Pabst Blue Ribbon or Pabst Extra Light r Gamay Beaujolais 12 oz. BOTTLES Hello Yello or CanfielcTs ffW Flavors OAtUK $AU OAMOf SAME GARAGE SALE, 916 , E i s e x C o u r t , * Whispering Oaks, Saturday, June 25, 9am to 5pm. Household items; dishes; small appliances; hand tools; electric motors; fishing poles; milk cans; L78-15 tires and miscellaneous. 6-22-6-24C Y A R D S A L E , Everything must go! Fishing and hunting equipment; garden tools; antiques and < ' miscellaneous household items. 11506 Rte. 173, Hebron, U. 9am-4pm. June 23rd thru June 25. No early birds! 6-22-6-24C 4 FAMILY GARAGE and House Sale. Old furniture; material; remnants; yarn; tires; wheels; riding mower; much miscellaneous clothes; 2605 N. Villa, off Chapel Hill and Washington Park Roads, June 25 and 26, 9am-5pm. 6-22-6-24c FARM, YARD, BARN SALE, 4 generations. Antiques; furniture; tools; clothing; ~ children's. June 24, 25, 9-4pm. 30149 N. Dowell, off Darrell. No Early Birds! 6-22-6-24C GARAGE SALE, 9019 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, June 23-25, 9-4pm. Baby items; clothes, infant-adult ; much more. 6-22-6-24c GARAGE SALE, June 25, Saturday and June 26, Sunday. VietNow an organization for Viet nam Veterans will hold / "aGarage Sale at 3709 W. Anne Street, McHenry. All proceeds will go to help the Veterans of that war. 6-22-6-24c GARAGE SALE, June 25, 10-4pm. Atari ; portable typewriter; T.V.; furniture; more. 7901 Pinoak. Wonder lake. 6-22-6-24c 3 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Thursday thru Sunday, 9am. 419 Crestwood, Lilymoor. Much to choose from. 6- 22-6-24c GARAGE SALE, 1706, Beach Road, Lakeland Park, McHenry. Saturday 25th, 8am- ' 5pm, Sunday 26th, 8am- lpm. Clothes, girl's size 6x-10-14, men's size 38 pants, shirts 16M>, jeans, ladies size 14 and 16; " glass shower door; aluminum boat; some t o o l s ; l o t s miscellaneous; 1975 Vega car, needs some work. 6-22-6-24C 4 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, 4709 Prairie, Lakeland Park. Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25th, 9am-5pm. Couch; bunk beds; high chair; toy box; play stove and frig; clock; radios; craft items; all s izes clothing and more!. 6-22-6-24c MOVING SALE, 2710 Sterling Drive, 9-5pm. Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25. 6-22-6-24c YARD SALE, June 25 and 26, 9-5pm. Clothes; crib; twin strol ler; k i t c h e n s e t ; snowmobile; motor- cyle; more items. 8600 Howe Road, Wonder Lake. 6-22-6-24c GARAGE SALE, 5202 Farington, Foxridge. June 23-24, 9-4pm. A lot children and baby clothes; miscellaneous pinball game and Od- dessey. EIGHT FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9am- 5pm, 8920 Rte. 120, Woodstock. Super-duper sale! 6-22-6-24C GARAGE SALE, 7415 Boston Road, Wonder Lake, Thursday, Friday, June 23 and 24, 9-lpm, Saturday June 25, 9-lpm. Multi-family garage sale. Lots of baby and children clothing; baby fur niture; toys; some furniture; many miscellaneous household items, to many to list. No early birds!! 6-22-6-24c 3 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, Fridiy 9-6pm, Saturday 9-4pm, 1112 May Avenue, Pistakee Terrace, Johnsburg. Household items; mens, womens and childrens clothes; snow tires; f i reside- chairs; miscellaneous. No Early Birds. 6-22-6-24c 2 FAMILY MOVING- Y a r d S a l e , Miscellaneous and household items. Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25th, 9-5pm. 4406 Ashley Drive, McHenry, Whispering Oaks. 6-22- 6-24c 6-22-6-24C 4 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, 1103 Chapel Hill Road, McHenry. June 23-25, 9-8pm. Toys; chairs; sewing machine with cabinet; bookcase headboard; Jewelry; portable T.V.; portable vacuum; shampooer; good and clean clothes; much more. , All reasonably priced. 