Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1983, p. 10

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s in Ktaiwrtem, Mrthdeys, Anniversaries. Situation Wanted, Wanted to Rent. Wont*d In Buy. nnd Cin|i Snin» MUST bn pdd In ndvonce. The PlnlnMer is not responsible for orrors in clnsslftod ad* offer tho first insertion. Chock your od nftor tho first insertion and coll our attention to OfflClfIkHJES:MOND A Y-HMD AY •:30am to StOOpm SATURDAY t to 12 NOON 3:30 MON. FOt WSD. PAPER 3:30 WIO. FOR FRI. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE ' E61 WHTPXHI 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER PH0NI:t 15-315-0170 BIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator: 36" stqs FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 tuswtss ttwitts D O G i » B K P 1 E N T E COUCH & LOYESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125.00:: Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 J I'ST REDUCED FroJ keyboards with rhythm $20,000 to $14,500. 5 aci section* excellent condition Giant Oaks Estates. Ho •3*^- ^ ' '"* " I N< CLASSIFIED ADS! jt6[ V SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-31c FOOSBALL TABLE *225.00. 7-24-7-3 le r» HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks AUTOS FORD 1977. ;. ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric $15.00: 4 Musnroom. beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5r>m. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard. 3 years old. First fOft SALE HfAl emit ACRE High and Dr MSMCSS StftUKCS tUHHftt GARAGE DOOR SALES, Service and Repair Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2062. 6-ltfc DRIVEWAY AND PARKING Lot sealing for less than it would cost to do it yourself. 312-658-2390. 6-15tfc HANSEN'S Alignment & Auto Service 10% Senior Citizen Discount 1313 N. North Dr McHenry 815-385-0724 Coll for appt. 7:30 am to 6 pm ftf 181 29 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE •Tree Trimming 'Tree Removal •Stump Removal •Firewood •Snow Removal •Free Estimates •Fully Insured (815)385-6733 THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Stop, Think, Call and Compare Prices ( ompiPtf lawn Maintenance, Weed and feed fertilizing. Thatching. Sod, Black Dirt/Sand Gravel, Decorative Stone, Tree and Shrub Planting • Installed or Delivered Oak firewood $45. dropped off 815-385-6103 Landscapes bv Gary Weiss PLANS*PLANTS*PLANTING •SEED*SOD*GRADING PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED, GUARANTEED WORK 815-728-1668 Free Estimates PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Industrial B i g s a v i n g s o n R e s i d e n t i a l w o r k P r o v e n b y t h o u s a n d s c f s a t i s f i e d c u s t o m e r s . SPRING DISCOUNT • M a c h i n e l a i d ' N e w D r i v e s • R e s u r f a c i n g ^ P a r k i n g L o t s • S e a l C o a t i n g All w o r k g u a r a n t e e d F r e e E s t i m o t e s _ 312-546-5600 Grayslake , •eehzh WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Senrinf your area 28 years experience. We are ROW taking orders. Deal direct with owner & save!! Seal Coating Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312-223 5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 367-0676 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL VIEZENS CONSTRUCTION Elec t r i ca l Fami ly Rooms Home Repa i rs No Job Too Small $100 00 SAVINGS WITH THIS AD ON A MAINTENANCE FREE DECK ==N OR PORCH ' j Discount on all othor jobs) iW. J,. Froo Estimates All Work Guaranteed Financing Available 815-385-2847 815-385-0457 CLIP AND SAVE f / ' j t ,! «V. JSu xJi T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 New Garages Room Additions Dormers, Alum. 5/Windows, S/Doors. Seamless Gutters, Siding, Re-Placement Windows Soffitt Fascia Any Type Roofing. All Types of Remodeling Inside and Outside. Will Also Duild Complete New Buildings. Wood Decks and Patios Co. Fully Insured HANDYMAN, CAR­ PENTRY, Remodeling, roofing and siding, painting, fences, tree removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344-2384. 