Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1983, p. 14

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} P.UiK 14 - FI.AINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1983 No cosh refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of TJianks, in Momoriam, Birthdays. Anniversaries, Situation Wanted, Wanted to Rent, Wanted to Buy, and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer Is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURSiMONP A Y-FRIDAY 8:30am to 5:00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON CLASSIFIED READER DEADLINE 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE 4:M'M6N.F6fcwie>. frAKft 4:00 WED. FjOR FRI. PAPER PH0NE:815-385-0f 70 CUBIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator: 36" stove. Both Harvest d. C WI rioi riei U F 00 "6PI M FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 yQm.)tn 1UY- un- Roth lace BUSINESS SERUKES O B E D I E N C E D O G COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde, excellent condition $125.00Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Fro^ keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acr section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. Ho CLASSIFIED ADS! 1 mt ®P^P8S^FrnBu^u^viev| t-ii\ncc K<>f)SBALL 7Jf7^c AUTOS beiee-brown oattern. vinvi with Magic Genie, doulbe n l__w | \ SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31C electrical 00; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5 HORSE POWER Clutch FORD 1977. ; i ton Super Cab Spin after 5pin. driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks Camper Special, power Cash only, all prices firm. /- L1UWK.H1 YUKUAI\ with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard, 3 years old. First m skit REAL ESTATE ACRE High and Drjl BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES NOTICE Hkm BIRTHDAY MOTORCYCLES CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. B a u m a n C a r p e t Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 4-6-4-29C HORSE BOARDING. You supply feed, we supply stall, turnout, loving care. $85.00 month. McHenry, 815- 385-1093 . 4-6-4-8C MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 4-ltfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 4-ltfc rosin? BUILDING MAINTENANCE Complete building maintenance, management services Apartments, Condominiums, Estates, Offices, S.tores. No job too big or too small 815-385-9681 815-385-5580 1 'STF2 BERGMAN COMPANY Tax Service by Professional Accountants 2210 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, II. 815-455-3263 3/4-5/13TF2 3,2-4/13 Homeowner loans $10,000 & U p STOP A FORECLOSURE Pay off Bills Remodel Your Home Credit problems our speciality Fixed Rates Starting at 13'/.% 312-894-1270 American Mortgage MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Aluminum*Steel*Vinyl Soffit»Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 REASONABLE KITCHEN CABINETS Lots of stock, discontinued and displays. All reasonably priced. Come and see and save. Open Tues., Thurs., and Saturdays. 106 S. Sayton ltd., fox Lake, Illinois 312-587-1330 McHENRY WELDINO SERVICE All Types Welding SPECIALIZING IN *Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2912 W. Rte. 120, McHenry 815-385-4929 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .50' Sq. Ft. For Grading & Blacktopping Only 'in Driveways Over 1000 Sq Ft •Parking Lots-New Drives •long Lanes-Palchmg •Resurtacing--Sealcoating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815-459-3960 Call Now & Save 4 14 29 CONCRETE WORK No job too small or large Sidewalks, driveways, steps, patios, all types of patchwork, also light brick work and tuckpointing Free Estimates 815-728-1733 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Resident ia l -Commercial- Industr ia l Big savings on Residential work . P roven by thousands o f sa t is f ied cus tomers . SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid 'New Drives •Resurfacing 'Parking Lots •Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates 312-546-5600 S Grayslake, III. WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Serving your area- 28 years experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! Seal Coating Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTYVlLLE 312 3674676 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Wood Decks Siding 2- S. Stake Construction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Wi l l design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs &1P' - fX Roof ing Free Estimates Call John Bloke 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios ....1 '.IS? ROTOTILLING! 