Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1983, p. 10

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1 •t# PAGE 10 - PLAINDI FRIDAY, JULY 8,11 No enh raiumli on prepaid of Thanks In Mtmoriam, Birthday*. Anniversaries, Situation Wantad to Rant. Want ad to Buy. and Garogo Sola* MUST bo paid In advanca. Tho PMndaalor Tt noTresponsible lor arrora In classified ad* aftor tho Hrst Insertion. Chock your ad altar tho Hrst Insertion and call our attowHow to any mistakes. OfFKE HOURS:MOHOAY-FRlDAY l:S0am to 5:00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON 3:30 MON. FOR WEO. PAPfR 3:30 WH>. FOR FRI. PAPfR CLASSIFIED PtSPLAY 4:00 WEO. FOR FRI. PAPER PHONI: 81 S-3t 5-0170 msinks satires t ENTERPRISING MEDICAL Student will do painting, household • repairs, minor land- i s c a p i n g , e t c . £ Reasonable rates, 815- 385-9348. 6-29-7-8C HOME & OFFICE Cleaning Positions Wanted. Excellent rates. References are available. Interested? Call 815-728-1559 after 3pm. 7-8-7-29C H Landscapes MSbv Garv Weiss PLANS*PLANTS#PLANTING •SEED*SOD*GRADING PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED, GUARANTEED WORK Free Estimates 815-728-1648 D R BUILDING SUPPLIES 1903 W. Rte. 120-McHenry 815-385-6445 Duraform-Simplex-Sytrions Form Tie» Wire Me*h & Rebar Drain Tile & Fittings Culverts Senco & Bostitch Guns, Nails & Staples Tools-Sealer-Form Oil Sump Pumps & Pits Open 7-5 Mon. - Fri. Sat 7-12 7 , Siding Wood Decks S. 3£ake Contraction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and drav^plans for your new home or remodeling needs a Free Estimates •; con- > nr«j John Blake 385-5593 Concrete after 5 P.M. Patios Roofing T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 .New Garages, Room Additions, Dormers, Alum. S/Windows, S/Doors, Seamless Gutters, Siding, Re-Placement Windows, Soffitt; Fascia Any Type Roofing. All Types of Remodeling Inside and Outside. Will Also Build Complete New Buildings, Wood Decks and Patios Co. Fully Insured ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .50' Sq. Ft. For Grading & Blacktopping Only On Unveways Over 1000 Sq Ft •Parking Lots«New Drives •Long Lanes*Patching •Resurtacing'Sealcdaiing 24 Hou r Se rv i ce A l l Work Gua ran teed F ree Es t ima tes SI5-459-3960 Call Now 0 Save 5 4TF HITCH & SONS SIDING CO. AluminunPSteehVinyl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 7. ITF WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Senrfig your area 28 years experience. We are ROW taking orders. Deal direct with owner t save!! 9 Seal Coating Coll anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312 223-5634 LIBERTYVlLLE 312 3674)676 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Resident ia l -Commercia l - Industr ia l B ig sav ings on Res iden t i a l wo rk P roven by t housands o f sa t i s f i ed cus tomers SPRING DISCOUNT •Mach ine La id *New Dr i ves •Resu r fac i ng 'Pa rk i ng Lo t s •Sea l Coa t i ng A l l wo rk gua ran teed F ree Es t ima tes _ 312-546-5600 G r a y s l o k e , I I I . COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL CUBIC FT. AMANA Side Side Refrigerator: 36" stc d. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yatnaha MX 100: 1980 IttSMCSS SCI O B E D I E N C E COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent ition $125.00:: Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards with rhythm section, excellent condition JUST REDUCED Fro $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acrj Giant Oaks Estates. Hov eautitu usnroom. eiectnc \ SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, many sizes. 