Remember To Get Your FREE Freund s Coffee Cup" ""J"™™ PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,1983 Christian Women Hold Fashion Show A highlight of the June luncheon meeting of the McHenry County Christian Worn ens club will be a Children's Fashion Show. The event is slated to be held Wednesday, June 8, from 12 to 2 p.m., at TC Spirit's 6305 Northwest Highway in Crystal Lake. Area children will model ar large selection of children's summer wear. Added features will be music presented by eight-year-old, Christina Oates; and a recent college graduate, Jan Brooks of Zion, will speak on how r not to be an over-achiever. The deadline for reservations is noon, June 6. They can be made by calling Charlotte at 455-6642. A free nursery will be provided. "j* Marty Spoto, commander of V.F.W. Post 4600; and Bob Chavanec, commander of American Legion Post 491. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION-Dorothy Loss, comity manager of the McHenry Meet and Eat center, pours a cup of tea for Polly Hobbet, of McHenry, president of the McHenry County Senior Citizens council board. Ms. Hobbet spoke to 130 volunteers in the program at a special recognition days held recently in McHenry center. McHenry County Senior Citizens BIRTHS WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY LONG OR SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRT Set Sunday Brunch Krystle Kay is the name chosen by Roxanne Meyer, 7605 Myang, McHenry, for her first child, born May 15. The 8 lbs. 10 oz. baby girl was born at McHenry hospital. Dan and Kay Meyer of McHenry are the in fant's grandparents. He also has a great-grandfather, Joseph Meyer of Pinknyville, 111. Ronald and Barbara Steinsdoerfer, 4316 W. Prairie avenue, McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on May 16. Ashley Genevieve was born at Sherman hospital, Elgin, 111. and weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. She was eagerly awaited at home by her sister Eva, age 12 and brother, Ronald Jr., II. Maternal grandparents are Mike and Pearl Bukovsky of Wonder Lake. Jeannine Current of Lilymoor and George Steinsdoerfer of Waukegan, III. are the paternal grandparents. Joseph and Sharon Ames, 1109 Rocky Beach road, McHenry, became parents of their first child May 16. Susan Jeannine was bom at McHenry hospital and weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Tatro of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Magnuson of McHenry County Senior Citizens council continues to sponsor its series of Sunday brunches at its Meet and Eat Centers throughout the county, where seniors can share com panionship, enjoy good food and help themselves. The fifth of these special events will be a country brunch June 5, at the Hebron center at. 9908 St. Albans street. Mary Kynell, the center manager, will be the guest chef. Seating will be continuous from 10:30 a.m to 1 p.m. The menu will include fruit juices, sausage and scrambled egg ring, a selection of fresh fruits, sweet and sour chicken, gelatin mold, and assorted homemade coffee cakes and breads. These brunches are on a pre-paid reservation basis. Call the center manager at 385-8260 (McHenry) for reservations and payment before Thursday, June 2. By Arrow, Enro or Oxford Shirt Makers SHIRT VALUES $1 500 - 2400 TIE VALUES $ps'0 . 200° SEE US FOR MANY OTHER UNADVERTISED FATHER'S DAY VALUES! STORE FOR MEN f'\ 1214 N. Green St., McHenry If you're separating eggs, do it when they are cold for better results. Introducing The McHenry Plaindealer's All New 6 Month Subscription Special For Now and Renewing Customers!! Start a new 6 month subscription or add 6 months to your present subscription for the special introductory price of... 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