Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1983, p. 10

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6/ITF1 ch, Crystal Lake. Wee Soccer, ages 5- June Jn, 9am- Oam, ieminap for On Prepaid Lin* Ad* Ron Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer/Cittzen Package Peadllne: Monday before 3:30 PM IS words or less for only $4.60, Reg. price S5.10-.14' eoch additional word RCACMM 42,SSt MMII M MCFLBMY CMMTT The McHenry Plalndealer 3312 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 40050 Amounf Enclosed. .Insert for. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE_ electric 515.00: 4 Musnroom. beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00., Call after 5pin . after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- with Magic Genie, doulbe a keyboard, 3 years old. First fOR sau " RCU ESTATE ACRE High and HAPPY BIRTHDAY UTTLEAUMEY SO Years Old... ...Bit Who's Cowling PLA1NDEALER - 1 unds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, in Mo mortem, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Situation Wonted, Wanted to Rent, Wanted to Buy, end Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. The Plaindealer Is not responsible for errors In classified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion end call our attention to any mistakes. OFHCi HOURS:MONDA Y-FRIDAY 1:30am to 5:00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON CLASSIFIED READER DEADLINE ̂ 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER / 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE I 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER 1H-M5-0I70 CUBIC FT. AMANA Side Side Refrigerator;- 36" I st d. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 1061 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 BtlSHBS SCftUKCS H3G OBEDIENCE COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125.00;; Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 JUST REDUCED Froi keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 act section, excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. HON NoJ I \ SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31C FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-31C 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks FORD 1977.i Jon Super Cab Camper' Special, power BUSINESS SCRUKCS k^TOM HUBBARD, 3 B A ward winning BUSINESS MIMHtES r MMUlwl IU1I10) UCtilLjUv to j^nd homes. 312-395-7168 "3>r 312-395-6006. 6-ltfc ^PLUMBING, New work , remodel ing , ^repairs, water heaters, ^sump pumps , water Softeners. Licensed, ^Insured. Call Tom. 815- 6-ltfc 653-9725. RAKESTRAW Lawn and Garden Service Lawn Mowing Roto Tilling Free Estimates 815-344-1971 815-385-4883 (Over 10 Years Service In The Area) R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 6-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 815-385-4024 Gary Jensen. 6-ltfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Profess iona l Dog Grooming. All breeds. Cal l 815-385-2018 for appointment. 5-4tfc ALBRECIIT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 5-4tfc FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS SPRING _J_ Best time for tree care. Now offering 15% Off trimming and removals. Free estimates j Fully Insured * 815-385-0318 6 / IT MATHISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repairs. Backhoe Work Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call Light Hauling, Driveway Gravel, Top Soil, Sand & Fill 815-344-3980 ALLAN'S d BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .. .50' Sq. Ft. for Grading & Blacktopping Only Q# Driveways Over 1000 Sq. Fl •Parking Lots*New Drives •Long lanes'Patcbing •Resurfacing'Sealcoating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates ' 1 ' 115-459-3960 Call Now 6 Save i ' 5/4TF JU-- i •y o v f 2»; MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Aluminun*Steel*Viitjfl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Setting your are* 28 years experience. We are ROW taking orders. Deal direct with owner ft save!! ' ">• ̂ Seal Coating tall anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 3122235634 