. / Courthouse POM T Bt AFRAID TO TAKE A 616 STEP IF . ONE IS INDICATED. A * PERSON CANT CROSS A CHASM IN TWO g [ SMALL JUMPS. ̂ PAGE 12 - PLA1NDEALKK • FRIDAY. JULY 1.1983 V 1 m RINT m HINT Ltzrtnl Wnfiro and affixed the seal of Legal nonce id c t t offl 1 B E D R O O M APARTMENT, convenient in town location, all utilities included, $285 per month. 815-385-1115. 6- 29-7-lc APARTMENT, McHENRY, extra clean, carpeted, 2 bedroom Condo, Northfox, lVfe bath, living, dining room, kitchen, washer-dryer, pool. Adults, no pets. $400, lease, deposit, references required. Available September 1st. 815-344-5772 evenings, 815-450-7700, ext. 487 days. 6-29-7-29c SMOKEY MOUN TAINS, Tennessee, Beautiful mountain top cabins, $180.00 weekly. 615-261-2145. 6-ltfc APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. ft. basement level in local office building, $200 per month as is or will remodel. 815-459- 3145, ask for Bill. 6-ltfc STORAGE SPACE in city of McHenry. Dry, clean with electricity and semi-truck dock. Approximately 4,400 sq. ft. 815-385-3192 or 815- 385-7632. 6-ltfc CLEAN SLEEPING Rooms, also furnished apartments. 815-385- 8905,815-675-6008. 6-ltfc WINNEBAGO Land Houseboat Rentals, by day-week for 2-10 people, miles and miles of waterway. 10 miles west of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 414-582-7477. 6-ltfc 1 and 2 BEDROOM Apartments. Stove,• refrigerator, carpeting and air. Available June 1st and July 1st. 815-385- 2181. • 6-ltfc SLEEPING ROOMS, shared kitchen, cable T.V., linens, $42.50 week. 815-385-9738. 6-29- 7-8c RIVERFRONT LOT above McHenry Dam for rent. Very reasonable. Good for boaters. 815-385-0169. 6- 29-7-lc 3 BEDROOM RANCH, full basement, double car garage, working couple, McHenry. 815- 385-1297 after 7pm. 6-29- 7-lc PROFESSIONAL MATURE, Male, looking to share 3 bedroom home and expenses, West Wonder Lake. Absolutely no pets! Days 815-344-4010. 6-29-7-lC \ 2 TO 3 BEDROOM Home in Johnsburg, carpeted, fireplace, all appliances, close to town, fenced in yard, across street from Fox River, river rights, lease, references, security deposit required, $400 month, 815-459-8190. • 6-29-7-lC APARTMENTS IN St. Magdalen's Villa retirement home, deposit due July 25 for occupancy Spring of 1984. Write P.O. Box 6645, Rockford, Illinois, 61125 or call Magdalen Scheid (815) 399-0042. 6- 29-7-lc McCULLOM LAKE, Cozy 2 bedroom house, basement, garage, $325 a month. Call after 7pm, 312-639-0270. 6-24-7-lC PERSON TO SHARE Raised Ranch, $200 month, in Sunnyside. 815-385-4213. 7-1-7-8C WONDER LAKE, Small 1 bedroom house with garage. No pets. $240.00. After 8pm, 312-484-0181. 7-1 AVAILABLE NOW: 2 Bedroom Apartment. Carpeted, all new appliances. A-C, play area for children. 815- 344-4400. 7-1-7-8C SMALL HALL For' Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 6-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after 6pm. 6-ltfc NORTHFOX CONDO, 2 bedroom, lVfe bath with washer, dryer, $375 month, lease and referenced desired. No pets. Available July 21st. 815-653-5903. 6-29-7- 8c INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 52,500 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 6-ltfc QUIET LOVELY! Heated apartment in McHenry. No children, no pets. Senior citizen preferred. 815-344-4231. 6-15tfc 1 BEDROOM APART MENT right _in McHenry, air con ditioned, stove and refrigerator, $255. Call 815-385-3490. 6-15tfc 8 ROOM HOUSE, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, redwood deck, Johnsburg schools, Fox River rights. $500 per month. 312-587-0691. 6 17-7-lc OFFICE SPACE Newiy remodeled professional- office space for rent. Down town McHenry 5-385-4050 NEW Office and Storage Space Expandable in 900 sq. ft. sections Downtown Johnsburg Very Flexible Space 815-385-3093 6 10 7 22 ,*.'S6,157 20 LIVE IN BEAltflfttL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apartments, fully car peted, 1 '/a ceramic baths, color appliances, dish washer, air conditioning, laundry, large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from down town. Geieva Lata Apartneits 1321 W. Main St. Lake Geneva, Wi. 414-248-4572 7/1TF2 Scuba Training Course Offered At Courthouse A Scuba training course will begin Wjednesday, July 6, at 7 p.m. ir. the Operations room of the Emergency Operating canter at the McHenry ccjunty courthouse in Woodstock. As announced by the McHenry County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (MCESDA) the course will include classroom instruction, ex tensive training at an indoor swim ming pool, and will conclude with open water dives, including one night dive. BIRTHS \ Indian Ridge M O D E R N O N E BEDROOM Apartment on waterfront, walk to stores, carpeting , stove, refrigerator, Adults. No pets. $275 plus security deposit, 815-385-3493. 