Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1983, p. 12

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J i VI.K «- PLAINDfcALEK-WEDNESDAY, JULYM. M IMS DoubleVision Cs.r fv' v A Cs; TH, O-g IMMEDIATE OC­ CUPANCY, 1 bedroom home In Johnsburg. Fireplace, washer and dryer, stove and remferator, fenced in yard, water rights, t year lease and security and references. $400.00. Evenings, 815-458-8190. 7-20-7-22C S BEDROOM HOUSE in Hebron, S car garage, 1 bath, nice yard, 1550 pffts utilities, security deposit. No pets. 815418- 7-JO-7-22C 3 BEDROOM 2 Story House, S bath, S car garage, family room, air conditioning, $400 plus utilities, Hebron area, security deposit required. No pets. 815- 7-JO-7-22C 1 BEDROOM HOUSE, Wonder Lake, Beach rights, $no month plus deposit. 815-728-1088. 7- 20-7-22C 2 BEDROOM 5 ROOM Apartment, 1,400 sq. ft., appliances, carpeting, downtown McHenry. 8386 month. 81*344-1832, 815-385-8586, 815-344- 0748. 7-20-7-29C 3 POSSIBLE 4 Bedroom House, Island lake, McHenry Schools, carpeted. No pets. Available immediately, 8450.00.312-5268306. 7- 15-7-22C SUB-LEASE 1 Bedroom Apartment, available July 31, teat and ap­ pliances furnished, Woodstock area, air conditioned, carpeted, pool and laundry, 8275 per month. 815-338-3433. 7-15-7-20 800 SQUARE FEET, Office or retail. Route 120 and Route 31. 815- 386-5716. 7-15-7-23C CLEAN SLEEPING Rooms. 815-385-8905, 815-675-0006. 7-ltfc JOHNSBURG, 2 Bedroom, kitchen, living room and family room, 1 car garage, heat included. No pets. References and security and lease, 8450 per NEW 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath house, furnished, rent by month or season, $500 month utilities furnished, security deposit. 815- 663-9406. 7-20-7-22C NEW DELUXE 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartment, in city of McHenry featuring security, privacy and luxury, August and September occupancy. Call now to reserve your choice, of unit. 815-385-3192. 7- 20tfc OLDER GENTLEMAN would like to share large kitchen, living room with fireplace, 1 or 2 private bedrooms with bath, full house priviledges, garage. All utilities paid. Children welcome. 815-385-1653. 7-20-7-22C APARTMENT DOWNTOWN McHenry. Appliances plus washer and dryer, carpet, private yard and parking. For mature clean adults, $290 per month plus security and utilities. 815-344-1119. 7- 20-7-22C FURNISHED ONE Bedroom and one studio apartment in McHenry, utilities included. Mature adults only. 815- 385-6566. 7-20tfc APPROXIMATELY 800 sq. ft. basement level in local office building, $200 per month as is or will remodel. 815-459- 3145, ask for Bill. 7-ltfc STORAGE SPACE in city of McHenry. Dry, clean with electricity and semi-truck dock. Approximately 4,400 sq. ft. 815-385-3192 or 815- 385-7632. 7-ltfc SMALL HALL For Rent, 125 people or less, Anniversaries, Graduations, Weddings, etc. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street, McHenry. 815-385-2281 after 5pm. 7-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12pm weekdays or after month. 7-ltfc IStfc -- INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche Industrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 52,500 sq. ft. 815-385-1079. 7-ltfc PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, McHenry, Prime location, Court and Elm Street. Available now, heat i n c l u d e d . H . C . Reihansperger, 815-385- 7-20-7-22C CLEAN 4 ROOM Apartment. Pay own utilities. Couple or single person preferred. No pets, $210 month, s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required, McHenry area. 312-387-4675. 7-20- 7-22c SECLUDED 5 ROOM Apartment, heated, stove and refrigerator, carpeting, $325 per month plus security deposit. 312-742-8612. 7- 20-7-22C 2 BEDROOM NOR- THFOX Condo, 1 fe bath, washer, dryer, dishwasher, garbage d i s p o s a l , s t o v e , refrigerator, wall to wall carpet, air con­ ditioning, swimming pool, 8350.00. Call 815- 344-4007 or 815-663-9434. 