Th TRIP DUNKIN' DONUTS IT S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN' Dp OONUTS IT'S WORTH THE TjfikOUNKIN' DONUTS IT'S WORTH Vt PAGE 21 - PLATNDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY 11.1983 Business Award Winners again on the buses, with much of their exuberance lost in^fatigue. Most of them returned to a day of sleeping at home, but some hardier souls went on • to celebrate May Day at a picnic at I Wilmot in the cold and drizzle. Debbie I went home With the delightful events I of a prom in her memory box. Being I only a sophomore; she has two more nigh school proiua iu look forvvori is. DATES TO REMEMBER May 12 - Lakemoor J Village meeting, 8 p.m. I May 14 - Car Wash, Circle R. I Restaurant, Route 120, 1 to 6 p.m. May 19 - Lakemoor Civic Im- ( provement Association, 7 p.m. NOISE POLLUTION Added to the pollution of our roadsides with cans and garbage, and • the air with fumes and poisons,with | the coming of summer another form I of torture is thrust upon us. Because of I the noise of racing motorcycles, dirt I bikes ahd other vehicles, area 1 residents are asking for some type of 1 control Subdivision roads which are I usually unpatroled, are constantly I being misused by non-residents roaring down the gravel topped I streets.. Heard and seen on Columbus drive Sunday, May 1, after members of the Hidden Valley Acres Association had put in a long Saturday filling potholes, I were two motor bikes roaring to the end of the two-blcok road, and I returning with vengeance to Lily Lake j road, making their presence known by their revolting reverberations of sound. Judy Bird from Lily Lake Park I subdivision is asking for assistance from authroities for misuse of Stueben road. Toni Yerkes notes that gravel Members of the West campus Business Education student added to the road which is paid for by team which won second place award at McHenry County residents, is just strewn about by college recently are shown above. Seated, from left, are racing noisy vehicles. \ Loriann Kostecki, Lori Smith and Terri Blume; second What to do? Wliien those who are polluting are known, should parents The second annual McHenry County be notified? Would parents prohibit Business Education contest was held this activity? Will it take a serious recently at McHenry County college, accident to curtail the racing on an event that attracted students from private subdivision roads? Perhaps nine county high schools. then the noise, dust and dirt pollution Contests were held in the skill areas will be curtailed for a time. of typing speed, typing production. Wouldn't a better solution be to bookkeeping, spelling, and shorthand. make consideration for others a basis for activity, thereby allowing everyone to enjoy the fruits of his labor in peace? 1 "Wisdom is knowing what to do next. Virtue is doing it." GOD BLESS row, Jeff Bjorn, Shannon Tiffany, Kim Biggerstaff, Val Gilbert and Teresa Gertsma. STAFF PHOTO-WAY^gSEjAYLORD The team of Business Education students from McHenry high school West campus won the second-place team award. Individual winners from West campus included: Terri Blume, 1st place Shorthand II; Shannon Tiffany, first place Typing II (production); Val Gilbert, second place Shorthand I; Jeff Bjorn, second place Typing I (production); Kim Biggerstaff, third place Typing II (production); Loriann Kostecki, third place Typing II, (speed); Teresa Gertsma, fourth place Typing II (speed); and Lori Smith, fourth place Shorthand I. Huntley Day At Museum May 15 of the McHenry County Historical society museum. She designed and pieced a log cabin on the quilt square. The orginal log cabin that came from Grafton township is on display at the McHenry County Museum and will be open May 15 for Huntley day. A quilt made by the congregational Ladies Aid with local people's names embroidered on it will also be on display. Four other quilts on display are also from the Huntley area. The museum has a new exhibit dedicated to Wm. (Pat) Williams, one of Hun tley's former distinquished citizens. Sunday afternoon, May 15, will be a "Show and Tell" at the museum for Grafton township. Huntley residents are invited to display their collections and antiques for the enjoyment of their friends and neighbors. The museum will be open from 1:30 to 4:30 and Grafton and Huntley residents will be admitted free. SAE Honors Area Engineer Start losing weight today Begin losing weight immediately with maximum-strength Super Odrinei re ducing tablets and Diet Plan It takes over where your will power leaves off A government appointed panel ol med icai and scientific experts has reviewed the clinical tests of the maximum- strength ingredient in Super Otfrinei and has termed it sate and effective" for appetite control and wfeight loss Try Super Odrinex today To lose water bloat and pultiness. try Odrinil. Odrinil is the relief you want during the pre-menstrual cycle It is a natural water pill." and it too, is sold with a money-back guarantee Read and fol low all package precautions carefully. BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE 1259 N. Green Street Mail Orders JEM 1982 Urban Express * 2 9 8 . > 1981 Express' SR K\ *248 1982 Passport"" *498 1982 Urban Express Deluxe *378 " Save on boxes of 20,45 and U 60 assorted Munchkins MF Donut Hole Treats. coupon----------n 20 MUNCHKINS $1 OO Donut Hole Treats *•"" I B 45 MUNCHKINS $1 EA Donut Hole Treats 60 MUNCHKINS $0 AA Donut Hole Treats I With Honda's Two Wheel Deal, you can drive a great bargain. Then ride it home. We're offering a wide variety of lightweight bikes for some very lightweight prices. But hurry. At prices this low, they'll disappear quickly. Times Cannot beVutnbrried with any other offer. Good at any participating Dunkin' Donuts shop While supply lasts. One coupon per customer Limit :2 Qffers Per Coupon Offer Good: Now thru 5/17/83. 4504 W. Rte. 120, •' McHenry, 111. 459-1631 rt. 14, w. of 31 Crystal Lake, IL It's worth the trip.