6- lOtfc IT'S SPRING HOME Improvement Time! Painting, interior and e x t e r i o r a n d wallpapering. Quality work. For a free estimate, call 815-344- 1722 after 6pm.- 6-29-7- 15c BUIUHNt REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Specializing In Industrial and Commercial Buildings ft Equipment Repair-Construction- Remodeling-lnstallation One Call To Us Takes Care Of All Your Commercial and Residential Needs. 815-344-3169 MATHISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repairs. Backhoe Work Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call Light Hauling. Driveway Gravel. Top Soil, Sand & Fill 815-344-3980 MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Alummum^SteeKVinyl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 Roofing Siding DAKOTA CONSTRUCTION Custom Decks 312-540-0320 FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS SPRING ' Best time for tree care. Now offering 15% Off trimming and removals Free estimates Fully Insured 815-385-0318 JOHN H. BRICK INC. TOP QUALITY HAY \STRAW IATS 815-459-7912 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .50' Sq. Ft. lot Grading t NlcMmiag Only On Driveways Over 1000 Sq. Ft. •Parking Lois*New Drives •Long Lanes'Paicfimg •Resur lacing'Sealcoaling 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates S15-459-3fM Call Now I Save 5 4TF "REMODELING SPECIALISTS, "30 years". Basements, porches, room ad­ ditions, garages, con­ crete repairs, roofing, siding. Prompt service. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344-1632, 815-385- 6566,815-344-0748. 6-17-7- 6c MARIAS i ALTERATIONS. Good work, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 6-ltfc YARD CARE. Spring clean-up. Mowing, Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc LICENSED HOR­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 6-ltfc BASEMENTS & AT­ TICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc HANDYMAN. WILL Fix almost anything. Free estimates, pain­ ting, plumbing, elec­ trical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815-344- 4267. 6-ltfc PAINTING, PAT­ CHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455- 5536. 6-ltfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Professional Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 6-ltfc ALBRECHT Con- S struction, Sjpetldlists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451 * 6-ltfc CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. B a u m a n C a r p e t Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 6-ltfc RICK'S ROTOTILLING, 16 Hp., Kabota Diesel, 6" to 10" deep, 42" wide. No garden too. big or too small. Very reasonable. Phone 815-728-0161. 6- ltfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, c a l l E l e c t r i c a l Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 6-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 6- ltfc PAINTING PLUS, All t y p e s p a i n t i n g , papering, carpentry. Free estimates. In­ sured. Best price around. Bill 815-385- 2843. 6-3-7-lC EQUIPMENT MOVING, Up to 9 tons. 312-497-3473. 6-3tfc SWIMMING POOL, pump repair. Home and industrial, electrical and plumbing. Insured. Schaeffer & Co., 815-728- 1700. 6-1-7-lc TYPEWRITER REPAIR Manual and Electric. Free pick-up and delivery. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 6-8tfc WILL DO GARAGE and basement cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815-653-6896, 815- 728-1833. 6-ltfc SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum Cleaner Repair and parts in home service. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 6-8tfc WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc BUSINESS SfBUHE CARD Of THANHS HORSES AUTOS R.W. CONCRETE, Expert work, free estimates. Commercial, residential. Driveways, patios, walls, sidewalks and floors. 815-728-1307. 6-15tfc ENTERPRISING MEDICAL Student will do painting, household repairs, minor land- s c a p i n g , e t c . Reasonable rates, 815- 385-9348. 6-29-7-8C WILL CLEAN OUT basements, garages, attics, also lawn work. Call after 5pm, free estimates, 815-385-6511. 6-29-7-8C L A W N M O W E R REPAIR, Giant Oaks Engine Clinic. Pickup and delivery, 48 hour service. 815-728-1482. 