L e g a l Notice « IN THK 01 HOT'IT OOI'KT OF T1IK 19TH , JUDICIAL CIRCUIT < McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK. * ILLINOIS TVIcHENRY SAVINGS ) 'AND LOAN ) 1 ASSOCIATION, an ) Illinois Corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) -vs- ) SONJA FROULA;et Pi.. ) Defendants. ) NO. 83 CH 82 NOTICE K i iuivw. \riui iw:t The miuisilo affidavit for publication having hren filod. notice is herebv given you. NONR"EO(mID CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS. Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been com menced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County. Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgiige made by McHenry State Honk, as Trustee under the provisions of a Trust Agreement dated 1-2-79 and known as Trust No. 1690. to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Morts conveying the following described premises to wit: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 25 and that Dart of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 36, Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Com mencing at the intersection of the West line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 36, with 01 M ST; WALT DISNEVS »i«i * mw *II c*rtoo« | yii«pk«u«« cumjc ^MltKKrOCKiCPCqXqXX) |SyOM> JmJPjR l Ftu MON-THURS. fc3M:45 SAT ft SUN 24:30-6:30-8:45 MTCS ̂ _ MATT DILLON TflP Outsiders! ALSO 7 P,M* 1 AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN t RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Pt ALSO 7 P.M. TOOTSIE po the center line of Illinois Route 120; thence Southeasterly along said center line 102.75 feet to the place of beginning of this description; thence Nor theasterly at right angles to the last described line 220.0 feet; thence Southeasterly at right angles to the last described line 110.0 feet; thence South westerly at right angles to the last described line 220.0 feet to the center line of said Illinois Route 120; thence Nor thwesterly along said renter line 110.0 feet to the place of begin ning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is commonly known as 2806 West Route 120, McHenry, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County. Illinois as Document Number 760677, on February 20, 1979; that summons was duly issued out ot the court against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named Defendant file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearanee therein, in the office of «he Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial C i r c u i t , M c H e n r y C o u n t y , C o u n t y Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 16th day of May, A.D. 1983. default may be entered against Sou at any time lereafter and a judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said com plaint. DATED: Woodstock, WOODSTOCK I HI \ I \U M \ I N s | R | I | - .1 list Of t I lit' S(|iiarr \(lulls '2; I I iV I ndi r s 1.50; Milliners " 1.511 X15-33X-H555 Starling I rida\ Persons under 16 yrs. of age must be accom panied by an adult 21 years of age or older to see an "R" rated movie. (.KM: SOPHIE'S CHOICE,, li z it 5* i i » I •! Sf js 2 1 >: 3 % ? ' • X • f*' A J* X r & i*. I 5" . I I tr> jf % I V K* KIRK DOUGLAS HELD OVER THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER FH ft MON-THURS 7-9. SAT ft SIM 2:30-4:30-7-9 NEW 3-D THE TREASURE OF THE FOUR CROWNS f FH l SAI 2-4-4:304:30-10:30 SUH-IHORS 2-44:304:30 CHUCK NORMS LONE WOLF McQUADE Pi FHISA12:30-4:304:454:45-10:45 SUN-IHUKS 2344:304:454:45 PRIVATE SCHOOL R Ftl ft SAI 2:154:15-7 9-10:43 SUN-THURS 2:154:15-7-9 •MERYL STREEP ACADEMY AWARD FOR BEST ACTRESS FRIDAY: 7:30; SAT., SUN., WEDS: 1:30, 7:30 MON.. TUES-, THURS: 7:15 PRINC 1 SS: FLASH DANCE« Ftll SAI 2:154:154:304:30-10:30 SUM-IHURS 2:154:154:304:30 (PG) FRIDAY: 7:00, 9:15 SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 1:00, 3:15, 7:00, 9:15 MON., TUES., THURS: 7:00, 9:10 WEDS: 2:00, 7:00, 9:10 Illinois, April 8, 1963. Vernon w. Kays, Jr. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT (Pub. Apr. 15,22,29, 1983) No. 830160 Cappetta & Shadle Attorneys for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 (312) 726-9600 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUDITH K. > MAIJER. ) his wife; ) PLANT WORKS, > INC.jthe ) UNITED ) STATES OF ) AMERICA and ) UNKNOWN ) OWNERS, ) ) Defendants. ) No. 83CH122 PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite Af fidavit having been duly filed herein, NOTICE IS HEREIN GIVEN YOU, UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants, in the above-entitled action, that an action is now pending in the court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, Plaintiff, -vs- DR. WILLIAM J. MAUERa-k-a WILLIAM J. MAUER, JR., and JUDITH B. MAUERa-k-a • v\ \ \ \ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THESUN-TIMES LATELY, YOU HAVENT SEEN THE SUN-TIMES. ^ liii* -/ 1 l'JC. ;JJ r « m t t r *11 r ' » i ^ ; f THE BEST EVER Enriched from cover to cover with all your favorite features, columnists, plus something more... more of the kind of news you can use. jtation World MORE NEWSWORTHY With expanded coverage of world and national events. And added emphasis on all the local news that affects you most. More of what's happening around the globe--or just around the block. MORE PROVOCATIVE More insightful. More thoughtful. More invigorating. With more fascinating insights from your favorite columnists coming your way in the Views section that takes on everything from local politics to foreign affairs. Views Uvto MORE TO LIVING It's like your own magazine, 7 days a week. And now our