\ . • • r x u t i v » m \im»i \ii:h PARKING, BUILDING CODE AMONG COUNCIL PRIORITIES (Continued from peg* 1) upgrading building requirements that many families might be priced out of home ownership. discussion of non-conforming buildings and special uses revealed concern forproperty in the older parts of the city. Alderman Bolger stressed, "R-4 (multiple Housing) density in parking needs to be addressed right now." Alderman Gary Snell asked, "What can the city do to generate more parking?" and suggested adding space on Pearl street near Green street by cutting the curb back. Datz objected, expressing his disapproval of diagonal parking. Alderman Nolan pressed for trees in tree lanes, but was discouraged by objections related to sewer and water lines, street cleaning problems, screening street lights and city responsibility for the trees. £At the outset of the meeting, Mayor Skjnek stated that its purpose was to identify thoughts - adding, "Maybe nolhing can be done about them." ^Action is already being taken on sgine of them. CHARGE RAPE Cff 14-YEAR-OLD +* - (Continued from pogo 1) ^ bond of $9,100 was set fonClay lVflissina, 21, 4912 Willow, McHeriiy, in ceQnection with a high-speed chase tljat started near Ringwood and ended nejr Crystal Springs road. lA motorcycle traveling at a high rfte of speed attracted the attention of a ̂ county deputy. The motorcycle attained speeds in excess of 100 mph a«P the driver disregarded stop signs, rgi lights and three roadblocks. -IJlessina was charged with three counts of reckless conduct, resisting a pefece officer, reckless driving, ffeing and attempting to elude police, diving with a suspended license and speeding. ^Donald Noel, 24, 5325 Fountain, M$Henry, and Michael Polito, 21,4118 \fljdson, Woodstock, were each charged with four counts of criminal damage to property under $300 after allegedly punctured tires on four cats at the Harbor Lights tavern, with a^inife. 4}ond was set at $4,000 each. Patrick Garcia, 4005 Maple, McHenry, was charged with driving uSder the influence and improper lane usage after he was seen operating a vehicle in the wrong lane of Hancock drive. flames E. Erickson, 23, 4618 N. Fox laije, McHenry, was arrested by NfcHenry police and charged with dgfcring under the influence, having open liquor in a motor vehicle and 1 »" \\ | |>\KSI» \Y. M AY r». ISKS disolM\ving a slop light last Saturday. County police arrested and changed Richard Corelli, 30,9604 Wondermere, Wonder Lake, with driving under the influence and improper lane usage . after erratic driving piqued the in terest of a deputy. A report of several youths drinking in the area of Lake Shore drive, McHenry, brought county police to the scene. Several of the youths fled when the police arrived, but three were apprehended. Javier Gam boa, 17, 2612 ForeSt- wood, McHenry, ahd Glenn Bourquin, 17, 302 Vincennes, McHenry, were charged with purchase and ac ceptance of alcohol by persons of non age. Bond was set at $50 each. A juvenile accomplice was referred to authorities. AND Crashes Bring Death, Injuries MUSIN' MEANDERIN' (Continued from page 1) youngsters prepare eagerly for the festivities of graduation. Very often, he reminds, alcohol enters into the festivities. As he pondered the many groups which have sprung up through, the country dedicated to fighting drunk drivers on the highway, he recalled an effort made in the state of Maine starting in 1970. Seven alcohol-related fatalities had occurred in just one area of the state two weeks before graduation. In 1980 there were community awareness activities conducted, culminating in a popular alcohol and drug-free party for the seniors. One law enforcing officer commented; later that "graduation night was quieter than an ordinary night." By 1982 the entire state of Maine was involved. School districts across the state reported successful: chemical-free graduation parties, some held on cruise boats, some in dance halls with live bands, some at state parks and camp grounds. "Project Graduation" received important media support. Recalling MCHS proms of other years, the changes locally are noteworthy, and they are deserving of mention. There is something to be said for the student effort to decorate the gym nasium, and this is gone. But in its place is an evening of entertainment that is entirely chaperoned, and there are no cars taking off from the school at midnight for distant points with tired drivers at the wheel. Moms and Dads must be sleeping better these days. Teens must mature, to be sure, and this has to include a responsbilility they are allowed to assume. But some graduation festivities are not, by design, the best times to expect a 16- year-old to suddenly mature. KAF McHenry Area Rescue squad volunteers attend to Cynthia Frenchak, of E. Dundee, who was injured when the car she