6-17tfc DELUXE APART MENTS, security deposit. No pets. Call Century 21 Care Real Estate. 815-344-1036 or 815-385-0292. 6-ltfc F U R N I S H E D 1 Bedroom apartment, McHenry, utilities in cluded, adult 45 years and up. 815-385-6566. 6- 17tfc 2 BEDROOM Apart ments, 1 or 2 baths, all appliances, carpeting, laundry facilities, security system, city of McHenry, $375 and up. 815-385-6566, 815-344- 1632. 6-24-7-6C DEATHS The course will be taught bv Robert N. Pearson, a Lieutenant with the Highland Park Fire department, and a certified diving instructor. The volunteers donate their time and purchase their own equipment, and discount considerations are available when they become associated with the team. Advance registration is required. One may obtain an ap plication, or additional information by contacting the MCESDA Office at 815- 338-6400. Slide Show At Rosanna Evelyn is the name chosen by Anthony and Pamela Sciarrone, 35(15 N. Riverside drive, McHenry, for their third child and first daughter. The 8 lbs. 8V2 oz baby girl was born at 8:37 p.m. June -17, at Memorial hospital for McHenry County Woodstock, and measured 20V2 inches long. She was welcomed home by her brothers, Anthony, age ten and five- year-old Vincent. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gay Sjciarrone of Peoria, Ariz. Maternal grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Ned L. Kozlowski, formerly of drystal Lake. * • * i I 0RICKD. ' >ALL. JR. f IADELYNJ. CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO « The Wauconda Chamber of Com- lerce will present its twentieth Lnnual Championship Rodeo July 8-9- Jo at the rodeo grounds, Route 12, one rile north of Wauconda. Show times ire 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 4 J).m. Sunday. Tickets are available at jyarious Wauconda merchant nations or at the gate. The /auconda rodeo grounds has ample seating for over 5,000 fans and plenty A parking space. Refreshments in the A special Friday night public program sponsored by McHenry County Conservation district will offer participants a chance to share their personal slides and perspectives on nature. Billed as a "B.Y.O. Slide Show", the program will be held July 1 at Indian Ridge Conservation site beginning at 7:30 p.m. Participants are invited to view and help present a "bring your own" slide program. Personal slides (about five minutes worth) can be presented to the group, along with explanation on their perspectives of the natural world. Viewers as well as presenters of slides are welcome. Slide carousels and projection equipment will be provided. For further information or direc tions to the site, call John Shiel at MCCD's office (815) 338-1405 or (815) 678-4431. form of Hot Dogs, Beer, soft drinks and sno-cones will be available. The widely acclaimed country western sounds of "Kittyhawk". will be heard Friday and Saturday nights, after the Rodeo, for your listening and dancing pleasure. LOUISE DUMKE Louise P. Dumke, 36, a resident of Fox Lake and McHenry most of her life and a former resident of Chicago, died shortly after an automobile accident in Wisconsin Monday, June 27. She was born in Chicago Sept. 30, 1946. Mrs. Dumke was a member of Zion Lutheran church in McHenry; and had been very active in Cub Scout activities in the Ingleside area. Surviving are her husband Roger N. Dumke; a son Aaron E., age 10; one daughter, Alissa A., six years old; a brother James Rizzo of Richmond, 111.; her mother-in-law, Ger trude Dumke of McHenry; uncles, aunts and other relatives. She was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Annette Rizzo. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday at Zion Lutheran church. Visitation was scheduled from 3 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the K. K. Hamsher funeral home, Fox Lake. In terment will be in- a local cemetery. ARTHUR HENSCHEL Arthur Henschel, 76, died Monday, June 27, at Holy Family hospital, Park Ridge. Mr. Henschel was a resident of the Park Ridge Nursing Home the past year. He had lived in McHenry for awhile and during that time was the owner of Art & Lee's Tavern on Riverside drive. Survivors are five grandchildren living in California. V i s i t a t i o n w a s scheduled Thursday evening at the Henry Miller funeral home in Chicago where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Johnsburg. Squares • Easy Payment Plan Available SEE US FOR YOUR BOAT INSURANCE! • Boats All types • Fall Cavaraga At Q--d Rates Call Bill Johnson At 385-3000 MchENRY COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY 1209 N. GREEN STREET McHENRY, It. 60050 , a subsidiary of McHenry Savings and Loon ALL INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES McHfNRY