Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1983, p. 2

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* \ • * »» U'ltlt i' 1«M» 1 1 0 1 t l u c ^ o c i a l MR. AND MRS. FRANKLIN KAISER WED ABOARD SHIP - The former Carolyn Anderson and Franklin Kaiser, 2462 W. Aspen drive, Dutch Creek Woodlands, McHenry, wore united in marriage Sunday, March 20, aboard the schooner "Western Union", a 130 foot tall ship, under full sail in the Gulf of Mexico off Key West, Fla. The ceremony was performed at sunset by the Rev. Jeanette Bottoms of the Church of Religious Research, with background music provided by Rich McKay on the guitar. The bride wore a floor length gown of ivory chiffon with ruffled sleeves; and a crown of carnations, in sunset colors, with matching streamers, adorned her hair. The groom wore an ivory shirt and trousers, with the added touch of a sunset colored lei around his neck. To further enhance the beauty of the moment, a number of sunset colored balloons were released as the couple was , pronounced 'man and wife'. A reception followed at "The Fountains", Key West. Salad Bar Luncheon-Style Show The Spring Salad Bar Luncheon and Style Show, which is sponsored by the Zion Ladies Aid, will be held Wed­ nesday, May 11, promptly at noon. The event will take place in the social hall of Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Elm street (Route 120) in McHenry. There will be many delicious and exciting salads to tempt one's taste buds, plus fancy cakes for dessert. After eating, everyone can then feast their eyes on the latest in fashions for adult women, by a local women's apparel shop; and what is available for children to wear, by a local children's store. Tickets are limited and it is ad­ visable to purchase them prior to the luncheon, as there will not be any left to sell at the door. They may be ob­ tained from any Zion Ladies Aid member or by calling either Mrs. Louis F. Groth of McHenry, or the church office. Schedule Film Showing 4n<vJ}f certified .chadbicttv educators dedicated to the quality education of parents, hospital staff and the general public in preparing for childbirth. Other services offered include early pregnancy classes and ongoing cesarean preparation classes. , McHenry Coynty Area jChjWbiri^.n Educators (MCACE) invites the 1 public to attend a showing of the award winning film, "Nan's Class", at the McHenry Public Library, 1011 N. Green street, Thursday, May 5, at 7 p.m. The film depicts the labors and deliveries of five couples and a single parent who have prepared for the birth of their child by attending Lamaze classes. It also shows the latest in family centered maternity care, including the Laboyer method. MCACE is an organization of ASPQ I^^h^proplTylaxis'Tn Obstetrics, Catholic Daughters For information regarding the film or any aspect of childbirth preparation, one may call Mrs. John J. (Janet) Smith or Mrs. John E. (Phyllis) Passarelli, both of McHenry. ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. O'Connor of Lake in the Hills announce the engagement of their daughter Laurie, of Woodstock, to Michael Stephans, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. George Stephans of Orland Park. The bride- elect is a graduate of Marian Central high school. Her fiance graduated from Luther South high school, and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Nor­ thern Illinois university. An Aug. 13 wedding is planned. Sponsor Luncheon The Catholic Daughters are sponsoring a Mother's Day Luncheon at the McHenry Country Club, and members anticipate renewing friendships at this annual event. The social hour is to be at l p.m. and luncheon will be served at 2 p.m. The date is May 10. Reservations may be made by calling Bertilla Freund, Mrs. Louis J. (Clara) Slegar, or Mrs. Nicholas A. (Marion) Kauth, all of McHenry. Trueblue. KEDS" CLASSIC "BLUE LABEL" SNEAKERS IN ALL THE COLORS TO GO WITH ALL THE STYLES. WHITE*NAVY#CHINO PINK®RED#LT. BLUE SIES SHOES AND SHOE REPAIR 1307 N.RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY 385-2801 The Spenders Singles 35 and younger spend nearly three times as much on soft drinks as do singles 65 and older. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Foresters Install, New Officers APRIL 27 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-host Diocesan Council of Catholic Women meeting-St. Patrick's church hall- register 9:30 a.m.-Mass follows- lunch, 12 to 1 p.m.-all area women invited-bring dish to pass. Card party-bunco-refreshments- prizes-sponsor, McHenry BPW club- St. Patrick's church hall-7:30 p.m.- tickets at door-public invited. APRIL 28 Beta Sigma Phi Founder's Day. APRIL 29-30 Bake Sale-McHenry State Bank- Friday, 4:30 to 7 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon-sponsor, Lakemoor Civic Improvement Assn. APRIL 30 NAIM, St. Margaret chapter-card night, 7:30 p.m.-Montini school Oak room. MAY 1 4th Annual 2-mile & 6.2-mile Camp Hope Fun Run-sponsor, McHenry Area Jaycees, start 8 a.m. from McHenry West campus-information, call Bill True, 385-0538-or write Fun Run, P.O. Box 163, McHenry. Catholic Daughters-Communion Sunday, 8 a.m.-Church of St. Mary of the Assumption-Breakfast follows Mass. MAY 2 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-meeting, 1 p.m.-church hall-election and in­ stallation of officers. McHenry Sportsman's club~ Weingart road-practice shoot, 1 p.m.- - public invited. McHenry Senior Citizens- Executive Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. UMW Mission Team (Executive Comm.)-meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. MAY 3 Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church of McHenry-meeting, noon- home of Daisy Wildhagen. Warrior Booster Club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West Campus-Teachers Lounge. Marcia Mary Ball Circle-meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor-hostess, Elizabeth Rankins. MAY 4 McHenry Grandmothers club- meeting, 11:30 a.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-bring own sandwich-dessert provided. Whispering Oaks Woman's club- Spring Luncheon-McHenry Country club-happy hour, 11:30 a.m.-lunch, noon-program, Songs of the 40's. MAY 5 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-luncheon & play, noon-Apple Tree restaurant- car greuM;fef|e St, Patrick** church lot, ll:lJa.flF A pot tuck supper preceded the annual installation of new officers at the meeting of the National Catholic Society of Foresters Monday, April 18. The following officers were installed: standing from left to right, Jane Mann, conductor; Laura Schmitt, treasurer; Marge Schmitt, sentinel; Lou LaBay, trustee; Marie Frett, trustee; Mabel Smith, trustee; Doris Freund, financial secretary; Patsy HUler, junior director; and Dee DeWolfe, Junior director. Sitting, left to right, are Zita Behm, sentinel; Karen Weideman, vice president; Katie Dehn, president; Marie Oeffling. installing officer; Elaine Miller, recording secretary; and Clara Mkheli, conductor. Twenty-five-year members who received their pins include Marilyn Etheridge, Nancy Majerdk, Kathy Kioto, Karen Weideman, Kathy Schaefer and Regina Michels. Fifty-year pins were presented to Marie Oeffling, Zita Behm and Marie Anderson. Retiring junior directors, Pat Cornstock and Kathy Klotz, were presented with plants and pins. Following the meeting, games were played and punch and cookies were served. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD church parlor-babysitter provided. Rules of the Road review course-10 a.m. to noon-McHenry City Hall- information, call Jim Jansen, 385- 7475. McHenry Woman's club-annual luncheon, noon-Hunter Country club- Story and Music of Mary Martin- reservations, Bertha Stange, 385-4071. MAY 14 50 Garage Sales-9 a.m. to 5 p.m - Johnsburg area-sponsor, St. John the Baptist Catholic church-maps at church, day of sale. Civil War Days-J ohnsburg Junior high sdiool-1 to 4 p.m. Friendship club-potluck lunch and meeting, 12:30 p.m-Fellowship hall, First United Methodist church. MAY 15 Auction-antiques, memorabilia, collectibles-noon til all is sold- Johnsburg Community club-sponsor, St. John's Church Debt Reduction committee. MAY 16 THEOS meet, 5:30 p.m.-dinner at Spirit of a New Decade restaurant- 1225 N. Green St.