7-24-7-3 lc FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-31 c 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks AUTOS FORD 1977.i ton Super Cab Camper Special, power beige-brown pattern, vinyl piacemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices, firm. 7- ncorc wi th Mag ic Gen ie , dou lbe keyboard. 3 years old._First_ FOR SALE BCAl ESTATE ACRE High and Dn BUSINESS SERUKES WILL CLEAN OUT basements, garages, attics, also lawn work. Call after 5pm, free estimates, 815-385-6511. 6-29-7-8C L A W N M O W E R REPAIR, Giant Oaks Engine Clinic. Pickup and delivery, 48 hour service. 815-728-1482. 6- 29-7-8c R . W . C O N C R E T E , Expert work, free estimates. Commercial, residential. Driveways, patios, walls, sidewalks and floors. 815-728-1307. 7-ltfc EQUIPMENT MOVING, Up to 9 tons. 312-497-3473. 7-ltfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, c a l b E l e c t r i c a l Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 7-ltfc HAVING TROUBLE ref i n i s h i n g y o u r f u r ­ niture? Let me show you how. Call 815-385-1892. 7-8-7-15C REMODELING, KITCHENS, Bathrooms, Basements. No job too small. Call Tim at 815-385-6906. 7-8 FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS. SPRING Best time for tree care. Now offering 15% Off trimming and removals. Free estimates Fully Insured 815-385-0318 FOR SALE AT BELOW RETAIL PRICES Home Computers, Software, Video Cassette Recorders , Video Game Cartridges, T.V.'s Call Lawrence's Home Computer Sales 815-385-8908 , 8 vtfi m j j f f MATERIAL 815/385-1970 *Sand *Grml Tick Dirt *Stone *Line Stone *0ecotiti»e Stone, Etc. *Jvnk Call after 4:00 P.M. CAU ANYTIME ON WEEKENDS 14 CONNIES COURIER SERVICE FAST SMCf For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Available Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook Kane & DuPage Counties Prompt Safe Delivery Of: •All Your Delivery Needs „ •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded I Insured Days-Nites-7 Days 815-344-1497 TOM FENZEL HOME STUDIO Portraits Weddings Special Occasion Call for Appointment 9am - 6pm 815-385-8521 7/J-7/22TF2 7 ITF2 7 6TF cHENR WILDING SERVICE All Types Welding- "SPECIALIZING IN *tat Np Rapairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2912 W. Rte. 120, McHenry 815-385-4929 MATHISON SEPTIC SIRVKE New Septic Installations, and Repairs. Backhoe Work Questions about your septic systems? Give us a call Light Hauling, Driveway Gravel, Top Soil, Sand & Fill 115-344-3980 rasiiBT SEHUICE CARD OF THANKS LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 7- ltfc IT'S SPRING HOME Improvement Time! Paintihg, interior and e x t e r i o r a n d wallpapering. Quality work. For a free estimate, call 815-344- 1722 after 6pm. 6-29-7- 15c CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. B a u m a n C a r p e t Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 7-ltfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 7-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 4 0 2 4 G a r y Jensen. 7-ltfc D R I V E W A Y A N D PARKING Lot sealing for less than it would cost to do it yourself. 312-658-2390. 7-ltfc HANDYMAN, CAR­ PENTRY, Remodeling, roofing and siding, painting, fences, tree removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344-2384. 7- ltfc RICK'S k 1 ROTOTILLING, 16 Hp., Kabota DieSel, 6" to 10" deep, 42" wide. No garden too big or too small. Very reasonable. Phone 815-728-0161. 7- l t f c TYPEWRlfSF REPAIR Manual and Electric. Free pick-up and delivery. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 7-ltfc WILL DO GARAGE and basement cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815-653-6896, 815- 728-1833. '7-ltfc SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum Cleaner Repair and parts in home service. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 7-ltfc WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good work, low [Mice. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 7-ltfc YARD CARE. Spring c l e a n - u p . M w i n g , Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc L I C E N S E D H O R ­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 7-ltfc BASEMENTS & AT­ T I C S . C l e a n e d a n d hauled. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc HANDYMAN. WILL Fix almost anything. Free estimates, pain­ ting, plumbing, elec­ trical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815-344- 4267. 7-ltfc P A I N T I N G , P A T ­ CHING, light rwpfttrs. i Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455- 5536. 7-ltfc SPECIAL THANKS to TSS fXnr^J^nt^ St. Jude for favor vors-granted. granted. H.B. 7-6-7-8C JeanetteB 7-8 HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOTICE Looking for side work from re-roofs to new roofs. Call after 5 pm 815-344-2358 SwcMson Cwpwlry A Reefing 6/24^7 15TF2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS FOR SALE, McHenry County's f a s t e s t g r o w i n g Limousine Business. Well established ac­ counts. All car radio's and equipment. 815-344- 4466. 7-8-7-15C sr. w BUYING LIFE INSURANCE? Don't by or Change Any Life Insurance WMmrt Contacting Mel PATRICK JAMES LETIZIA Financial Planner Since 1968 815-728-0404 ' ~ T E i r HOME CARE FOR Elderly or Handicapped 4 HOURS to 24 HOURS 7 DATS A WEEK Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES 815568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206 100 W. Washington St. Marengo, IL licensed & Bonded Employment Agency NOTICE BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE P ro fe s s iona l Dog Grooming. All breeds. Ca l l 815 -385 -2018 f o r appointment. 7-ltfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 7-ltfc GARAGE DOOR SALES, Se rv i ce and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2662. 7-ltfc PLUMBING, New work , r emode l ing , repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 7-ltfc T R A P S H O O T I N G Every Sunday. 7am- 11am. Public invited. Harvard Sportsman's Club. Routes 14 and 23. 6-22-7-8C FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Core Act of 1969. it,is a misdemeanor to care tor 4. or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of 'Hlinois. It is also illegal to odver- tise for such services in ioni unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well- being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTAAENT OF CHILDREN A FAAAILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. 111.60046 : 312-356-1011 U4 .• • * * : MCK YOUR OWN "Come See us Strawberries Heider's v Berry Farm 2 Miles East of Woodstock,III. on Rt. 120, then 1/2 mile north on Queen Anne Road ENTRANCE OPEN DAILY Open 7 Days A Week. Rain or Shine OPEN HOUSE Hillcrest Apartments cordially in­ vites all Senior Citizens to attend our Open House on Tuesday, July 12th, 3-6 pm. Hillcrest apartmen­ ts is McHenry's newest, most con­ venient housing. It is specifically designed for families and active Senior Citizens 62 years of age and older. Join us for refreshmen­ ts and a tour of our Commons Building and sample apartment. Route*31 North and McCullom Lake Rood. - 815-344-4400 AUTOS 1981 FORD MUSTANG, low mileage, $4,800. Call after 5pm, 815-678-4264, 815-675-2475. 7-6-7-8C rare"c5DPai CLASSIFIES SPECIAL .50' DISCOUNT On Prepaid Lin* Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindeoler/Citizen Package Deadline: AAonday before 3:30 PAA 15 words or less for only $4.60, Reg. price $5.10-.34' each additional word MAOM6 42,060 MAIIS M McttENRY COMITY The AAcHenry Plaindealer ...... 