Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1983, p. 20

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I\U;K M - I'I-\1M)K.\LKK - WKUNKSPAV. A1M11L27. llMCt FOft SALE GARACE SALE OARAOC SALE MOVING! WHIRLPOOL Refrigerator, 19.1 cubic foot; General Electric Stove; Both excellent condition. 815-385-0221. 4-27-4-29C WALNUT THOMAS Transistor Organ (Model No. 205) in excellent condition. Full double keyboard, in­ struction manual and music included, $300.00. Call 815-385-5612 after 4:30pm. 4-27-4-29c 6 PIECE FAMILY Room Set, rustic color, heavy wood con­ struction, $450.00 or best offer; Console stereo am-fm, 8 track, $50.00. 815-653-4736. 4-27-4-29C CONCRETE LAWN Ornaments. Deer, bird baths, dwarfs, etc. Perfect Mother's Day Presents. Highway 50, 8 miles east of Lake Geneva. 414-537-4529. 4- 27-5-6C GARAGE DOOR, 16'X7\ $160.00.815-385-2662. 4- 27-4-29C MIDAS MOTORHOME, 1976, excellent con­ dition. Sleeps 6. Low mileage, many extras. $9,000,815-385-2477 . 4-27- 4-29C 250 SQ. FT. OF Used Buckingham Slate, randum sizes, $150.00 or offer. 815-344-3059. 4-27- 4-29c 4 DRAWER FILE Cabinet, $25.00; Small Electric Cash Register, $25.00; Rotating Hot Dog Machine with steamer, $150.00; Call 815-344-1790. 4-27-4-29C LAWN MOWERS, Rebuilt riding and push mowers. Weekdays only. 5105 Lear Street, Wonder Lake. 4-27-4-29c WESTINGHOUSE, White Dishwasher, new in box, plus 1 year supply of soap. Game show winner. $325.00. 815-385-8175. 4-27-4-29C ROTOTILLER AND Used Lawn Mowers for salt-815-385-6037. 4#7-4- 29c' BROWN LEATHER Sur-Coat, size 42, never worn, $135.00 value, $85.00; brown plaid, wool worsted, 3 piece Suit, size 42, worn 3 times, $200.00 value, $65.00; Coleman two Burner Lantern, used twice, two gallons fuel, $21.00. 815-385-3824 after 4:00pm. 4-27-4-29C OARAOC SALE LEVI SALESMAN SAMPLE SALE Choose from lorge selec­ tion of men's ond women's Acfiveweor and light jockets size medium. Saturday April 30 9:00 am to 5:00 pm f t 6311 Oj ibwa Woodcreek subdivision 815-344-1693 off Draper Rd. 4 27-4.39 4/27c GARAGE SALE. Much miscellaneous and baby clothes. April 28,29,30, 9 til 4pm. 4316 W. South Street, McHenry. 4-27-4- 29c GARAGE SALE, Gigantic Garage Sale, Ant iques ; junque ; fu rn i tu re ; b ikes ; c lo th ing ; too l s ; miscellaneous. Thur­ sday April 28, Friday April 29, 8am to dusk, 4822 Shady Oaks Lane, off Route 31, (Just past T.C. Industries) Crystal lake, II. No Early Birds. 4-27-4-29C MOVING SALE, 28th, 29th Only, 9 to 5pm. 3 piece living room suite; oriental rug; queen bed with headboard and chest of drawers; hand carved and painted coffee end tables and 3 lamps from Black Forrest, Germany and other furniture. Over 700 albums and 200 8 tracks of various music to choose from. Lots of other miscellaneous items. 5201 Home Avenue, McHenry. 4-27- 4-29c MOVING SALE, like new furnitture; pool table; rider mower and sweeper; snowblower; Schwinn 10 speed bikes; sewing machine; weight set; lamps; antiques; dishes; much more. Thursday th rough Sunday, 10-5pm. 12201 Baker Terrace, Justice Hill, Woodstock, II. 815- 338-8686. 4-27-4-29C YARD SALE, A Little Bit of Everything. 1706 North Sunset Drive, McHenry. April 28, 29, 30,9am-?. 4-27-4-29C GARAGE SALE, Holiday Hills. Women's Club Annual Garage Sale, 1 Day Only. Saturday, April 30th, 9:00-4:00pm. Household I t ems ; ch i ld ren ' s items; collectibles; miscellaneous. S o m e t h i n g f o r everyone. Free coffee. 1312 W. Sunset Drive. 4- 27-4-29C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale, Baby items and clothing, toys, vanity, Christmas trees, much more. 1504 W. Sunnys ide Dr ive , Sunnyside, April 30, 9- 5pm, May 1,10-3pm. 4- 27-4-29C OVERSEAS MOVING Sale. Open Saturday, Sunday, 10 to 5pm. 1972 P nto, new engine, 9 D0.00; 1973 Honda 350. r jst see to appreciate. Sacrifice $450.00; fold out couch $40.00. Everything must go. 334 R ive r s ide Dr ive , Lakemoor. (Follow signs from Rte. 120). 4- 27-4-29C GARAGE SALE, Whispering Oaks, 4806 Chesterfield Drive, Friday and Saturday, 9 to 5pm, Good miscellaneous household items; like new draperies; twin bedspreads; mirrors; linens; clothes; lawn mower; etc. 4-27-4-29c GARAGE SALE, Friday and Saturday, 2808 Parkview Drive, McCul lom Lake . Childrens clothing; kitchen table and chairs. Something for everyone. 