815- 455-5536. 4-ltfc 11 HOME IM­ PROVEMENT Specialist! Complete Contracting Services, from Additions to Wall Papering. Prompt! Reliable! Reasonable! 815-385-9386. 4-ltfc YARD CARE. Spring clean-up. Mowing, Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 4-ltfc LICENSED HOR­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 4-ltfc BASEMENTS & AT­ TICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 4-ltfc GARDENS ROTOTILLED! Plant a garden! Beat the high cost of food! Reasonable! 815-338- 6044. 3-30-4-8C REMODELING Specialists. Basements, porches, room ad­ ditions, garages, con­ crete repairs, roofing, siding. Prompt service. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344-1632, 815-385- 6566,815-344-0748. 3-30-4- 15c ROTOTILLING for gardens. Call Steve, 815- 344-4298. 4-ltfc HANDYMAN. WILL Fix almost anything. Free estimates, pain­ ting, plumbing, elec­ trical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815-344- 4267 . 4-ltfc PAINTING, PAT­ CHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455- 5536. 4-ltfc WATER PROBLEMS? Hard, Yellow, Smells? Softener Service, all makes. Russ, 815-385- 0542. Rentals and Sales since 1968. 4-ltfc SEWING MACHINE And Vacuum cleaner repair. Household and commercial. In-home service. We carry parts for all makes. Free pick up and delivery. New and rebuilt sewing machines and cabinets. Keener and Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728- 0672. 4-ltfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 4-ltfc PRACTICAL NURSE offers room and board and care to senior citizens who would like home atmosphere. Reasonable. 414-279- 3312. 4-8tfc CARPENTER ROOFER looking for side work. Specialty: Decks, Porches and Reroofs. For free estimates call Russell Swanson, 815-344-2358. 4-8-4-29C A-1 HEATING AND COOLING End of Season Furnace Tune-Up and 21 Point Cloan and Chock $25.95 Furnaco and Air Conditioning Installations 527 Dowell Road McHenry, II. 815-B85-38Q3,s MATNISON SEPTIC SERVICE Now Soptic Installations, and Repairs. Back hoe Work. Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call. Light Hauling, Driveway gravel, top soil .sand ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, c a l l E l e c t r i c a l Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 4-ltfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4808. 4-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 4- ltfc TYPEWRITER ' REPAIR and Main­ tenance. Expert service on all makes and models. Manual and electric. Free pick up and delivery. Free estimates. Keener And Son, Wonder Lake, 815- 728-0672. 4-ltfc R & S PAINTERS. Custom interiors. Wallpapering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 4-ltfc G A R A G E D O O R SALES, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2662 . 4-ltfc COUPLE AVAILABLE (to work separately), d o i n g h o u s e w o r k , repairing, yard work. Willing to act as com­ panion, do shopping, provide transportation, etc. 815-385-5880. 4-6-4- 8c J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 4 0 2 4 G a r y Jensen. .. 4-ltfc T O M H U B B A R D , A w a r d w i n n i n g Magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-395-6006. 4-ltfc P L U M B I N G , N e w work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 4-lifc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 4-ltfc COUNTRY COIN Show Sunday April 10th, 9 5pm, Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Free Ad­ mission. 4-6-4-8c DISCOURAGED Over H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e Costs? Let us help you develope a plan you can afford. Permanent or Temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328. 