PAGE 4 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH It. 1W3 EARL WALSH" * • So I Hear It has been a lot of fun and now the Bill Thomas mystery is coming to an end. Ablie Adams. Township Supervisor, phoned and guessed the mystery Bill. Bill lives in Sunnyside, works for the Vern Thelen Sand and Gravel firm, and is dubbed by his friends as 'Superintendent of Weights and Measures". " ' I haven't talked with Bill, but had a real pleasant phone call from his wife. Now. if I could just get his picture. Memories. Was just thinking of a time some years ago when a woman told me an amusing stray about her husband. It seems that when the tax assessor came to inspect their commercial building, the husband praised the building and operation to the skies. When the fire inspector came to look things over, the husband told how bad business was and said, "I wish the d-- place would burn down". Think Til read it again. John Looze mailed a Bill Stokes column on squirrels. I had missed it. To a bird and squirrel feeder, it has special appeal. The McHenry Plaindealer 112 W*st Elm (USPS MS-CM) Established 1I7S McH«nr| Ulino<i i PHon« 81S-3S5-0170 PubitiM htfy W«dwdoy i Friday o« tAcHury Illinois Second Cltti Pott«9« PA 10 a* McHtnry Illinois by McHfNffY PUSilSHINC COMPANY POSTMASTER Wnd mddr-- chowf t to McHonry WtmmdmmIm M12 W Elm St McHonry Illinois 40050 Svbtcnb«r« of roqvottod to provide immodioto notico o4 chonfo of od- drofts to Tho McHonry Plaindoolor Ml2 W Elm St McHonry 111. »0S0 A dodu<tion o4 on# month from ttio •*pirot»of» of • subscription will bo modo wKoft o chong* of oddross is providod Hironfh tho Post Office deport moot Thomas C. Mill»r-Publisher AdtU Fro*hlich-Editor Stoarb Manning ̂ ttocpaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Year $16 50 1 Year $24.00 InMcHaflry Out»*» MchMry County Covin, Firearms Many of the 1,200 persons who die ac- c i d e n t a l l y f r o m firearms each year do so while they are cleaning or playing with guns, reports the National Safety Council. " Many people have seen robins. We have just seen our first one of the season. --And only ooe. That will never do. My so-called den is so full of old items, newspaper clippings, pictures and what not I decided to clean house. Darned if I can part with most of those treasures. Among the keepsakes are remembrances when the Plaindealer group gave a party to mark my retirement as Sports Editor after some 40-odd years. One was titled: OFFICIAL GIRL WATCHER "Welcome to club '65'. (Might insert that 75 was more like it). Now it is legal for you to look, leer, watch and whistle at females anywhere in the world." I still look! But, my whistle is a little weak. Came the dawn! It was my plan to write a St. Patrick's column for the next issue. Just realized everything but headaches will be over by Friday. There are several legends of the Blarney Stone. One has a bashful Irish lad mooning because he was in love with a fair maiden, but couldn't say so with any degree of confidence. Another legend tells of a lord who lived in the Castle of Blarney. He longed to win the heart of a Colleen, but spoke so poorly that he feared for any success. An old servant woman, known for her unusual powers, led him to a huge rock and told him to kiss it. That did it! From that day on, he never lacked for words. For several years a rock was rested on my desk. If memory does not fail me, a dear niece, Kathy Blake Orttel, brought it to me from one of her trips. Here is the wording: "The Irish have got to be the most passionate people in the world -- who else would stand in line to kiss a rock--". One old card from the year 1911 is one of several sent to me from a Lyle Turner (former resident) collection. "Good luck to dear Old Ireland And her sons far away from home They're allright wherever they are Because they've kissed the Blarney Stone." This one, found in an old file, came from Warren G. Hintz: An Irishman and one not of his faith argued hotly every day about eternal life. The other fellow fell mortally ill and was buried at sea, coal being used to weight the