PAGE 3 - PLAIN DEALER • FRIDAY. JULY 1.1MU COMMUNITY CALENDAR JULY 4 Fireworks at Petersen Park- sponsor, McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce. JULY 9 McHenry Area Toastmasters- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country Club-guests welcome. JULY 10 Old Time Polish Picnic-Pearl St. Park-noon til 6 p.m -public invited- refreshments and food-free ad- mission-concertina band-sponsor, Liberty Post 188, Polish Legion of American Veterans. JULY 11 Compassionate Friends-meeting, 7 p.m.-Family Services building-4302 Crystal Lake road, Suite G. JULY 12 By-Pass Luncheon for Chamber members and guests-Chapel Hill Country Club-ll:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Marcia Mary Ball Circle-annual catered picnic-noon-home of Helen Walters, 3016 W. Mary lane- reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754- guests welcome-" White Elephant" sale featured. JULY 13 McHenry-Fox Lake La Leche League-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- information, call Margie McCarthy, 385-2666. JULY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club- Arlington Race Track-leave Market Place 10:30 a. m.-reservations, Ruth Fradell 385-6586. McHenry County Genealogical Society-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran church Fellowship hall- Washington St.(Route 120) and Tryon St., Woodstock-How To Do Research in Pennsylvania. JULY 16 Chicken Barbecue-Ringwood United Methodist Church-serving, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.-tickets, 653-3294 or 385-8037. JULY 17 Combined Worship Service-- Ringwood United Methodist Church- 10:30 53. JULY 18 T.H.E.O.S.-annual Catered Picnic- home of Mae Stinespring-3329 Bay View lane-"White Elephant" sale, 3:30 p.m.-dinner, 5:30 p.m.~ reservations, Lyda Radisth, 385-2754- guests welcome. JULY 21 Catholic Daughters of America- regular business meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Liberty Hall. JULY 22-31 Fiesta Days-30 fun-packed events in 10 fun-filled days-"McHenry: Seasons Four!" theme. Mail Services July Fourth The McHenry post office will operate on a holiday schedule during Independence day, Monday, July 4. ' Postmaster LeRoy M. Smith said regular residential and business deliveries will not be made, and usual post office lobby services will not be available with the exception of lock box service. < Delivery of certain expedited mail services will continue during the holiday weekend. These include special delivery and express mail. Mailers should call the post office at 385-0616 for information about holiday schedules. Mail pickup from collection boxes also will be on holiday schedule, as posted on individual boxes, or determined by calling the post office. Another year chalked up for United States o' America". Me rockin' chair helps th' grey mat these days, an' so many things corne l mind. Thinkin' t'other day, about how" fortunate we be, a livin' in this frep land, me thoughts turned t' those who, seem V take advantage o' freedom, as, it was meant t' be, when this country, was founded. Laws were set up, f r th',, benefit o' preservin' order, an' a., society where folks might live iiv pursuit o' happiness. ,, Thi$ granny wonders how many people ha' truly understood th^ meanin' o' our "United States ,o America." More than just bein' a country, wi' territories divided into states, these states 're united in one purpose, to represent a country of free people, united in the cause o' "Freedom". Troublesome factions ha' arisen, throughout th' country, which, if allowed t' progress, may cause a lot o' unhappiness, unrest an' fear, an' cause us t' lose th' freedoms we've known. It b'hooves us all t' be involved an' participate wi' those who work t' preserve th' rights o' freedom lovin' people. v Many are th' lives lost iiffeonflict wi' powers bent on deprivin' folks o' their God-given right t' live in peaceful relationship wi' their fellow-men. Th' lust f r power is old as th' hills, an' it takes courage an' strength t' strive t' keep faith wi' our fore-fathers efforts in settin' up our Constitution, an' Declaration o' Independence. United we stand; divided we fall, no truer words were e'er spoken. Let's pull together, an' keep this th' great country that it is. Let us be an example f' th' rest o' th' world, and in God put our trust. "Happy Birthday" Uncle Sam. Grandma Radtke \ La Leche League Debates Problems The McHenry-Fox Lake La Leche League will meet Wednesday, July 13, at 7:30 p.m., and the topic will be the "Art of Breastfeeding and Over coming Problems. La Leche League is a self-help group dedicated to promoting good mothering through breastfeeding and mother-to-mother sharing. At the meetings, nursing and expectant mothers can talk to other mothers who have successfully and happily nursed their babies. The lending library is an excellent source of helpful information on topics such as childbirth, nutrition and CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION-Hundreds of people walked in procession celebrating the recent feast of Corpus Christi Sunday, at the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption. The celebrant was the Reverend James G. Gaynor, pastor of St. Mary's with the Catholic Order of Foresters as honor guard. Corpus Christi, to Catholics, means the Body of Christ or Holy Eucharist. On this Feast day the church gives Catholics the opportunity to give public thanks for the gift ot the Holy Eucharist.. The Holy Eucharist; is a sacrament that contains graces, but unlike other sacraments, it contains a permanent manner of grace Himself- Jesus Christ. breastfeeding. Nursing babies are always welcome. For further information on the meetings, or