6-22- 6-24c GARAGE SALE, Pistakee Highlands, 609 W. Eastern, Friday and Saturday, June 24, 25, 9- 6pm. Furniture; infant and toddler clothing; movie camera equip ment; toys; baby items and crib; household items and more. 6-22-6- 24c GARAGE SALE, June 23,24 and 25. Furniture; clothes; miscellaneous. 1716 Lakewood Avenue, Lakeland Park, 9am to 3pm. Please No Early Birds. *• 6-22-6-24c GARAGE SALE, 3015 W. Scott Avenue, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 24, 25, 26,9-5pm. Boys Schwinn . bike; boys clothing; toys; sport equipment; stereo; womans and teenage clothes. All in good condition. 6-22-6- 24c GARAGE SALE: Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26. Furniture; children's clothes; toys and much miscellaneous. 9am- 4pm. 1508 N. Green Street. 6-22-6-24C 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE, June 24-25, 9- 5pm. 8618 Coral Road, Sunrise Ridge. 6-22-6- - 24c GARAGE SALE, Prairie Grove, 2316 Timber Trail, Friday o,nly, 9-5pm. Maple headboard; single bed; television; roll-a-way bed; collectables. 6-22- 6-24c 5 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, 6-24, 6-25, 9-5pm. 4709 Promontory Lane, EmberWoOd West. 6-22- 6-24c GARAGE SALE, Friday, Saturday, June 24, 25, 9am-3pm. Bike; awning; fence post; wall oven; range; sink; clothing; household miscellaneous items and new merchandise. 8801 Ramble Road, Wonder Lake. 6-22-6-24c MOVING GARAGE Sale, Dutcjb - Creek Woodlands. / New brass fireplace tpols $75.00; / silvered hammered set $40.00; port-a-crib; high chair ; Samsonite luggage; leather pur ses; miscellaneous ar t icles. Friday, Saturday, 9-4pm. No Early Birds. 3408 N. Oakdale, Johnsburg. 815-344-1567. 6-22-6-24C MOVING SALE, Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25, 9-5pm. 1003 Plymouth Lane, off River Road. Clothing; tools; skis; toys; dishes; gas range; picnic table; air con dit ioners; wicker hanging chair; 1972 LTD, runs good $300.00; much, much more. 6-22- 6-24c YARD SALE, Friday and Saturday, 9-4pm. 5202 W. Maple Hill Drive, McCullom Lake, McHenry, II. 2 play pens; sink and toilet, pink; wagon; bikes; all clothes and dishes, 10 cents each. 6-22-6-24c 3 FAMILY GARAGE Sale, 6-24 and 6-25, 9- 6pm. 1214 W. Goodview. Follow signs off Bay Road. 6-22-6-24C GARAGE SALE, 5105, Dartmoor, Foxridge. June 24-25, 9am-5pm. Suzuki T 500; furniture; infants; boys 10-12, A-Z. 6-22-6-24C HOUSE SALE, Thur sday, Friday, Saturday, 8-5pm. Quilts; dishes; antiques; linens; power tools; electrical ap pliances; miscellaneous. 5222 Parkview, McCullom Lake, Gate 6. 6-22-6-24C MOVING! INDOOR Trees; loveseat; gas range; bunk beds; space heater; baby furniture; desk; miscellaneous; fur ni ture; clothes; houusehold i tmes; much miscellaneous^ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9-5pm, Foxridge, 5107 Cam bridge. 6-22-6-24C ESTATE GARAGE SALE, Whispering Oaks, 5002 Oakwood Drive, McHenry. June 24 and June 25. Hours: June 24, 9-3pm, June 25 9-12 noon. Antiques; glasware; depression glass; Germany dishes; furniture; small tools; jugs; blankets; pots and pans; small appliances; baskets; iron baby bed; Jenny Lind bed; art deco pieces and much more. No Early Birds! 6-22 GARAGE SALE, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1618 Beach Road, Lakeland Park. Furniture; baby crib;0 clothes; toys; fishing equipment; lots of miscellaneous. 6-22-6- 24c i : BASEMENT SALE, Friday, Saturday, 9- 5pm. Like new bicycles; tools; stereo amplifier; radios; much more. 3508 First Avenue, McHenry. 6-22 HUGE GARAGE SALE Thursday Only, June 23, 9am-5pm. Something for everyone! 