COUNTY INSURANCE AGeNCV JUDICIAL CIRCUIT "msr- ANTIOCH , SAVINGS &LOAN ASSOCIATION Plaintiff FREDRH SAND/ and MADL SAND ALL- GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES CORPORATION; WILLIAM F. MATHISON d-b-a k MATHISON P SEPTIC SERVICE; ) and UNKNOWN ) OWNERS ) Defendants. ) Gen. No. 83CH181 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The requisite af fidavits having been duly filed herein, notice is hereby given to you, INKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, defen dants in the above - entitled action, that said action has been com menced in said Court by the Plaintiff naming you as defendants therein, and praying: 1. For foreclosure of a mortgage on the p r e m i s e s l e g a l l y described as: Lot 30 in Not tingham Woods, being a Sub division of oart of the South Half of S e c t i o n 2 6 , T o w n s h i p 4 6 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac cording to the plat thereof recorded October 15, 1969, as Document No. 5 15 9 3 8 in McHenry County, Illinois; 2. For a personal deficiency judgment and for a judicial sale of the security property. AND FOR OTHER RELIEF: And that Summons duly issued out of said Court against you as fwovided by law and hat the said action is still pending and un determined in said Court. ; NOW, THEREFORE, unless you file your Answer or otherwise make your appearance in said action in said Court, in the Courthouse §i tfife^ City jof Wood stock, Illinois, on or before the 25tn day of July, 1983, default may be entered against you any time after said date. I N T E S T I M O N Y WHEREOF, I have herunto set my hand RINT RMSEtfVAC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour..for every hour thereaftei (Example 2 hours... total charge $1 plus tax. NO MINIMUM Special Rental Roto Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals at a fraction of the cost. SSUN HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I •:00PM • 9:00AM $10.00 4400W.RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL. JOHN L. FREUND FREUND FUNERAL HOMES • WONDER LAKE 7611 HANCOCK OR. •15-7284133 COOPER-FREUND • MARENGO 205 N. STATE S15-5M.7345 said Court at my office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 17th day of June, 1983. Vernon W. Kavs. Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court McHenry County, Illinois Andrew C. Lynch Lynch & Associates 875 Main Street Antioch, IL., 60002 (312) 395-5055 (Pub. June 24, July 1 & July 8,1983) No. 830289 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRYCOUNTY - IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate of ) ROBERT J. ) KRUGER, > Deceased ) No. 83-P-177 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of ROBERT J. KRUGER, of Wonder" Lake, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on June 10,1983, to CLARA H. KRUGER, 3922 West Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, Illinois, 60097 whose attorney is KELL, CONERTY & POEHLMANN, P.O. Box 588, Woodstock, Illinois, 80098. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N o r t h S e m i n a r y Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed witmn that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been ' filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the . Circuit Court) Janice M. Arnold (Deputy) (Pub. June 17,24 & July 1,1983), No. 830276 Legal Notice Village of McCullom cfr cerning vehicle license fees and penalty was passed on June 28, 1983 and is available for inspection at the Clerk's office during hours. Dawn M. Miller, Village Clerk (Pub. July 1,1983) No. 830303 THOUGHT FOR FOOD Chicken liver Strogaaoff Vi cup dairy sour cream 1 Vi tsp. flour 1 tbsp. butter Vi cup sliced green onion 1 jar (2 Yioi.) sliced mushrooms, drained 4 oz. chicken livers, cut in half V* tsp. rosemary Hot buttered noodles OR rice Salt and pepper to taste Gently combine sour cream and flour; set aside. Saute onion and mushrooms in but ter until tender, about 3 min utes. Add chickenlivers and spices; brown on all sides. Reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer until livers are tender, about 10 minutes. Stir in sour cream mixture. Heat through, but do not boil. Serve over noodles or rice. Two servings. PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE BY REGISTERED NURSES (815) 728-1698 ALL PHASES OF IN- HOME NURSING CARE HOME NURSING & HEALTH CARE SERVICE HOME HEALTH NURSING IS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE SUFFERING FROM AN ACUTE OR CHRONIC ILLNESS OR RECOVERING FROM SURGERY OR AN ACCIDENT. WE ARE ESPECIALLY SKILLED IN INDIVIDUALIZED WORK WITH THE PHYSICIAN, THE PATIENT AND' THE PATIENT'S FAMILY. . (THIS IS.AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SERVICEI - PLAN FIREWORKS