Summer Sate TO QUALIFIED BUYFRS*PURCHASES S300.00 and ABOVE H A R D W O O D R O U N D TRESSEL TABLE 4 C h a i r s REG $959 00 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BEDDING UP TO 2 foi 1 CANE CHAIR PAUL BUNYON BUNK BED OQiFF M A T T R E S S E X T R A BAMBOO SOFA, CHAIR & LOVESEAT Pol ished Cot ton QUEEN ANNE CHAIR o n A s s o r t e d C o l QUEEN SIZE SLEEPER C h e n i l l e H e r e u I c DINING ROOM SETS UP TO DOFF HARDWOOD 5 PIECE . DINETTE T • tf1' e 4 C h a i r s 1 I e a f Rf G $'• "v w' . EARLY AMERICAN SOFA AND LOVESf AT T o p G r a d e I > r e I on • REG $12 ' ' r RECLINERS A l l C o l o r s N y l o n REG $499 95 BUY 1 LAMP GET 2nd T R A D I f l O N A L SOFA AND LOVESEAT C o t t o n Q u i l t CON TEMPORARY AND TRADITIONAL BRASS FLOOR CLOCK REG. $649.95 A I L S O i I D W O O L TABLES 2 E n d I Cock ta i l REr, $ l i ) U - J AC BEDROOM SETS UP TO M U S T S E E ! ALL O U R F U R N I T U R E I S W O O D N O P L A S T I C S O R S i M U A f D N S 1 md{»:ns:¥ Koitw ywiiixltimix PACiE 4 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1.1983 EARL WALSH Some of you will remember that old song . "COME JOSEPHINE IN MY FLYJNG MACHINE". iNow we are saying, "youall come for a bus ride on Sunday, June 6 to attend McHenry Day at the Historical Society in Union". Our editor will give you details. The Playidealer has the brilliant idea of furnishing a bus to take McHenryites to Union if enough interest is shown. Atvina and I plan to board the bus and; look forward to a merry old time. Come on along. V^e will have fun. spurgeons •Save 1/3! Our Men's fashion Sport Shirts \J Reg $9 $ick the winners in all colors! Terry feoth and interlock knits of poly cot ion and all polyester. Build a ward ifpbe in S-M-L and XL;/ ! * M Save 30%! Famous Look Crew Neck Shirt, Hurry! 347 Reg $5 The popular cotton/rayon interlock knit T-shirt with stripes down shoul der and sleeve. Choose black, white, tan, royal, aqua. S-M-L-XL. Meetings will offer competition, speakers, tips on photography, field trips and more. The group welcomes all a m a t e u r s a n d professionals interested in photography. For information call Neil Schultz, 943-5018. fhrifltnpbrr'a---- Ladies' Only Night For Father's Day! CAMERA CLUB MEETS The Harvard Camera club will be meeting at the Diggins library, 101 Church Blvd. in Har vard, the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. >E./ sJ or 2.57 Ea > Reg $3 50 Ea Hjfcre they are! Machine w$sh n dry poly cotton kruts in stripes with match ing rib round neck and arm- h&les Terrific for men in S-Jvl-L and XL Boys' sizes 8-48 Save1 Save 20%! Men's Swimsuits O Reg $5 Bright poly cotton twill boxers; side stripes Nylon supporter; drawstring. Adidas® Shoes for Boys and CirlsH adidas £0% Off! Big Boys' £aranimals°, Now! The perfect multi-purpose summer shoe mode to lost. Made of nylon with velour trim Rubber sole with suction-cup profile and soft midsole wedge. Built-in toe cap and heel counter. (Sorry Guys....Sale applies to ladies only) Reg. $5-$7 • a m o u s n a m e b u y s ! »triped tank tops and solid ihorts of poly cotton in lavy, gray, tan, blue 8-14. Mon's Wear 3902 W. Main St. - McHenry 315-4040 Available in Itght gr»y with burgundy sinj with while strip*! Kid* SUM 10 13' > 15 and blue