PAGE II. PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE ». 1*3 Rabies Control Program m e*Over the past three years or so the number of rabies cases found in wild animals has increased drastically. In 1910, McHenry county reported 10 rabid skunks and four rabid bats. In 1961,17 positive cases of rabies in the cpunty including: IS skunks,, two fox, one steer and one cat. In 1982, there were 31 positive cases of rabies in cluding: 25 skunk, two cats, one fox, two bovine and one bat. So far in 1983, there have been eight positive cases of rabies in skunk. It is estimated that the discovered cases of rabid wild animals only represents about 10p&cehL>of the actual cases since usually wrthin 10 days after an animal starts showing the clinical signs of rabies, it dies and the wild animal then goes un discovered. As can be seen by the statistics quoted above, the reservoir for rabies in McHenry county is wildlife - par ticularly the skunk. Since there is no feasible way to immunize wildlife against rabies, a protective barrier is provided between humans and wildlife by requiring every dog over four months pi age to be vaccinated against rabies. There are a dogs and 35,000 to 40,000 cats Mclienfy CONTEMPORARY DINING ROOM $1495 Table, 6 chairs, china, & 2 leaves cpunty. ••• Pi, . Of thp 30,000 dogs, approximately 18,000 receive rabies vaccination ALL WOOD DINETTE 4 chairs, table, 1 leaf Reg. $2495 ALL WOOD PRODMCTS annually with approximately one- third of that number receiving vac cine with immunity lasting for three years. Under a program being financed by a grant, an effort is being made to increase the vaccinated dog level to 70 percent of the estimated dog population. The animal control (Leash Law) program is an integrar part of the rabies control program. Reduction of stray dog populations reduces potential for exposure to rabid wildlife. Rabid animals usually exhibit unnatural behavior, becoming more affectionate or more irritable than normal. Rabid cats have been known to hide in bushes, behind corners or under automobiles and spring out attacking a passer-by, skunks who normally venture forth only at night and avoid human contact may be seen in the daytime and inclose proximity to people when they , are rabid. The McHenry County Deparimem of Health urges.all citizens of the Reg. $599 • ALL WOOD BEDROOM SET Dresser, mirror, chest, headboard Reg. £ SI395 ^ REVC CcMrate 4th «f My wtth these nkm! OLD MILWAUKEE BEER County to take the following precautions to help reduce the chances of human exposure to rabid animals and the development of human rabies cases: • lv. Immunize all family dogs and cats. 2. Advise your entire family, especially the children, to stay away from stray dogs and cats and all wild animals. j 3. Report any stray dog to the McHenry County Department of Health Animal Control center at 338- 2040, Ext. 110 or 338-7040. \ 4. Do not adopt any wild animals since they may be carrying the rabies virus. 5. Report any pet or wildlife that appears to be behaving in an unusual manner to the Division of Animal Control. 6. Report any animal bite or scratch immediately to the Division of Animal Control after contacting your physician. Summer Therapy For Students McHenry county students who have been receiving speech, physical and- or occupational therapy in their local schools throughout the school year can continue sessions at the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County's Therapy center in Woodstock throughout the summer months. Sessions are offered in one-half hour segments on an individual 4>asis Monday through Fridays with ad ditional speech therapy sessions Saturday mornings. Frequency of sessions is scheduled based on student need. Karen Pesce, Easter Seal executive director, states, "It's vital for students to continue to , improve or maintain their abilities so they don't backslide over the summer vacation." For more information or to schedule an appointment, phone 815-338-1707 or stop by the center at 708 Washington in Woodstock. SOFA & LOVESEAT Reg. $999.00 & up 5990( From 1 0 Y R . W A R R A N T Y FIRM BEDDING 2 FOR 1 CANE CHAIR 100% Nylon Reg. $239.00 Each 2?*239 12 PACK • 12 OZ. CANS IV O.K. Legislation Providing More Accurate REVCO'SLOW, LOW PRICE TWIN SIZE attress & Box Sprim DW Reg. 339.9! 