Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1983, p. 17

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PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1983 cmuof SALE MOVING, ALL Kinds of household items for sale. 815-385-8755. 4-6-4- 8c FOR SALE m SALE FOR RENT GARAGE SALE, Lots of baby items and clothing infant-adult. Much miscellaneous. 2708 Old Oak Drive in Huemann Subdivision. North on Riverside to Scott, then follow signs. April 8, 9, 9-4 pm. 4-6-4-8C G A R A G E S A L E , Rototiller; Snowblower; Garden Tools; Books; Records; Furniture; much more. 1010 Oak- wood Drive. Friday, Saturday, 9:00 till 4:00pm. 4-8 GARAGE SALE, Maple table; bean bag chairs; clothing; etc. Saturday 9-3pm. 5302 Maplehill, McCullom. 4-8 G A R A G E S A L E , Saturday 9am-5pm, 6424 McCullom Lake Road, Wonder Lake. Office d e s k ; c h a i r s ; typewriter; junior bed; fish tanks; porch fur­ niture; oven; range top; camping equipment; Pella folding doors; wood cabinets; sliding glass door, shutters; windows; miscellaneous building materials; bricks and household items. 4-8 G A R A G E S A L E , Wednesday through Sunday, 9-4pm, 7312 Northwood Drive, Wonder Lake. 4-6-4-8C 3 FAMILY SALE, 3806 Clover. Camper potti; Ice Box, (new); couch; table and chairs; color T.V.; ski boots and binding; swimming pool and filter; lounge chair; guitar amp; plant starter. 9-5pm Thur­ sday, 9-4pm Friday, 9:00 to ? Saturday. 4-6- 4-8c 6 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Friday l-6pm, Saturday 9-5pm, Half price clothes; Gold dishwasher and stove. (Follow signs from East Wonder Lake Road and Widoff). 815-653-9445. 4- 6-4-8C GARAGE MOVING SALE, Mechanic Tools; Compressor; LVFE ton Hoist; Welder; Table Saw; Snow Blower; Building Supplies; Lawn Mowers; Auto Parts; Pinto Head; Electronic Bug Killer; 12 inch T.V.; Barbie Accessories; Toys; Bikes; Clothes; Hand Made New ' Wedding Dress. 1906 Flower S t r e e t , M c H e n r y . Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9-4pm. 4-6-4- 8c FOR SALE i j i i i • • i n j BEST QUALITY, Used Railroad Ties; New Landscape Timbers; Bulk Grass and Pasture Seeds; Purina Chows and much more. Woodstock Farm and Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rte. 47,815-338-4200. 4- ltfc WASHERS, DRYERS & Refrigerators Recon­ ditioned and Guaran­ teed. 815-385-6431. 4-ltfc PING PONG Table, brand new with fold up back. Paid $100.00, sacrifice for $50.00 cash. Evenings, Larry, 815- 385-8252 . 4-6-4-8C THOMAS ORGAN, 1979 S p e c i a l E d i t i o n . Playmate 2 keyboard, 13 pedals, Color Glow, harmonizer, Orchestral presence, walking bass, solo voices, 8 rhythm controls, bench and pad, clear plastic keyboard cover, music light, 24 music books and index. $2,000,815-459-5912. 4-6- 4-8c HAY FOR SALE, $2.25 per bale, Palmira, Wisconsin. 414-495-2439 or 414-495-8365. 4-1-4-15C KENMORE 19 CU. FT. Freezer, like new, recently serviced. $300.00 firm. 815-344- 2751. 4-6-4-8C ELECTRIC STOVE! r e f r i g e r a t o r ; l a w n mower ; barbacue; twin bed, complete; full bed; bench vise; vacuum cleaner; bookcase; humidifier; kitchen items; stereo cabinet; piano and miscellaneous. 815-344- 3952,312-639-0984. 4-6-4- 8c U S E D M O B I L E HOMES For sale. M o d u l a r b u i l d i n g s , portable classrooms. Ideal for Hunting Cabins, Sunday schools, etc. Used mobile home tires, axles and frames. 815-459-9405. 4-ltfc APPLIANCES: Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers and Dryers, Electric-Gas Ranges, Water Softners. Clean and like new at reasonable prices. All r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 3421 B. Pearl. 815-385-1872. 