-then to First United Methodist church-fun & fellowship. MAY 18 McHenry Grandmother's club- Andre's Steak House-lunch, noon- Women's Aglow Hosts Luncheon Women's Aglow Fellowship of Crystal Lake-McHenry will host a luncheon Thursday, May 5, at 10:90 a.m., at John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake. Guest speaker will be Kathy Bojanowski from Oconomowoc, Wis.; currently the secretary of the Southern Wisconsin Area Women's Aglow Board. Kathy is no stranger to Women's Aglow and has served in various capacities in different Aglow chapters wherever she has moved. She has much insight into God's Word and also sings and [days the guitar; recently recording an album entitled, "Weep No More". Everyone is invited to attend what promises to be a delightful day. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, May 1. Call Mrs. Dale (Lois) Koss of McHenry or Mrs. James (Miki) Hayden of Crystal Lake. McHenry American Legion Auxiliary UNIT 491 9:30 a.m. to noon-McHenry City Hall- -information, call Jim Jansen, 385- 7475. Evening Circle-First United Methodist church parlor-7:30 p.m.- continued study, Outside the Gate, MAY 7 Whispering Oaks Garden club-lOth annual Plant Sale-9 a.m. to 3 p.m.- community center-4513 Front Royal drive, McHenry. MAY 10 Catholic Daughters-Mother's Day Luncheon. Naomi Circle-meeting, 9:30 a.m.- First United Methodist church parlor- -babysitter provided. Mother's Day Luncheon, 2 p.m - McHenry Country Club-reservations, Bertilla Freund, 385-4365. MAY 11 Spring Salad Bar Luncheon and Style Show-noon-Zion Lutheran church. MAY 12 Lakeland Park Women's club- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Community house-1717 N. Sunset Ave.-Installation of officers-All Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores ladies invited. Prise ilia Circle-meeting, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist , 'TOugjtt Tft'Be Iiir Picttees'̂ hu^TbeApr&meettngiofMelienrysUntt r" jut 49l Ataerican Legion Auxiliary was -11 MAY 19 > called to order by president Maria the usual c Rules of the Road review course- united Methodist Women-general ' Guettler. After meeting, noon-potluck luncheon- Fellowship ' hall-First United Methodist church--program,' missionary speaker-hostess, Marchia Mary Ball Circle. Rules of the Road review course-10 a.m. to noon-McHenry City Hall- information, Jim Jansen, 385-7475. Catholic Daughters-regular business meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Liberty hall. MAY 24 Craft Group Work Day-9 a.m. to noon-Fellowship hall-First United .Methodist church-babysitter provided. Set Chicken Dinner And Square Dance McHenry Masonic Lodge No. 158, A.F. & A.M., will serve a chicken dinner and hold a square dance Saturday, April 30, in the American Legion clubhouse, 2505 N. Ringwood road. Dinner will be served from 6:30 to 8 p.m., and there will be square dancing from 8:30 to midnight. AH proceeds will benefit the Kosmalski family of McHenry. Their van was destroyed in an accident last December. The vehicle was equipped with everything needed for the Kosmalski's young son afflicted since birth with tuberous sclerosis, a brain disorder that has left him develop- mentally at two months of age, deaf, blind and subject to seizures. Tickets may be purchased from members of the Masonic lodge or at several places of business. npnning a by unit The World of Popular Music The South Pacific The Land of Porgy and Bess SEDOM FUN FAIR The Fun Fair at SEDOM center is open for everyone to enjoy. Starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 30, fun, food, and games for all will be the main attraction. Located in Woodstock (near Clausen Pickle company off of Hwy. 14), the school faculty and parents are making their annual effort to raise funds for the students at SEDOM (Special Education of McHenry County). it2 jmwI |jfwjh|g% H DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7111 "See me fora State lam Homeowners Policy with Inflation Coverage." Like s good neighbor. State-Farm is there. INfVtftMCf • m ;/ ceremony, reports were given chairmen. The charier was draped for recently deceased members, Catherine Bauer and Dorothy Bucbert, by president Guettler and chaplain Betty Lou Smith. In their honor, a donation was made to the Veterans' Craft Ex­ change, and their names will be placed permanently on the "Memorial Honor Roll" on display at the exchange. Americanism chairman Midge Scharf announced the winners of the Americanism essay contest