LIBERTYVlLLE 312-3674)676 RESIDENTIAL C O M M E R C I A L PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING R e s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r c i a l - l n d u s t r i a l Big sav ings on Res iden t i a l wo rk . P roven by thousands o f sa t i s f i ed cus tomers . SPRING DISCOUNT •Mach ine La id 'New Dr i ves •Resu r fac ing •Pa rk ing Lo ts •Sea l Coa t i ng A l l wo rk gua ran teed F ree Es t ima tes „ 312-546-5600 Grcyslake, I I I . THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Stop, Think, Calland Compare Prices ComplcU* lawn Maintendnrc, Werd and feed Iertili/ing. Ihat< hing, Sod. Black Diri, Sand (travel. D»( oralis c Stone, Tree and Shrub Planting • installed or Delivered Oak firewood $45. dropped oil 815-385-6103 rsw&M Landscapes httflBby Gary Weiss (NS*PLANTS*PLANTING •SEED*SOD*GRADING , PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED, GUARANTEED WORK Free Estimates 115-728-1668 IT'S SPRING HOME Improvement Time! Painting, interior and e x t e r i o r a n d wallpapering.,, Quality work. For a free estimate, call 815-344- 1722 after 6pm. 5-18-6- 24c R & S PAINTERS. Custom interiors and exteriors. Wallpapering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 6-ltfc CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. B a u m a n C a r p e t Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 6-ltfc HANDYMAN, CAR­ PENTRY, Remodeling, Roofing and Siding, Painting, Fences, Tree Removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344-2384. 6- ltfc X i i i i RICK'S ROTOTILLING, 16 Hp., Kabota Diesel, 6" to 10" deep, 42" wide. No garden too big or too small. Very reasonable. Phone 815-728-0161. 6- ltfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? . Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, c a l l E l e c t r i c a l Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 6-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. . 6- ltfc TYPEWRITER REPAIR and Main­ tenance. Expert service on all makes and models. Manual and electric. Free pick up and delivery. Free estimates. Keener And Son, Wonder Lake, 815- 728-0672. 6-ltfc REMODELING Specialists. "30 years". Basements, porches, r o o m a d d i t i o n s , garages, concrete repairs, roofing, siding. Prompt service. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344- 1632, 815-385-6566, 815- 344-0748. 5-27-6-15C R & S PAINTERS. Custom interiors. Wallpapering. Free estimates. 815-459-4264. 6-ltfc G A R A G E D O O R SALES, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2662. 6-ltfc P A I N T I N G , P A T ­ CHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815^455- 5536. . 5-4tic SEWING MACHINE And Vacuum cleaner repair. Household and commercial. In-home service. We carry parts for all makes. Free pick up and delivery. New and rebuilt sewing machines and cabinets. Keener and Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728- 0672. - 5-4tfc FIRST BAPTIST McHenry, 509 Front S t r e e t . S u m m e r Recreation. Director: Don Stumfp, Wrestling Coach, Crystal Lake. Pee Wee Soccer, ages 5- 12. June 9am- 11:30am, Seminap for Skill Traimttgr^farie 18, 25, July 2, Games for different age groups. Registration Fee, $5.00. Must call by June 8. 815- 385-0083. 6-1-6-3C NEED HELP WITH Spring Cleaning? Will do yard work, painting, garage cleaning, 'etc. Reasonable rates, call evenings, 815-344-1922. 6-1-6-3C MASTER'S QUALITY Painting, interior and exterior, ceramic tiling and paperhanging. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call day or night, 815-344-5078. 5-25- 6-3c WILL DO GARAGE and basement cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815-653-6896. 5- 25tfc PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Homes, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, etc. Reasonable rates. References. 815-385- 0150. 5-13-6-17C WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 5-4tfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good work, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 5-4tfc YARD CARE. Spring clean-up. Mowing, Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 54tfc L I C E N S E D H O R ­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 5-4 tfc BASEMENTS & AT­ TICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815455-5536. 