7-20-7-22C HOME FOR RENT, B r i t t a n y P a r k , executive type home, 3 bedroom, family room, l'/fe baths, 2 car garage, Available August 1st, 8475. Days 81*385-5000, evenings 312-656-6773. 7- 20-7-22C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in town, 2 baths, 2 car g a r a g e , s t o v e , refrigerator, dish­ washer, references and security required. No pets. 8475 a month. 815- 7-20tfc CHILD VISION Dr. Milton Ross Q. Recently mv son reported seeing two images that blend into one another. What is the probable cause? A. Generally this condition is a result of an uncorrected refractive error. This may be * astigmatic, hvperophia (far- sighted). or presbvophia. Binocular <y monocular dip­ lopia (double vision) may also be related to a deviating eye, protruding eye, pupil size dif­ ferences or abnormal physi­ cal condition. Before glasses, contact lenses or referral is prescribed, your eye special­ ist will make a differential di­ agnosis. I) you « question tor Cliifl Vino- write to Dr. Mlltan Nat*. P O Bo« 639 Prank tort Kantucxy 406C? Sapport Yo«r Local Teacher Public school teachers, often criticized for the lack of time spent on actual class­ room instruction, may nev­ er improve on that time with­ out greater parental support and involvement, warns a Texas A & M education pro­ fessor. When parents get in­ volved in school activities it usually means teachers spend less time disciplining their students and students ap­ proach school tasks more seriously. Both result in more time spent on learning. WONDER LAKE, 2 Bedroom, garage, 8350 v plus utilities. No pets. ? 815-7266636 or 312-642- •*-4 0533. 7-20-7-22C ' HALL AND GROVE for % Parties, Weddings and Picnics. Spojnia Park. PMish National Union. . Located at Ringwood Road and Flanders • Road, McHenry. Phone 815-386-1298. 7-13-8-Sc •*» 1 BEDROOM APART- % MENT right in McHenry. Air con- w ditioned, stove and refrigerator, $255. Call 815-385-3490. 7-6tfc McHenry Country Club - * THOUGHT FOR FOOD By GOULD CROOK Pineapple Oraage Frosty 2 cups cold milk 1 pint pineapple sherbet, softened 2 seedless oranges, peeled and quartered 2 tbsp. sugar Place half the milk, half the sherbet, the oranges and sugar in blender container; cover. Blend until almost smooth. Add remaining milk and sherbet. Blend until smo­ oth and frothy. Serve im­ mediately in tall chilled glass­ es. Yield: 5 cups. A mertean Dairy A ssociation This picture is marked "The Old Club House", but It was considered rather nifty way back when. This and the other pictures are courtesy of Lynn Bruce, grand-daughter of the McHenry Country club. never-to-be-forgotten A1 Purvey, greenskeeper at Customer: "Look what you did to this!" Laundry man: "I don't see anything wrong with that lace." Customer: "Lace, heck, that slruclurt- was on John was my shirt!" Not many remember the archway to McHenry Country club. The impressive street, off Green street. The John si look too inviting In the picture. - j) i street roadway doesn't Caddies are pictured in front of the first Clubhouse in the early 26's. At the time, some called it the caddie shack, t The - trv&e APARTMENT, M c H E N R Y , E x t r a clean, carpeted, 2 bedroom Condo, Nor- thfox, IM bath, living, dining room, kitchen, washer-dryer, pool. Adults, no pets. $400, l e a s e , d e p o s i t , references required. Available September 1 s t . 8 1 5 - 3 4 4 - 5 7 7 2 evenings, 815-459-7700, ext. 487 days. 6-29-7-29c S M O K E Y M O U N ­ TAINS, Tennessee, Beautiful mountain' top cabins, $180.00 weekly. 615-261-2145. 7-ltfc 1 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, air conditioned, includes heat, stove and refrigerator, $265. Call 815-385-3490. 7-13tfc IN McHENRY, OLDER 3 bedroom home, basement, l car garage, located 1 block from East Campus, Library and Hospital. $375 month, references and s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t required. Phone 815-385- 3007. . 7-8-7-29C WINNEBAGO Land Houseboat Rentals, by day-week for 2-10 people, miles and miles of waterway. 10 miles west of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 414-582-7477. 