breastfeeding help, please contact Mrs. Thomas (Margie) McCarthy of McHenry. HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: William Ritthalei*, Philip Code and Mrs. Judy Pickell, all of McHenry. Before you begin a walking program, buy a good walking shoe. Choose a style with a flat heel and broad, rounded toe. The well-fitting shoe will give ample room to toes (at least Mi"), but grip the back of the foot to keep the heel from sliding out and rubbing at each step. Make sure shoes do not squeeze or pinch anywhere. Legal Notice Village of McCullom Lake Residents: Ord. No. 161 con cerning alcoholic beverages was passed on June 28, 1963 and is available for inspection at the Clerk's office during hours. Dawn M. Miller/ Village Clerk (Pub. July 1,1983) No. 830302 Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on a Mini Bus and- or Passenger Van. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 A.M. Wed nesday, July 13, 1963. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, IL., 60050. < Michael R. Kelly, Business Manager (Pub. July 1,1983) , 8303G No. 301 Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE All of the property of EDWARD R. W. VOGTS generally described elow will be sold at a Public Sale on July 2, 1983 at 12:00 noon at 3314 Raycraft Road, Woodstock, Illinois, the property includes: 31 cows, including 4 Guernsey and 1 Bruidel, average age 4 years, 4 months, some out standing individuals; 10 fresh last 90 days, some springing, balance milking and bred back, bred to AI Triple Plus Bulls; 1 regular 2 year old heifer; 1 fourteen month heifer; 4 three month heifer calves, eligible for genetec recovery program; 1 regular 9 month old bull; 2 new-born calves; 3 DeLaval units; 1 new, 2 late model, extra DeLaval pail; DeLaval 40 pump with gas engine; Surge SP22 Pump; 90' vacuum line; SS rinse tanks; strainer; calf pails, etc.; steel feed cart- forks, scraper and shovels; 16' x 6' adle stock trailer with bumper hitch; farmall 560 gas tractor with wide front; 3 pt. hitch, flotation front; 2 far mall M tractors;.IH No. 105 Mixer-mill; IH No. 46 baler; GEHL FH83 ensilage chopper; Rex Forage Wagon on 8 ton gear; IH 450 4 row planter; AC 7' green chopper; MC 7' rotary scythe; NI 12A ground driven spreader; 2 flat rack wagons; 40' Kewanee elec. with motor; MC flail chopper with hood; gravity wagon on gear and older 100 bu. picker wagon on gear. Bids invited (cash or good check). Sale items may. be viewed prior to sale by ap pointment with auc tioneer or prior to sale on the day of the sale. Call 815-385-7032. I :<rw>i meg SHSiii tu THIS W£EK The sale is being conducted under Section 9-504 of the Illinois Uniform Commercial Code and pursuant to Security Agreements with NORTHEAST ILLINOIS PRODUC- T I O N C R E D I T ASSOCIATION. Thomas C. Zanck MILITELLO, ZANCK & COEN Attorneys for NORTHEAST ILLINOIS PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION 40 Brink Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 (Pub. July 1,1983) No. 830305 H YESEtfS CHAIRS SLEEPERS •MiiiibM McHcnry Market Plac* 385-4100 spurgeons Spurgeon s Giant Clearance of Famous Brand Sportswear Offers a Whopping 25% to 50% off! It's time to scoop-up well known mokes at amazing savings! Like Tomboy, Pandora. Donnkenny® Catalina® , Spalding® , Alfred Dunner, Devon® and other fabulous fashion names. Hurry in for best choic 4hey won't lost long! OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 Uoe our Free Layowoy ... or Chooeo and charge today! I im? 4507 HW IZO /AcHilMfcy 3+4 5400 In Celebration of America'* Independence All 3 Locations will be CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1983 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY! IRY STATE BANK Oaroy Building Drive-Up Windows & Lobby Open As Usual On Wednesday July 6th Carey Building; Richmond Rd si Pearl St MEMBER FDIC , 385 1040 •'Skii M. M. McMENRY'S 3rd Annual FIREWORKS DISPLAY Monday, July 4th From 9:30 pm 'til ? At PETERSEN PARK (located on McCullom Lake Rd., ¥» mile west of Rte. 31, Mchenry) IV Gates Open at 6:30 pm $3.00 per car Refreshments Available Sponsored by McHenry Area Chamber of Commerse the'Villaac jifyuire of McHenry "A 600D PLACE TO BE" lor wsf preparing, cooking and serving food and drinks is not just another way of making money, bat it is a way of life. COMPARE THE PRICES OF OUR FOOD We don't serve a 6 oz. grilled bacon "Bigger Burger" for $4.45! WE SERVE A Vi LB.BROILED BACON BURGER FOR $3.95. We don't serve 2 pes. of frozen-Fried Chicken for $3.75, WE SERVE 4 PIECES OF FRESH FRIED CHICKEN DINNER FOR $3.75. We don't serve a lb* grilled cheeseburger for $3.60, WE SERVE A Vi IB. BROILED CHEESEBURGER FOR S3.6S. We don't serve inexpensive specials and charge EXPENSIVE R E G U L A R M E N U P R I C E S , OUR ENTIRE MENU IS REASONABLY PRICED. OUR SPECIALS A R E A D E A L -- L O O K F O R T H E D I F F E R E N C E . COMPARE TBI QUALITY Of OMR FOOD WE COOK WITH TRADITIONAL OVENS AND BRQIIERS. We don't just use convenient microwave ovens. WE PREPARE RIGHT HERE OUR "BEST FRIDAY FISH FRY." We don't just fry ready-breaded frozen fish. WE BROIL OUR DELICIOUS STEAKS AND BURGERS. We don't cook them on a GRILL. OUR BABY FRIED CHICKEN IS ALWAYS FRESH. We don't serve frozen-fried chicken. Just serving a lot does not determine a good eating place, neither does just eating a lot determine a great dinner. A fair and right amount of food is important; but so is the palate, the whole approach to eating, and most of all savoring an^naring your food with your fellow man. The idea is to enjoy life and food and drink with other people^Jt s the total fun of it. Having in mind this idea, we serveyou our best. 4S12 W. RTE. 120 IN MeHENRY 385-0900