3411 Skyway, Country Club Estates. 6-22 WANTED TO BUV WANTED: LIONEL Trains, old toys, antique novelties. After 5:30pm, 815-675-6379. 6-22-7-lC AUTOS, All Makes and Models, Running or Not. Cash paid. 24 Hours Pickup Service. 815-728- 1171. 6-ltfc WANTED TO BUY: 250' chain link fence, 42 or 48" high, good con dition, reasonable, 815- 385-2335 after 5:30pm. 6- lOtfc MOVING? CLEANING House? Buying antique furniture, china, glassware, lamps, X- mas ornaments, etc. 815-678-4141. 6-8-6-7-29C CASH PAID For Junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal . 312-526-3116. 6-ltfc IPANTEO WANTED, 2 TICKETS for Bob Seger Concert at Poplar Creek, July 9th or 10th. 815-385-7722. 6- 22-^-24c WANTED TO RENT NEW Office and Storage Space Expandable in 900 sq. ft. sections Downtown Johnsburg Very Flexible Space 815-385-3093 6 10 7 77 6 15-7 30 FURNISHED APART MENT, . McHenry, utilities included, woman only, 45 years and up. 815-385-6566. 6- lOtfc M O D E R N O N E BEDROOM Apartment on waterfront, walk to stores, carpeting , stove, refrigerator, Adults. No pets. $275 plus security deposit, 815-385-3493. 6-17tfc F U R N I S H E D 1 Bedroom apartment, McHenry, utilities in cluded, adult 45 years and up. 815-385-6566. 6- 17tfc 8 ROOM HOUSE, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, redwood deck, Johnsburg schools, Fox River rights. $500 per month. 312-587-0691. 6- 17-7-lc FOR RENT: 3 bedroom home in Wonder Lake, $425 per month plus security deposit. 815- 385-8180. 6-22-7-1C RINGWOOD AREA, 2 bedroom house and garage, appliances included, lease, security and references required, available immediately. No pets. Call 815-338-0745. 6-22-6- 24c OFFICE SPACE, 12'x22', heating and air included, electric extra, $185 per month. 815-385- 4466. 6-22-6-24C McHENRY, LAKELAND Park, 3 bedroom ranch, 1 car garage, available im mediately, $375 month, security deposit. 815- 653-9653 or 815-728-0404. 6-22-6-24C 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, Lakemoor area. 815-455- 3366 after 5:30pm. 6-22- 6-24c SMOKEY MOUN TAINS, Tennessee, Beautiful mountain top cabins, $180.00 weekly. 615-261-2145. 6-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING Rooms, also furnished apartments. 815-385- 8905,815-675-6008. 6-ltfc WINNEBAGO Land Houseboat Rentals, by day-week for 2-10 people, miles and miles of waterway. 10 miles west of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 414-582-7477. 6-ltfc DELUXE APART MENTS, securi ty deposit. No pets. Call Century 21 Care Real Estate. 815-344-1036 or 815-385-0292. 6-ltfc SMALL COTTAGE for rent, living room, fireplace, bedroom, kitcnen, lake rights, $225 per month, security deposit. 815-653-9071 after 5pm. 6-22 RIVERFRONT LOT above McHenry dam for r e n t . ( V | r y reasonable). 815-385- 0189. 6-22-6-24C FOR RENT RICH MOND, 1 bedroom apartment and laundry. Adults preferred. No pets. $270 plus utilities. Village Oaks Realty, 815-678-4505. 6-22-6-24c GARDEN Mention the rose and most people automatically think red--a beautiful red cut flow er. But, roses come in other colors and there are a vari ety of shrubs and trees of the same family-- Rosaceae-- that produce flowers quite different from the large petal, sweet-smelling roses with which we are so familiar. Goat's beard, formerly called spirea, is a member of the Rosaceae family, but pro duces small flowers in pan icles. Japanese spiraea is al so a member of the same fam ily, as is rhaphiolepis, an ev ergreen shrub, which pro duces somewhat daisy-like flowers, white, with narrow pointed lobes. The ornamental peach tree we often see in city parks is a member of the Rosaceae family, as is the wild cherry or gean, which produces an abundance of