7-ltfc SITUATION WANTED MAINTENANCE Man looking for work from clean ups to remodeling. References. Big jobs welcome. 815-385-9681. 7-20-7-22C W I L L " C L E A N A N D Shine your home from windows to ovens. Very reasonable. Call Tasia, 815-344-0610. 7-20-7-22c LICENSED CHILD Day Care in my Lakeland Park, McHenry home, 815-344-3895, License No. 0540880. 7-20-7-22C %• _The Learning Resources Center (LRfc) at McHenry County college now offers county residents the op­ portunity to obtain bibliographic information through a computerized search system titled On-Line Reference service. While saving time is an important advantage of computer search, it also provides for more comprehensive and creative search than manual search. The computer can collect a great deal of information in a short time. It also allows use of words and other com­ ponents limiting the subject or a combination of topics that would be impossible to search manually. An employee of the library,- the searcher, sits at a terminal and types commands into it. The terminal communicates via telephone lines with a computer in New York where data is stored. The seacher has previously ob­ tained from the individual authorizing the search information pertinent to the topic-a search statement, along with any synonyms, broader or narrower terms relevant to the subject. The searcher gets back in printed form a bibliography on the search topic including author, title, publisher and date of a book; title of magazine, date of issue and page for articles. The terminal can also print abstracts or brief summaries of articles when they are available. If the periodical or book found in the search is not available from MCC's library it can be requested from another library at no charge through lnter-Library loan. The cost of a search varies with the speed of the computer, the amount of information available on the topic and how well defined the subject is. The patron is charged for computer time, which includes royalty fees and telephone charges, and a nominal surcharge. Fees are payable upon completion of the search. If cost of the search is a factor, talk to the librarians before the search begins. It is possible to limij the number of entries received. On-Line Reference service allows search in data bases in these subject areas: sciences-humanities and energy-environment. Not all topics are suitable search topics. The reference librarians are the best judges of search practicality. Most of the data bases do not include information printed before 1970. Very current topics, questions for which no paper index is available and questions combining' two topics are good search subjects. A search can prove useful beyond the most obvious use of providing research materials for papers one is writing. It can be utilized in one's work to keep him current on the latest breakthroughs in his field or to help find the answer to a special problem. Individuals with special interests or hobbies can use it to seek data ranging from obtaining information on a health problem to finding the most up- to-date publication delineating the value of rare coins or antiques. The scope of possible search topics is very wide and is limited only by the amount of information in the data banks. Those who think they have need for a search should call MCC at 455-3700 and ask for the library. The librarians will help determine if a search would be beneficial, and if one is called for, they will take the steps necessary to conducting one. The equipment, training and manuals necessary for implementing On-Line Reference service at MCC have been provided through an arrangement with the Northern Illinois Library system.'There are only four other terminals in the library system's district for this purpose. They are at Rockford Public library, Rock Valley and Rockford colleges and the Loves Park Public library. LICENSE DEADLINE Secretary of State Jim Edgar has announced that midnight Sunday, July is the deadline for car with f|en8§4frtate registrations piring in July to display the purple 1964 stickers in the upper right corner of their rear license plate. Effective Monday, Aug. 1, anyone driving a car with an expired orange, July, 1983, sticker will be subject to a fine for improper registration. TRIVIA Health Care Q. Is ultrasound being used routinely in prenatal care these days? A, No.