body according to age long custom. "Egorra, I knew where he was bound for all the time", was Pat's comment, "but I never knew the ^ . W&Blme&iSvfo. CA 3* £ 5 Days Only March 17-21, Thursday thru Monday Bend, stretch, kneel in the most comfortable pants around. They're specially priced at Spiess for sizes 6-20 petite and average. You'll bendover backwards for these spring colors: Sea Green, White, Khaki, Azalea, Iris, Heather Sand, Heather Blue, Heather Grey, Marine Blue, Turquoise, Navy, Brown, Black. Moderate Sportswear, Elgin on 3, Crystal Lake and St. Charles. C*Ox; A e»J «VQ 'U-'S: n LEVIS BENDOVERS SALE 18.99 Reg. $27 CHARGE IT! We welcome your Spiess Charge. Visa & MasterCard. RECIPE & By Sank Aaac Sherdaa Fratt-CockuB Cake IV* c sifted regular all- purpose flour 2 t double-acting baking powder '/« t salt 3 T butter or margarine '/) c packed brown sugar 1 16 oz. can fruit cock tail l/» c shortening, softened '/i c granulated sugar I egg 1 t vanilla extract whipped cream Heat Oven to 350 degrees. Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Melt butter in an 8 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch cake pan over low heat: remove from heat and sprinkle with brown sugar Drain fruit, reserving '/J cup syrup. Arrange fruit on sugar mixture. In bowl mix (with electric mixer) at medium speed, shortening with sugar, then with egg and vanilla, until light and fluffy--about 4 minutes. At low speed, beat flour mixture in thirds, al ternating with syrup. Spread batter carefully over fruit. Bake cake 1 hour or until cake tester inserted comes out clean. Remove from oven; cool on rack 10 minutes. Loosen cake from pan and invert serving plate onto pan. turn over and re move pan. Serve cake warm with whipped cream. * Makes 6 to 8 servings. Pregnant, NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT OFFICE OPEN 9- 11 AM AND FROM 7 • 9f M MON. THRU FRI. 24 HOURS ANSWERING SERVICE 815-385-2999 heathen would have to tote his own fuel." Of course you know the Irish are known as a peaceful race. Oh. occasionly a little fight! War en's list also tells this one: "Why don't you settle the case out of court," said an Irish judge to the litigants before him. "Sure, that's what we were doin', my lord, when the police came and interferred." From the President of St. Joseph's Society came this one. His name furnished on request. Can tell you he is a real "kraut" who has just returned from a long retreat in Florida. His initials are A.J.R. ON YOUR ? BIRTHDAY To wish you the top O' the mornin' And the joy of a glad Irish smile, Plus luck for every green shamrock; That grows on the Emerald Isle! May St. Patrick's wisdom be your guide... The Lord Himself be at your side... The hand of fate be kind to you... The angels keep their watch o'er you... I'll wind this up with an old one that never gets old. May you be in heaven half an hour before the "divil" knows you're dead. The blessings of St. Patrick be you. WONDER LAKE Anne Sowers 650-9549 'Italianfest' At Christ The King The Parish Council of Christ The King church will be hosting a St. Joseph's Day feast March 20, entitled "Italianfest", since many fine pastas .will be served. This will be a home- cooked dinner with the cooking du- tfes being performed by many of the parishioners. You will be able to choose from several different types of pasta, salads, and desserts from the sweets table. Serving will begin at 1 p.m. in the church hall, but anyone wishing to, may Lake part in a procession after the noon Mass with council members carrying wheat, bread, and the statue of St. Joseph. The procession will begin in the church and proceed to the basement where all the food will then be blessed. Advance tickets may be purchased by contacting Sandy Raske at 728- 0927 or Val Wirth at 653-7931. Tickets purchased at the door will be fifty cents a ticket higher. BASEBALL REGISTRATION One Saturday registration has already been completed and two more remain. If any young man between the ages of eight-sixteen is planning to play ball on one of the Wonder Lake Boys' Baseball teams, it