the difficult world of management of the costliest of the arts. She will also discuss the future quality offerings that Lyric Opera proposes. For a rewarding morning's en­ tertainment, the Woodstock Fine Arts association urges attendance. "It is quite a coup to get this very busy lady to come out here", says Darlene Fiske, former president of the Woodstock Fine Arts association, "and we know there are many opera lovers in this area who will love meeting Miss Krainik". Tickets will be available at the door on the mor­ ning of the program. WALT DISNEY PRESENTS TRENCH COAT» FRI ft SAT 2:15-4-7-9-10:30 SUN IWUTHUtS 2:154-7 9 '25.97 So*""* /ojo •NAIL SCULPTURE •MANICURESj»FACI AL WAXING OY APPOINTMENT 3442 W" ̂ McHENRY im i nt44^MA NEXT TO POST OFF,CE l (015)344-43«J MCHENRY JEWELER'S BUILDINGJ McHENRY AREA I RESIDENTS: NOW YOU TOO CAN REACH WONDER LAKE SANITARY SERVICE at 344-5235 The new tax laws. This year's No. 1 reason to go to H&R Block. This year you're faced with over 100 changes in the tax laws and forms. Did you know that working married couples may deduct up to $1,500 for the first time? There's even a new entry for charitable deductions on the 1040A short form. And that's just the beginning! We know every change on every form. H&R BLOCK* "ip The new tax laws This year's number one reason to go to H*R Block. McHenry 5101 W. Elm (Rout* 120) OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-8; Saturday 9-5 PHONE 385-8630 OPEN TONIGHT-APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations

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