-Ultrasound-a diagnostic tool which allows obstetricians to "see" inside the womb-is not used routinely. Until physicians can say with assurance that ultrasound does not produce subtle or delayed harmful effects, it should be used only when medically indicated, most medical experts agree. Earth Cracks Despite a deep snow cov- er and low temperatures dur­ ing a Yellowstone National Park winter, elk can feed at steaming pools and springs forced by pressure through cracks in the earth, accord ing to National Geographic World magazine. Green plants grow around the pools and springs. 1 V * \ V nV 1 u x T H A "Do you believe in love at first sight?" WHAT S NEW Threadk "Iter This anaerobic thread- locker Alls the space be­ tween threads, fluid hard­ ens to a tough, plastic coat to prevent loosening due to vibration and shock. Parts still can be disassembled with con­ ventional hand tools. Available at hardware and auto stores or write Loctite Corp., 4450Cran- wood Ct., Cleveland, Ohio44128. An Ohio podiatrisi has conducted a .study on high heels and 'heir effects on feet and legs. He notes thai years of wearing high heels can result in chronic lower back pain, knee and fool problems. A good preventive measure is to change shoes ami heel heights often. This allows feet to rest and muscles in lens t« rem;; in flexible. WELCOME WAGON HAS USEFUL GIFTS AND HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR YOU... ALL FREE JUST ENGAGED? NEW PARENT? MOVED? My visit's a friendly way to get an­ swers to where-to-find questions about our town and available goods and services/Local stores are anxious to help too and have gifts for you when you visit them. 344-3966 • 385-7980 • -5072 -- »" THE | McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At Tho Following Locations: • WHITE HEN PANTRY • McHENRY DRUG • BELL LIQUORS • BOLGERS DRUG STORE • BEN FRANKLIN • OSCO DRUGS • JEWEL • HORNSBY'S • HERMES t CO. • LIQUOR MART • VILLAGE MARKET • J t R FOOD MART • McHENRY HOSPITAL • FOOD MART • J A L GAS • ACE HARDWARE • LAKEVIEW • SUNNYSIDE FOODS • ADAMS GROCERY • LITTLE STORE • FRED * IRENE'S TAP • SUNRISE GROCERY • DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE • NORTHWEST TRAIN • ISLAND FOODS • CONVENIENT FOOD • COUNTRY CUPBOARD • SULLIVAN FOODS • MILLSTREAM UNION 76 • COLE PHARMACY • SUNNYSIDE AUTO • COAST TO COAST Underground Burning Yields Cheaper Fuel A recent U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) study shows that many chemical products like methanol, hydrogen, and carbon diox ide can be produced as cheap ly--in some cases more che­ aply--by converting coal to gas underground as by con­ ventional means. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE 10 IHE cHENRY INDEALER The People Some 200,000 native peo pie live in the arctic regions of the West. They are called Yupiks, Inupiat, and Ath apaskans in Alaska, Dem­ and Inuit in Canada, Inuit in Greenland, and Saami in Scandinavia, all of which roughly mean the same thing, according to National Geo­ graphic: "the people." The McHenry Ploindealer 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry. II. 60050 • 3 YEARS • $40.00 • 2 YEARS - $28.50 • 1 YEAR-S16.50 •6 MONTHS • $8.50 • PAYMENT ENCLOSED Nome Address City Prices good in McHenry County S1RT kmseHwc the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE $1.00 per hour, .for every hour thereafte (Example 2 hours... total charge $1 plus tax. Special Rental Rat* Goad Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC ctaans tha way professionals do', at a fraction of tha cost a SUN OVIRNIGHT SPECIAL! 8:00PM 9:00AM $10.00 .SHOP Ftnsi^ 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY. ILL.

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