Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1983, p. 12

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PAISK 12 - I'LAINDEALER - WFDNESD A Y ,APRIL20,1983 Legal Notice I STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT "McHENRY COUNTY -- IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of GERALD W. LANGAN, Deceased No. 83-P-97 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION -- WILL AND CLAIMS Notice is given of the death of GERALD W. LANGAN, Letters of office were issued on March 28, 1983, to MARY FINAN, 300 Duane Street, Unit 2, -Glen Ellyn. IL.. 60137 whose attorney is Donald E. Wilkinson, 330 Naperville Road, ^^Wieaton, IL., 60187. "Notice is given to yNKNOWN HEIRS, heirs or legatees who ace named in a petition, Wed in the above proceeding to probate a -Will and whose names or addresses are not stated in the petition that an or-der was entered by jae court on March 28. " hB3 admitting the will g» probate. Within 42 HOW 10 SUBSCRIBE TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER days after the effective date of the original order of admission you mav file a petition with the court to require ftroof of the will by tes-imony of the witnesses to the will in open court or other evidence, as provided in Section 6-21 of the Probate Act (II. 6-21). You also have the right under Section 8-1 of the Probate Act (II. Rev. Stat., ch. llOMs, sec 8-1) to contest the validity of the will by • filing a petition with the court within 6 months after admission of the will to probate. Claims aeainst the estate may De filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court at MCHENRY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 2200 N, Seminary Ave . , Woodstock. IL., 60098, or with tne represen­ tative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it had been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the Circuit Court) MarjorieE. Emerson., (Deputy) (Pub. Apr. 6,13 & , I Apr. 20,1983) I No. 830146 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on April 14th, 1983, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transactingthe business known as SENCO TOOL & DIE. located at 4450 W. Bull Valley Road, McHenry, Illinois 60050 which certificate sets forth the owners as follows: Donald A. Sena, Monica J. Sena. Dated April 14 th, 1983. Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Apr. 20,274 May 4,1983) No. 830176 Legal Notice OFFICIAL NOTICE All interested persons and organizations are hereby notified that a summary of the 1983- 1984 Fiscal Year Ap­ propriation Ordinances of the Township of Nunda, including the intended uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds is available for public inspection. The Appropriation Ordinance summary and documentation necessary to support the summary are available at the Nunda Township Office from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. from Monday through Friday as of April 20th, 1983. They are also on file at the Prairie Grove, the City of McHenry, tne Village of Holiday Hills, tne Village of Bull Valley, the Village of Island Lake, the Village of Lakemoor, ana the Village of Fox River Valley Gardens. Anita Sherwood, Supervisor of Nunda Township Dated April 20th, 1983 (Pub. Apr. 20, 27 & May 4,1983) No. 830173 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -vs- CARLM. DE GEORGE, SHERRY J. DE GEORGE, his wife, and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. Crystal Lake City Hall, ~ * * * P Village of OaKwood _ry Safety Buildinj ublic the 2 The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, II. 60050 NO. 83CH129 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, CARL M. DE GEORGE, SHERRY J. DE GEORGE, his wife, and UNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, IL. by the said Plaintiff against you described as follows to wit: Every book in print is as close as your phone Lot 10 in Block 4 in P i s takee Highlands Unit No. 1, a Sub­ division of part of the Southeast Quarter of Sec­ tion 5, Township 45 North, Ranges East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the P la t thereof recorded May 18, 1953 as Document No. 265398 in Book 11 of Plats, Page 79, in McHenry County, Illlinois. Commonly known as: 5318 Highland Drive, McHenry, IL., 60050. and which said mor­ tgage was made by CARL M. DE GEORGE, SHERRY J. DE GEORGE, his wife to PERCY WILSON MORTGAGE AND FINANCE COR­ PORATION as mor­ tgagee and recorded in tne Office of Recorder of Deeds , , McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 775039. And for other relief, that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the saia suit is now pending. Now therefore, unless you, the said above- named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in