4-27-4-29c GARAGE /SALE, Saturday April 30, 9- 4pm and Sunday May 1st, 9-2pm. Sunday bargain day. Craft section; kids clothes; small kitchen ap­ pliances and much more. Corner of Lincoln Road and Hillside Lane, Mchenry. 4-27-4-29c GIANT SALE, Houshold Furniture; appliances; antiques; clothes and mowers; cars; truck; Van ; motorcyc le ; Odyssey; tires; engines. Items to numerous to mention. Old and New! Friday, Saturday and Sunday. April 29, 30 and May 1st, 9:00am- 6:00pm. 11617 Route 120, east of Woodstock, Edge of town. 4-27-4-29c FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM APART­ MENT In McHenry. Air conditioned with stove and refrigerator, $255. Call 815-385-3490. 4-27tfc ROOMMATE WANTED to share expenses with 33 year old male, water skiers dream, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, furnished, waterfront, boat house, carport, $475 month, 815-728-1430. 4-27-4-29C FOR RENT Approximately 2,000 Sq. Ft. Professional building on Rte. 120. Doctors, Den­ tists, Accountants, etc. Owner may divide to suit. Ctntwry 21 Cars Real Estate 815-344-1033 or Dennis Drake 815-344-1717 4 2QTF HUGE GARAGE SALE, Friday and Saturday, April 29 and 30, 8:30- 4:30pm. Antiques and co l l ec t ib les f rom Grandmothers, Neigh­ bors, Cottage, Old Drug Store, including old medicine bottles; toys; dolls; dishes; records; depress ion g lass ; g ran i t eware ; ad ­ vertising; crocks; vase and books. Furniture includes: Commode, 3 d resse r s , Hoos ie r cabinet bottoms, Morris chair, Victorian beds, trunks, wicker, school desks, match set chairs, sewing machine; Wheel barrow; bagger; wood burning stove and ac­ cessor ies ; modern refrigerator $25.00; little used organ $485.00; living room couch; aquarium and much more. Over 1000 items. Browsing time needed. Rain or Shine! 3920 rfillcrest, Johnsburg, 1 block east Spring Grove Road, 3 blocks north of Johnsburg Road, Jak- Anna Subd iv i s ion , Watch for Signs. 4-27 LARGE MULTI-Family Garage Sale. Dutch Creek Woodlawns . Furniture; boys and womens c lo thes and much miscellaneous. One day only, Saturday April 30th from 9:00 to 4:00 pm. 2717 Tichfield Terrace, Johnsburg. 4- 27-4-29c LARGE GARAGE Sale, Includes mens new pan t s ; ch i ld rens clothing; dryer; much miscellaneous. Lakeland Park, 5203 Home Avenue, Thur­ sday, Friday, Saturday, 28,29,30.9-4pm. 4-27-4- 29c GARAGE SALE: Lots of miscellaneous. 2913 Ben jamin S t ree t . Fo l low s igns f rom Wonder Lake road. April 30-May 1st, 9-5pm. 4-27-4-29C FOR RENT ~ AVAILABLE JUNE 1st, 3 bedroom Ranch, clean, neat, large yard. Large country ̂ kitchen, attached garage, stove, refrigerator included, $400 monthly, 1st and last payment in ad­ vance . McHenry Shores. 815-344-3669, call after 4pm. 4-27-5-6C DELUXE APART­ MENTS, secur i ty deposit. No pets. Call Century 21 Care Real Estate. 815-344-1036 or 815-385-0292. 4-ltfc 1 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $265.00. Call 815-385-3490. 4-ltfc SUBLEASE 1 Bedroom Apartment, $275, gas heat and water in­ cluded. Swimming pool, fishing, laundry room , on grounds. Call after 7pm, 815-338-9206. 4-27- 4-29c J O H N S B U R G , 3 Bedrooms, kitchen and living room. Stove, refrigerator, heat and electric included, $425 per month. No pets, secur i ty depos i t and lease. 815-385-1268. 4- 27tfc SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty' Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 4-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am tb 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 4-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 4-ltfc -RT" COLUMN DEATHS FREE: GERMAN Shor tha i r , f emale ; 2 female black Lab and Shorthair mix puppies, 9 weeks old. 815-653-9286. 4-20-5-20C FREE TO GOOD Home, Collie-Shepherd Pup­ pies, 6 weeks old, 815- 385-5960 after 3pm. 4-27 PETS FOR SALE SPRINGER SPANIAL Puppy. A.K.C., 8 weeks, $75.00. 497-3864 Pistakee Highlands. 