i' Yt.K 2 PLAINDEALER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13,1M3 l~ I <cA/(o±t[y <£ocLcl[ Head Start Pancake Breakfast COMMUNITY CALENDAR Hold Annual Spring Card Party Card McH«*nry Head Start will hold its annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday, April 24, n'. tin \merican Legion hall, 2505 N. Ringwood road, McHenry. Serving will be from * a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and tickets can be purchased in advance by calling Kevin at 385-2008 or the main office, 338-8790 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Lyle .(otyison, director of Head Start, serves pancakes to Renee Drum I, a student at Mead Start, as they prepare for the upcoming event. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD MCC Psychology Ins t ruc tor Speaker For Dinner-Seminar 1VIM ".H I .stricter at JM thepast ir» yes Hubert Popovich, psychology in- McHenry County college • years, jOTConduet^he next •Mop1 My djiiner-aSsnjinar for the Fox \'uF?'\y chapter cjt the National Association of FHtdre Women, rhursiay. April 21, at 6 p.m., at the aQl' man's restaurant. Routes 62 md l , Algonquin. popovich will present a Reader's Oi#: i version of several key concepts >n -tlx* guiding principle- becoming v.!>{;i you're capable of beeoming- tj-om his popular psychology course Heiwill discuss "Success Seekers vs. ! allure Avoiders", "The' Seeds of 11vers vs. the Seeds of Weeds", and Becoming a 9 to 9 Person". Prior to this tenure at MCG, Popovich had extensile inihing and counseling experience and was a staff consultant to the training department at Illinois Bell Telephone. His educational credits include a Bachelor's degree from Ball State university. Master's degree from the University of Chicago and additional graduate work at the University of Illinois, DePaul and Northern Illinois university. For reservations, phone Barbara Grimm at 455-5406. Reservations must be made no later than 5 p.m., Tuesday. April 19. Fourteen Attend Circle Meeting Ih< re were 12 members and two gut; - at the April meeting of the viar< ia Mary Ball Circle of the United Mythodist Women of the First United V^hodist church of McHenry. Esther was hostess and served delicious •fr.'shments. $1ary Rose chose as the second v. |trnn in the bible study on "Women ; (he Bible" Sarah, wife of Abraham, h b was very interesting. She was "My woman in the bible whose age *)• given - she lived to be 127 years |<J Mary did a tremendous amount of "•search and study, making her t.ij>gram outstanding and most en- ihie. The next woman to be studied t<»*r • yi l.»e loot's wife. each of the two shifts. It was announced that the annual Fall Bazaar and Christmas sale is set for one day only, Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and the program for the April 21 General meeting, at 7:30 p.m. at the church, will be "Hospice". The annual circle picnic has been slated for Tuesday, July 12, at the home of Helen Walters. This event will be catered and reservations can be made with Lyda Radisch. The next Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting will be Tuesday, May 3, at noon, in the church parlor, and Elizabeth Rankins will be the hostess. ^li mbers were reminded of the • W W. annual Spring Rummage sale \$ril 14 through April 16. Volunteers it.1 still needed. Volunteers are also needed Friday, • 1 ft v ;to serve at the Clothing Closet m » W jod.stock for Church Women "iffted. Four ladies are required for RESIDENCE CHANGE Lawrence and Eleanor Brusso, long time residents of McHenry until recent years, have returned to make their home. They moved to northern Wisconsin and later to Delavan, their last residence before returning to McHenry. . APRIL 13 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club- 15th annual Luncheon and Card Party-nooo-Community Center. McHenry-Fox Lake La Leche league-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- information, call Mrs. Thomas Mc Carthy. Kishwaukee Life Member club- Telephone Pioneers of America- meeting, 11:30 a.m.-Deeter's restaurant, Route 14, Woodstock- reservations by Apr. 6-call 344-4144 or 338-6637. APRIL 14 McHenry County Genealogical Society-meeting, 7:30 - p.m.- Fellowship hall, Grace Lutheran church-Washington St., Woodstock- topic, New England Research. Lakeland Park Women's Chib- meetihg, 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Parte Community House-1717 N. Sunset-all Lakeland Ladies invited. Priscilla Circle-First United Methodist church parlor-9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-babysitter provided. McHenry Woman's Club-regular meeting, noon-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters-meeting, 9:30 a.m - Congregational Universalist church- 221 Dean St., Woodstock-babysitter provided. APRIL 14-15 Rummage Sale-Zion Lutheran church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m - Friday, 9 a.fri. to 3 p.m. APRIL 14-16 United Methodist Church Women's Annual Spring Rummage Sale- Fellowship hall of the church- Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. APRIL 15 NAIM--St. Margaret Chapter- potluck & meeting, 6 p.m.