1331 N. Riverside Dr. McHcnry M5-M33 CONSUMER VCHECKUST PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALEJR-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,1963 ! cA/(o±t[u JbocLa[ Lakeland Park Women's Club ...... .. ', - Installs Re-Elected Officers Hostesses Barbara Burke and Ruth Roach served delicious refreshments at the Maji meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club. One of the most important items on the agenda was the installation of the re-elected of ficers. Vickey Bottari, a past president, conducted the installation, reminding the officers of their obligations and complimenting them on their successful term. She wished them another good year of service. The next item under discussion was the annual officers dinner, which'was set for Thursday, June 9, starting at 0:30 p.m., at the Longhorn Steak House. Reservations are to be made with Mrs. M. (Marie) Cross of N. Oak drive, McHenry. It was unanimously agreed that a gift be taken to Italia Mazzoni, a long time member, now at Royal Terrace, in honor of her birthday. The club will be in recess until Thursday, Sept. 8. The first meeting of the Fall season is designated as a "Welcome Meeting", beginning with a smorgasbord dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7:30, with the board members hostesses. Everyone is urged to bring new members and encourage former members to rejoin. . v. Although membership has been quite low, the club has been very active and concerned for the good of the community ; and those attending have enjoyed the fun and fellowship at the meetings. All ladies in Lakeland Park and Lakeland Shores are invited and urged to come out and participate in the good times and projects of the club. KSSt Women's Club Has Flea Market The Lotus Country Women's club of Spring Grove will be having a Flea Market fund raiser in the town hall of Spring Grove, Friday, June 10, from 9 a m until 5 p.m.; and Saturday, June II, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Donations of marketable items will be accepted, such as brick-a-brack, knickknack, books, small working appliances, small items of furniture, tools, toys, and games. No clothing or shoes will be accepted. Funds raised will be used by Lotus Country Women's club for projects benefiting the community, including Spring Grove Fire Department, Spring Grove Rescue Squad, St. Peter's CCD program. Easter Seals, American Cancer Society, Beautification projects, scholarships, Spring Grove Fourth of July parade, Junior Girl Scouts, Brownies. MILK DAY HORSE SHOW The Harvard Milk Day Horse show will be held Sunday, June 5, at Wil- (>aks Quarter Horse farm, 7319 Maxon road. Harvard. To find the show grounds, just follow the horse show arrows from the intersection of Rt. 14 and Rt 173 going west (stoplight). For more information or a showbill, contact show secretary Karen Mc- Cloud at (815) 943-7146. McHenry County Headstart (han dicapped), and juvenile diabetes. Anyone wishing to donate should contact Marge Jung, 815-675-2285 or Dolores Ellefsen, 815-675-2457. JEFFREY GOODWIN AND JOY ^YDUNA ' ? ... ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENTS--Mr. «nd Mrs. Calvbi E. Vydnna of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughters, who will both be married this year. Joy Diane Vyduna of Lovebuid!£plo. will wed Jeffrey Alien Goodwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Goodwin ofijLongmout, Colo. The bride-elect is a 1976 graduate of McHenry high school and a 1980 graduate of the University of Illinois. She is currently a speech teacher in Loveland and working on a Master's degree at Colorado State university. Her fiance is employed in Greeley, Colo, and attends the University of Northern Colorado. The couple will JUDY VYDUNA AND MATTHEW KRUEGER exchange promises of marriage Aug. 13, in Loveland, where they will also make •. their home. Judy Ann Vyduna and Matthew William Krueger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krueger of Palatine, IU. will repeat their wedding vows Nov. 26. - The prospective bride is a 1979 graduate of Johnsburg high school and received a B.F.A. in Art Education from'the University of Illinois in May, 1983. The future bridegroom graduated from Frerfid high school