4-27-4-29c HORSES ~ ioiiomxsulls MSIUKP TURN OUT, f DESIRED DAILY GUM •LARGE OUTDOOR RIDNK ARENA •NEW SO'xIN'MOOR ARENA •LARGE FOALING STALL AVAILABLE •INDOOR ARENA AVAILABLE BY THE NOW _ 8417REGMERRD. _ _ HEBRON, L 115-448-4M4 4 6TF1 WANTED TO BUY MOVING? CLEANING House? Buying antique fu rn i tu re , ch ina , glassware, lamps, X-r mas ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 3-23-5-27C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal. 312-526-3116. 4-ltfc FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM Apartment for single in Wonder Lake. Ap­ pliances, water, heat, $225 per month. Lease. 815-455-3589, 815-639- 0534. 4-27-4-29C RANCH STYLE Condo, in Whispering Oaks. 2 bedroom, lVfe bath, appliances, carpeting, air conditioning, patio, garage and storage,'" $46,000 firm. 815-385- 3121. 4-27-5-6C SHARE MY 2 Bedroom Condo, own bathroom, use of kitchen, refrigerator, washer and dryer, $250 month. Call 815-385-8217. 4-27-4- 29c CLEAN SLEEPING Rooms, also Furnished Apartments. 815-385- 8905,815-675-6008. 4-27-4- 29c WANTED: SINGLE Woman to share 3 bedroom house, 2 baths, f i r ep lace , l aundry fac i l i t i e s . Ca l l a f t e r 5:30pm, 815-344-5083. 4- 27-4-29C MAN WANTED to share comfortable home in McHenry. Air con­ ditioning, fireplace, washer and dryer, microwave, etc. $260 per month includes everything. 815-385-2233. 4-27-4-29C HOUSE IN McHENRY, 2 bedroom, dining room, family room, semi- remodeled basement, large deck, fully car­ peted, close to beach, schools and shopping, $400 per month plus security deposit. Call after 5pm, 815-459-8601. 4-27-4-29c 1 BEDROOM APART­ MENT including heat, has stove, refrigerator and air conditioning, $265.00. Call 815-385- 3490. 4-27tfc STORAGE SPACE in city of McHenry. Dry, clean with electricity and semi-truck dock. Approximately 4,400 sq ft. 815-385-3192 or 815^ 385-7632. 4-20tfc McHENRY COUNTY REALTY RENTAL DIVISION is looking for property to rent WE OFFER: 1. PRE-QUALIFIED RENTERS We check oil personal and credit references. 2. TREE INVESTMENT COUNSELING To show owners how profitable renting con be. 24 hour answering service, 7 days a week 815-385-6990 IVA MAY JAMES Iva May James, 73, of Carpentersville, 111., died Wednesday, April 20, at her home. She was born Aug. 27, 1909, in Rosine, Ky. and lived in Chicago, Spring Grove and Richmond, 111. before moving to Carpen te r sv i l l e f ive years ago. Surviving are two sons, Charles James of McHenry and Henry Horn of Roselle, 111.; three daughters, Mrs. Norman (Gladys ) McGehee of Car­ pentersville, Mrs. Herb (Helen) Hunley of Tuscon, Ariz, and Mrs. Lou (Margaret) Diegel of Hanover Park, 111.; 22 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ernest James, Aug. 7, 1967. Funeral services were held at 7 p.m. Friday, at the Strang funeral home, Antioch, 111., with Brother David Mitchell of the Jehovah Wit­ nesses Kingdom Hall of Spring Grove of­ ficiating. Interment was private. EVA STEFFES Eva Steffes of McHenry died Friday, April 22, at Royal Terrace Nursing Home, McHehry. She was 93 years old, born in Johnsburg Oct. 9, 1889, to John and Barbara (Huff) King. Mrs. Steffes lived in the McHenry area all her life. Her husband Jacob Steffes preceded her in death April 5, 1966. Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Lucille Ott and Mrs. Richard (Emily) Hester, both of McHenry and Mrs. Ra lph (F lo rence) Schroeder of Palatine, WW BUYING GOLD, Silver, Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. 815-678-3351. 4- 27-5-6C AUTOS,^J ^akes awl . •Models, Running or Not. Cash paid. 24 Hours Pickup Service. 815-728- 1171. 4-ltfc III.; 13 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Julia Bohnen of Northfield, 111. A Funeral Mass was held at 11 a.m. Monday, at the Church of St. Mary of the Assump­ t ion , McHenry , and burial was in the church cemete ry . F r i ends called from 3 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the Peter M. Jus ten & Son funeral home. HELGE DETTLOW Helge T. Dettlow, 83, of Round Lake Beach, 111. died Friday, April 22, in Waukegan. He was born Nov. 23, 1899, in Sweden. Mr. Dettlow lived in the Round Lake Beach area the last two and a half years and had been a resident of Sunnyside Estates for 20 years. He was employed as an assembler over 25 years for the Brewer Co. of Chicago and served with the National Guard, 733rd Ordinance Co, over 20 years. Surviving is his wife . Ruth (Olson) whom he married Nov. 26,1924 in Chicago, Also, one son Donald of Wildwood and a grandson Donald. I He was preceded in death by his parents. