Now you can qei all the features you want-- and all the features you need! With a new Frigidaire Microwave Oven. Recycling Aids Prairie Backers "Prairies are as much a part of our heritage in Illinois as are log cabins, old schoolhouses, and Indian arrow heads," according to a McHenry County Defender spokesman. Seeking to preserve the best remaining prairie remnant in McHenry county is a committee of the Defenders known as the H-U M-mers This group gets its name from the fact that this prairie lies along the Chicago and Nor thwestern railway and stretches for 15 miles from Huntley through Union and Marengo to the county line. The H-U-M-mers and the McHenry County Defenders will be conducting the June 4 recycling drive, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. in the McHenry Market Place. For further information about these materials and how to prepare them for recycling, contact a Defender representative at 385-6512. Convention EARL WALSH The women in our neighborhood were downright disappointed during the rainy month of May, At this time of year they like to bang their washing out on the hat Picking up the morning paper before breakfast and reading "Cubs Win; Sox Lose" is one helluva way to start » new day. HOME Of THE • finely Seasoned Baked haddock • Lake Perch, Pan-fried To Sizzling Perfection • Walleyed Pike, Tenderly Broiled B> Chef Donate. Jk MN'T JVST EAT OVT, <\M| DM! IN STYLE! ~i *01 H tfVtttD McHENVY III. 315-2471 (<# J | WllL The answer is Out the tat throagb evaporat ion , abtoibi motume from the earth and ocean at as amaz ing rate. Milium of tow of water are absorbed throagb evaporation ever second! Thns. when a rain brings as hundreds of thousands, or from the sky. this water has been picked up from the oceans, rivers, takes and the ear th i t se l f - - throagh evaporation* Without evaporation, which makes possible the transfer of moist are. large areas of the earth would be useless, desert wastes. The twenty-third annual convention Inspirational speakers will include of the Illinois District of the American Dr. David Preus, bishop of the Lutheran church will be held in American Lutheran church; Dr. Peoria from June 3 through June 5. James Crumby Jr., bishop of the This is the first time that it will be a Lutheran Church of America; Dr. joint convention of the American William Kohn, bishop of the Lutheran church, the Lutheran Association of Evangelical Church of America, and the Lutherans; and Dr. Pau. Erickson. Association of Evangelical Lutherans bishop of the Illinois Synod of the prior to a planned merger in five Lutheran Church of America. Others years. appearing on the program will be Dr. Representing Shepherd of the Hills Walter Wietzke, executive director of Lutheran church at this convention the Division of Tehological Education will be Henry and Helen Kot, Erv and Ministry for the American Staveteig, and Pastor Roger W Lutheran church, and Dr. Harold Schneider. The convention will review Hecht, president of the English Synod programs of the church including of the Association of Evangelical welfare programs, campus ministry, Lutheran churches. The planned Bible camps. Mission Outreach, prograjn will also involve various ^Christian, education, youth work antf̂ music#!̂ presentations and group afl other aspects of the church's discussion periods. 7 - ministry on a district level. - There's only one^hm^tetter than a great Frigidaire appliance. A great And now, during National Frigidaire Week, ycnican geilamo^ fngidatr dependability at lowest prices of the year! Come in today. . . s a v e o n t h e F r i g i d a i r e a p p l i a n c e y o u w a n t . . . a n d s t a r t your own Frigidaire dependability story. Volunteer Drivers Needed To Deliver Senior Meals GREATER! GREATEST! Energy-efficient and 100** Frost-Proof, this 21.Ocu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer offers plenty of organized storage andlood keeping conveniences. • Automatic Ice Maker (Available at extra charge) • Elect ri-Saver Switch • Fully-Adjustable Cantilever Shelves • Special Meat Drawer • Adjustable Door Bin • Textured Doors • Vegetable Hvdrators This 18 Ocu. ft. Refrigerator-Freezer of fers 1W* Frost-Proof convenience, and is one of the most energy-efficient models available today. • Automatic Ice Maker [)esigned for t he family on the go. this en ergy-saving 16-Ocu. ft refrigerator is 100% Frost-Proof • Automatic Ice Maker 'Available at extra charge) • EtectriSaver Switch • Fully-Adjustable Cantilever Shelves • Textured I)oors • Special Meat I >rawer • OectriSaver Switch • Fully Adjustable Cantilever Shelves • Special Meat Drawer • Textured Doors • Adjustable Door Bin • Ten tar Limited Warranty-- This Frigidaire Countertop Microwave Oven is covered with a one-year in-home full warranty, and a 10 year limited warranty on the Mag netron assembly. Come in and see us for full details. • oven capacity--big enough to cook a familv-sized turkey, two 14 lb. roa. r several different items at once You won't find a bigger oven anywhere. • Full Circle Cooking--provides faster, more even cooking and virtually eliminates the need to rotate and stir most foods. • Meal Minder Temperature Probe--Allows you to program the oven to cook food until the desired temperature is reached, giving you the choice to cook your favorite recipes at varied time or temperature. IFttgkfefre Rjgtdaire Hfflgtdaire Enjoy 181b. Big-Family Capacity • Hydrosurge Agitator • Extra Surging Wash Action • Energy-saving Variable Waterwatcher Control • Matching FrigidaireJ)ryer features gentle Flowing Heat ^ • Sorting Fingers for fisst, more even drying. NOW ONLY: SOCQOO . ^ HFHgldalre NATIONAL"/ 'WITH ANY 14" OR 16" PIZZA. "TO GO", BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINER AND RECIEVE A GALLON OF FREE PEPSI ROOT BEER. OR 7 UP .. Volid for on* y«or. ' ANY MONDAY OR TUESDAY...IF YOU ENJOY ANY 14" PIZZA IN OUR DINING ROOM. YOU CAN TAKE HOME FOR ONLY AN EXTRA SI" A 10" DEEP DISH CHEESE ft SAUSAGE!!! (Valid for 60 days) ' FASHION SHOWS EVERY WEDNESDAY ft FRIDAY 12:00 TO ' DANCING IN THE LOUNGE AND MUSIC BY DON OF THE DANCIN' MACHINE. * SUPER DRINKS & GREAT FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES... ALL DELIVERED IN THE "CLASSIEST PLACE IN McHENRY COUNTY! ' COME ,N AND SEE MART OF WONDER LAKE...SHE'S THE CLASSIEST HOSTESS IN McHENRY COUNTY ' BANQUETS, BANQUETS. BANQUETS...TALK TO US LAST! Imperial WIJ/DEIJ 1005 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY (815)385-0082