4- ltfc The fittin'est pull-on workboot The Pecos 1155 is. by far. our best-selling boot For the heel-hugging (it ot yor life, slip 21" ZENITH CONSOLE T.V., $40.00, color needs adjusting; Magnavox 21" Black-white console T.V. with turntable and am-fm radio, $40.00; Mimeograph Machine, cabinet, supplies, $40.00. 815-344-0499. 4-8-4-15C MONTGOMERY WARD Big Tub Dryer, almost new $150.00; King size waterbed, $150.00.815-344-2892 . 4-8 BEAUTIFUL 68" All Wood, Magnavox Radio and Stereo Console, excellent condition, $150.00.815-385-2436 . 4-8 DINING ROOM SET, table, 2 self storing leaves, 6 chairs, china cabinet, blond, $150.00. 815-385-8143. 4-8 R E L I E V E S P R E ­ MENSTRUAL Symp­ toms of bloat, tension. N e w F l u i d e x w i t h Pamabrom. Proven safe and effective at Bolger's Drug. 4-8 SEWING MACHINE, Elna Super, perfect c o n d i t i o n , m u l t i p l e features, new today would be $1,200. 815-344- 0450 after 4pm. 4-6-4-8c HARD ROCK MAPLE Twin Beds, complete, $250.00.815-344-3746. 4-6- 4-8c UPRIGHT PIANO, good sound, $225.00 or best offer. 815-385-5789. 4-6-4- 8c 19" COLOR T.V.'s, $100.00 to $125.00; Black and White 12" to 19", $25.00. All recon­ ditioned. 815-385-0847 after 6pm. 4-6-4-8c Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3 00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect- 815-338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning on a pair of boots SIZES AAA-EEE 5-16 Not all sizes m all widths RedWings Gies Shoes and Shoe Repair 1307 N.Riverside Dr. 385-2801 Nice, new HALLMARK CARD & GIFT SHOP in excellent shopping center in Northern Illinois. Write for details toe Box ME" C/0 Shopper's Service PJO. Box 296, Harvard, IL 60033 C H E R R Y F I N I S H Mahogany Bedroom Set, $290.00. Call 815-385- 0017 after 6pm. 4-6-4-8c WURLITZER SPINET Piano, fruitwood finish, recently tuned, $750.00. After 10am, 815-385-0862.1 4-6-4-8C M O V I N G S A L E , Complete household goods, including lamps, couches, chairs, carpet, patio furniture and much more. Open house every day 9am to 5pm. Diamond ring, man's cluster, cost $1,200, asking $500.00. 5406 W. Lakeshore Drive, Cary, 312-639-6475. 4-6-4-8C ANTIQUE SINGLE cylinder diesel engine mounted on wagon, $1,200; small antique gas engine, doesn't run, $95.00 ; 4 cylinder diesel engine with gas starter motor, $300.00 or offer. 815-728-1280. 4-6 1977 TRANS AM, Black, T-top, 400, 4 speed; 1978 Yamaha 650. Evenings, 815-385-9681. 4-8 ANTIQUES: CAMEL Back Trunk; carved end table; ice cream parlor chairs, 4 adults, 4 c h i l d s ; S h e r a t o n U p h o l s t e r e d C h a i r ; kitchen hutch; Sheraton coffee table. 815-344- 3952,312-639-0984. 4-6-4- 8c STOVES, HARDWICK, 30", $200.00; Roper, 30", $50.00 or best offer. 815- 728-0973. 4-6-4-15c NEW RIGHT FRONT Fender for 1976 Vega, $50.00; Conn Guitar and case, $100.00. 815-344- 5539. 4-6-4-8C ANTIQUES Refinished: Oak kitchen hutch; stacking Oak Bookcase; mahogany dining set; Will separate: Oak tables, some with c h a i r s ; w a l n u t dropleaf; high chair; baby crib; hobnail bench; pantry cabinet; wash stand. 312-526- 9160. 4-6-4-8C WHITE NAUGAHYDE Recliner, excellent condition, $50.00. 815- 385-3510. 4-6-4-8C SEARS KENMORE 800 Series, Washer and Dryer. Reasonable, must see to appreciate. 815-385-5165. 4-6-4-8C 1 9 7 2 C A D I L L A C CO U P E D e V i l l e , f u l l power and clean, $900.00 firm; 3'x6' Foremost Pool Table, $35.00; 3M "209" Copier, $25.00. 815-344-0588. 4-6-4-8C 2 1 ' ' S E L F PROPELLED Rear Bagger Lawnmower, l year old, good condition, $100.00.815-385-5247 . 