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday, at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home. Interment was in Highland Memorial Park, Libertyville, 111. Memorials in his name would be ap­ preciated to the Lake County Heart fund. NANCY MEYER Nancy J. Meyer, 59, of Richmond, 111. died Saturday, April 23, at Lake Forest hospital, Lake Forest, 111. She was born Feb. 3,1924, in Evanston, the daughter of Robert and Clara (Tostovin) Walpolle. A graduate of New Trier high school, Winnetka, 111., Mrs. Meyer attended the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater; and had been a secretary for Joslyn Mfg., Wood­ stock; International Mineral and Chemical Co., Mundelein; and mart recently, McHenry - hospital. She was a member of the Wonder Lake Bible church. On May 26, 1962, in L ibe r tyv i l l e , she married Paul J. Meyer who survives. Also surviving is a step­ b ro the r , Rober t Walpolle, Jr. of New York. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, at Ehorn-Adams funeral home, Richmond, with the Rev. Richard White officiating. Interment was in St. Mary's cemetery, Freemont Center, 111. FLORENCE CALLEY Florence Calley, 89, of M c H e n r y , d i e d Saturday, April 23, at McHenry hospital. She was born June 3,1893, in La Plata, Mo., the daughter of Frank and Ida (Mason) Plem- mons. Formerly of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Calley lived in the McHenry area the past three years. She is survived by a daughter, Geraldine Karling of Chicago and one granddaughter, Mrs. Mike (Francine) Koch of Crystal Lake. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Monday at the Foster-Fohn funeral home in Cooksville, Mo., with interment in the La PLata cemetery. Arrangements were made by the George R. Justen & Son funeral home. ANTON GEBERT Anton Gebert, 80, of 7303 Hiawatha drive, Wonder Lake, died Sunday, April 24, at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County , Woodstock. He was born Oct. 6, 1902, in Yugoslavia, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gebert. In October of 1967, in Chicago, he married the former Mary Zim- mermann, who sur­ vives. Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Mary Ann Sullivan of Evergreen Park ; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Pauline Gebert of Lake Villa; 15 grandchildren; s i x g r e a t - grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Theresa Speer and Mrs. Barbara Kucsera, both of Decatur, Mich. He was preceded in deaUT by nis parents; one son, Anton; and his first wife, Katherine, in 1966. V i s i t a t i o n w a s scheduled from 2 to 9 p.m. Monday at Freund funeral home, Wonder Lake; and 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Blake-Lamb funeral home, 103rd and Cicero. A Funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, at St. Ca je tan Ca tho l i c church, with burial in St. Mary's cemetery, Evergreen Park. HAROLD THORSEN Harold C. Thorsen, 68, of 4613 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, died Monday, April 25, at Mannatee hospital, Bradenton, Fla. He was born Dec. 16, 1914, in Chicago, the son of Conrad and Anna Thorsen. Mr. Thorsen was a member of Na t iv i ty Lu the ran church , Wonder Lake; and had been a retired employee of Magnetic Coil, Chicago. In 1940, in Chicago, he mar r i ed the fo rmer Lillian Twedt, -who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Gary of Rockford and Allan of Chicago; a daughter, Mrs. Janice Riedel of Lansing, 111.; and six grandchildren. He was1 preceded in death by h&-f&rents. Visitation will be held from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday at Freund funeral home, Wonder Lake , where funera l services will be con­ duc ted a t 11 a .m. Friday. Burial will be in Mt. Olive cemetery, Chicago. CDAP GRANTS Illinois