was driving crashed head-on into a guardrail on River road at the intersection with Black Partridge. Ms. Frenchak was treated and released at McHenry hospital. STAFF PHOTO--WAYNE GAYLORD In light of two fatal accidents and a number of injuries this past weekend, the McHenry County Sheriffs police have advised caution while traveling during the upcoming Memorial day weekend. The county police will conduct an intensive traffic enforcement program during the long weekend, according to Sheriff Henry "Hank" Nulle. A 52-year-old Delavan, Wis., man was killed early Saturday morning in a head-on collision on Route 47, near Reed road, in Grafton township. Victor D. Anderson, 4309 Orchard Drive, Delavan, was pronounced dead at the scene of the collision. A witness to the accident said he had been traveling north behind the Anderson vehicle when a southbound auto crossed the center line and crashed head-on. The driver of the southbound auto, Robert A. Yurs, 1107 Commercial, Sycamore, and three passengers, Leo K. Johnson, Kathy Car lock, and Vicky S. Mueller, all of DeKalb, were taken to Sherman hospital, Elgin. An investigation into the accident is being continued by county police. A Harvard man, Timothy Frost, 4103 Route 23, was killed when the car he was driving swerved into the on coming lane and collided with another vehicle. The driver of the other car, Frank M. Grady, 129 Spruce, Wooddale, told county police he was driving north on Route 23 when the Frost auto crossed the center into his lane. Grady said he was unable to avoid the collision because of the sudden move. McHENRY COUNTY'S RED DEVILS c^fnnuaL Pig Roast SUNDAY, MAY 29,h <Staztin.y at: 1 I 00 P .AA. $3.00 Donation Per Plate * Red Devil's Football Team verses McGarry's Professional Tug of War Team ALSO Woman's Tug of War Teams at: McGarry's Bowl Rt. 14 South Harvard, Illinois In another collision, whicn occurred about 2 a.m. Sunday, John Lamz, 22, 1606 Heather drive, reportedly was dragged about 80 feet by a hit-and-run vehicle after his motorcycle struck the rear of a vehicle it was passing on Route 25, south of Illinois 62. The accident is under investigation. Near McHenry, Cynthia L. Fren chak, 452 Illinois St., E. Dundee, was injured when the car she was driving crashed into the guardrail at River road and Black Partridge. County police said physical evidence at the scene indicated the car traveled directly into the guar drail with no evidence of braking. A witness said he heard a crash, called for help and went outside to see a passenger, Donald Q. O'Brien, 7214 Manor, Crystal Lake, walk away from the collision. Police said Ms. Frenchak was very upset at the scene and said she had had an argument with O'Brien in the vehicle. O'Brien reportedly struck Ms. Frenchak in the side of the head before the accident, but he later denied this. The McHenry Area Rescue squad took Ms. Frenchak to McHenry hospital, where she was treated for injuries and released. Two drivers, Lynette R. Neave, 403 Clearview, Wauconda, and Mae M. May, 1212 Park Lane, Spring Grove, were taken to McHenry hospital following a traffic mishap at Elm and Green streets last Friday. Ms. May was cited for failure to yield the right-of-way after she made a left turn in front of the Neave auto. Robert A. Erickson, 1102 El( w HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB ON RT. 173-ONE BLK. EAST OF RT. 12 5419 KENOSHA ST., RICHMOND (815)678-2631 FRIDAY NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT ̂ DANNY (AINU ̂ FT J 0 TOM MILLER -rj J ft Plus.... A NEW ADDITION LINDA formerlxof "LINDA & THE ESCORTS' line Ever t Performing Every Friday 8 pm until 12:30 am OUR FRIDAY NIOHI SEAFOOD MENU f RESh LAKE PERCH $K95 Complete Dinner •Fried Fresh Smelt •Fried Cod •Poor Man's Lobster *Sole Veronique •Pan Fried Whole Catfish EACH OP THE ABOVE ONLY $4.95 Includes Potato Pancake. Cole Slaw, Apple Sauce Serving 3-10 PM Reg. menu also available FOR YOUR BEST MEMORIAL DAY C00K0UT EVER... CALL US ABOUT OUR TOP QUALITY - BEEF SIDES, STEAKS, GROUND BEEF & ROASTS I 5 LB. MINIMUM PER ITEM 1385-8300 imw Plstokee lay • 'Where The Top Area Restaurants Buy Their Meat HRS: MON-FRI 9om-3pm SAT: 9am-lpm spurgeon s McHenry Market Place 385*4100 Playtex Cross \bur Heart* Summer Sale 20%0FE Cross "four Heart' Super Look'panties , The sale is onl Sensational savings on Cross Your Heart® - America's No. 1 bras- and smoothing Super Look panties. Choose from selected popular Undercup Support Panel bras, Stretch bras, Seamless bras, Soft Sider® bras, and for the first time, ever, Elegance brat by Cross Your Heart® -and cross over to a better figure! Hurry in now, and you can save 20% on smoothing Super Look® pan ties, too. Clothes look smooth- you look super ! Sale ends June Um our Fnm Layoway or Choos* and Charge today I Ave., McHenry, was taken to