tne office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judic ia l Circu i t , McHenry County . Illinois, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 20th day of May, 1983, default may NICKOLASV. ) METROPOULOS, ) TERESA ) METROPOULOS, ) his wife, WEST ) RIVER TERRACE ) DRIVE ) IMPROVEMENT ) CLUB, and ) UNKNOWN ) OWNERS, ) ) Defendants. ) be entered against you at anytime after that day and a decree en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated: Apr. 13, 1983. Vernon w. Kays, Jr., (Cleric of the Circuit Court) ERNEST J. CODILIS, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 1 S. 376 Summit Avenue, Suite 2A Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181 * (312 629-8444 (Pub. Apr. 20,27& May 4,1983) No. 830172 Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ^^YCOUNTY, , PERCY Wlt-SON MORTGAGE ANE*FINANCE CORPORATION, NO. 83CH127 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, N I C K O L A S V . METROPOULOS, THERESA METROPOULOS, his wife, WEST RIVER D R I V E I M ­ PROVEMENT CLUB, a n d U N K N O W N OWNERS Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteen Judic ia l C ircu i t , McHenry County, IL. by the said Plaintiff against you described as follows to wit: RIDER That part of the Fractional Northeast Quarter of Sec­ tion 18, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Begin­ ning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 19 in Schaefer's Second Sub­ division, being a Subdivision in the Northeast Quarter of Sec­ tion 18, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal , Meridian,' ac­ cording to the P la t thereof recorded November 6, 1920 as Document No. 49352, in Book 4 of Plats, Page 22; thence in a Southeasterly direction upon and along a line drawn at right angles to the Southeasterly line of Lots 18 and 19 in said Sub- d i v i s i o n , a distance of 24 f ee t ; thence Northeasterly upon and along a l i n e d r a w n parallel with the Southeasterly line of Lots 18 and 19 in . sa jd^ Sub- , divisitoj J5or a 1 distandP feet to a point for' ) a place of ) beginnning; ) thence Nor- ) theasterly upon ) and along a line ) which forms an l ine drawn at right angles from s a i d l a s t described line for a distance of 140 f ee t ; thence Southwesterly upon and along a line drawn at right angles from s a i d l a s t described line for a distance of 60 f ee t ; thence Northwesterly in a straight line, 140.17 feet to the place of begin­ ning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as: 1511 River Terrace, McHenry, IL., 60050. and which said mor­ tgage was made by N I C K O L A S V . METROPOULOS, THERESA METROPOULOS. his wife to PERCY WILSON MORTGAGE A N D F I N A N C E CORPORATION as m o r t g a g e e a n d recorded in the Office of Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County , Illinois as Document No. 811979. And for other relief, that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as law, and suit is now STEVEN M. NOTHNAGEL, KAREN M. NOTHNAGEL, his wife, BORG-WARNER ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. •t against provided by I that the saia: angle of 5 41 minute Village TEERIFIC summer knit SALE Thurs., Fn. & Sat. April 21, 22 & 23 T-Shirt Knits for tops, dresses and children wear - our entire selection sale priced at $3.19-to $4.79/vd. • 3 YEARS • $40.00 • 2 YEARS - $28.50 O 1 YEAR-$16.50 • 6 MONTHS $8.50 • PAYMENT ENCLOSED GRIGG, BOOKSELLERS Save 20% 113 S. Benton Woodstock Stretch Terry for jogging suits, shorts, beach cover-ups >,- our entire selection sale pricedat S3.19 to S5.59/yd. Nam* . The Bookstore with the international reputation for unexcelled service: Address Sav£ 20 % Call: (815) 338-3940 MAIN STREET Vita, MasterCard and American Express charge service available. Prices good in McHenry County Plaintiff, 229 Main Street 815/338-7370 Woodstock In style ot Crystal Point moll's , Lucky 7 Anniversary Now therefore, unless you, the said above- named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make' your appearance therein, in tne office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judic ia l Circu i t , McHenry County , Illinois, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 20th day of May, 1983, default may be entered against you at anytime after that day and a decree en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complaint. Dated: Apr. 13, 1983 Vernon W. Kays, Jr. (Clerk of Circuit Court) ERNEST J. CODILIS, JR., Attorney for Plaintiff 1S. 376 Summit Avenue, Suite 2A Oakbrook Terrace , Illinois 60181 (312) 629-8444 (Pub. Apr. 20,27 & May 4,1983) No. 830170 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SENTH • CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS NO. 83CH128 