has won federal approval of more than $33 million in the second year of the s t a t e ' s Communi ty Development Assistance Program (CDAP) for so-called "small cities", ac­ cording to Governor James R. Thompson. "Smal l c i t i e s" a re defined as those of 50,000 population or less. The Department of Commerce and Com­ munity Affairs expects about 250 applications, and about 60 grantees will be chosen. The majority of the funds will be used for economic development, improved pub l i c facilities and better housing. BARK AIDS DRAINAGE A good soil for growing t r ees and shrubs should have good drainage, hold a fair amount of water, have good a i r space and con ta in su f f i c i en t organic matter. Unfortunately, most naturally occurring soil around homes lacks all of these attributes. Thus, it's up to the gardener to recondition the soil prior to plan­ ting. Most planting in­ structions suggest the addition of compost or peat to the soil mixture. However, compost is usually not available to t h e a v e r a g e homeowner. And the cost of peat or peat humus is usually prohibitive considering the volume needed for successful planting. Fortunately for the homeowner, there is a p lan t ing mate r i a l available year round that is inexpensive, eas i ly hand led and excellent for mixing with soil when planting. This product is bark. The best bark product for mixing with soil is the fine grade in which 90 percent of the par­ ticle size is one-quarter inch or less. But if the soil con­ ditioner grade bark is no t ava i l ab le , ba rk mulch can be used just as effectively. Also as the bark decomposes over a period of years, ad­ d i t i o n a l o r g a n i c material is added to the soil. Thus bark differs considerably from other commonly used sources of organic matter which lose their effect within a short period of time. A good soil mixture not only increases the survival rate but also helps the plant develop properly by taking be t t e r advan tage of your wa te r ing and fertilizing program. Bark has been given high marks in all of these a reas , and i s especially valuable in aiding water per­ colation through the root zone and drainage of excess water that can harm the fragile roots of a young and growing plant. THE scans 5 * Our grass seed is guaranteed even after it sprouts. Once a grass seed sprouts, the real battle begins. The new seedling faces dry spells. Heat and cold. Weeds and insects. Wear and tear. That's when the superiority of Scotts* seed really pays off. What superiority? Well, unlike "bar- gain" brands, Scotts screens out the small, weak seeds, the empty hulls and stems, the weed seeds. All you get are big, plump seeds that germinate faster, get established faster. So with Scotts you don't plant problems, just grass. And Scotts premium-quality mixtures like Family* contain improved varieties nobody but Scotts can give you. Giving you grass seed this great is hard. But then guaranteeing you it'll grow, survive and thrive is easy. This spring get the Scotts difference-- and get it for less, with this refund offer. limy < - .;mmm C - f J c t/i S 2 m I 1 z mm mm MAIL-IN REFUND CERTIFICATE SAflE up to $2XX) per box ON THE SCOTTS DIFFERENCE™ 1 BUY--any size of Family,* Play,' Picture* or Shady Area'grass seed. Note This offer does not apply to Scotts grass seed in plastic bags. 2 SEND--the completed refund certificate and these two required proofs of purchase: the To Open tab located on the upper right side of each box ana your dated sales receipt. For the 712 lb Family box. send the Scotts oval located on the box top. 3 MAIL TO: Scotts Difference Refund PO. Box 9464 Clinton. Iowa 52736 NOTE Oflor good only wi Ihe US Vo>d where prohibited, taxed or restricted Allow 6-8 weeks tor recent of your refund Offer expiree May 31,1983. 4. RECEIVE--up to S30 per family or address based on your calculations below: Size of package Small Box (Less than 2 lbs ) Large Box (More than 2 lbs) Number of Boxes Refund per Box X $1.00 X $2.00 total cash refund (limit $30) Name Address. City State Zip «33 Refund Amount 4 22*4 27AC T

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