PAGE \ i - PIAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 29.1983 A HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (815)459-2641 by Ms. FloKlemm The American Humane association 'Be Kind to Animals' week is the oldest, recognized week on record. It is celebrated the first full week of May; this year, the dates are May l through May 7. This is their special week, but do let the kindness flow, to all living creatures, not for just one week but all fifty-two. Helping Paws, during this BKA week, will have a tag day in Crystal lake, Saturday, May 7. To volunteer, please call the office, 459-2641. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract, along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of Helping Paws' choice, or a deduction from the cost, of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, please for your future reference, keep name, address, phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet, and adoption fee, by check, payable to Helping Paws. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Toy Collie, 10-month female, sable- white, 344-4295. Pekingese 3-year, black female, spayed, has wheels for back legs, 455- 0755. Three 8-week German Shepherd mix; German Shepherd mix, 1 Ms-year male, 459-6553. Two 10-week German Shepherd females; German Shorthair, 2'2-year female, housebroken, 815 653-9286. Samoyed-St. Bernard, 10-month male, shots, housebroken, neutered, good with children and pets, 459-8374, 455-5780. Retriever-Labrador, 41/2-month, black female, shots, good with pets and older children. 455-3942. German Shepherd-Labrador, 3-year black male, shots, housebroken, good with pels and children, 312 658-4014. Pekingese, 2^-year, red male, shots, good with pets, older children, 385-7312. Collie-Shepherd, 7-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 312 438- 2S05. German Shepherd, 8-month male, 385-2929. CATS FOR ADOPTION Persian mix, 2^-year, grey-white male, shots, neutered, 459-2346. Golden-white Persian mix. male, shots, neutered, 312 639-6603. Six adult cats, all shots, spayed- neutered, 312 639-6603. Black-white young adult, short hair, male, shots, neutered, 312 639-4263 after 6 p.m. Two 9-week, semi-long hair: tor toise, black and white, 459-2641. Two 2-week, short hair: tortoise, black-white; two tiger, 338-3512, 338- 0174. Orange-white, 5-week-old, 815 568- 6683. Two 8-week: orange male; black- grey-white female; white adult, 3- vear female, 385-4774. White semi-long hair, 1-year male, neutered, declawed, deaf; Grey Persian, 6-year male, neutered, declawed, shots, 459-2677. Black-white, long hair, 4-year female, shots, spayed, 459-5603. Black semi-long hair, 6-month female, green eyes, declawed, 312 428- 5837. Black-white 18-month Persian mix male, neutered, shots, 815 338-0132, 455-4999. Calico l-year female, short hair, spayed, shots, 815 728-1953. Black 5-year, short hair male, shots, neutered, declawed, 459-2641. White with-red patches, 2-year, short hair male, shots, neutered, declawed, 344-2822. LOST DOGS Labrador flat coat Retriever, black and shaggy, 5-month female, "Sun day", Spring Grove, 815 675-6068. German Shorthair, 1 '/2-year male, orange collar, rabies tag, Sunnyside, McHenry, 312 497-4987. Black Labrador, 9-month male, rabies tag, Howe road, Wonder Lake, 815 728-0849. Australian Shepherd mix, 5-year, multi-color male, Valley View road, 459-6495. FOUND DOGS Black Labrador young female, Wonder Lake, 815 728-0849. Pekingese, 2> 2-year, cream color male, choke chain collar, South High near Dartmoor, 459-6619. FOUND CATS Short hair Calico adult female, grey-black, raccon type tail, John- sbure. 385-8791. Please call Animal Control in Woodstock when you find or lose a pet. They also have pets for adoption, 815 338-7040. Information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoptions, call 459-2641. Parkland Speller Rates In Contest by Kurt Begalka SHAW MEDIA NEWS SERVICE The word was gossamer: "A cob web. Any thin, filmy material." You know ... well, maybe you don't. But Balu Natarajan knew. The sixth grader from Woodridge Elementary School spelled it correctly to win the suburban finals of the Chicagoland Spelling Bee held at Tribune Tower Monday night. He will advance to the national competition held in Washington, D C., the first week of June. Brian Nemtusak, a seventh grader from Parkland School in McHenry, finished 11th. Liz Tirk, 12, of Hawthorn School in Marengo, took second place. She stumbled on the work "palliate" -- one of those words pulled from the bowels of the dictionary. "I know how to spell it now," Liz said with a chuckle, and she [dans to be ready next year. "It was fun to compete with other people," she said today. She also enjoyed meeting others. Fourteen sixth, seventh and eighth grade students competed. Tara Rudsinski, a sixth grader from Riley School in Marengo, took seventh place. The 1983 McHenry County spelling champion missed the word "abecedarian," though she was hardly a "beginner." She practiced for several months, memorizing spellings from the study list, sacrificing spare time. "I was kind of happy I didn't win," she said. "Now I don't have to study any more for it." Honor Hospital Auxiliary Volunteers Nora C. O'Malley, second from right, pins corsage on the dress