Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1983, p. 2

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• : >*; PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALEB - FRIDAY, MAY 13,1983 ^ I <z/\/(o±tCy <£ocLclL • • • - • . . Senior Citizens Council Sets i Brunch At Meet & Eat Centers The McHenry County Senior Citizens' Council is sponsoring a very successful series of Sunday Brunches at its Meet & Eat Centers throughout the county, where seniors can share companionship, enjoy good food and help themselves. The popularity of these occasions is increasing, and approximately 110 people attend each one. -] The fourth of these special events AiU be a Russian Brunch May 22, at the Crystal Lake Meet & Eat Center, 133 Illinois street- Sasha, the nationally known chef and consultant COMMUNITY CALENDAR MAY 13 Plant Sale--McHenry Garden club- Roller Rink, 9 a.m. Landmark Ice Cream Social-6 to. 8 p.m.-at the school-public invited. ALCW of Shepherd of the Hills church-Mother-Daughter banquet- Johns burg Community club-tickets sold in narthex of church. Montini PTA Ice Cream Social-7 to 9 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall- public invited. Flea Comm. DWAYNE DICKSON AND REBEKAH REPKE MAY WEDDING - A May 28,1983 wedding is planned at the Wonder Lake Bible church in Wonder Lake, to unite Rebekah Jolene Repke and Dwayne Ray Dickson in Holy Matrimony. The future bride is the daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Robert Repke of Wonder Lake. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson of Hot Springs, Ark. Rebekah graduated from Alden-Hebron high school in 1980 and is a current graduate of Moody Bible institute. Dwayne graduated from Fountain Lake high school, Hot Springs, Ark. in 1976 and is presently attending Moody Bible in preparation for the Lord's ministry. Fourth Graders Prepare Brunch Mrs. Guzzetta's fourth grade class at Edgebrook school recently honored their mothers with a brunch. The children baked breads and cakes right in the classroom, which were then served to their mothers, along with a fresh fruit salad. Following directions, measurements, and good nutrition were basic in the preparation process. One of the students, Brandi Miller, is shown above checking on her culinary delight, as her mother, Toni Miller, looks on. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD <J/U asfiion WE ARISTAYIN6 IN BUSINESS! MAY 13-14 Market-Whispering Oaks Center-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MAY 14 50 Garage Sales-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Johnsburg area-sponsor, St. John the Baptist Catholic church-maps at chuteh, day of sale. Civil War Days-Johnsburg Junior high school-1 to 4 p.m. Friendship club-potluck lunch- meeting, 12:30 p.m-Fellowship hall, First United Methodist church. Foxridge Women's club--annual community garage sale-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-benefit, McHenrry Area Rescue Squad. Annual Poppy day-9 a.m. to 3 p.m.- sponsor, McH. American Legion Post 491 and auxiliary and McH. VFW Post 4600 and auxiliary. McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country Club-Guests welcome. MAY 15 Auction-antiques, memorabilia, collectibles-noon til all is sold- Johnsburg Community club-sponsor, St. John's Church Debt Reduction Comm. MAY 16 THEOS meet, 5:30 p.m.-dinner at Spirit of a New Decade restaurant- 1225 N. Green St.-then to First United Methodist church-fun & fellowship. McH. American Legion Auxiliary 491-Potluck dinner honoring Gold Star members-Legion post home, Ringwood road-6:30 p.m. MAY 17 McCullom Lake Conservation club- meeting, 8 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach House. MAY 18 McHenry Grandmother's club- Andre's Steak House-lunch, noon- play, "I Ought To Be In Pictures", 1:30 p.m. Salad Luncheon-Style Show-Card Party-McH. Moose Lodge, noon- sponsor, Women of the Moose. MAY 19 United Methodist Women-general meeting, noon-potluck luncheon- Fellowship hall-First United Methodis t church--program, missionary speaker-hostess, Marcia Mary Ball Circle. Rules of the Road review course-10 a.m. to noon-McHenry City