54tfc SWIMMING POOL, pump repair. Home and industrial, electrical and plumbing. Insured. Schaeffer & Co., 815-728- 1700. 6-1-7-lc WILL CLEAN OUT Basements, garages, attics, also lawn work. Call after 5pm, free estimates, 815-385-6511. 6-1-6-3C NOTICE BUYING LIFE INSURANCE? Don't Bay or Qiistye Any Life Insurance Wilfcoaf Contacting Mel PATRICK JAMES LEIIZIA Financial Planner Since 1968 815-728-0404 happy SIWHOHV PERSONALS T BOATS & MOTORS AUTOS Uvo&Hags Tbo fa City North fang ML CONGRATULATIONS To Two Of McHenry's East Campus Finest '83 Graduates IKTH COLUMN NOTICE SCHOOLS OUT in 1 week, full time child care, ages 3 years and up. Day Care At­ mosphere, only taking five children. Call today! Unreal prices! 815-455-1903. 5-25-6-3C F O X V A L L E Y CHRISTIAN School, 509 Front Street. Grades K- 12. Now Enrolling. Interested families must have interview with school ad­ ministrator or staff. Enrollment fee $55.00, prior to June 30, save $30.00. 815-385-0083. Kindergarten students and new .students must be tested for placement beforer school' starts. Enroll now ̂ 6-1-6-3C DISCOURAGED OVER H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can afford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815- 338-3328. 6-1-6-3C GIVE AWAY: Black and black and white kittens, 5 weeks old, shots. Will spay and neuter; Large neutered black and white dog, friendly, needs fence. 815-455-1186 before 5pm. 6-ltfc HORSES ihioux stalls pastuw TURN OUT, F DESIRED BUY GRAM •URGE OUTDOOR HUM ARENA •NEW GrxlOB'MDOOR ARENA •URGE FOALING STALL AVAILABLE •MOOR ARENA AVAILABLE IM^CENIED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Caw Act of 1969. it*i« a , misdemeanor to care for 4. or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of 'Illinois. r- It is also illegal to adver­ tise for such services in ion unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-| being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS 0SPAKTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. III. 60046 9 ' 2 - W - W l . , BOATS & MOTORS SEA-RAY SRV180, high performance, 55 mph, "Little Dude", dropped axle trailer, mooring cover, convertible top, very good condition, $5,500,815-344-1223. 5-27- 6-3c 16 FT. BOAT with trailer, 75 Hp Johnson, electric start. New paint, seats,, carpet, $1,500 or best offer. 815-' 653-4736. 5-27-6-3C LIKE NEW, 16 ft. Switzer Ski Boat with 75hp Chrysler outboard, E-Z load trailer, complete with ski equipment, $6,000. 81$-. 675-6458. 6-1-6-3C NOTICE MAINTENANCE MAN Looking for evening e m p l o y m e n t . H a r d ' worker. References. 815-385-9681. 5-27-6-3C CITY OF McHENRY CLEAN UP DATS 1983 Jfcr-r V' Monday, June 6 North of Elm and West of railroad tracks (Lakeland Park, ferittany Park Area) ' * £4' • •< ot Tuesday, June 7 South of Elm and West of railroad tracks (Lakeland Shores, Whispering Oaks, Fox Ridge, Cooney Heights) Wednesday, June 8 South of Bull Valley Road and East of Green Street (McHenry Shores) Thursday, June 9 Friday, June 10 South of Wilukegan Road and East of Railroad tracks, ^ (Edgebrook Heights, Country Club, Country Club Estat^F) ffll 1' ' ' • .r North of Waukegan Road, and East of railroad tracks > (Midstream Subd., old part of town) Items will be picked ul area. Everything must be] is to be heavier than wh| pings, leaves, small Newspapers must be ti< ber or large pipes will be] PUBLISH: tly once in each designated Klhe curb by 6:00 am. Nothing two men can lift. Grass dip- inches must be in bags. rocks, large pieces of lum- icked up. i and June 1,1983 •MMHi 1874 M.F.G., 15(4 Ft. Open bow, 50 hp. M e r c u r y , ' C a u l k i n s trailer, cover, skis, many accessories, very good condition, $2,200. 815-728-1102. 5-20-6-lC MOTOftCVCLES 1975 HONDA CB 360T, 5,000 miles. New seat and windshield. Back rest and luggage rack. Runs good, $400.00. After 5pm, 815-344-2340. 5-27-6-3C HONDA CL 450, adult owned, excellent con­ dition, asking $375.00. 815-385-8940. 