sponsored by the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. This contest was sanctioned by the state superintendent of education. The title of the essay was "How Great Americans Influence My Heritage". Winners were Colleen Huff, Colleen Conway and Renee Faciana, students at Montini Middle school. Unit awards will be given out at the May potluck dinner meeting, with the winners and their mothers as guests. The three winning essays were sent to the district Americanism chairman to be judged at district level. Mrs. Scharf also announced an American flag was given to Land­ mark school. Reba Owen, community service chairman, announced she took refreshments and clothing to the patients at Valley Hi Nursing Home in Hartland. Also attending were Lydia Fenner, Midge Scharf and Delia Freund. And two bodes were donated to the McHenry Public Library in the name of Mary Kantonki and Mary Freund. ^Public relations chairman Ruth Mrachek announced she is compiling a unit press book for 11th district competition and was very grateful to local newspapers for [Hinting articles in their papers. Members were reminded of the semi-annual chicken dinner to be held Sunday, May 22. All are asked to buy or sell tickets and help with serving, cleaning, etc. Also, baked goods are needed for desserts and for the bake sale. If anyone can help or bake, she is asked to contact Ceil Violett or Pearl Cooper, ways and means co- chairmen. Serving time will be from noon to 4 p.m. and will be open to the public. KATHY BOJANOWSKI Marie Howe, rehabilitation chairman, reported she took clothing and treats to the men and women patients at North Chicago V.A. hospital. President Guettler announced that service vffilbefceMat the . May meeting fbr'̂ ftl'de'ciased members thfa year. Delegates to the llthidistrict spring convention to be held in Joliet, Sun­ day, May 15, are Dottie Messer, district constitution and bylaws chairman; Pearl. Cooper, public relations chairman; and president Guettler. Birthday greetings were extended to Marie Howe and Maria Guettler; and anniversary greetings to Vickey Bottari. Ceil Violett and Edie Rourke were recipients of prizes and Betty Bock- man was not present for the at­ tendance prize. The next meeting will be a potluck dinner to be held Monday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m., and will honor Gold Star members. Junior auxiliary members and unit Americanism essay winners and their mothers will also be guests. Refreshment co-chairmen will be Marie Howe and Edie Rourke, with their committee. All members are urged to attend. Refreshment chairman for this meeting was Dawn LaBuy. Slate Garden Club Annual Plant Sale The Whispering Oaks Garden club will hold its tenth annual plant sale Saturday, May 7, at the Community Center at 4513 Front Royal drive, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. As in years past, this sale will be held just in time far Mother's Day. Beautiful red, white or salmon geraniums will be on sale, as well as some hanging geraniums and various house plants. All plants will be on display in the lower level of the building at the back and there is ample space to park in the crater's parking lot. QUILT SHOW The sixth annual Quilting Queens Quilt Show will be held at Fox Fire Station No. 3, South Washington street, Ingleside, Monday, May 16, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Featured will be old and new quilts on display. Also, hand crafted items and coffee and cake will be sold. There is no ad­ mission charge. Pregnant, 1 orrnunp? IKED NFLP? RECIPE MU BIRTHRIGHT OFFICE OPEN 9 • 11AM AND FROM 7 • 9PM MON. THRU FRi. 24 HOURS ANSWERING SERVICE 815-385-2999 By Sank Asm %-c margarine 2 c chopped onions \ T paprika 1 lb. pkg. frankfurters, quartered 5 or 6 medium potatoes, pared, cut in 1-inch pieces 1 t salt 1 t caraway seeds 1 8V1 oz. can wftole tomatoes, chopped Saute onions in hot butter in skillet until golden, stir in paprika and hotdogs. Saute for S minutes; stir in pota­ toes, salt, caraway seeds and tomatoes. »on(iir, '̂«ew«wd, i|SiSi stirring occasionally for 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add a little water if needed. * Makes four servings. '.

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