McHenry hospital by his family after the car he was driving skidded off Greenwood road, near Howe road, and rolled several times. Erickson told county police he swerved to avoid an oncoming auto that had crossed the center line. County police also investigated a two-car collision at the intersection of Bay and Regner roads last week. Kim E. Curry, 2920 Regner road, was attempting a left turn from Bay road when her car collided with an auto driven by Daniel P. Ewig, 710 Regner road, McHenry. No citations were issued. Mitchell John Diedrich, 1401 Millstream, McHenry, was ticketed for failure to yield the right-of-way after the vehicle he was driving struck a car on Crystal Lake road at the south parking lot of West campus. Diedrich said he pulled put after seeing the southbound auto, driven by William E. Hoder, 4803 W. Home Ave., McHenry, with an activated right- turn signal. Hoder said he had the left turn signal on to change lanes because of the road narrowing south of the school. Rita M. Dragonett, 32, of 221 N.. LaSalle, Chicago, was injured Saturday night when struck by a vehicle on Oak Ridge near Hillside Road in Nunda Township. David G. Blasius, 37, of 3907 W. Ringwood, McHenry, told sheriff's police his car went off the road and struck the pedestrian when he was trying to retrieve a cigarette he'd dropped in his vehicle. - • Set Handicraft Library Classes The first of a series of handicraft classes will include counted cross- stitch, crewel embroidery, needlepoint, and other forms of needle work. The lesson is free, however a very small fee will be charged for a kit of materials which will be furnished each student. The kit will contain everything needed to complete your project. Classes will be limited to 20 people. Registration vill be held at the library. The Plaindealer will carry the time ancl dates for classes. Candlewicking is an old time craft revived. It is a testament to ingenuity and determination colonial women to create beauty from what was at hand. In early America, decorative yarns and threads were scarse and expensive. Resourceful colonial women made use of what they did have - unbleached ihuslin and cotton wicking used for candles. Today's chenille bedspreads are the descendants of the colonial can- dlewicked ones. The appeal of can dlewicking lies in its simplicity. The stitches most often used are French, Bullion, and Colonial knots, satin stitch, and outline stitch. In Diocesan Task Force Mrs. Mary Marsh, director of Religious education of St. Patrick's church in McHenry, has been invited by Bishop Arthur J. O'Neill of the Diocese of Rockford to become a' member of the Parish Renewal Task force. This group is one of the five task forces which the Diocesan Planning committee is organizing with the Bishop's approval. Mrs. Marsh has been invited to join with the bishop and other task force members at a Eucharistic celebration and dinner Saturday, June 18, at Bishop Lane Retreat house in Rock- ford. In accepting Bishop O'Neill's invitation to become a member of the task force, Mrs. Marsh stated that she is anxious to begin work on the Parish Renewal project and is honored by the bishop's invitation to work with other directors of Religious Education of the Rockford diocese and area priests and nuns. Host Municipal Meet Mayor Joseph Stanek and the City of McHenry will host the May 25 meeting of the McHenry County Municipal association meeting. It will be held at Chapel Hill Country club. "Municipal Water" will be the topic fqgr a panel discussion which follows 'the 7*30 dinner. Ti FRITOLAY'S HALF POUNDERS Potato Chips, Bar-B-Que Chips and Sour Cream Chips FRITO LAY $1.39 BAGS. 88* mm YOUR SWft*® quality 11 SAVWG . SaW^c,uBM .wood..ook A Gymnastics Testing Saturday, June 4 AGES 5 thru HIGH SCHOOL Testing is conducted by qualified instructors for general flexibili ty, strength, balance, body awareness and gymnastics skills. Cost is only $10 and included is a month of free gymnastics train ing. Call for an appointment as testing will be done by age groups. Two fold purpose: 1. Help youngsters learn their abilities and where training can assist in development. 2. Search out talented youngsters with Olympic potential. The same training used by the Russians and Romanians to develop outstanding talent is offered by qualified individuals. Young people In McHenry and nearby counties are invited. Those with Olympic potential will be encouraged to participate in specialized training. Testing conducted by Betty Hamilton-Smith, a member of the U.S. Gymnastics Federation and U.S. Elite Gymnastics Association. inquiries for further information are welcome. Woodstock Academy of Gymnastics ;i;ii (formerly Woodstock Gymnastics Club) • f., Woodstock (815) 338-3456 A} n | u i * * ti Mfa , . . in Ill I,»III IM Illinium* mi«»«i>iininr in in.. «'"111 11 -