in 1977; the University of Illinois in December, 1981;. and is presently employed as an Industrial engineer in Wichita Fall*, Tex. Reinstate Officers At Luncheon The Kishwaukee Trail Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution held its annual spring luncheon meeting at Millie's Pancake House on Tuesday, May 24. The current officers were reinstated for the 1983-84 year. They are: Amy Brink, regent; Norma Anderson, first vice regent; Lynn Long, second vice regent; Vivian Bassett, chaplain; Rosemary Belmonte, recording secretary; Helen Wright, corresponding secretary; Leta Clark, treasurer; Nancy Langdon, registrar; Chloe Brown, historian-librarian. Regent Brink recently returned from Continental Congress in Washington, D.C., with honor roll status based on the chapter's out standing accomplishments for the year. Among the awards of excellence on the national level is a first place award for the newly-organized Ringwood Junior American Citizens club under the sponsorship of the Kishwaukee Trail chapter. This special projects award recognized the JAC's outstanding achievement in the knowledge of the history of our country and the ideals on which itWas founded under the Constitution. A certificate and check for $25 will be presented to the JAC club and its leader, Mrs. Ferol Tomlinson, for the special project entitled 1lIf I Were a Pilgrim Child." Second Vice Regent Long an nounced that Lori Nichols, a senior at Johnsburg high school, is the recipient of the DAR occupational therapy scholarship for $300 to be applied to her tuition at Marquette University. Mrs. Long made the presentation at the awards assembly at Johnsburg high school. - After the luncheon, members $nd guests were entertained by Alice fehd Frances Bailey, authors qft "Dear Folks," a 200-year history of their McHenry county family. The authors, recounting interesting incidents and reading amusing excerpts from their book, delighted their audience with their original presentation and musical rendition of "Hoe Out Your Row." COMMUNITY CALENDAR DRIVERS REFRESHER COURSE The drivers refresher course that is held at the Crystal Lake Meet and Eat center, which has been held on the first three Wednesdays of each month, is now being changed to the first three Thursdays of each month. This an nouncement was made by course coordinator Silver Ferrentino last week. Those with questions should call (815 ) 455-2157 and ask for Judy. Also use this telephone number to register for the course. JUNE 1 McHenry Grandmothers clufcr- meeting, 11:30 a.m.-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-bring own lunch-dessert by committee-social hour follows. JUNE 2 McHenry S ports mans club-- Weingart road-Meeting, 8 p.m. Woodstock-McHenry League of Women Voters-board of directors meeting, 9 a.m.-Edna Fanning's Lake house-gourmet potluck-details, phone Kay Halverson, 385-1625-all members welcome. U' Evening Circle-United Methodist Women of First United Methodist church, McHenry-Dinner, 6:30 p.m- Plum Garden restaurant. JUNE 4 j Car Wash-9 a.m. to 1 p.m.r-, McHenry Plaindealer parking lQt- sponsor, McH. Operation Snowball- everyone urged to come . McHenry Sportsman's club-- Weingart road-Practice Shoot, 1 j>.m. Annual Rummage Sale-Faith Presbyterian church-Lincoln & Chapel Hill roads-across from out- • In the photo at right, an unidentified member of the ftiiid Care class pre-schoolers is congratulated and receives a diploma, while the rest of the class, shown above, wait their turn for the "big moment". STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD Big Day For Little People 1 The Johnsburg High' School held graduation ceremonies recently for Jhe child care class pre-schoolers. The excersizes included songs the children had learned, followed by distribution of the diplomas. Jhe fifteen graduates are: Jeremy AFTER A CHRIST-CENTERED NURSERY SCHOOL For children 3 to 5 years olds 3 YEAR OLDS • TWO DAY PER'WEEK $•11 a.m.) 4-5 YEAR OLDS THREE DAYS A WEEK ( 9 - 1 1 a . m . ) . FOR INFO CALL. 385-1351 OR 653-9347 Edward Bell, Jodi Lynn Blowers, Jonathan Michael Capps, Cristy Cor- so, Gretchen Marie Haydam, Kenny Junkunc, Todd Andrew Miketionis, Emily Susan Olsen, Garrett Palombi; Joseph Rudolph Rowland, Shaun SetzlGr, Jaime