IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! TRUCK & TRAILER LICENSE SERVICE The time is near for McHenry county Senior Citizens to bring oyt hobbies they have been working on aH winter. The Woodstock Kiwanis club is making plans to provide that op portunity at Woodstock's city park Saturday, June 18, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. : There is no cost to enter. Entrant^, must be bZ years old or older. Thqy can sell, take orders or just show what they are doing or making. \ Registration forms may be picked up at any Senior Citizen "meet anjj) eat" place in McHenry county. "f, Photographs will be taken of each single or group entrant with. thejr' exhibit. A copy will be available later and there is no charge. . 4 V There will be entertainment on the band stand almost continuously in cluding two kitchen bands and several individual entertainers. ^ Kiwanis Senior Citizens George Blocksom and C.W. Coons are general chairmen. Kiwanis Senior Citizen Jack Satorius will be in charge of the entertainment. Questions about the fair should be directed .to George Blocksoin at 8lS- 338-3125. V- OLD FASHIONED SERVICE IS DACK! The Senate has overwhelmingly* approved a bill introduced by Senator Jack Schaffer, R-Cary, which is designed to improve state assessment procedures. SB 176, which was passed bv a vote of 54-4. is now before the House of Representatives. If signed into law it will provide for accurate property assessments at the local and county levels. "My bill would eliminate the need to issue any state multiplier to coun ties," said Senator Schaffer, "because it makes certain that assessments are accurately made at the local level." "At the present time, many township assessors and county supervisors of assessments simply are not making assessments as spelled out by the law. My bill, if it becomes law, will change that. We must make certain that property is fairly and legally assessed by local - not state - officials." Senator Schaffer pointed out that at the present time, the State Depart ment of Revenue has to equalize the assessments in counties assessed above or below the legally assessed level (one-third of the full market value). As a result, the state is blamed when property taxes are increased by equalization. In addition, local property taxpayers are denied the right to protest unfair ass6*£i<£* bfeause they ar&fibt aware of the real ajiessment level until after the state nfpltiplier is put in place and the time period for protest has expired. "Senate Bill 176 provides both a positive incentive^ and a penalty to encourage the supervisors of assessments and county boards of review to assess in accordance with state law and to eliminate inequities between townships," said Senator Schaffer. The bill introduced by Senator Schaffer would mandate county supervisors of assessments to equalize townships within their counties and to assess property within 2 percent of the legally required level. If the State Department of Revenue determines this has been done, the county supervisors of assessments would be paid $2,000 a year extra. The bill also provides that the State will continue to reimburse counties for one-half of the supervisors of assessments' salaries but only if the total assessed value is within 2 per cent of the 33 1-3 percent assessed valuation. After Jan. 1, 1984, if the State Department of Revenue determines that the total assessed value is not within the 2 percent of the one-third valuation, the general revenue sharing funds from the state income tax for counties will be used for school districts within the county. This bill will neither raise nor lower the number of dollars collected by the units of local governments using the property tax because the state multiplier is already used to ar tificially equalize assessments. UP * One inch of rain contains the same amount of water as a ten-inch snowstorm. , \bur cat's Best friend. LAND OF LINCOLN Gary Bouliy Owner Dob Baseley LAND OF LINCOLN THAT'S PERFORMANCE JUN ILLINOIS 84 CLASS LICENSE PLATES PI A<Q LICENSE PLATES •LUBE, OIL & FILTER 1. Please present your computer pre-printed license renewal form. 2. License plates issued for class "B" trucks (gr. wt. including vehicle 3,001-8,000 lbs.), $30/set. "TA" class trailers (gr. wt. including vehicle 3,000 lbs and less), $12/Set. IMMEDIATE KUVERY • AVAILABLE MWI (On the spot plates lor iust a »2.00^ervlce charge plus the license plate cost.) Deadline June 30th! ̂srri Serving the banking needs WlftT of the McHenry area I// Member FDIC |NclT10!\iclL ESaiMK OF JVtrHGMRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET ? - McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-5400 •REPACK WHEEL BEARINGS •SERVICE FRONT WHEEL DRI •BRAKE WORK • •TUNE UPS *' PHILLIPS