4-6- 4-8c IRISH BULBS For Sale, three bulbs for $.25 cents, 5304 Shore Drive, McHenry, after 2pm. 41 6-4-8c WAREHOUSE SALE 100's of Cabinets to Choose From MEDALLION CABINETS and KITCHEN KOMPACT CABINETS Slightly damaged kitchen and vanity cabinets at great savings. Large assortment of cultured marble vanity tops at astounding low prices. A wide choice of colors on all remnant counter tops at special prices. For free estimates bring in your room dimensions. Cash & Carry All Sales Final Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. TOP FORM CO.. INC. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake, 815-728-0203 2 REFRIGERATORS Fr e e z e r s , $ 2 5 . 0 0 a n d $150.00 or best offer, both in good condition; Boys and t Schwinn Bikes, 20", ">0 and $25.00. Old Oak Desk, $200.00.815-675-6274. 4-6- 4-Sc E V E N H E A T C o m - mercial Kiln, and kiln sitter with automatic timer, furniture, stilts, used approximately 50 times, $850.00 or best offer. 815-385-6810 after 5:30pm. 4-6-4-8C HAY FOR SALE, No rain, good quality for horses. Large quantities available; also straw and dairy hay. 815-385- 6099. 3-30-4-20c A-l SWIMMING POOL Buy! Limited time only! B i g , n e w , l e f t o v e r 3 1 f t . 1982 Family size pools which include deck, f e n c e , f i l t e r a n d warranty for only $ 9 6 6 . 0 0 • c o m p l e t e . Financing arranged. First come, first serve. Call 1-800-942-1798. 3-30- 4-29c HUB CAPS, Buy and Sell, thousands in stock. C o u n t r y C o l l e c t o r , Wilmot, Wisconsin. 414- 86£2914^^2-2^13c FOfi RENT READY NOW, 2 bedroom apartment, with stove and r e f r i g e r a t o r , d i s h ­ w a s h e r , c a r p e t e d throughout, 2Vfe baths. 815-385-2181. 4-ltfc 1 BEDROOM SUBLET, ready now, fully car­ peted, with stove and refrigerator. 815-385- 7830. 4-ltfc WONDER LAKE Area, 2 bedrooms, appliances, garage, large fenced in yard, rent or rent with option, $350 a month. Available May 1st. Evenings, 815-728-1573. 4-1-4-8C McHENRY 1-2 IT'S BACK! Harrison Ford in $1 50 385-0144 ALL S 1 . 0 0 S A T . & S U N . SEATS TIL 5 PM $1.00 TUESDAY ALL SHOWS FRIDAY & NON. THURS. 7-9:15 SAT. ft SUN. 2:15-4:30-7-9:15 STARTS FRIDAY JESSICA LANGE-DUSTIN HOFFMAN HELD OVER THIS IS A HELL OF A WAY TO MAKE A LIVING PC SAT. & SUN. 2-4:15-6:30,-8:45 FRI. ft HON.-THURS. 6:30-8:45 10 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS SHOWPLACE 5 455-2000 EHftl HELD OVER | DRAMA L«H Carr*t ft Matt Dillon [THE OUTSIDERS* mm. ft HON-THURS. 79. SAT, ft SUN. 2:30-4:30-7-9 SHOWPLACE 1-2-3-4 T,VEJffijL "bargain RTE. 14 & 31 ALL SHOWS MATINEES CRYSTAL LAKE 455-1005 1 .00 DAIIYTIISPM S3 00 ADULTS S2.00 YOUNG ADULTS 1216 SI 50 CHILDREN 1 1 8 UNDER HELD OVER MAX DUGAN RETURNS pc FRI. t SAT. 2:304:304:304:30-10:30 SUN.-THURS. 2:30-4:30-6:30-8:30 E.I • • • The Extra Terrestrial P® FRI. ISAI. 24:154:304:30-10:30 SUN.-THURS. 24:154:304:30 ' MAD MAX* FRI. t SAT. 24-6:454:45-10:45 SUN.-IHUtS. 2-44:45445 J oy Stick FRI. I SAT. 2:15-4-7-9-10:30 SUN.-THURS. 2:15-4-7-9 FOR RENT Business zoned brick building on Route 120 and Green Street. Ap­ proximately 1400 sq. ft. Owner may divide building into 2 small offices. Call Century 21 Care Ask for Dennis Drake 344-1033 DELUXE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Custom decorated with private pool, bar and parking. Will rent fur­ nished or unfurnished. No pets, small children or teenagers. Deposits and references required. Available April 15th or later. Call Larry, evenings 815-385-8252 i±±£j LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE ""NEVA Deluxe 1 2 bedroom apartments, fully car­ peted, 1 VJ ceramic baths, color appliances, dish­ washer, air conditioning, laundry, large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from down­ town. SMmLakiApartMits 1321 W. Main St. Lake Geneva, Wl. . 