6- 29-7-8C PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 6-ltfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 6-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 4 0 2 4 G a r y Jensen. 6-ltfc NOTICE T« BUYING LIFE INSURANCE? Don't B«T or Range Any Life hsvMco Without Contacting He! PATRICK JAMES LETIZIA Financial Planner Since 1968 815-728-0404 vnTfir SPECIAL THANKS to St.. Jude for help I received from him. M.D. 6-29-7-lc THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST. JUDE 01 Mr k Mi, AfMtk mi Mirtyr, mH • ririat MI rick • Micks. M* tinea rf teas drill, MM Mramr if il «fct imkt r«r spictt Nraugt • Km if mi to TWI km mm free IK fc*Ik of •T kMrt mi kmUr big to akm W IMS pm sack iml psw to cam to m ushtoact. IM» m ia my prwert mi ml pittfion. h ntara, I to mta par aim Imm, M caasi TM to ki imM. Sir Am (tor Fiim, km Hafl Marrs mi Gtoriis tor 9 muatin ii js . NkMcrfn mst k prMisri. Si. toil prai tor as d aki tonki jtm lid. Ama. Tkis Mmu kas onp km kam to M. I km IM «r nmst flmtod. LN. PiMicdiM Prwaistd. A THANK YOU TO ST. JUDE Oh Holy St. Jude, Apostle ond AAortyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who pray for your special patronage in time of need, thank you for a very special prayer answered. St. Jude, pray for all who invoke your aid. Publication promised. M.M. 6/29 2 PUREBRED Arabian Brood Mares, excellent blood lines, very reasonable, 815-338-2433. 6-29-7-lc FOR RENT, NEW 4 Stall Barn with 2 pastures, all wood fence, $225 per month for all or will separate. Call pat Cruz, 815-344- 3922 or 312-297-1790. 6- 29-7-lc TRAP , SHOOTING tfv«tdSr(SundayVlfY^'- llam. Public invited. Harvard Sportsman's Club. Routes 14 and 23. 6-22-7-8C DISCOURAGED over H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e Costs? Let us help you devejop'a plan you can afford. Permanent or temporary. Sun^erlage Insurance Agency, 815- 338-3328. 6-29-7-lc We would like to thank our relatives, neigh­ bors and friends for their comforting words and acts of kindness during our recent loss. We would also like to thank Rev. Gordon Smith for his support and loving words. We are grateful to the McHenry Hospital , and ! Dr. James Howery for the care and kindness shown to us at this time. The Families of John Hogan SPECIAL INANKS The out pouring of love, and sympathy and the sharing of our grief on the passing of our Kara has made us realize that our roots are very, very deep in McHenry. To all of those who share in our loss we give you our thanks. Qlid Eilfef R Kevin mmi Clayton ItoN BOX STALLS HSfiE TURN OUT, F DESMED DAIY GRAIN •UKEOOTMOttMCJUEM •NEW B'llN'MOOR ARENA •LAKE FOAUK STALL AVAIABLE •MOOR ARENA AVAHAKE BY THE HOW RA?A ACRES MttHjJORO. .,Ti j oil. jj"Fi "RT" COLUMN GIVE AWAY: Black and black and white kittens, 5 weeks old, shots. Will spay and neuter; Large neutered black and white dog, friendly, needs fence. 815-455-1186 before 5pm. 6-ltfc NOTICE NLICSNSEO FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4 or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of 'Illinois. It is also illegal to adver­ tise for such services in < an unlicensed home. These licenses ate issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-{ being of the child. For information and l^icen sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave Lake Villa, 111.60046 312 35^-1911 ' KT$ m SALE 5 MONTH OLD Female Lab, needs good home, good with children, 815- 344-4137 after 6pm. 6-29- 7-lc 11 MONTH OLD Doberman, obedient trained, $175.00; 11 month pure \ black German Shepherd, $150.00.815-728-0770. 6- 29-7-lc IRISH SETTER Pups, C h a m p i o n S i r e d ; Cocker Pups, Champion Sired, Cocker and Standard Poodle Stud Service. 312-669-5833. 6- 8-7-lc. COCKATIEL ALBINO, 7 months, hand tamed, cage and accessories $115.00; fish tank, 29 gallon, stand and ac­ cessories $100.00 ; 815- 344-1786. 6-29-7-lc MOTORtVCLtS 1 9 7 3 H A R L E Y DAVIDSON Sportster, recent rebuild, new paint, extra chrome, excellent condition, $2,000 or best. Call after 4pm, 815-338-9328. 6-29- 7-lc 1977 KAWASAKI 750, 2 cylinder, 4 stroke, low mileage, good condition, $1,200. Call 497-3164. 