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, S T E V E N M . NOTHNAGEL, KAREN M. NOTHNAGEL, his wife BORG-WARNER ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, and UNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circu i t , McHenry County; IL. by the said Plaintiff against you described as follows to wit: Lot 5 in Block 5 in Holiday Hills Unit No. 1, a Sub­ division of part of the Northwest of Sec t ion 17-a l so a part of Frac­ tional Section 18, Township 44 North, Range 9. East of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof recorded May 10, 1955 as Document 292377, in Book 12 of Plats, Page 24, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as: 2414 Hyde Park, McHenry, IL., 60098 and which said mor­ tgage was made by S T E V E N M . NOTHNAGEL, KAREN M. NOTHNAGE, his wife to PERCY WILSON MORTGAGE A N D F I N A N C E CORPORATION as m o r t g a g e e a n d recorded in the Office of Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County , Illinois as Document No. 587965. And for other relief, that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the saia suit is now pending. Now therefore, unless you, the said above- named defendants, file your answer to the Complaint in the said suit or otherwise make Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of th<; Circuit Court ) ERNEST J. CODILIS, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 1S. 376 Summit Avenue, Suite 2A Oakbrook Terrace , Illinois 60181 (312 ) 629-8444 (Pub. Apr. 20,27 & May 4,1983) No. 830171 Legal Notice Sealed bids for bakery p r o d u c t s , m i l k , gasoline, and paper to be used during the 1983- 84 school year by Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12 will be received until 2:00 P.M., May 19, 1983. Specifications and bid forms are available from Patricia Bingman, Business Manager, Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12 , Adminis trat ion Office, 2117 West C h u r c h S t r e e t , McHenry, Illinois 60050. The Board of Education of Johnsburg Com­ munity Unit School District No. 12 reserves the right to reject, accept, or waive any irregularities in any bid. James Preston, Secretary Board of Education Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12 (Pub. April 20,1983) No. 830166 Legal Notice NOTICE The City of McHenry is undertaking a fire hydrant f lush ing oDeration throughout ie City for two weeks ^ginning Tuesday, ay 3, 1983. Flushing will take place on Tuesday. W e d n e s d a y a n d )lace Thursday of tliose two yoi thei our appearance rein, in tne office of es for a distance of 66.94 feet; thence Southeasterly upon and along a FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, -vs- Judic ia l Circu i t , McHenry County , Illinois, in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 20th day of May, 1983, default may be entered against you at anytime after that day and a decree en­ tered in accordance with the prayer of said Complain!. Dated: Apr. 13. 1983. weeks. The flushing of hydrants is being done to clean the City's water distribution system. The fo l lowing schedule wi l l be followed: On May 3, 4 and 5, hydrants will be flushed on the East side of the railroad tracks to the Fox River. On May 10, 11 and 12, flushing will take place on the West side of the railroad tracks to the City limits. During periods of hydrant flushing, the water within the water mains can become discolored a red color due to the materials being removed from the water mains. While this not tw hufngW con­ sumption, tP possibility exits that the red water can stain clothes being laundered dur ing Beriods of fire hydrant ushing. Your cooperation and patience during this period is requested and will be appreciated. (Pub. April 20,22 & April 27,1983) No. 830168 MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER 301 W. Virginia Street Crystal Lake--815-455-0333 Mon.-Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. USE CASH, VISA, M.C. or OUR PURCHASING CARD SALE DATES ; APRIL 20 thru APRIL 26 --WHILE QUANTITIES LAST- Have you visited our store in Wauconda? SPRINGTIME SPRUCE-UP SALE TOWEL SETS RUGS * BLANKETS THROWS * CHAIR COVERS 50% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE BATH SETS DRAPES • SHAMS TIE BACKS* CURTAINS* 60% OFF OUR REG. PRICE ALL OTHER DOMESTICS 40% OFF BEDSPREADS *MATRESSPADS *ETC. OUR REG. PRICE INDOOR FURNITURE 50 % OFF OUR REG. PRICE MOTHER'S DAY-- _ C A N D L E R Q $ Reg. >1.48 W VP MOTHER'S DAY CARDS ja • ' ™ EACH. Crystal Point moil mm ROUTE 14 AND MAIN STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL ?!£ 50%,Of WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR INVENTORY MONDAY, MAY 2nd MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE

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