414-248-4572 4/1TF2 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, f a m i l y r o o m w i t h fireplace,, attached garage, fenced yard. New appliances. Rent $520 plus security. 815- 385-4933. 4-8-4-13 COZY LOG CABIN for two, near lake. Bedroom, living room, kitchen, bath, fireplace, $200 a month, security deposit, references. 815- 653-9071. 4-8 U N F U R N I S H E D 1 Bedroom Apartment. In town, suitable for single or couple. Preferably middle aged or older. No pets. 815-385-4217. 4- 8-4-15C WORKING FEMALE to live with 10 year old boy and father. Call 815-344- 0274. 4-8 McHENRY, MODERN 3 Bedroom Ranch, lVfe, baths, 1 car attached garage, appliances, no pets, $425 per month plus security. 497-4215. 4-8 MALE ROOMATE to share 2 bedroom apartment and ex­ penses, in McHenry. Call anytime, 815-344- 4027. 4-6-4-8C M O D E R N B R I C K Building, 2,400 ft., good location on Route 31, area of new hospital. For car sales or service, Doctors Offices, Sales Offices, etc. Call 815-385- 3490. 4-ltfc D E L U X E A P A R T - M E N T S , s e c u r i t y deposit. No pets. Call Century 21 Care Real Estate. 815-344-1036 or 815-385-0292. 4-ltfc 1 BEDROOM APART- MENT, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $265.00. Call 815-385-3490. 4-ltfc FREE RENT BONUS. Large or small offices available. Call Pat Letizia, 7432 Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake, 815-728-0404. 4-ltfc M O D E R N O N E BEDROOM Apartment, on waterfront, walk to stores, carpeting, stove, refrigerator. Adults. No pets. $275 plus security deposit. 815-385-3493 . 4- ltfc WONDER LAKE, Cozy new 3 room apartment, 1 bedroom, appliances included. No pets. $250.00.312-381-7046. 4-6- 4-8c WONDER LAKE, Small 1 possible 2 bedroom basement, required. 5pm. 815-678-4193. 8c DEATHS ADOLPH VERHOEVEN Adolph Verhoeven, formerly of Indian trail, Oakhurst subdivision, McHenry, died early Thursday morning, April 7, at Christ the King Nursing Center in West Chicago. He was 88 years old, born Dec. 9,1895, in Belgium. Mr. Verhoeven was preceded in death by his wife Anna, June 7, 1978. Surviving is his son Robert of Winfifeld, 111. Arrangements are pending at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home. HAIRDRESSERS MEET The April meeting of the Illinois Hairdressers & Cosmetologists association, Affiliate 47, will be held Monday, April 11, at 7:30 in the evening at the Palwaukee Motor lodge, 1909 S. Milwaukee avenue, in Wheeling. The evening's program will feature Charles and Mary Anne Cross showing the new shapes American hairstyles are taking. Designs from punk to evening will be shown. Also, a f a s h i o n u p d a t e o n e v e n i n g o r ­ namentation and make up will be given. Violinist To Be Guest Soloist Violinist Lisa Monigold will be guest soloist at the "First Sunday at Four" concert April 10, accompanied by Dr. Wesley Vos. The concert, at Lakeside center in Crystal Lake, begins at 4 p.m. Admission is free. Ms. Monigold is a Master's can­ didate at Western Illinois university in Macomb, where she earned her B.A. She is a violin major and studies Suzuki pedagogy. Concertmistress for both the WIU symphony and Chamber ensemble, she also plays in the Knox- Galesburg symphony. Ms. Monigold won the WIU concerto concert contest this year. Wesley Vos, a graduate of Central college in Pella, Iowa, holds M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from Washington university in St. Louis. He is on the faculty of DePaul university's Music department. Dr. Vos serves as co- editor of Diapason a monthly in­ ternational magazine for church musicians and organists. He is the coordinator of the Chamber en­ sembles of the McHenry