1169*5 FULL SIZE Mattress & Box Spring Reg. 419.95 20995 MOW Mm V # SI QUEEN SIZE Mattress & Box Sprinc Reg. $499.95 J250il K I N G S I Z E A L S O A V A I L A B l E •* *i - **•. ,n Natural Fruit Flavor 8% Alcohol *1.5 Liter REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE WHITE VELVET VODKA 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter Distilled from .REVCO'S LOW, 100% Grain LOW PRICE AU OU* FtMtNiTU ire IS WOOD. NO PLASTICS OR SMMiLAtlGNNtt* IttcllRltKY --, mmm,. :i * $ ofco**To«*fcis HAHHAH & HOGG SCOTCH 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter REVCO'S LOW, Imported from Scotland LOW PRICE LONDON SQUARE GIN 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter REVCO'S LOW, Distilled London Dry LOW PRICE HANHAH & HOGG CAHADIAH 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter REVCO'SLOW, Imported from Canada LOW PRICE McHenry • 4400 W. Elm • 385-1125 \mm\ Prices «n effect 'hnj Tues June 79 July S j j l ) Ai I REVCO S' ORES OPEN MONDAY 2)]| JULV 4 10 a m 6 00pm Wl\ items a*; quantities last Copyrlgh T-Revco T> S Inc The General Assembly has ap proved legislation sponsored by state Rep. Dick Klemm (R-Crystal Lake) that enourages accurate assessments within counties- by applying a penalty to counties in which assessments don't meet the statutory requirements. "The state multiplier is designed, to equalize assessments; between counties in the state,"'Klemm. said. "But that does nbthing to make assessments fair and accurate within counties. This bill provides incentives to county supervisors of assessments iso that they will be more likely to equalize inequities between the assessments of townships within a county." "Application of property taxes would be more fair and equitable between individual taxpayers under this legislation," Klemm added. "If one township is assessed at 35 percent of fair market value and another is assessed at 20 percent, the taxpayers in the first township will be paying more than their share of taxes while those in the second will be paying a less than fair share." "Because the county's total assessment doesn't reach the statutory 33 1-3 percent of fair market value in these cases, the state applies a multiplier, which further magnifies the inequities. This bill is designed to make assessments accurate at the township level. By doing that we avoid the need for excessive state multipliers, and everyone pays a fair share." Klemm explained that Senate Bill x * assessments 176 promotes accurate assessi ^hrAiicfh tVimo mniftr o\AHC 1 - Counties would forfeit the present 50 percent state reim bursement of supervisors' of assessments salaries if the total assessed value of property in the county is not between 31 1-3 percent and 35 1-3 percent of fair market value. 2 - Supervisors of assessments who do have an . erage equalized assessment between 31 1-3 percent and 35 i-3 percent would receive a. $2,000 bonus from the state. 3 - Local Boards of Review could equalize assessments between townships, in a county to bring the county assessment to the statutory requirement only after the supervisor of assessments has failed to make the equalization. If the county Board of Review takes on that responsibility, and brings the total assessment to within 311-3 and 351-3 of fair market value, the state would reimburse the county. _ PLAQUE FARM HOUSE Recently, members of the McHenry County Historical society's Historic Sites committee awarded historic plaque no. 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Andersen of 10308 Route 14, Harvard, for their 1840 Gothic Revival farm house originally known as the Rodolphus Hutchinson farm. In the early days of McHenry County history, this structure once served as a territorial courthouse, complete with upstairs holding cell. The earliest map of this county, dating to 1862 and housed'at the county historical museum in Union, pictures this striking home looking very much as it i 4611 W. Elm St., Rt. 120 West McHenry, IL. Monday thru Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 9:0 P.M. Manufacturers Close-out of: 3 piece Early American^ Living Room Sets. Set consists of: Chair, Loveseat and Couch... All In Velvet Antron Early American Patterns with Wood Trim. While They Last! Reg. *750. CASH and CARRY R.W. LIQUIDATORS 63 N. Ayer Street Harvard, IL. Daily 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Both Locations: OPEN SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. -6:00 P.M.