PAGE 24 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, IMS Hospital Honors Employee LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR AREA Margaret Karas 385-4 by Kurt Begalka. SHAW MEDIA NEWS SERVICE Wonder Lake Village President Duane Zeman is working rapidly to fulfill her campaign promises on developing Wonder Lake. The village recently received a $40,000 loan from Wonder Lake State bank to repair the roads. It spans five years at 9.5 percent annual interest. The Village board this week discussed developing a 112-acre tract owned by Wonder Lake Realty trust. The land is bordered by on the north by Riley road and by Highland drive on the south. It runs west from Thompson road. Trust President Charles Jacobson, with board ap proval, is attempting to replat about 56 acres for multiple housing, now zoned for single family homes. Then a contractor must be found. "They don't come up to you," Jacobson said. "You have to go out LAKELAND PARK 6 LAKELAND SHORES Carol Cominsky 385-7246 Help Keep Our Beaches Clean PLANTS esycfioofo, == 2350 E. ROUTE 120, McHENRY t = 305*2290 1 SUMMER SPECIALS FACIAL AND ARCH 7400 \ (OFFER GOOD TUES., JUNE 2! THRU FRI.. JUNE 241 __ SHAMPOO* SET DU COl OFFER GOOD TUES., JUNE 20 THRU FRI., JULY 1) INTENSIVE HAIR J rj)0 WITH* CARE 4 CUT J COURO (OFFER GOOD TUES., JULY 5 THRU FRI., JULY 0) V<NOW HOURS: MON - FRI 8 aam - 7 PM SATURDAY 8 AM - 5:30 PM SUNDAY Sft9 AM - 2 PM - 15-Day Bargain GE CARRY-COOL® ROOM AIR CONDITIONER • 115 Volts, 7.5 Amps • 10 Position Thermostat • 2 Fan/2 Cooling Spssds • Savs Energy Rangs Saur under spiritual f direction of Father James G, Counselor: Chaplain: Pastor. St. Mary Parish. McHenry ton SUMMER FUN SPECIAL SUNDRESSES *1898 NewYork Sept. 19* France Austria Switzerland Italy Vatican Parts Lourdes Rome Vienna Lucerne Nice PAPAL AUDIENCE The first step Is to send In this coupon today. By return mall you will recel\te a tact- packed folder which tells you what you can expect every moment of an unforgettable experience. I Rev. James G. Goynor (phono I I St. Mary Rectory . f 815- I 11401 N. Richmond Road 385- I I McHenry, III. 80050 0024) | I Dear Father: i Please send your colorful folder: i j Name I I Address j ; ! QitV nji i in n . 11 n . i Zip. t,. 11 * 14 4 I Model AQ708AS • Hl-efQolency, 7JD BER. • 7,000 BTO. • 118 volts, 0.1 amps. • 3 fen/3 ooollng speeds. • Mounts flush. Model AF912AM Hi-efflclency, 8.0 EER. 11,800 BTU. 118 volts, 12.0 amps. Energy aaver swltoh. 3 fen/3 ooollng speeds. Reduced /wv /I --also see our-- •Summer Playwear •Cotton Tops •Shorts • Golf Skirts • Poplin Slocks •Terry Coordinates and'Swnsqjts at very affordable prices SERVING McHENRY AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS' mmm _ rie, Ua±hion cz>nofifia mm 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. RTE. 31) McHENRY 385-7747 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-5:30. SAT. 9-5 SALES C SERVICE 1241 N. GREEN STREET