4-6-4-8C N U R S I N G H O M E Alternative. Care for senior citizens in lovely private home run by a p r a c t i c a l n u r s e . Reasonable! 414-279- 3312. 4-8tfc CONSIGNMENT Crafters for Richmond shop. 815-678-4670 or 815- 459-5791. 4-6-4-8C HOME CARE FOR Elderly or Handicapped 4 HOURS to 24 HOURS 7 MVS A WEEK Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants **** 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES 815-568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206 100 W. Washington St. Marengo, IL Licensed & Bonded Employment Agency 2/4-4/24TF2 UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4. or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to adver­ tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-, being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. III. 60046 312-356-1011 AUCTION and fill. < 15*344-3980, sL mm Located at Rockford, IL, being Vi mile south of ByPass 20 on Alpine Rd., then west 1 block, just south of Mack Truck Sales at 4501 35th St, on SATURDAY, APRIL 9 at 11:00 am. LANDSCAPING, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT I SUPPLIES TRUCKS A TRAILERS: 1975 Dotfie tandem dump w/iww 440-V8 gas enpnt, 10-12 yd. box, 11' angled plow w/Hastings hitch, good 10:00x20 tires, PS, 5x4 tran.; 1972 Ford S000 series tandem dump, Cat. 1160 diesel, 10-12 yd. box, U' angled plow, 90% rubber, PS, 5x4 tran.; 1972 Chev. CM 16' flatbed dump w/rachs, hyd. power swing plow, 5x2, 90% 10:00x20; Miller 32,000 tilt-top 18' platform trailer w/kmg tongue, excellent TRACTORS: JD 300 dtl. w/loader, 3 pt, reverter, S sp.; ID 300 dsl. turf tractor w/3 pt, floL tires, I sp.; JO 300 gas w/turf tires & 60" Woods belly mower, 3 pt, reverser, 8 sp.; Ferguson T035 w/loader & rear mounted 3500 lb. cap. fork lift, w/side shifter; Case 480 w/back hoe i loader, 1430 his., new short block. LANDSCAPE EQUIP.: 2 Mott 88" hammer-knife mowers; 3 Mott 48" hi-speed pull mowers w/18 hp. motors; Brillkm 7' seeder w/3 pt hitch; Hurd 500 lb. seeder w/PTO, 3 pt or pull; 48" Lawn Genie 3 pt flail mower, PT0, new cond.; 50" Howard PT0 rotowtor; Jacobson Turf King reel mower w/Wis. engine; 2000 lb. T pull roller; 7' 3 pt disc; 6' Gill; 8' 3 pt harrow; 100 gal. 3 pt sprayer; Roseman tiller rake; 5' hyd. pickup sweeper, mounts on loader; 10' 3 pt sickle mower; Ryan 12" 7 hp. sod cutter; Gledhill 11" hyd. power swing snow plow w/hitch; Giant vac; Viking grader; power rake w/engine; Gledhill tailgate spreader; Homelite I Honda 2" 8 3" water pumps; 190,000 BTU Salamander; 12V fuel pump; gas 8 elec. chain saws; sweepers; spreaders; mowers; drums; wheel weights; quick coupler; sauna heater; 180 gal. fuel tank; tow ban 40 pi. gas water heater, JO 300 boat houser, 3 sec. harrow. SNOWMOBILES: Arctic Cat No. 4401 Arctic Cat Lynx. NEW EQUIP. A SUPPLIES: 3 new Brinley 8-10-12" plows; 1 new Brinley 3 pt 48" disc; 1 new Brinley pud behind cult; Canadian cedar lawn furniture 8 picnic tables; cedar fencing sections; water fountains; Can. cedar wheel barrows 1 bridge; 8x12 shed; wishing wells; bird houses ft feeders; planters; urns; barb wire; lawn ornamen­ ts; milk cans; weed killers 8 much more. Everything in exc. cond. BOB THOMSON LANDSCAPING, OWNER 815 8714060 AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 CLERK: Laverne Peterson, Rockford TERMS: Cash day of sale. irs THE BIG ONE RICHARD 1, Love, The Family HAPPY 18th TO THE From The Fox Hole Gang HAPPV ANNIUtRSARV HAPPY 25th KAREN & DAVE PERSONALS BEST WISHES FROM A FORMER FRIEND 4/8 WELCOME HOME Christie Marin Kitterr Born:Jan.17th 2lb. 0 oz. Arrived home: April 6th 4 lb. % oz. 1973 KAWASAKI '750", 3 cylinder, 2 cycle, factory paint and chrome, low mileage, excellent condition, $1,000. After 6pm, 815- 385-4475. 4-6-4-8C 1977 KAWASAKI KZ 750, 10,000 miles, good runner, new exhaust, battery and chain. Best offer. 815-385-1302 after 5pm. 4-6-4-8C 1981 YAMAHA 850 Midnight Special, 6,700 miles, garage kept, many extras, must see to appreciate. Asking $2,600 or best offer. Helmet, cover and owners manual in­ cluded. Evenings, 815- 344-5092. 4-6-4-8C HONDA, 1973, ~CB 5, $450.00. 312-497-3191, McHenry call 497-3191. 