-Bring dish to pass and table service-Montini School, Oak room. APRIL 16 Johnsburg Marriage Encounter Community-meet 8 p.m.-home of Dennis and Rosalie Beaumont- information, call 344-2875-all en countered couples welcome. APRIL 17 McHenry Warrior Booster Club Pancake Breakfast-McHenry High School East Campus Cafeteria-8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.-"All the Pancakes You Can Eat". APRIL 18 THE OS meet for dinner 5:30 p.m.~ Spiflt of a Mew Pelade iealauiaiil*>- 1225 Green St.-then, fun and fellowship at First United Methodist church. APRIL 19 McCullom Lake Conservation club- meeting, 8 p.m.-Spojnia Polish camp- -2500 N. Spojnia road. APRIL 20 Card Party, Bake Sale, Crafts- benefit FISH-sponsor, Lakeland Park Women's club-Lakeland Park Community House-1717 N. Sunset Ave.-tickets, at door or from club members-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. McHenry Grandmothers Club- Annual Card Party, noon-St. Patrick's Parish Hall-refreshments served-public welcome. Whispering Oaks Women's club, 1 p.m.-Community Center-Book Review by Mrs. Elizabeth Fjortoft of Erma Bombeck novel. APRIL 21 United Methodist Women-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Speaker on McHenry Co. Hospice-Evening circle hostess. Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Linda Jachino. APRIL 22 Rummage Sale-Mt. Hope United Methodist church-9 a.m. to 7 p.m - 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands. APRIL 23 Rummage & Bake Sale-9 a.m. to 2 m -) It's almost time for the Annual Spring Card Party sponsored by the McHenry Grandmother's club. President of the local charter, Blaine Day, on the left, is distributing tickets, along with vice-president Alice Hughes, for the event, to be held at St. Patrick's hall. Wednesday, April 20, at noon. The group invited everyone to join them as they claim, "No one bakes or makes Hke the grandmothers". Tickets will be available at the door. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER p.m.-Mt. Hope United Methodist f., church-Pistakee Highlands. Applications For Miss McHenry Contest At C of C APRIL 25 McHenry Senior Citizens Club- meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus- Illinois Bell Budget Analyst. McHenry Area Toastmaster's Club- -8 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Guests welcome. APRIL 26 McHenry Senior Citizens club- Field Museum, Chicago-leave Market Place 8 a.m.-lunch served- reservations with Ruth Fradell, 385- 6586. McHenry Garden Club-meeting, 1 p.m.-luncheon, noon at McHenry Country Club. APRIL 28 Beta Sigma Phi Founder's Day. MAY 1 4th Annual 2-mile & 6.2-mile Camp Hope Fun Run-sponsor, McHenry Area Jaycees, start 8 a.m. from McHenry West campus-information, call BilLTrue,-385453&-or .write Fun Rim P f) Rm* ma, MfiHcag _ Applications for the 1983 Miss McHenry pageant are now available at the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce office, 1257 N. Green street. They are to be submitted with two photographs, as soon as possible. Along with the various respon sibilities which go with this coveted title, this year's winner will be the official hostess for Fiesta Days; make radio and TV appearances; oversee many city functions; and also represent the city in the McHenry County pageant early in August. Competition is open to girls between the ages of 17 and 20, who live in the McHenry-Johnsburg school districts, with a McHenry address and never married. Only the first 15 applicants will be accepted. For further information, one may calHhe -chamber office. f c. MAY 10 Catholic Daughters-Mother's DajT| Luncheon. Rummage Sale At Lutheran Church Final preparations are being made by the Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid for its Spring Rummage sale, which will be held Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15, in the social hall of Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Elm street (Route 120 west) in McHenry. Doors will be open Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The public is invited to come and see the many bargains that will be offered for sale. Retired Teachers Schedule Meeting The Spring meeting of the McHenry County Retired Teachers association will be held Wednesday, April 27, with a luncheon beginning at 12:30 p.m. at Deeter's, Route 14, north erf Wood stock. All retired teachers should be responsible for knowing the latest information and interests concerning them. Various committees will report on pertinent information. The program for this meeting will be "Older Hosteling" with Lou and Margaret Marchi presenting different thoughts of traveling for retired teachers., Please call 385-5207 by April 19, to make a reservation to attend. SPAGHETTI SUPPER St. John's Lutheran Youth Group will put on a Spaghetti Supper Sunday, ' April 17, with continuous serving from - 4 to 7 p.m. There will be a nominal ' charge for