Marian Central END OF SEASON^ SALE^M • .J / " Educator To Marlon Post «EH akmn «hn U ihn • PAGE a • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. choices for the ipal of Catholic High the 2p- Blum aa it tod Public ia a new position at Marian Central for year, Mrs. Blum will coor- i at Marian Central of community relations, her duties will include working with parent groups who assist in*variOus capacities at Marian, developing Material to present to prospective students and thei| parents, organizing and planning with incoming freshmen and working with > media representatives in order to keep the the at community informed about Marian Central. - Mrs. help Marian Central improve existing student life and to possibly introduce new concepts of stndent life. Service is one of the goals at Marian Central and Mrs. Blum sees her position as frtt tbftt Originally, Mrs. Blum comes from Riverside, 111., latere she attended both grade and high school. Her from Barat CoUegef*Lake^orest She attended Loyola University, Chicago, for her masters degree in Education, concentrating in curriculum and instruction. Mrs. Blum ii certified in Religion from (Jewel ' yotC^' were lost, stolen or damaged, would you know how much it was worth? Inflation has pished jewelry prices way un, so if you haven't had your jewelry appraised lately, you may not get your money's worth if something happens to it. A jewelry appraisal is a complex which must performed by a qualified jeweler. An estimate of value is only ^opinion and, although opinion may vary, that of an expert is most reliable. Here is where confidence in your jewelfer becomes impor tant . The American Gem Socie ty X AGS) jewelers are ex tensively trained, skilled individuals who demonstra te the highest level of knowledge and in tegrity in the retail jewelry industry. ' The society recently accredited members with a new profess ional t i t le ca l led Cer t i f ied Gemologist Af This new title was awarded to those members who went through an extensive training program and comprehensive testing based on all aspects of the appraisal process. According to AGS, a complete appraisal should include: the milUmetfr | dipien- 8{OT^cpaHty, weight and identification of each stone, and description of small stones or groups of stones; cutting, color and clarity grades of major d iamonds; identification and assessment of the workmanship of metal used in the mounting; a thorough description or photograph of the item; and the estimated value of the item. Jewelers should charge a fee for ap~ praisal services, based on the amount of time required for the ap praisal or type of item. You should discuss this with your jeweler before you have any appraisal done. '• #0 O •••»»*» + #»» O « School and McH well as jfonttnl School. New at Mm. rTiw to her appditttm Central, Mrs. Bhi armtU atMontinL •"P."T 11. me toundefitai --It*- L K Of iPt SUXS6fllS will Mil. Blum ismarrisd t» JamesJ. Blum who Is also an educator in the area. Thsy have two Jay and Mara. riAVlttogs the City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation will be starting this fall out right with old- fashioned hayrides. There's no finer way to enjoy friendship and relax on ah old haywagon for a tour of the countryside. The fresh autumn air wig refresh the sen*» aa the ride ends with a campfire at the Knox shelter. group or organisation is in to participate in this ad venture. Reservations must be one week in advance. further information on fees and times, call the Department of Parks and Recreation at 344-8300. • e* e o e e » e e e e « m m m m m m m m m • Care of Chemicals Chemicals are best stored in a locked, well ventilated space, out of the sun, and especially clear of pilot lights and other open flames or sparks, since the fumes could catch fire. A garden shed, toolroom or garage are better than a basement or elewhere in the house. If you've mixed more than you need, the best way to dispose of the excess is to spray the entire amount mixed on needy plants ac cording to label directions. Don't pour pesticides down the drain-most of them are harmnful to the beneficial that^tarfk in"i tanks -lend treatment plants. Plan ahead, the best way is to mix only the amount you actually need. SMS1BP cwato® • M OM* (hisi 'll *» I Mm «* K«i» >l km. >• I 111 114 bMk (MM** FILL UP YOUR PICNIC IASKE! Wmt'OUft 50-100 PC. Of W0ASIED® CHICKEN® ITALIAN BB9F BY THE POUND! -- IttllANBBF -- Ma M Mmt 0 S. NMmI S*b S MdM SmMSm N fMi Stt InS «wli (MttMeiMdNan.k'ilka $ 20 PIECES OF BR0ASTED® CHICKEN® I • KMUIttfftt . {(omooon atssv villa TMfuiAiotoAvJ I^SSPT.S, 1W.UMHOWI COUPON fWVWTOj •MCHENRY 144-1103 •WOODSTOCK 338-9706 " • • • - NOTICE Notice it hartby given that the Village off Sunnyside, Illinois intends to adopt an aggregate levy in amounts more than 105% off the amount off property taxes extended upon the levy ffor the preceding ffiscal year, May 1t 1982 to April 30, 1983. The amount off property taxes, ex clusive off election costs, extended on behalff off the taxing district ffor the preceding ffiscal year. May 1, 1982 to April 30, 1983, was $32,375.72. The amount off proposed levy, ex clusive off election costs, ffor the current ffiscal year. May 1, 1983 to April 30,1984, Is $40,100.00. The increase is twenty-two per cent. A public hearing on the proposed budget and the proposed levy in crease will be held on September 6, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. at the Sunnyside Village Hall, 1509 West Channel Beach Drive, McHenry, Illinois., Philip Fleming, Clerk Village off Sunnyside, Illinois (Published August 24,1983) No. 830376 * S^ W H Y ^ WAIT? PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER BUY NOW AND SAVE! i Import Iff In Effect Shortly, So Hurry!!!