is imparative that he sign up March 19 or Mar. 26. Registration is held at Christ The King church from 9 to 1 p.m. If you are unable to make these Saturday registrations, make arrangements with Chuck Sowers at 653-9549 before the last registration day. PACK 456 MEETING All the members of Pack 456 will be honored in a special way at their next pack meeting, Wednesday, Mar. 16, beginning at 7, p.m. Since the pack has met all the requirements of proper training of leaders and committee members, and the scouts have par ticipated in many extra activities, they have won the Honor Unit award and will be receiving a plaque presented by Dick Miller, a district executive for the Black Hawk Area council. The scouts will be enjoying an af ternoon of bowling Tuesday, Mar. 22, for their monthly outing. The boys will meet at the homes of their leaders after school that day and then will proceed to the bowling alley. All boys will return home at 5 p.m. CANCER DRIVE This year, Miss Patti Hartmann has been choosen to be coordinator of the Wonder Lake area for the Cancer Crusade. She will be seeking helpers from all subdivision so that with much help all areas of the Lake will be covered with a minimum of work for any one person. She will be having a meeting Mar. 29 for those interested in helping. If you would like to help, give her a call at 653-9641. All the collecting will be done on one day, Sunday, Apr. 17. FILM ON TEEN YEARS The Marian Central Parents' association will be having its next meeting Wednesday, Mar. 16, at 8 p.m. After a short meeting, there will be the showing of a film "Adolescence, Peer Pressure, and Sexuality". After the film, Father Joffe, Pastor of St. Mary's in Woodstock will discuss "The Workings of the Teenage Mind". This should be an interesting program for all parents of teenagers. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETING The March meeting of the Woman's club of Wonder Lake will be held Thursday, Mar. 24, instead of Mar. 17, as it was originally planned. Since that date is St. Patrick's day, many of the ladies opted to be taken out for corned beef and cabbage instead of attending a meeting! An interesting demonstration on "Glass Blowing" will be the program for the evening. Members will be hearing the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee which will be voted on at the April meeting. Nominations from the flow will also be accepted. The meeting will begin at 8 p.m. in the Nativity Lutheran church hall. Any woman from the area who is interested in Woman's club should feel free to step in. I SPECIAL DAYS Jill McCafferty blew out two can dles on her birthday cake when she celebrated with her mom, dad, and brother, David on Mar. 15. She and her brother, who will turn four on April 11, will be having a combined celebration with relatives and friends at the midway point of their bir thdays. Danny Hayes will be celebrating his eleventh birthday on Mar., 16 by at tending a pack meeting with the other Webelos in Ins group. Denise Graff celebrates her special day, also, on Mar. 16. Happy St. Patrick's day on Mar. 17, and also happy birthday to Dora Gill. Happy birthday to another Webelos member, Bob Sanders, who will be hearing the birthday song Mar. 20. COMMUNITY EVENTS Mar. 16 - Pack 456 meeting, 7 p.m., Greenwood school. Mar. 16 - Marian Parents' Assn. film, 8 p.m. Mar. 17 - Happy St. Patrick's day. Mar. 18 - Co. l Firemen's Aux. card party, 7:30 p.m. Mar. 18 - Greenwood School Science Fair, 6:30«8 p.m. Mar. 19 - Baseball registration, 9 a.m. to l p.m., Christ The King church. Mar. 20 - St. Joseph's Day Feast (Italianfest), Christ The King, 1 p.m. "Little minds are wounded by the smallest thihgs." La Rochefoucauld ST. PATRICK S DAY SPECIAL SAVE 25 o n o u r ONCE-A-YEAR ALL-SERVICE SAVINGS HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY! 45% s**5" ** Uss&ggsss™ COUPON^i * °W 17 ittoW*) 4 DAYS ONLY MARCH 17, 18, 19. 21 MR. DON'S J U S T E A S T O F A C E H A R D W A R E PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING DRIVE-IN WINDOW 207 N. Third St McHcmy 385-10! 1