6-1-6-3C 1975 KAWASAKI 750 Mack IV, $700.00 or bast offer. Can be seen at Tami's Juvenile Fur­ niture, 815-385-9293, after 5pm 815-385-7729 ask for Bob. 6-1-6-Sc HONDA MINI-TRAIL and Kawasaki 100 Enduro. After 5pm, 815- 385-0534. 5-20-6-lC 1981 YAMAHA XS 850 Special, excellent condition. Must sell, $2,000. 815-344-5171 after 5:30pm. 6-1-6-3C AUTOS 1974. BUrCK ESTATE \tagon, good tires. New exhaust, timing chain and tune-up. Good condition, $800.00. Call after 5pm, 815-385-4808. 5-27-6-24C 1975 UATSUN Station Wagon, good Condition, air, am-fm. No rust, garage kept. $1,995 or reasonable offer con­ sidered. 815-653-9582 after 5pm. 5-27-6-3C 1 9 8 0 B I A R R I T Z Eldorado, 31,700 miles, loaded, (no diesel), roof slider, many extra's, $12,700 offer ? 815-653- 9582 after 5pm. 5-27-6-3C 1973 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, automatic, runs good, $225.00 firm. 815-653-4586. 5-27-6-3C 1 9 7 4 C A D I L L A C DeVille, good condition, some rust, very clean interior, runs great, $1,500. Call 815-385-3490. 5-27-6-3C WE BUY CARS o n d TRUCKS i n ony cond i t i on 815-338-0270 F r e e T o w i n g 1976 DODGE MAXI Van, dependable, runs great, $1,000. 815-385- 4496. 5-27-6-3C 1970 PONTIAC LeMANS Sport Convertible, am- fm, air conditioning, full p o w e r . E x c e l l e n t condition! 815-385-8161, 815-385-0625. 6-1-6-3C 1974 FORD F250, New brakes, clutch, -tune-up. Good body and interior, 360 V-8, 4 speed, 59,000 miles, $1,350. 815-385- 8920. 6-1-6-3C 1979 CHEVETTE, stick shift, low mileage, one owner, $2,895.00. Ex­ cellent condition. Call after 4pm, 497-4257. 6-1- 6-3C 1976 BUICK ESTATE Wagon, full power, air conditioning. Excellent condition! Must see! 815-385-8161, 815-385- 0825. 6-1-6-3C 1972 COMET, 4 door, low mileage, some nut. Make v offer. Call anytime, 815-459-2368. 6- 1-6-3C 1976 PONTIAC Bon­ neville, air conditioning, all power, luxury car. Good condition, $950.00. 815-385-5338. 6-1-6-3C 1975 CHEVY NOVA, excellent gas mileage. Will sacrifice, $450.00. 815-385-5338. 6-1-6-3C 1979 FORD PINTO Pony Wagon, 4 speed, $1,850. 815-675-2072. 6-1-6-3C 1976 LINCOLN, t* door Town "<}aiy black op black, ell power, Michelin tires, 50,000 miles, garage kept, $4,500.815-728-0125. 6-1- 6-3c 1 9 7 9 M E R C U R Y CAPRI, 3 door sedan, very good condition, power steering, power brakes, very clean, $4,000. Call 815-344-4727. 6-1-6-3C 1979 SPORTSTER, 6,000 miles, many options, $2,500 or best. 815-943- 7374. 6-1-6-3C 1972 PORSCHE 914 Convert, like new tires, 27 mpg, $2,500 offer. 815- 338-0033 after 4pm. 6-1- 6-3c GARAGE SALE FURNITURE SALE, 6 piece maple bedroom set; 3 piece white stressed bedroom set; 3 cushion striped sofa; 2 gold living room chairs; 8,000 BTU air con­ ditioner; cabinets and much, much more. Call 312-935-1649. 6-1-6-3C CARA6C SHI GARAGE SALE, Julie 3rd and 4th, 9-5pm. No early birds. 3717 W. John Street, McHenry. Children's clothes; toys; household items; much misc. 6-1-6-Sc FIRST TIME SALE, Moving out of state! Antiques; depression glass; crafts; books; tools; oar parts; Weber and much more. Jtne 2, 3,4th, 9-3pm, Sunset and Lilac, Holiday Hills. 64- 6-3c G A R A G E S A L E , C l o t h i n g ; p l a n t s ; household miscellaneous. 109 Canterbury, Foxridge, Saturday Only, June 4, 9-5pm. 6-1-6-Sc GARAGE SALE, 10 Families, June 2,3, and 4. Cooney Heights, 4204 South, 9 till 5pm. Fur­ niture; bikes; books. Large selection. 6-1-6-Sc 4 FAMILY YARD Sale, Saturday, June 4, 8am- 5pm. 2911 North Knollwood, McCullom Lake (In Gate 6). Bicycle; glasses; toys; kitchen table; craft kits; stroller; toy bop; rollaway bed; child's desk and chair; clothing (most$1.00a bag). 6-1- 6-Sc GARAGE SALE, Jurie Knoll Avenue^Lakeland Park. Delta drill press; weight bench; 16" chain saw; tires; car radios; garage door opener, $50.00; much more. 64- 6-3c 5 >ToT . : •Tvifegw Ji'Tjfrr . iUi'ill?; TOWOloWOfJ8 rd. 4th, 5th, 9:00 ID to 2:00 PA UVULA VA9KLL -j 1302 WJMtist Shtn NcHtary, Minon MVST SO 6/M/3 6 / ) c JIM'S RESALE SHOP 5103 McCilon Like Rd. Appliances Household Wares Tools Lawnmowers T.V.'s Repair Liwnniowtrs, Small Engines 1 General Welding 815-385-7413 B NOTICE NOTICE

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