Ann Sincell, James Swinford, Kirk W. Turner, and Ryan R. Whitmore. Grey, Hand-Fed Cockatiels Reg. $89.99 NOW SPECIAL lc SALE BUY ONE FISH AT REGULAR PRICE GET A SECOND FISH FOR ONE SAtI GOOD JUNE1 - JUNE 5 •BRICK SWORDTAILS < •BLUEPLATYS , •RED VELVET SWORDTAILS *RED PLATYS •RED WAG SWORDTAILS «RED TAIL BLACK VARIATUS •BLACK SAILPIN MOLLIES •GOLD SAILFIN MOLLIES * •GREEN LYRE TAIL MOLLIES •AND MUCH MORE OFFER NOT AVAILABLE M,T,TH ft F 10-7 •GREEN SWORDTAILS •NEON SWORDTAILS ?BALI SHARKS •SCHENOPS •SMALL RED OSCARS •SMALL TIGER OSCARS •ANGELICA CATS , •SNAKE-SKIN GOURAMIS •4 VARIETIESANGEL FISH WITH OTHER SPECIALS Sun 11-3*CLOSI £ 10-4 WED. Healthy Plants ' A mixture of one enve lope of unflavored gela tin dissolved in hot wa ter, slowly adding three cups of cold water will make your plants health ier. Use this mixture in stead of water, once a month. « Roller Skating Party Planned All members of the Johnsburg National Catholic Society of Girl Foresters are invited to a roller skating party to be held Tuesday, June 14, at the McHenry Roller Rink. Time for skating is from l to 3'.30 p.m. Those having their own skates are requested to taring them. Meet at the Johnsburg Community club, at 12:15 p.m. Permission slips may be picked up at the home of Mrs. DeWolfe or Mrs. Hiller. For more information, call 497-3415 or 385-8389. door theater-9 a.m. to 3 p.m. JUNE 5 •, NAIM--St. Margaret Chapter--, > Mass, 10:45~Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry-brunch at, Chapel Hill. JUNE 6 McH. Senior Citizen club-executive board meeting, s Nat'l. Cath. Soc; of Foresters-McH. Girls Jr. Ct. 659-Great America trip-', reservations, call Debbie Oeffling, 385-5881. or BartxPlutshack, 385-8X53. _ - JUNE 7 $ ith Circle-First United Meth^ls^ of Mcrteifry-4unch«o£, l|:3q«$ p.ift.-Johh EtfkrtS, Crystal* Lake-|| reservations, call Marion Barrows by| June 1. Marcia Mary Ball Circle-First $ United Methodist church, McHenry-* Luncheon, noon-McHenry Country* club-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-v 2754. I ' • „ , ' • ' • JUNE 8 I Telephone Pioneers of America-* meeting, 11:30 a.m.-Woodstock City! Park-Sportsman's Club House--* reservations, 344-4144 or 338-6637. I * JUNE 9 McH. Co. Genealogical Soc.-! meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran* church-Washington & Tryon Sts.,» Woodstock-speaker, Brian Donovan,' "Irish Research". Lakeland Park Women's club-* Officers Recognition dinner, 6:30* p.m.-Long Horn restaurant--* reservations, Marie Cross, 385-7823. • JUNE 9-12 Rummage-Bake Sale--Montini> Middle school--sponsor, Christian* Mothers-Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 8:30* p.m.-Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. , * JUNE 10-11 , * Flea Market-Spring Grove Town" Hall-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.^* Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.-sponsor,* Lotus Country Women's club. jv JUNE 11 I, McHenry Sportsman's club--" \ Weingart road-Practice Shoot, l p.m.' I McHenry Area Toastmasters-* meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country- Club-guests welcome. JUNE 12 McHenry Sportsman's Weingart road-Meat Shoot, JUNE 13 McHenry Senior Citizens clut meeting, l p.m.-East campus* cafeteria-speaker, June Stewart * Library. : JUNE 15 St. John's Blessed Virgin Salad Bar Luncheon-ll:30 a.m-"-* Johnsburg Community Center-Cards* and prizes. i JUNE 17 NAIM--St. Margaret Chanter-* meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Oak Room,* Montini school-guest speaker. " u JUNE 18 McHenry Sportsman's club--* Weingart road-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m club- a.m. FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212N. Green St. lOfc.6)McHenry»344-1019 hOUR&?Wonday*8am-5pm * , ^ CLOSED TUESDAY Wednesday •8am-12 Noon (Hospital Patient na|rCare ' 1pm-5pm) Thursday & friday •8am-5pm Saturday •8am-2pm Pack spicy beef soup in a vacuum bottle for * lunch. Brown V\ lb. | beef in 2-quart; . in until crum^ i bly; drain. Combine 1 | pkg. (l»/4 oz) taco > seasoning mix, l>2 cups f water, 1 cup tomato i juice and 1 can (l lb.) ! pinto beans, thoroughly ; with beef. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover [ and simmer 10 minutes. - Makes 4 servings. -