Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1983, p. 8

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DIV. OF DASTON, INC spurgeons SOCKS ft UNDERWEAR NOT INCLUDED ANY ONE CLOTHING ITEM EXPIRES JUNE 7,1983 ru;i s riMMiK.uiu Legal Notice \ NOTU'K.OK rrui.ii' tiKAiUNii HKKOKKTl tK i'OIUHUiATK .U'THOKITIES OK TI1K VILLAGE OF l.AKEMOOR. ILLINOIS REGARDING AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT; NOTICE is hereby given that on Thursday evening, June 23rd, 1963 at 8:30 p.m., a public hearing will be held ' before the Corporate i Authorities of the • Village of Lakemoor, [ Illinois, for the purpose i of considering and hearing testimony as to • a n O r d i n a n c e . au tho r i z ing the . I execution of an An- • nexation Agreement with the AUSTIN { BANK OF CHICAGO, as Trustee under Trust ' Agreement dated • December 18, 1968 and f known as Trust No. 4580 in regard to the an­ nexation of the Village of Lakemoor, Illinois, of 1 a tract of land com- { prising approximately 500 acres located on the North side of State I Route 120 ap- • proximately 400 feet West of the intersection of State Route 120 and Fisher Road, Lake! County, Illinois, with a > frontage of 917 feet on State Route 120 and 4077 feet on Sullivan Lake | Road, and is legally- ' described as follows: PARCEL 1: That part of the South­ west quarter of the Southeast WK.DNKSDAY. Jl'NK I. quarter of Soiiiun :W, IWiuihip 45 North, Range 9, and that part of the South East Sua r t e r o f t he outhwest quarter of said Section 28 lying South Westerly of the center line of Sullivan Lake Road; also that Ra r t o f t t he lortheast quarter of the Southwest quarter of S e c t i o n desc r ibed follows: IM3 said 2 8 as Com­ mencing at the intersection of the South line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter with the centerline of Sullivan Lake Road; thence West along the South line of said Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter to a point which is 51 Rods West from the Southeast corner thereof; thence North 29 degrees East, 15 rods and 15 links to the c e n t e r o f aforesaid road; thence Southeasterly along the center of said road, 300.0 feet to the place of beginning; also the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of S e c t i o n Township said ami Range aforesaid (excepting therefrom that part conveyed io John Shuniman f ey War ran ty Deed recorded March 1, 1892 as Document 48582, in Book 99 of Deeds, page 75), in Lake County, Illinois, PARCEL 2: That part of the North­ west quarter of the Northwest •ter of Section ip 45 North, Range 9. East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, described as follows: Begin­ ning at a point 643.50 feet South of the North and 165.0 feet West of the East line of the Northwest uarter of the orthweSt quarter of said Section 33; thence South 68 degrees West, 495.0 feet; thence North 49 degrees West, 288.42 feet: thence North 23 degrees West to a point on the North line of the Nor­ thwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 33, said point being 231.0 Feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter of said Section 33; thence East along said North line to the Northeast corner of said Northwest q» N quarter of the Northwest quartet*; thence South along the East line of said §uarter quarter ection 643.50 feet; thence West 165.0 feet to the place of begin­ ning, in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL 3: The, East half of the Northwest quarter of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 9. East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County. Illinois. PARCEL 4: The Northeast §uarter of the ec t i on 33 , Townsh ip 45 .North, Range 9 East of the 3ra Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL 5: The East half of the Southeast quarter and the Nor­ thwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 9. East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL 6: The West half of the Southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 45 North, Range 9. East /of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL 7: That Family hairstyling Center 385-4520 Mon-Fri 8 to 8 Saturday 8 to 3 McHENRY MARKETPLACE 385-4100 Special Purchase! Cool Sandals 97 Sale ends Sunday, Save 31 % Reg. $12.99 Here they are! Light n comfy footwear you'll count on all summer long. Strappy canvas thongs in navy or beige tan. Criss­ cross strap style with back buckle in tan leather or chino canvas. Have them both! Reg. $10.99 & $11.99 Sandals Also on sale for $8.97 A SMART INVESTMENT Outdoor living with indoor convenience t nhances beaut\ and value of property Custom tit to patio or deck - All maintenance tree components designed to resist rust and rot Large unobstructed outdoor view Ouickly installed at a low cost Permanent baked-on enamel finish Available in white or brown Available both screened or glassed FREE ESTIMATES 414-275-2176 See Our Display At Our Factoiy Show Room Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8-5, Sat.