PAOf 4 Sports Calendar 8ATURDAY (NBC)BASEBALL Primary game: Pittsburgh Pirates at Montreal Expos; alternate game: San Francisco Giants at Houston Astros. (NBC) TRACK AND FIELD 1983 World Championships of Track and Field from Helsinki, Finland. (ABC)8PORT8BEAT (ABC) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS (CBS) TRAVER8 8TAKE8 The 114th running of "The Midsummer Derby" -- an extension of the Triple Crown races -- for 3- year-old thoroughbreds. Brent Musburger hosts; Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder, Phyllis George and others will report, live, from Saratoga, N.Y. SUNDAY (CBS) PAN AMERICAN GAMES Live and taped coverage of the IX Pan American Games from Caracas, Venezuela. Athletes repre senting 30 countries from the Western Hemisphere participate in 22 amateur sports. Brent Musburger hosts; Gary Bender, Billy Packer. Tim Ryan and other provide the commentary. (CBS) TENNIS The men's final of the $300,000 Canadian Open Tennis tournament, with Pat Summerall, Tony Tra- bert and John Newcombe providing the commenta ry, live, from Montreal, Canada. (NBC) FOOTBALL NBC's 1983 coverage of professional football kicks off with a pre-season contest in which the San Fran cisco 49ers host the New England Patriots. Marv Albert and John Brodie will report. (NBC) TRACK AND FIELD Coverage of the first World Championships of Track and Field from Helsinki, Finland, in which athletes from 126 nations are expected to compete. Sched uled events: finals of the women's marathon and the men's shot put. Reporting from the scene will be Charlie Jones, Frank Shorter, Madeline Manning- Mims, Ahmad Rashad and Dick Enberg as host. MONDAY (ABC) MONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL THURSDAY (CBS) FOOTBALL Pre-season game between the New York Jets and Cincinnati Bengals, with Pat Summerall and John Madden providing the commentary, live, from River front Stadium in Cincinnati. Ohio. FRIDAY (ABC) FOOTBALL Pre-season game between the Miami Dolphins and Washingtdn Redskins. SATURDAY. AUGUST 13 Tomorrow'! Muik today SI Oft Athletes in Action ® Black Beauty 1:30PM O Different Drummers GD © (59) Bits, Bytes * Buzzwords ID Tho Sporting life QD Monitor , MOVIE: "Tho Mummy's Ghost' An anciont curie keeps a mummy alive 3000 yean to defend a princess reincarnated in an American girl. Ion Chaney, George Zucco, John Carro- dine. 1943 Q| <3$ Adventures in looming ® Uvowiro 2:00PM Oobfective Q Country Sportsman O MOVIE: 'Tartan's Now Adventure' Tarzan joins an expedi tion searching for the famous lost Goddess. Herman 'Bruce Bennett' Brix, Ula Holt. 1936 CD Nova 'Sixty Minutes to Melt down.' Tonight's program chronicles the minute-by-minute sequence of mal functions and mistakes at Three Mile Island four years ago. (R) (90 niin.) (Closed Captioned] (3D (St) Dr. Who Movie • fr.nfct.jl -_J Miiiivra ana son ID Charlie Rose Show CD MOVIE: 'last American Virgin' » 60 Disney Salutes: Kansas: 34th Star Qj) Streets of San Francisco ID (8 Cbcwle Tres © MOVIE: 'Hercules vs. the Hydra' 2:30PM Q Now Wilderness O American Sports Cavalcade O @ College FootbaR 'B2 ID Western Baes United States BaLIM^B I •%I nwiinj inviiiiiwiiw CD Stanley and Hutch CD Medical Marvels CD HBO Recks: Stevie Nicks in Concert €D Nil's Best Ever ID (5$ Esta Is La Vida © Alex A Wonderful lamp ID MOVIE: 'Five MflKon Years to Em ll»* A time capsule is unearthed In London and is found to contain dues to on ancient Martian invasion of earth. Andrew Keir, Barbara Shelley, James Donald. 1968. 3:00 PM O Redcford Files 8I CD 8) 19*3 World •mplonship of Track A Field O (23) NH's Best Bver Q America's Top Ten ̂ CD Weedwright's Shop CD Pkk the Pros CD Are Yew listening © Disney Studio Showcase ® @) ibert> Temj W w/Hart CD Starsky and Hatch ID MOVIE: 'Face of Terror' A ttochff ond hit Qirtfrnod incounlir o manioc on tho run from a kilting # ••hMA P2#4kJiMl A IJJMI LJMIAM UAUOU *pi bo • nicnora " loon, newn novBy. 1963. fll ® aubrn ® Ransom of Red Chief 3:30PM 8 D 8*BC Q Soul Train IE) Amateur Boxing: USA vs. USSR from Las Vegas, NV O Under Sail (H) CD (39 CD Scholastic Sports Acad. -- -- -MMIVIiyi Inwwy BIBB WW ID MOVNb 'Memmie Dearest' m MOVIE: 'My Palikori' CD 39 That Teen Shew ID Piece of Cake ® (23) Musk Magazine ID ($8) Club PTL CD You Can't Do That an TV Q (3) Twilight Zone 4:00 PM OO® CDCBS Sports Spockil: THo Trovort Stolen O Wrap Around MeihvUi ' O ID ©Wide World of Sports Q Magic of Oil Painting ffl) ffl ® Great Railway €0 Tirn«. 0'>f TV .-u ID Cable Health Week In Review ID (59 Please Don't Eat Daisies ID MOVIE: foul Pta/ fi MOV* 'Jonathan Livingston SoaguV A young seagull strives to fty farter and higher than any bird be fore him. Rated G. CD 29 Beautiful Korea Ql (Ob\ »iCwfiiw flWQtiionw O Against The Odds ID O Outer limits CD Read to LA. 4:30PM o MOVIE: Utah' A girl singer inherits a ranch. Roy Ro- gen, Dale Evens. 1945. Ql(ung Fu CD Victory Garden CD 89 Courtship/Eddy'* Father Q Black Beauty ID Motorwoek Mustratod 5:00PM CD People QNews 'V • O ©Target CD Frugal Gourmet (3D CD (39 Matinee at the Bi}eu 'Prelude to War.' CDCe-Sd CD New Way Gourmet O MOVIE: 'Heaven's Gate' OshaNaNa 38 Entertainment This Week ® ® Pol-Am TV Journal ̂At Thu Movies ,