PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1983 Wallcoverings play leading role in home decorating Wallcoverings are playing a more important role in dec orating today than they have for many years, according to a National Home Fashions League symposium entitled "Wallcovering: A Rising Star in Home Fashions," held re cently in New York City. A major factor in the in creased use of wallcoverings today is the growing number of collections which offer wall coverings that coordinate with other home products, stated panelist john Fitzgerald, vice president of marketing. Impe rial Wallcoverings. "Hie coor dinates range from sheets, comforters, dust ruffles,„pil- TOTAL HARDWARE HatfPnce WJZ Acrylic L3tc* Flat Enamel Gal. •Warranted One l_ate* Slain Reste ant • Soap & Water Clean UP •White & Co'ors r 2 7 , .,s.Q.6001.em9. 60271 Our Best Decorator £ave *4.00 Reg $17.99 'pm Walls & WoodworK k n Bath Nursery Kitchen. Bauv (549-6013. 6021) 99 Gal. Savel600 Better QuaSty SS&oss $12 Inarrve'tl^ Beg $14.99 • scrubbak'6 99 Gal. 'FaSt °utex Clean up __ 6703) ;SKST2. 544*60* House l In. Trim Brush / ,-2224) 9 In. Pad Painter J4-6175I $2" ~~~ a|4 In. x 50 Ft. MASKING TAPE 581-16231 Coast to Coast CAULK S4' Hou*a Save «4.00..0ur Best Exterior Be, $16.99 , .Warranted CKje Coat • 8 Years Durable .5i». (532-6210 • 6301) cove J3.00-- Better Quality rsvfe $14.99 1 " Mastercraf* . /aft/ Acrylic"^ House ^ Qhinoles Masonry SSE-eT TOTAL HARDWARE Coast to Coast McHenry Market Place 385-6655 Sol* Good Now Thru March 27th --|-- low shams, draperies and rugs to bath and kitchen accesso ries, dinnerware and tabletop items. This new merchandising concept provides the customer with an easy one-stop shop ping service, in contrast to having to trek from one de partment or specialty store to another to assemble all these items, Mr. Fitzgerald added. Foolproof decorating These wallcovering collec tions, with their family of coordinates, totally eliminate the fear of making a costly mistake, stated designer Lyn Peterson. Not only do they make decorating fun and fool proof, but they enable the con sumer to get a professional decorator look at a fraction of the cost of hiring a profession al decorator, Ms. Peterson continued. Wallcovering for every decor The great variety of wall coverings available today means that there is something for every taste and pockets book, stated Lionel Libson, director of advertising/sales promotion, GTR Wallcover ings. Traditional. Americana, the country look, and oriental in soft, muted colors are high in popularity. Also strong are contemporary patterns in crisp pastels and the primaries. For the most part, today's designs are small in scale, although large-scale patterns are also plentiful for those who wish to make a bold state ment. And for the decorator who simpty wants a soft, warm background, there is a wide range of subtle textures in every shade imaginable, added Mr. Libson. Selection made easy The transformation of the wallcovering sample book has been another contributing fac tor to the increased use of wallcoverings, according to Mr. Libson. In this new sam ple book format, a number of coordinated wallcoverings and fabrics afe presented by color family, enabling the home decorator to mix and match with confidence, and also make harmonious transitions from room to room. The new sample books also feature attractive photos of room settings, which take much of the guesswork out of visualizing the finished room, Mr. Libson stated. Retailers are now helping the consumer in selecting the right wallcovering by arrang ing the sample books by de sign category for viewing in "well-lighted areas, stated Neil Janovic, vice president, Janovic Plaza, a chain of dec orating stores in New York City. -n COUNTRY CHARM--A miniature floral pattern in wallcovering and coordinated fabric brings warmth and richness to this New England living room. The pattern, called "Wayside Vine," is from the Erica Wilson Needlepoint Collection by Fashion, which also offers needlepoint kits which coordinate with the wallcoverings. For a copy of "The Wallcovering How-To Handbook,** write to the Wallcovering Information Bureau, 66 Morris Avenue. Springfield, N.J. 07081. ^2^ Tractors Equipment DO IT YOURSELF SPECIALS Simplicity 10% Off OH ALL TUMI-HP KITS (PLEASE SUPPLY MODEL 8 TYPE NUMBERS OF fNGINE) BRIGGS BRIGGS TECUMSEH KOHLER KOHLER Points, Cond., Plug, Hrdw. Mognatron, Plug (replace points & Condensor forever) Points, Cond., Plug Points, Cond., Plug (Sgl.) Twin Points, Cond., Plugs OMAN TWIN CCKAS:CCKB P"'95 FORD FORD FORD Points,) Early 4 cyL 9N 2N 8N Cond.,) Rotor.) la""eyl 8N M«8») 3Cyl. *5.15 14.80 6.75 9.60 12.90 7.40 14.60 11.70 9.90 10% OfF ON AU FILTERS Brlggs, Kohl.r, Onan. • Tecumseh, Ford, K8 N, Simplicity • UNIVERSAL FUEL FILTER,'/«" Reusable' $1.50 • PRICES GOOD THROUGH APRIL 9th ROSS FORD TRACTOR (815 )344 -0822