Hall- information, Jim Jansen, 385-7475. , Ca thol ic Daughters - regular business meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Liberty hall. MAY 20 NAIM-St. Margaret Chapter- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Oak Room Montini school-guest speaker. . MAY 22 Semi-annual Chicken Dinner- from McHenry county will be guest chef. The menu will include blintzes or blinchikis with meat, cheese and fruit fillings, assorted juices, vinegarette salad, fruit compote with liqueur sauce, and tea and coffee. Seatings will be on a continuous basis from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. These brunches must be on a pre-paid reservation basis, and all seniors are invited to attend and bring guests of all ages. Call the center manager in McHenry, 385-8260, for reservations and payment before Friday, May 20. sponsor, McH. American Legion Auxiliary 491-noon to 4 p.m.-Legion post home, Ringwood road-public invited. ^ NAIM-Diocesan Council Pptluck- Meeting, 2 p.m.-St. Margaret Chapter hostess-Oak Room Montini school-bring dish to pass & table service. 1 ' • ' **" * }-J • / i> - • MAY 23 McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church-guests welcome. McH. Senior Citizen club-meeting, 7 p.m.-East campus cafeteria- program, Handbell Choir. MAY 24 Craft Group Work Day-9 a.m. to noon-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church-babysitter provided. McHenry Garden club-lunch, 11:30 a.m., McHenry Country club- meeting, 1 p.m., McHenry Public Library. MAY 26 McH. Senior Citizen club-Shady Lane-reservations, Ruth Fradell, 385- 6586. JUNE 2-5 St. Mary's annual Rummage & Bake Sale-Thurs. & Fri., 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Sat. & Sun., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. JUNE 6 McH. Senior Citizen club-executive board meeting. Nat'l. Cath. Soc. of Foresters-McH. Girls Jr. Ct. 659-Great America trip- reservations, call Debbie Oeffling, 385-5881 or Barb Plutshack, 385-8753. JUNE 9 McH. Co. Genealogical Soc.- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran church-Washington & Try on Sts., Woodstock-speaker, Brian Donovan, "Irish Research". JUNE 9-12 Rummage-Bake Sale-Montini Middle school-sponsor, Christian Mothers-Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.-Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. LORI ROBERTSON AND MARK FRAILEY ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - The Reverend and Mrs. Gerald L. of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter Lori Beth, to W Cummins Frailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frailey of Johnstown, Pa. Hie bride elect, a 1980 graduate of McHenry high school, is currently studying music at St. Paul Bible college in Minnesota. The prospective bridegroom attends the same college and his future plans are to enter into the ministry. The wedding date is set for June 11, 1983. V ' : • \ ' . Z+Z Woodstock Opera House % McHenry JUNE 13 , Senior Citizens Pictured above is the quaint Victorian Woodstock Opera House on the historic city square, and scene of "Show Diddley", a special children's program during "Fair Diddley", this Sunday, May 15, from noon until 5 p.m. Entertainment will be one of the key karate group, bluegrass band, elements of the fifteenth annual "Fair , McHenry High School Swing Choir, Diddley" slated for Sunday, May 3E ..takeRegion ~ ' club- from, noon until 5 p.m., on the pic- meeting, 1 p.m.-East campra turesque city square in Woodstock cafeteria-speaker, June Stewart, Library. / First Communion On Mother's Day Malinda Mary Michels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Michels of McHenry, received her First Holy Communion on Mother's day, Sunday, May 8. The ceremony was performed by Father Petit at St. Patrick Catholic church, in McHenry, during the 9:45 a.m. Mass. In honor of the occasion, a buffet supper, featuring a beautifully decorated cake, was served at 5 p.m., in the celebrant's home. About 40 family members and friends helped her celebrate. Among them were Mr. Michel's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bugner of Ohio. It was interesting to