DISPLAY-Scenes like this will be repeated many times Monday, July 4, when the McHenry community enjoys a fireworks display. It will be presented from Petersen park beach at 9:30 p.m. There will be free parking and parking assistance. There is an admission charge for each car to witness the display. f _ STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD ^UUJLce *UoCd C7CLCZ± FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 29, 1933). Rep. William Carroll of Woodstock and Richard J. Lyons of Mundelein, Republican members of the General Assembly from this district, voted .against the passage of the new 2 1 percent sales tax. The new tax passed by a vote of 77 to 74, not a vote to spare. Rep. Thomas Bolger of McHenry, Democrat member from this district, voted for the bill. The new law will be in effect on July 1. Invading the lobby of the exclusive Hotel Lake Geneva shortly after midnight, five bandits, one of them armed with a sub-machine gun disguised as a violin case, forced the manager to turn over $1,000 in cash from the hotel safe. There will be a fish fry Friday night at Nell's Miniature Ball Room for 10 cents a plate. Dancing to Frankie Gans' orchestra will be free. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 1, 1943). A train load of children arriving at the Northwestern station from Chicago was one more proof that summer is at last with us even though the weather has been deceiving the past week. The young people who invaded our city are from the Guardian Angel orphanage in Chicago and will stay at the Catholic Charities camp known as Villa Maria at Pistakee Bay, for a two-week vacation period. Five such groups of children will be brought to Villa Maria every two weeks until Labor Day. Things looked none too rosy for the Shamrocks at Richmond, but they put on a drive in the ninth inning, beating Richmond 6 to 14. ' The Shamrocks will tangle with the Woodstock Alemite on their home diamond Howie Judson, star pitcher from Hebron, will be in the lineup. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 2, 1958). A lovely, raven haired, dark eyed miss from McHenry, Mary Ann Granger, 18, is the new dairy princess of this county. The pretty young lady was selected from a field qf nine s,^ candidates, held at the Legion home in McHenry. She received 270 out of a possible 300 points in the judging. Two young local girls, Peggy Whiting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting, and Joann Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hughes, were members of a class of forty students graduating from St. Therese School of Nursing in Waukegan, June 29. The many friends of the Rev. J. Elliott Corbett learned with regret that the popular local minister will be transferred from the McHenry Community Methodist church to Oregon. 111., where he takes up new duties. . . TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 27, 1973). Cattle thieves were busy in the Richmond area. Frank Schroeder of Richmond reported that when he entered the lower level of his barn about 4 o'clock one morning, he saw two men in his calf pen at the end of the barn. Three calves, each weighing about 200 pounds were found missing. Another Richmond man, Paul Fuchs, lost a black heifer and a white face heifer. It is thought that high meat prices set the stage for cattle thefts. In a special meeting of the board of trustees of the McHenry County Conservation district, a resolution was approved to enter into a contract to purchase the 50-acre conservation area just west of the village of Chemung, known throughout the community as "Beck's Woods". DDSs, DMDs, DCs, DVMs, JDs, MDs Welcome Wagon offers discreet advertising to professionals in the medical, dental, health-care, legal and animal-care fields. Our service effectively reaches individuals in the privacy of their homes and is in keeping with the dignity of your profession. Please have your office telephone me if you'd like to discuss our unique program. NANCY LAZAR 344-3966 A few extras for your feet can be well worth the extra suitcase space on a long trip. Take some cushioning insoles you can slip into your shoes and keep moleskin on hand to place on tender friction spots. Foot powder and spray will be welcome to cool and soothe hot, perspiring, tired feet. SOFT WATER RENTAL •NO installation charge #NEW fully automatic softeners V •TWQ year option to buy with f •FULL rental fee deducted #ONE phone call can answer rent any questions O/pN 312-259-3393 AKUNOTOM SOFT WATER CO. NOTICE OF CHANCE James H. Mowery, M.D. 1110-T N. Green St., McHenry 344-2250 Dr. Mowery has changed his day off from Wednesday to Thursday Effective Immediately Dr. Mowery will have office hours Wednesday morning and Wednesday afternoon.