-9-12 Noon HWY. 14, Walworth, Wise. 53184 r i i i i i i i i i L. Mail this coupon today for ? no obligation FREE ESTIMATE X • • •• \ ' • • \ \ . Best time to call tor an appointment « • Morning Q Afternoon • Evening Send coupon to: StyteMne, Hwy. 14 Walworth, Wise. 53184 of Lot2of the m of Section Township 44 •nth, Range 9. lit of thieWd rictian c r ibed a s fojlbws: Com­ mencing at a point on the North line of said Lot, 23 rods West of the Nbr th Eas t thereof; _ ng thence West to the North West corner of the East half of said Lot ; thence South to the center line of Illinois Route 120; thence^East along the ctfeiter of Illinois Route 120 to a1 point 24 rods due West <ff the East line of said lot; thence North 26Vi rods; jhepce to the Stace <* beg inn ing , i n a*e Coun ty , inois. PARCEL 8: All that, part of Sullivan Lake Road ly ing Northeasterly of and Northerly of t h e a b o v e described par­ cels: also all that part of Illinois Route 120 lying South of the above described par­ cels, in Lake County, Illinois. PARCEL 9: The North 30 acres of the Southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 45 North, Range 9. East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, in Lake County, Illinois. It is proposed that the subject property be zoned as a Planned Unit Development within an R-5 District comi single family atta< a n d d e t a c h e d residences, low rise and medium rise apartment buildings, service and retail commercial uses rrmitted in the B-l and - 2 z o n i n g classification, recreational facilities, open spaces, public uses and certain interim uses in accordance with said Annexation Agreement. An accurate map of the " subject 'I property proposed to be annexed to the Village aitf the form of the proposed Annexation Agreement are on file with the Village Clerk. You are further notified that said proposed Annexation Agreement may be changed, altered, modified, amended or redrafted in its entirety. All interested parties are invited to attend the. public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard. By order of the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Lakemoor. McHenry - County, Illinois. ALICE OWEN, vm^Cleric Lakemoor Lakemoor, Illinois (Pub. June 1,1983) No. 890228 TODAY'S V PSYCHOLOGY bySfrwBrody Q. How is it that often find ourselves going through the motions of living without really being excited about life? A. Most of us are afraid to be the unique individuals we are. The blessing and curse of being human is that we can decide how we want to be in the world. Indeed, should I even be in the world. And to differing degrees, we all ' choose how much we're go­ ing to risk being alive. IfTve seen it once, I've seen it a thousand times. Peo­ ple get themselves in trouble when they lose sight of who they are and try to be what they think everybody expects them to be. I hate mechanical work. I'd rather think or write, talk with my clients or play with the kids. Problem: My car breaks down like anyone else's. Assuming 1 can af­ ford to have someone else fix it, should I? If I let you decide that for me, or the General You which says real men change their own oil, I'm going to ruin a perfectly good Saturday af­ ternoon. II you h»v« • psychological quulton. writ* to Slav* Brody. Ph O.. P.O. Box 638. Frank fort. Kentucky 40802 FEATURED ON MCHENRY DAY-Members of two long established families with roots extending back at least a century in McHenry will entertain at the McHenry Coonty Historical museum on McHenry day. They areMaty Ann (Wiedrich) Wegener and Bill Weber. Representing the McHenry Choral club, they will present a half hour of songs, with emphasis on memory tunes of other years. The program is scheduled at 2 o'clock Sunday, June 5. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD Recycling Drive Slated June 4 On Saturday, June 4, a recycling drive will be conducted from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the McHenry Market Place on West Route 120. Sponsoring this drive will be the McHenry County Defenders and one of their com­ mittees, the Huntley-Union-Marengo Railroad Prairie group. The goal of this committee, nicknamed the H-U-M-mers, is to manage and thus preserve one of the best remaining undisturbed prairie remnants in the county. Their snare of the proceeds from the drive will be used to defray the costs of preparing a brochure and slide program in­ forming the public of this treasure, posting signs designating areas being protected, and obtaining materials needed in this effort. One can participate in the activity by bringing newspaperese card­ board,magazines or junk mail), "tin" cans flattened, glass containers (all plastic and metal removed), used motor oil in plastic or metal con­ tainers, and aluminum scrap bf all kinds. McHenry County D.U.I. ; (Driving Under the Influence) Established in 1976 Certified professional staff C^tll for information & registration 224 West Judd Street Woodstock 815*337-0032 . A private not-for-profit state certified program The 3-Season Room SCREEN or GLASS ROOM and PATIO COVER It's beautiful.. . convenient... affordable! Individuals will also recede a payback for crushed 100 percent aluminum cans. In addition to the semimonthly Saturday drives, the McHenry County Defenders also conducts a payback program for aluminum cans and glass containers each Thursday morning from 10 to 12 in the McHenry Market Place Parking lot. £ocal, non-profit organisations wishing to co-sponsor future recycling drives should contact the McHenry County Defenders representative at 385-8512. ' PARDEN One of the more popular summer and early naijUumn bloomers is the pet i offers a variety of < is used to brighten and wer- are i- FASHION MKT GOLD JEWELRY * AT AFFORDABLE PRICES ...TRY US FIRST! • CHAINS • BRACELETS* PENDANTS •CHARMS 'RINGS 'DIAMONDS ASK FOR "THE PRINCE" "WILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS..." MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MERCNMDISt CLEARANCE CEKTHS 301 W. Virginia StrMt Crystal Lake--815-455-0333 Mon.-Tues. 9 a.m.-S p.m. Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. USE CASH, VISA, M.C. or OUR PURCHASING CARD SALE DATES JUNE 1 thru JUNE 7 --WHILE QUANTITIES LAST-- Have you visited our store in Wauconda? ALL POOLS 40% OFF OUR REGL PRICE SUMMER SAVERS ALL FANS OUR REG. PRICE SALE PRICES FROM: $14.39 BBQ GRILLS 40% OFF O U R R E G . P R I C E • S M O K E R S - F O L D - A W A Y S • C O V E R E D C O O K E R S ALL TENTS 50% OFF OUR REG. PRICE PLANTERS 50% OFF O U R R E G . P R I C E B A M B O O - L O O K . R E D W O O D • A N D P L A S T ' acilM; ANY ONE SPORTING GOOD ITEM EXPIRES JUNE 7, 1983 FREE FATHER'S DAY CARD WITH PURCHASE The petunia has anajfleaves and. lane open flowers/some­ what tftimpet-shaped. Among the popular colors are,pink, white, purple, and yellow. Propagated by seed, the petunia is easy to grbw and does well in any good soil. Keep the plant in a container that drains well and^watcr^ frequently. j • •• ' 1 Wine is but one product of the dandelion, the long frioom- ing plant which presents a bright yellow flower «nd is found almost everywhere in the world. Some gardeners reject the dandelion as an unacceptable weed, but it is widely grown and used for many ]pdrposes. The leaves of some Varieties are used in salads and the roots are used in the prepar­ ation of medicines. * Orown from seed, the dandelion needs no special soil and will usually thrive in sun of half-shade.' Oldtimers in some parts of the country have long ventured into the wild in se­ arch of dandelion for use in the family recipe for wine- making. ( * - it# --a j U.S. Immigrants Out of all the countries whose sons and ctai|hters immigrated to America, Ire­ land and Norway lost the highest proportion of their population. Ireland lost a quarter of her people: Nor­ way slightly less. ~ > * PEN & jjSrCALCULATOR •^SET by UNISONIC Sj| SQ99 •23.95 W ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S WATCHES 50 % OFF NELSONfC •LEJOUR NATIONAL SEMI-CONDUCTOR OUR ENTIRE FISHING DEPARTMENT 40% OFF POLES • REELS LURES -HOOKS »ETC. Water] Powered by the fan shaft, it forces coolant to the engine and trans­ mission and returns it to the radiator for rfe-eool- ing. Wear make! itself tnown by leakage and noise. The pump is re­ placed a» a unk when this condition occurs.

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