3B12 W. Elm Street, AAcHenry, Illinois 60050 1974 CHEVY VEGA, New pa in t , i n t e r i o r . Spoke whee l s w i th radial tires, in excellent shape, $1,195. 312-497- 4 2 6 8 , P i s t a k e e Highlands. 7-l-7-8c 1975 CHEVY MONZA 2 p lu s 2 Ha tchback , dependable, good gas mileage, $1,700 or offer. 815-385-1527. 7-6-7-8c 1973 CHRYSLER New Yorke r Broughm, loaded, good condition, runs good, $750.00 or best. 815-385-9466. 7-1-7, 8c VKE BUY CARS and TRUCKS in any condi t ion 815338-0270 Free Towinq Amount Enclosed!. NAME .Insert for Wks. ADDRESS. PHONE, SUNROOFS Top Quality . Smoked Glass $225.00 installed Most Cars Jim Adams Auto Body Call for appointment 815-385-4640 BRMUST PUSENT COUPON • 6 3TF2 AUTOS HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADELE Another Birthday? Never fear it! You'll always be Young in Spirit! HAPPY 17th 5/6-7/27TF2 Love, Deb HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY PAULY Great Gramma SHOPPING FOR AUTO Insurance? "Let our fingers do the walking." P h o n e q u o t e s welcomed. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328. 7-6-7-8c 1970 CADILLAC, in good condition, must sell, $350.00 or offer. 815-385- 3138. 7-6 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, $800.00 or best offer. 815-385-8028. 7-6-7-8C D U N E B U G G Y V W Kit Car, A-l condition, $1,650. 815-385-5471 evenings. 7-l-7-8c 1975 FORD F 250, front disc., overload springs, 4 speed trans, trailer hitch, new rubber. Clean $2,250. After 5pm, 815-385-2971. 7-8-7-15C 1977 FORD PINTO, V-6, automatic, p.b., p s., air conditioning, 3 door hatchback, low mileage, $1,500 or best offer. 815- 385-8327. 7-8-7-15C 1978 RED CHEVY MONZA Hatchback, am-fm stereo. Good gas mileage! $2,200. 815-385- 3437. 7-8-7-15C 1974 DODGE COLT, 4 door, 4 speed, high miles, good runner, new tires, 33 mpg., $825.00. After 6pm, 815-728-0024. 7-8-7-15C 1977 DATSUN R210, New exhaust system, battery, brakes, tune- up. $750.00. 815-385-0574. 7-8 GOOD BEATER!! 1973 Chevy 2 door Impala Coupe, runs like a top! New battery, starter, 2 new tires, body needs work, $450.00 or best offer. 815-385-4434. 7-8 1981 DODGE (Mit­ subishi) Colt, one owner, executive driven car, (2) door hatchback. Radio, heater, air, 35 mpg., low mileage, excellent condition, $3,995 firm. 815-653-4377. 7-8tfc 1970 MUSTANG MACH I, 351 engine, V-8, automatic, very good condition, $1,300 or best offer. Call after 6pm, 815-344-2668. 7-8-7-22C 1970 PONTIAC LeMANS Sport Convertible, am- fm, air conditioning, full p o w e r . E x c e l l e n t condition! Will consider trade ? 815-385-8161, 815- 385-0825. 7-6-7-8C 1979 C H R Y S L E R C O R D O B A , p o w e r windows, steering and b r a k e s , a i r , a m - f m , -'cruise, vinyl top, sun roof. One owner, low miles. Asking $4,125. 815-385-0157. 7-8-7-15C GOOD DEAL, 1974 Dodge Custom Van, fully equipped, lots of extras, $4,200 or best. 815-728-1887. 7-8-7-15C 1 9 7 2 P L Y M O U T H Satellite, 6 cylinder, runs excellent, body fair, $300.00. 815-385- 0594. 7-8 1982 MERCURY LN 7, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, clean, no rust, low mileage, $6,150. 815-385-8360 after 5pm. 7-8-7-15C 1 9 7 9 C A M A R O BERLINETTA, V-8, automatic, air, am-fm. $5,475, will consider trade. 815-385-8571. 7-8 ,1971 AMC HORNET Wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic, $375.00. 815- 344-50^3. 7-8 1979 DATSUN 510 Wagon, automatic, air, fm radio-cassette, good mpg., l owner, very good condition, $3,700. 815-385-1965. 7-8 1971 CHEVY IMPALA. Not a Beater! $450.00. 815-385-5591. 7-8 I

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