note that Malinda was also born on Mother's day, eight years ago. ' Retired Teachers Meeting May 25 The May 25 meeting of the McHenry County Retired Teachers association will be held at the Heritage House, Routes 23 and 14 intersection near Harvard, at 12:30 p.m. The program, to be presented by the McHenry Defenders, will relate to environmental ecology. Also, reports from various committees will be given. • Please call 385-5207 by May 17 to make a reservation to attend or to obtain more information about the organization. The historic Woodstock Opera House will be the scene of "Show Diddley", a special children's program, being presented at 1 and 3 p.m. The Guettler Family Clown Troupe will emcee the show, featuring talented dancers of an area ballet ( school, the exciting magic of Tom Hubbard's family magic show, and the McHenry high school West campus drama group, presenting the ch i ldren ' s c lass ic , "Hanse l and Gretel". Admission is available for a nominal fee. The bandstand in the center of the square will be alive with free en­ tertainment throughout the afternoon. Fairgoers will enjoy relaxing in the park and watching performances by a CK Aerialettes, string band. The annoujncer will be Bob Bosnian of Woodstock. Gayle Hebert, Debra Gust, Lori Wilhelm, Carol Holmes, Darlene Neuman, Chris Sonnichsen and Ben Tvaroh have been selected as exhibitors and they will be displaying a variety of handcrafts including watercolors, hand painted sleds and ,i gourds, patchwork, crochet, soft , crafts, doll clothes, pottery, baskets, and wood carving. > {) "Shofo Diddley" and "Fair Did­ dley" are sponsored annually by the Mental Health Resource League for McHenry County, a 200 member county-wide organization which funds and supports a variety of mental health associated services. There is no admission to the fair. 'ill Mother-Daughter Tea Speaker MIRIAM NEFF The ladies Fellowship of Wonder Lake Bible church invites women of the area and their daughters to attend the Mother-Daughter Tea Saturday, •« May 14, at 1:30 p.m. This will be a , „ potluck salad luncheon and all women Z of the area are invited to bring a salad, neighbors and friends, and join the ladies for a good time. Featured speaker for the afternoon ' will be Miriam Neff of Park Ridge, 111. Miriam is a wife, mother of four ac- tive little boys and one daughter, and author of several best selling books; ' among them the most recently released, "Women and Their-, Emotions". She is also author of the book, "Discover Your Self-Worth". % There will also be games and ac-.) tivities for all ages. ; •; The Wonder Lake Bible church is *; located at 7501 Howe road, at the north*t end of the lake. For further in-*« formation regarding this event,! t please call 728-0422 or 653-9800. An; I enjoyable afternoon has been planned for all. LAST WEEK'S AD WAS MISLEADING AND CAUSED SOME CONCERN THAT WE ARE CLOSING- --NOT SO-- WE PLAN TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS EOR MANY YEARS TO COME-WE RE GOING STRONG! SPECIAL PURCHASE -SUNDRESSES- Reg. $28-34 NOW <cNatuxe. i doxnuaofiLcL 3402W. ELM ST. (RTE. 120) McHENRY • (815) 385-6696 $ O O 0 0 JLJL and (Junior & Missy Sizes) $26 00 DANNON YOGURT (MON. MAY 16 - SAT. MAY 21) 3 : $ L 25 ^aifiLon <^S(iof2.fiz FRUIT & NUT SPECIAL • LAST WEEK I RAW. UNSALTED SUNFLOWER SEEDS ̂ *1" LB. NATURAL PISTACCIO NUTS »5" «. TURKISH APRICOTS »3«« t». (MON. MAY 16 - SAT. MAY 21) 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. RTE. 31) McHENRY 385-7747 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-5:30, SAT. 9-5 ESPECIALLY FOR CAMPERS I WE HAVE QUICK* HEALTHY FOODS FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP IN STOCK NOW: • NON FAT POWDERED MILK " INSTANT SOUPS t MOWN RICE DINNERS » FRUIT JUICE CONCENTRATES • TRAIL MIXES t MUCH. MUCH MORE! FANTASY FARM CHILD CARE 1 STARTING JUNE 6TH URLS CAMP AGES 7 • n "" :> i m • Hiking • Swimming • Rec. Gomes • Arts* Crafts • Bar-B-Q's o Cooking DAY CARE AGES 2-6 • Special Family Rates • Educational 4 Recreational Activities • Hot Lunches Jtate Licensed Qualified Teachers HOURS

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