County Youth orchestra. "Supper with the Artist" will be served after the concert in the Lakeside center dining room. Lakeside center is located at 401 Country Club road in Crystal Lake. For ticket information call 459-6010. Two Missionaries At Church Pastor Merle D. Conklin and the congregation of the Wonder Lake Bible church invite the public to join them Sunday at both the 10:50 a.m. morning worship service and the 6 p.m. Bible fellowship hour to meet and hear Jack Loshbough and his wife, Flora. The Loshboughs are missionaries to Zaire, Africa, with Evangelical Free Church of America Mission board. Jack and Flora are both members of the Wonder Lake Bible church and are the first to go forth from the church as missionaries nearly 30 years ago. Jack will be the speaker in the morning and at the evening service Jack and Flora will show slides of their work and tell of the progress they are making. All visitors are welcome to the church located at 7501 Howe road. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. and bus service is provided on both sides of the lake. Nursery care is available at all Sunday services. For further information please call 728-0422 or 728-1687. FOR RENT STORE FRONT, 1,000 sq. ft., 40' Show Win­ d o w s , d o w n t o w n M c H e n r y . H e a t a n d light included, $500 month. 815-385-6633. 3- 30-4-15c SLEEPING ROOMS, Shared Kitchen, cable T.V., linens, $42.50 week. After 3pm, Bill at 815-385-9738. 4-6-4-15C FURNISHED APART- MENT and sleeping rooms. Weekly or monthly. 815-385-8905. 4- ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 4-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 4-ltfc At H&R Block we guarantee our work. This year with over 100 changes in the tax laws and forms, you have more chances of making a mistake. And that could mean an IRS audit. If H&R Block prepares your taxes and you're audited, we go with you at no added cost. Not as your legal repre­ sentative, but to explain how your taxes were pre­ pared. If we make a mistake and you owe additional tax, you pay only the tax. We pay the penalty and interest. H&R BLOCK The new tax laws. This year's number one reason to go to H&R Block. McHenry 5101 W. Elm (Route 120) Open Weekdays «-«; Saturday ®-5. Phone 365-8630 OPEN TONIGHT--APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations O N E B E D R O O M A P A R T M E N T f o r single in commercial building. Wonder Lake, $225 month; also 2 bedroom apartment, $315 month. Available May 1st. 815-653-9739, 815-455-3589. 4-6-4-8C SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 4-ltfc KING SIZE SATURDAY SPECIALS PRIME RIB OF BEEF $ I 150 QUEEN $050 BUTT SIZE 8 STEAK $*00 FULL LUNCHEON MEMO 11AM • 4PM SANDWICHES PLAIN NASIO'S BURGER $2.45 HAMBURGER 1.85 CHEESEBURGER 2.05 ITALIAN BEEF 2.25 ITALIAN SAUSAGE 1.95 COtyBO 3.25 MEATBALL 2.25 SUBMARINE 2.25 HAM SANDWICH^ 2.25 . PASTA LASAGNA $3.25 | SPAGHETTI 2.45 RAVIOLI (Meat or cheese) 3.25 VEAL PARMIGIANA 4.25 ALL THE ABOVE INCLUDES GARLIC BREAD FRQM THE gRWER BBQ RIBS -V2 SLAB 3.95 BUTT STEAK 3.S5 PORK STEAK , 3.45 LIVER (WITH BACON OR ONION) 2.95 ABOVE ORDERS INCLUDE SOUP OF THE DAY & HOUSE FRIES INTRODUCING OUR NEW MENU FOR THE "SMALLER ADULT APPETITE" .Che Xonghom $tcak ftoug RTE. 120. 2Vt MILES EAST OF McHENRY 385-9869 ;\>v \ V ' / ^ -1 * SOUP - CUP .45 BOWL .95 FRIES .45 April Special u FREE SOFT DRINK I WITH FOOD FOR ICHIDLREN UNDER 10 THRU APRIL OPEN DAILY 11 AM -12PM SUNDAY 4PM-11PM DELIVERY (McHENRY AREA) Daily 5PM- 11PM And Sunday 4PM - 10PM PIZZA pasta - ribs. 5 A L A D 5 3311 W.ILM ST.. McHENRY Pick-UpS & !S 344-3700 Delivery

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