clustered white flowers but seldom produces cherries. Also in the family are the flowering crab apples and the Japanese quince. These family members, however, don't attract the same'attention as the rose that we all know as a rose. Despite the fact that the Rosa ceae family members origin ated in such diverse locations as China, Japan, the Hima layas, Chile, and North Af rica, we give our favor to the large petal, All American rose that we know so well. It is no longer always red as the old poem goes, but it is the flower we associate with thoughts of love, be it red, pink, white, or yellow. It is a rose. ^ FITNESS FACTS When people are more 1 physically fit, they tend to stay healthier and may even live longer, doctors say. In any event, you work, play, sleep, think and feel better. When it comes to insurance, your claims may be reduced and premiums are likely to be lower if you are in good health. Physical f i tness, experts say, requires planning. You have to consult your doctor, work out a good diet and exercise * regimen, decide how you'll stick to it, and so on. Financial f i tness requires planning, too. A major part of financial fitness is adequate coverage against possible future financial loss. ' If you'd like to lower your life and health insurance costs and feel better at the same time, it may make good sense to pay more attention to fitness this month, and throughout the months to come. Prairie June S? 26 Walking through a prairie, ex periencing the sights which met early settlers of Illinois as they sought new homes, is something one can do Sunday, June 26. Beginning at the Crystal Lake Nature center, 330 N. Main street, at 2 p.m., ii tour of the Veteran Acres prairie will be con ducted by BUI Wingate, naturalist and teacher at Northeastern Illinois university. At this time of the year, many of tne flowering plants of the prairie should be reaching their peak, from golden alexanders to white wifd indigo, from coneflowers to compass plants. Hie grasses, too, will have reached ap^ proximately half their fall height, showing how the prairie came to be called a green sea. Some of them may even be in bloom. Close observation will reveal their intricate flower structures. The walk usually lasts for 1% to 2 hours and is held regardless of weather conditions. Sun hats and insect repellent may prove useful. Future walks will be held on the last Sunday afternoons of July, August, and September. The walk is open to the public and free of charge. According to a spokesman of Friends of Veteran Acres Prairie, a committee of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society and spon soring organization of these walks. •' ' • ' yd.' • Mayors Elect Five To NIPC Five suburban mayors and village presidents were elected Saturday, June 11, to the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC). ThejT are Virginia M. Hayter, village president of Hoffman Estates; Frances M. Kuhn, mayor of Wood stock; Edward W. Paesel, mayor of Sauk village; Margaret P. Price, mayor of Naperville; and Edwin M. Schroeder, mayor of Grayslake. The new commissioners were elected by an assembly of mayors and village presidents from suburban Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties. They will serve on, NIPC Until spring of 1987. NIPC is the comprehensive plan ning agency foi* the six-countyv metropolitan area. It also provide? technical and research assistance and reviews federal grant requests from local governments. Most Harmless Of the over 100 species of snakes in the United States, only four are poisonous. THE McHENRY PLAINDUlEt NEWSPAPER Available At The Following Locations: • WHITE HEN PANTRY • McHENRY DRUG • BELL