6- 29-7-lc 1972 HONDA 100, dirt bike, $190.00. 815-385- 2057 after 6pm. 6-29-7-lc HONDA CL 450, 1969, adult owned, excellent condition, must see. $325.00.815-385-8940. 6- 1973 H-D SPORTSTER, recent rebuild, new paint, extra chrome, excellent condition, $2,000 or best. Call after 4pm, 815-338-9328. 6-29- 7-lc 1976 YAMAHA DT 125, good condition, $325.00. 815-653-9337 after 6pm, Tom. 6-29-7-lc 1973 SUZUKI GT 550, excellent condition, $500.00. Call weekdays after 5:30pm, weekends anytime. 815-728-0803. 6- 29-7-lc BOATS & MOTORS NOTICE ngTcoup5W CLASSIFIED SPECIAL .50* DISCOUNT On Prepaid Line Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer/Citizen Package Deadline: Monday before 3:30 PM / 15 words or leu for only $4.60, Reg. price S5.10-.34' each additional word REACHMW 42,MO HOMES M McHENRY COUNTY The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 1 II I I Amount Enclosed. NAME .Insert for Wks ADDRESS. CITY MUST SELL. Best offer, 1979 Mercury Bobcat, clean, 4 speed; also 1977 Chevy Nova, 815-385- 0887. 6-29^-lc 1980 DODGE PICK-UP, D-50 Sport, $4,200; 1972 Volvo sta|idnwagon, 145E, $1,000 . 815-653- 9001. 6-29-7-lc 1976 DODGE ASPEN Wagon, Special edition, small V-8, automatic, p.8., p.b., am-fm 8 track, runs great, interior and exterior $1,850 or offer, only. After 6prc, 815-385-6579. 6-29-7-lc 1971 AMC WAGON, 6 cylinder, automatic, $525.00.815-386-5043. 6- 29-7-lC . 1970 PONTIAC LeMANS Sport Convertible, am- fm, air conditioning, full power. Excellent condition! Will consider trade ? 815-385-8161, 815- 385-0825. 6-29-7-lc -- WANTED: DEAD or Alive, Cars-Trucks- Vans. 815-728-1887. 6-17- 7-6C PHONE "UST PRESENT COUPON • | 1 9 6 5 S W I T Z E R SHOOTING Star, 100 hp. rebuilt Mercury out­ board motor, excellent condition. Fast! $1,800 or best, will consider trade. 815-385-0825. 6- 29tfc 12' SUPER SNARK Sailboat, excellent condition, $150.00. Call 815-385-2455. 6-29-7-lc 198216 FT. HOBIE CAT, full colors, blue, yellow and white. Trailer, storage box, harness, $3,400. 312-829-6857, 815- 385-7616. 6-29-7-lc 24 FT. ALUMINUM Pontoon Boat, 1980 Evinrude 35 hp, electric start, low hours, fully equipped, ready to go, excellent condition, $4,000; 16 ft. aluminum square back canoe with IVz hp. motor, like new, $550.00.312-639-3680, 312- 489-4273. 6-29-7-lc ALUMICRAFT BOAT, 1980,14 ft., with swivel seats, windshield, steering and control box, $550.00. 815-385- 4132. 6-29-7-lc AUTOS 1977 TOYOTA SR5, good condition, 62,000 miles, 815-728-0770. 6-29-7-lc 1978 FORD % TON, F250, p.s., p.b., am-fm, f i b e r g l a s s c a p , absolutely no rust, mechanically sound, \ excellent condition, $2,600. Call weekdays after 5:30pm/weekends anytime, 815-728-0803. 6- 29-7-lC 1976 BUICK ESTATE Wagon, full power, air conditioning. Excellent condi tion! Must see! Sell or trade ? 815-385- 8161,815-385-0825. 6-29-7- lc 1974 BUICK ESTATE Wagon, good tires. New exhaust, timing chain and tune-up. Good condition, $800.00. Call after 5pm, 815-385-4808. ' 5-27-7-29C 1981 ESCORT, 4 speed, stationwagon, rear window defogger, am- $4,2ck)S 815^385^2Sf^29 7-lc 1975 VW RABBIT, new tires and starter, clean body, asking $900.00. 815-385-4296. 6-29-7-lc 1977 FORD PINTO, manual transmission, excellent running condition, $1,400. 815- 344-3929. 6-29-7-lC 1973 VOLK^WAGON Stationwagon, runs good, $350.00. 815-385- 2706. 6-29-7-lc 1979 CHEVY MONZA, Call after 6pm, 414-279- 6840. 6-29-7-lc 1978 FORD 250, % ton truck, 4 wheel drive with plow, excellent condition. Must sell. Best offer, 815-344-1993. 6-29-7-lc 1973 CHEVY IMP ALA, good runner, asking $250.00. Call after 5pm or weekend, 815-385- 5343. 6-29-7-lc 1 9 7 3 O L D S TORANADO, this car loaded with extras, 16 mpg, looks and runs excellent, 1st $975.00 or best oofer, can be seen on weekends. 815-344- 2852. 6-29-7-lc • t BUY ARS TRUCKS in any c o n d i t i o n 815-3380270 Free To w i n g FOR SALE 3 Used 66 patten^ school buses, (1) "V IHC, (2) 1973 F6r< $2,000 or best offer. 2 Used small s buses, 1975 Dodge $1,000 or best offer; Vv May be seen <tt ' Community Ufilt School District § No. 200 Bus Garage 14126 Southitrei WoodstocK 6 22 6 24*6

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