4-6-4-8C WE BUV WANTED TRIUMPH TR4-TR6 or other similar make sports car. Call 815-385- 4100 and ask for Vince. 4-ltfc W A N T E D : M G B , Austin Healey 3,000 parts, complete cars considered. Cash paid. 815-385-8799. 4-6-4-15C AUTOS, All Makes and Models, Running or Not. Cash paid. 24 Hours Pickup Service. 815-728- 1171. 4-ltfc MOVING? CLEANING House? Buying antique f u r n i t u r e , c h i n a , glassware, lamps, X- mas ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 3-23-5-27C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 4-ltfc Bwfori you hit the road.. Check Pekln's Motorcycle RatesI You'll Bo Glad You Didl Come in and talk to us about Peking low rates for motorcycle insurance. Youll get the protection you need at a cost within y«nr budget! i is, 4721 W. Elm St. McHonry, II. 815-385-8700 1976 HONDA GOLD Wing, low mileage, excellent condition, $1,000 worth of extras. 815-728-0696 after 6pm. 4-6-4-8C GOOD NEWS FOR Illinois Bikers! "Big Bike" 601cc and up, Motorcycle Insurance at big savings. Call 815- 385-3000, Bill Johnson. 4-6-4-29C YAMAHA, 1980 XS850 Special, shaft drive, oil cooler, mags, sissy bar, great condition, $1,700. 815-344-1508. 4-6-4-8C 1980 HONDA CM 400T, 2,300 miles, excellent condition, $1,000 or best After 5pm, 815-344-2620. 4-8-4-15C MOTORCYCLE PARTS Swap Meet, Sunday April 10, McHenry County Fair Grounds, Woodstock. 9am to^pm. Information, call 815- 943-7756. 3-£4-8c BOATS * MOTORS CENTURY SABRE, 18 ft. Inboard Run-a-bout Ski Boat, nice interim*, new custom mooring cover, low hours, ex­ cellent condition, $8,350 or best offer; also 3,600 lb. capacity aluminum shore station, $1,300; and pier $250.00. 815-455- 1504. 4-6-4-8C NOTICE NOTICE IMPORTANT NOTICE 1983 seasor^jaSenon<nSJn*ancSwinm!i^ Pool are now On sble in City Hall. Price will be increased after April 17 $5.00 to $10.00 as follows: I SEASON PASSES PURCHASED HBOR TO APRI17 ttsftut Non-ltsiM Individual Child $15.00 Individual Adult 20.00 Family 35.00 1 SEASON PASSES PURCHASED AFTER APRIL 17 $30.00 40.00 70.00 I Individual Child ~$20.00 $40.00] Individual Adult 25.00 50.00| | Family 45.00 90.001 A resident for all pool programs in defined as anyone living within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry. This year the pool will open Saturday, May 28 and close for the season on Monday, September 5. PUBLISH DATES: April 8, April 13, April 15 SUBMITTED BY: City of McHenry CLASSIFIES SPECIAL .50' DISCOUNT On Prepaid Line Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer/Citizen Package Deadline: Monday before 3:30 PM 15 words or less for only $4.60, Reg. price $5.10-.34' each additional word •EACMtt 4I.M8 MMIS M SkMBMY CMMTY The McHenry Plalndealer 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 80050 MARINE ENGINE, Crysler 318, V-8, In­ board with Muncie straight drive, reverse gear transmission, 750 hours, flawless con­ dition, $1,950. 303-771- 0917. 4-1-4-15C AUTOS 1976 GRAND ADA, Mint condition, V-6, air, am- fm cassette stereo, tinted window, new paint and vinyl top, must sell, $2,200 or best offer, 815-385-6854. 4-6-4- 8c 1974 OLDS SALON, 2 door, air, tilt, p.s., p.b., rear defrost, more. Some rust. $995.00. 815- 344-1934. 4-6-4-8C 1975 LINCOLN Con­ tinental Coupe, white leather interior, all extras, am-fm, tape, good condition, $2,250. 815-459-5638. 4-6-4-8C 1975 DODGE CLUB Cab, 318 V-8, power steering, power brakes, a u t o m a t i c t r a n ­ smission, 49,000 original miles, (Hie owner, $1,350.. 815-385-4843. 4-8 1976 FORD WINDOW Van. Runs, needs work, $900.00.815-385-8413. 4-8 1967 CAMARO, 327, good runner, little rust, clean, $1,900. 815-648- 2795. 4m 1976 FORD MAVERICK 2 door, 6 cylinder^ automatic, air, radials, am-fm, $1,700. 815-385- 2983. 4-8 1981 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 2 door, loaded, $6,200 or best offer. 815-455-1586. 4-8-4- 22c 1975 CUTLAS COUPE, V-8 automatic, p.s., p.b., 8 track, white walls, rally wheels, $1,750. 815- 385-8571. 4-8 Amount Enclosed. NAME .Insert for Wks. ADDRESS. CITY PHONE WE BUY i CARS a n d TRUCKS i n a n y c o n d i t i o n 815-338 0270 F r e e T o w i n g >

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