LIQUORS • BOLGERS DRUGSTORE • • BEN FRANKLIN • OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL • HORNSBYS • HERMES ft CO. •LIQUOR MART • VILLAGE MARKET •Jft R FOOD MART • McHENRY HOSPITAL • FOOD MART • J ft L GAS •ACE HARDWARE • LAKEVIEW • SUNNYSIDE FOODS •' • ADAMS GROCERY • LITTLE STORE • FRED ft IRENE S TAP • SUNRISE GROCERY • DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE • NORTHWEST TRAIN • ISLAND FOODS • CONVENIENT \ FOOD • COUNTRY CUPBOARD • SULLIVAN FOODS • MILLSTREAM UNION'76 • COLE PHARMACY • SUNNYSIDE AUTO • COAST TO COAST WELCOME WAGON HAS USEFUL GIFTS AND HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR YOU... ALL FREE JUST ENGAGED? NEW PARENT? MOVED? My visit's a friendly way to get an swers to where-to-find questions about our town and available goods and services. Local s tores are anxious to help too and have gifts for you when you visi t them. 344-3966 • 385-7980 • 385-5072 11 in. NEW SUMMER HOURS- MONDAY THRV THURSDAY 9AM - 10PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9AM- 11PM SUNDAY^^^^^^^fAJ^fPM lenI^ros^habi!TI?TIaf^ FAMILY OF 4 adults- needs 3-4 bedroom home with basement, garage, in or around McHenry area. 815-385-1636. 6-22- 6-24c fOft RENT QUIET LOVELY! Heated apartment in McHenry. No children, no pets. Senior citizen preferred. 815-344-4231 6-15tfc 1 BEDROOM APART MENT right in McHenry, air con dit ioned, s tove and refrigerator, $255. Call 815-385-3490. 6-15tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. - 6-ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzscbe Industrial Park, Inc., .5,000 sq. ft. to 52,500 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 6-ltfc 1 and 2 BEDROOM Apartments. Stove, refrigerator, carpeting and air. Available June 1st and July 1st. 815-385- 2181. 6-ltfc APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. ft. basement level in local office building, $200 per month as is or will remodel. 815-459- 3145, ask for Ijlill. 6-ltfc STORAGE, 2 CAR Garage in downtown area, $60.00 per month. 815-385-3192. 6-15-6-24C STORAGE SPACE in city of McHenry. Dry, clean with electricity and semi-truck dock. Approximately 4,400 sq. ft. 815-385-3192 or 815- 385-7632. 6-ltfc SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 6-ltfc HOUSE FOR RENT, 3 bedrooms, ki tchen dinette, living room, family room and en closed greenhouse, car garage, $400 a month. Linda, 312-452- 4467 or 312-457-0866. 6- 22-6-24C OFFICE SPACE Newly remodeled professional office space for rent. Down town McHenry 815-385*4050 $ nrif 24-12 OZ BOTTLES LITER Loais N. Martini Burgundy 1.5 LITER Breckenridge Cellars CHABLIS. BURGONOY. ROSE OR RHINE 4 LITERS Marlenskeller Sekt GERMAN SPARKLING WINE TlaizTeer or Blatz Light Beer 99 'LUS DEP. |iffiC Miller or lite Beer 750 ML. 6 PK.-1984 OZ. CANS It may sound like a lot for a six-pack. But it's not. It's the lowest price per oun ce you'll ever find I It equals just $1.16 for the regulation size six pack. And It's available in single can purchases. And it comes in |ust about any beer you'd nor mally buy. Half barrels. They're your best bet wheh serving up beer for a crowd. ** ML. (Henmore Gin or Vodka Anheuser Busch Natural Light Beer "if -¥ 5$ Heineken's Beer Light or Dark 39 750 ML FREE TASTING THIS 750 ML. Canadian Reserve or Mohawk Amarelto 750 ML. Coli, Caffein Free Coke, or Caffeht Free Diet Coke (49 4* Crusl iwtf mm PLUS 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES DEP Ml EVER YM Y LOW MICK ven uTSiefleven Up, Orange, Grape or Strawberry Crusti Flavors Imrnm 18-16 OZXtffi PLUS DEP |BOTTLES ORR EYERYBAY LOW Nehi Mixers TONIC, UPPER TEN, INGER ALE, CLUB SODA, NATURAL SELTZER S^ ̂ PLUS OEP, Y MW PRICE