award-winning Living section is even bigger and better than before. With features that involve you in everything from home entertainment to travel to health and fitness. You won't want to make a move without it. MORE BUSINESSLIKE With the biggest, most comprehensive business section ever. The latest in business news, plus daily OTC listings and tips on investing, personal finance, the new technology and more. In-depth coverage of the topics most important to you... and what you do. Business Sports 7 / MORE COLORFUL With more big, beautiful color photos, and plenty of color graphics, illustrations and charts. And it all comes your way every day of the week, in the Chicago Sun-Times. Sun-Times MORE NEWS YOU CAN USE MORE SPORTSMINDED We're Chicago's sports authority. With over 40 extra pages every month. More box scores and stats. More on the pros. More college and high school reporting. Catch up on all the late-breaking action, every day in the best Sports section in the midwest. £ made by DR. WILLI J. MAUER and JUDITH B. MAUER with respect to the following described real estate: Lots 20, 21. 22 and 23 in Oak Glen Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the South Half of the North llalf of Section 22, T o w n s h i p 4 5 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac cording to the P l a t t h e r e o f recorded May 23, 19 2 3, as Document No. 59090, in Book 4 of Plats, page 86, in McHenry County, Illinois.' Commonly known as 4601 West Lake Shore Drive, McHenry, Illinois, 60050. NOW, THEREFORE, ou are further notified file your appearance in the office of the Clerk of the Court above stated mi or before May 16, 1983, and if you fail so to do, or do not otherwise make your abearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint without further notice. ""IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 12th day of April, 1983 VERNON W. KAYS, JR., Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, on/. i j ...Jilinoip. (COURT SE KELL, CONERTY & POEHLMANN Attorneys for Plaintiff 121. East Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL., 60098- 0588 Telephone: (815) 338- 4511 (Pub. Apr. 15,22 ft Apr. 29,1983) No. 830163 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY BANKERS LIFE ) COMPANY, a ) corporation ) vs. ) LOLA HUPP, ) PATRICIA ) E. HUPP, now ) known as ) "Patricia E. Hansen", ) ET. AL. ) No. 83 CH 111 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, PATRICIA E. HUPP, now known as "Patricia E. Hansen", defendants, that this case has been com menced in this court against you and other defendants, asking for a J u d g m e n t f o r Foreclosure on the following described property: Lot 59 in River- dale Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the West half of the Nor theast quarter of S e c t i o n 1 9 , Township 44 North, Kange 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, North of the Highway (except the East 16% feet thereof); according to the P l a t t h e r e o f recorded July 1, 1924 as Document No. 64254 in Book 4 of Plats, Page 117, in McHenry County, Illinois Commonly known and described as: 1404 Wauconda Road, McHenry, Illinois and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or other wise file your ap- arance in this case in fice of the clerk of this court 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before May 16, 1983, A J U D G M E N T O R D E C R E E B Y DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT. (Seal of court) WITNESS, April 8,1983 Vernon W. Kays, Jr. (Clerk of the Circuit Court) By: AK (Deputy) (Plaintiff's attorney or plaintiff if he is not represented by an attorney) THOMAS G. MC CRACKEN Attorney for Plaintiff 128 James Street Geneva, Illinois 60134 (312) 232-7960 (Pub. Apr. 15,22,29, 1983) No. 830159 Legal Notice NOTICE The City of McHenry is undertaking a fire h y d r a n t f l u s h i n g operation throughout the City for two weeks beginning Tuesday, May 3, 1983. Flushing will take Slace on Tuesday. W e d n e s d a y a n d Thursday of those two weeks. The flushing of hydrants is being done to clean the City's water distribution system. T h e f o l l o w i n g schedule will be followed: On May 3, 4 and 5, hydrants will be flushed on the East side of the railroad tracks to the Fox River. On May 10, 11 and 12, flushing will take place on the West side of the railroad tracks to the City limits. During periods of hydrant flushing, the water within the water mains can become discolored a red color due to the materials being removed from the water mains. While this discoloration does not effect human con- 'exits>that'&e redfMiter can stain clothes being laundered during sriods of fire hydrant Your cooperation and patience during this period is requested and will be appreciated. (Pub. April 20,22 & April 27,1963) No. 830168 Ventures with Vegetables Add some variety to n e x t s u m m e r ' s vegetable garden. Grow a vegetable common in another country, one that you've never eaten before. You might try growing snow peas, bean sprouts, leeks or kale. Find recipes and try fixing the vegetable in ways common in another culture. Or try growing an herb garden and add some new spices to your family's favorite home cooked foods. WHAT S NEW New Opener The Trac-Drive GS 840 has a unique nylon tape-drive instead of the usual chain or worm gear drive that allows a quieter operation and less maintenance and remains flexible in cold weather. From Alliance Mfg. Co., Alliance, Ohio 44601. PRIME RETAIL LOCATION JOIN JEWEUOSCO A WAOS McHENRY SHOPPING CENTER (DTE. 120& INDUSTRIAL DRIVE) 3 CHOICE SPACES LEFTI CALL (312)420-8512 full commission paid