SAVING STORE taKSsg- Baseball Popcorn Balls 5~*1 Great for snackln' while you're watching the game or for after school snacks. Each has a unique baseball design on the pack age. Spraymatic Squeeze Hose Nozzle 1.57 Cut those oostly water bills, this spraymatic hose nozzle wiU spray water where you want it. For ail your wat ering chores! #4&6C. Assorted Caramel Creams Choose from several deli-1 cious flavors including car-1 amel creams, chocolate caramel creams, iLcorice] eararoef -creams, and j butter creams. nrecDTon® Handy Plastic Hangers Qlade Spin-Fresh . „HIIVOI9 Air Freshener I m a - 10f.$1 I Are you continually running Newl Spin-fresh air fresh- I °u* of hangers? These stur- ener from Giade freshens I dV- durable hangers are at your bathroom automatically I an unbeatable price. while It remains out-of- a| - I mm a Recoton® Cassette Adaptor 26.87 You don't have to replace your old 8-track player with a costly cassette player -- our cassette adaptor allows you to play cassettes in your 8-track player at half the cost. HCS112A. * tfrtB KVt LLE- W. 34 and 47 mm Multi-Shakers Spice or Cake Decorations Your Choice • m m These unique shakers are so handy! Each comes filled I with spices or cake decora tions in their own compart-1 ments. Separate lids for] each compartment snap tightly shut to keep the in gredients fresh. «400F, 410. 27194 your iSfes 8TWATOW - ;