of Gloria Sprague, McHenry hospital auxiliary president, as Irma Templeman, left, and Martha Dignan, look on. Ms. Templeman serves as assistant (Erector of volunteers at the hospital and Ms. Dignan is volunteer coordinator. McHenry hospital (Northern Illinois Medical center), honored its auxiliary volunteers during National Volunteer week, April 17-23. The hospital lobby had a display board highlighting the many activities of the volunteer program. The administration presented each volunteer with a silk flower corsage, and held a manicuring clinic for auxiliary members. The auxiliary volunteers work in 14 different service areas, manage and staff the Pink Lady Gift Shoppe and the Pink Door Thrift Shoppe, and implement several fund raising projects, such as an annual golf puting, La Fashion Affaire, and the brass ensemble gala. In 1982, the McHenry hospital volunteers con tributed nearly 25,000 hours of service to the hospital patients, staff and community through their projects and activities. Helen Golbeck. director of ad ministrative services, and director volunteers commented, "This year's Volunteer week theme emphasized the fact that volunteers are our greatest natural rescource. We have certainly found the efforts, creativity, and dedication of our volunteers to be an invaluable service to the hospital. Many goals would be difficult to reach without the support of this dynamic group." Irma Templeman, McHenry, serves as the assistant director of volun teers,and Martha Dignan, McHenry, is the volunteer coordinator. Persons interested in learning more about the volunteer program should call 385- 3449. Offer "Tax Information For Business" Seminar i* 1 •5 : ii OTAL HARDWARE Ifcllll Gal. .tSWSc.""* •WWe„n^9S6027> <56O-60°'-60 Save!® 50 v 1 L' m Our Best Dccorator Beg $17.99 o~c«' 99 Gal* -""ur lr< Better Quality &SS *12 Beg $14.99 99 Gal. • Scrubbabte *Fa9tDirLx Clean up Walls & Woodwork *ru' putt! Nursery Kitchen. Bain_ (549-6013- 6021) Save *4,00 House Sawe »4.00..0ur Best bwwfw f»0 $16.99 •Warranted 0n®Coal • 8 Years Durable .White and Colors (532-6210 - 6301) coye $3.00-- Better Quality Mastery* ZSiSST"" 6120 6,3>' Ma»tercra» . House s TOTAL HARDWARE Goast toGoast McHenry Market Place 385-6655 Sale Good Now Thru May 3rd from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK OATES AND EVERTS FROM YESTERYEARS May 1, 1884--Construction begins on first skyscraper, a 10-story office building at La Salle and Adams Streets, Chicago. May 2, 1829--One foot of hail fell in. Tuscaloosa, Ala- "-karria '• "vi-W; McHenry County college is offering some hope of relief to business people who paid a sizeable amount of income tax this year by offering a seminar on "Tax 'Information for - Small Business." The seminar will be given in two identical sessions Tuesday, May 3, and residents may register for either session. The sessions are from 9:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Giving the most up-to-date in formation on taxes will be David Lawless of the Illinois Department of Revenue Sales Tax division. Discussion will include how to avoid penalties, general orientation to business taxes, payroll taxes, description of required forms, in formation and records that are required. phone should pay the fee in parson before the seminar to complete the registration. ^ Persons registering for this seminar f-j are welcome to phone ahead with a ** question they want answered during the seminar. May 3,1919--Robert Hewitt inaugurates first U.S. air plane passenger service by flying Mrs. J.A. Hoagland and Ethel Hodges from New York City to Atlantic City, IS. J. May 4,1961--Stratolab High 5 balloon reached 113,500 feet; Prather died in ocean recovery attempt. I Any interested person should sign up for either the morning or afternoon session by phoning the college, 455- 6510, April 25 through May 2, or by coming to the college to complete registration. Persons who register by RECYCLING DRIVE The Cary Prairie Management committee, of Cary Junior high- school, will co-sponsor with McHenry .County Defenders a recycling drive p Saturday,May7,fromda.m. tol p.m. ,• at the McHenry Market Place parking lot. McHenry County Defenders, who r regularly sponsor these drives in : 'McHenry on the first and third;« Saturdays of each mouth, finance q most of their activities through funds «t earned in this way. For further in formation about recycling or how an* organization may participate in a' future drive, contact a Defender representative at 385-8512. - HOW You Can Hail Down A 30-Year Guarantee on mated wood. All green-colored wood is not alike. Anyone who sells pressure- treated lumber for out-of- doors building projects can ciaim "lasting protection" against fungi and termites for their wood. Just don't try to pin them down on how long their lumber will last. Wolmanized® and Outdoor® brands put a 30-year guarantee in writing right there on their label. Then they staple that guarantee on the end of every single piece of their lumber. Want a 30-year guarantee nailed down, in writing? Look for the distinctive blue or orange labels. °WB ABC TREATING COMPANY GUARANTEED FOR 30 Y E A R S IN RESIDENTIAL USE AGAINST DAMAGE BY TERMITES OR DECAY OUTDOOR- RESIDENTIAL LUMBER SAVE THIS I ABEL AND INVOICE Look lor the label I