adults, with a lesser charge - for children 6-10, and those under six will be free. The group is raising funds » in order to attend the Nationwide Synod Conference in San Antonio, * Texas during August. Everyone is invited to attend and support the " young adults in their endeavor to serve Christ. Methodist Women ~ Hold Rummage Sale The place to find real bargains of all kinds this weekend is at the First • United Methodist church of McHenry, 3717 W. Main street. The United Methodist Women are holding their annual Spring Rum mage Sale Thursday, April 14, from 8 , a.m. to8 p.m.; Friday, April 15, from 8 a.m. to6 p.m.; and Saturday, April 16, from a.m. to noon, i& .the ju Fellowship hall, lower level of the , church. There is ample parking' space and lots of ladies to help and serve. Also, . while shopping and browsing, one can enjoy a relaxing "coffee break" with delicious hot coffee and fresh doughnuts, at a very nominal cost. Donations for the rummage sale can be brought to the church, lower level, and placed in classroom 1-B. SOLO Solo, a club for singles between the ages of 22 and 50, meets at 8:30 p.m. every Thursday at Fritz's Waterfront, Raymond's Bowl, 3312 N. Chapel Hill road, Johnsburg. The April 14 meeting will feature live music and guests are welcome. For club information, call 653-9902. New Moms Group Meets April 19 ,o* .you'll love our easy-care silk look-alikes! We have lots of gorgeous synthetics in solid colors and punts for blouses and special ucasion dresses. WuM wood tabrics.Dri- ( iilk, Irmnif dr ('hint-. *6.90 Mtindurin, & Sumini to *9.99 yd I •iguiiiex-Pindot II *8.90 vd South Sea* imports ( hop (hop JltirlinKlon-Silquevia and Sillvssii Prints »5.99 yd. •4.99 to '5.99 vd MAIN STREET FABRICSZX Main .Mrerl 815 J3S-7370 Woodstock 4 DONT MISS IT! ROBOTS 7 Conference & Exposition, April 18-20, 1983, McCormick Place, Chicago. Attend the world's largest robots show ever, over 250 industrial robots in action, including new robots, "vision" systems, sensors, controls and end-of-arm tooling. Show hours: Apr. 18.10a.m.-8p.m., Apr. 19. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.. Apr. 20. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Show admission: S15.00 Plus 107 experts from 14 countries in International Symposium at Conrad Hilton Hotel describing new robot applications for manufacturing and industry. Separate fees for sessions Sponsored by Robot Institute of America and Robotics International of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. The New Moms Discussion Group will meet Tuesday, April 19, at 10 a.m. The group, which strives to help new moms deal with all of their new responsibilities, is open to all new moms and offers mothers and their babies a time and place to come together and share the negative and positive experiences of parenting that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. One need not be a first-time mother to attend. For more information about the group and the location of the meeting, contact the leader, Mrs. Carl (Deb bie) Wright of Crystal Lake. The New Moms Discussion group is a program offered by the Childbirth and Parenting Association of McHenry County. C.&P.A. offers its members support and information to help with their important roles as parents. One need not be a member of C.&P.A. to attend the New Moms group. Other services offered by C.&P.A. include a bimonthly newsletter,. discussion groups 'for moms of tots, children's holiday parties, playgroups for pre-schoolers, and meetings which Slate Card Party To Benefit FISH Everyone who enjoys playing cards or bunco is invited to attend the Lakeland Park Women's club Card Party for the benefit of FISH, Wed nesday, April 20, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset avenue. Those who don't play cards are feature authorities speaking subjects of interest to parents. on For more information about the Childbirth and parenting Association, call Mrs. David A. (Mary Jo) Lemke of Woodstock or Mrs. Mitchell A. (Pat) Piech of Hebron. welcome to come and visit with friends and neighbors and have a very pleasant afternoon. Men, as well as ladies, are invited. There will be many prizes and table favors; and coffee and cake will be served. Tickets can be purchased at the door the day of the card party - or from club members. Contact the ticket chairman, Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyda) Radisch of McHenry for more in formation and tickets. Visit Our Boutique bs#s made whila you wait! (Single vision plastic only) Ovor 1,000 First Quality Metal or Plastic 5?0 Frames ** Kid's <• • Frames * Matal or Plastic Visit Our Boutique Desi gner Section IcmzE™ FREE FRA Ml m WITH PURCHASE! E OF LENSES Savings The grocery shopper sho regularly uses coupons for discounts, refunds and other offers can save as much as'10 to 15 percent on groceries and household products.. SAVE ON MINIMUM DRY CLEANING ORDER OF $5.00 WITH THIS COUPON One Coupon Per Incoming Order Coupon Expires 4/30/83 AdOG Utetf HOURS: ( \