Our low price 149.95 Less Mfr's rebate 50.00 Your final cost 99.95 lig. Texas Instruments now offers a $50 rebate on its TI-99/4A Home Computer. Just purchase one at JCPenney anytime through January 31,1984. Fill out the mail-in certificate provided and follow the instructions. Soon you'll receive your rebate. See mail-in certificate and JCPenney Associate for details. Offer valid through January 31,1984. TV not included. Joysticks, Program Recorder. Program Recorder is an extensive program and data storage/retrieval system Only 69.95 Pair of Joystick Controllers feature 12-position sticks and fire-control button. Reg. 34.95. Sale 29.95 $8 off Tl cartridges. * * ALPINER PARSEC f H : ' • " . Your choice: Sale 31.95 Reg. 39.95 each. e Munchman e Alpiner e Parsec • 1983. J C Penney Company. tnc Sale prices effective thru Monday, September 5th. Brickyard, Ford City, Fox Valley,Center, Golf Mill, Joliet Mall, Lakehurst, Lincoln Mall, North Riverside Park, Orland Square, Southlake Mall, Spring Hill Mall, Woodfield, Yorktown - Custom 30% to 35% off Custom draperies and top treatment Fabric, labor, lining and installation. Redecorate your favorite room without spending a fortune. You can with JCPenney custom draperie& Ourdecorator consultant will help you choose from a special group of fashion fabrics, select the style to work best with your decor, even help you design balloon shades to set your draperies off perfectly. And we do everything else to perfection, too: we even install them. Percentage off represents savings over regular prices. Sale prices effective thru Saturday, September 3rd. Call for a free in-home appointment with a JCPenney Decorator CQnsultant No obligation, of course. Custom Decorating • 1#$3. J C P»nn#y Company. Inc Illinois Brickyard .......822-2779 Ford City 581-5821 Fox Valley Canter851-6910 Golf Mill .299-1042 Joliet Mall.. 815/439-1442 Lakehurst 473-1811 Lincoln Mall..... 481-2030 No Riverside.... 447-8010 Northwoods Mall - Peoria 885-8111 Orland Square... 480-1552 Spring Hill Mall. .428-8970 Woodfield 882-5558 Yorktown 820-4562 Northwest Indiana: Marquette Mali.. 679-7361 Southlake MaH.. .738-2357 fSpeaking of Soaps By Mary Ann Cooper A computer offer programmed to please. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TI-99/4A HOME COMPUTER. MAIL-IN REBATE OFFER. Patricia Hodges is mdking her daytime television debut as Maisie, the kooky, hash- slinging head waitress in Bay City's famous greasy eatery, Smiley's Diner. Considering that she was born in Puyllup, Washington, and raised on a chicken farm, it's amazing that Patricia ever got to New York, let alone on a soap. She might still be working with the Seattle Repertory Company had she not noticed a S a n d y g o e s t o Washington to get to the bottom of the threats against Mark. Dendy tells Zak that if Sandy makes one false move he will have a fatal acci dent. Nicole is distress ed when she thinks Jamie and Stacey are having an affair. Donna unnerves Sally by mak ing references to her past that hit too close to home. Gil gets upset when Julia puts working on the book before their lovemaking. THIS WEEK: Donna pumps Beverly for in formation. Cass won't give up on Ceclie. A S T H E W O R L D TURNS - Steve is ar rested. Betsy accuses David of betraying her confidence by turning Steve in. John and Karen kiss after getting c a u g h t i n a thunderstorm. Diana feels guilty about sleep ing with Craig. Kirk ac cidentally gives Frannie a nose bleed and causes Bob to go after him. James goes on TV and appeals to Paul not to stay away from him. Paul sees the show and is disturbed by it. THIS WEEK: Steve takes a chance. Jeff snaps at Annie. DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- Maggie breaks off with Don after seeing the doctored photos and decides to renew her vows with Mickey but she's not happy about it. M e l i s s a a n d H o p e overhear Gwen deman ding payment for the p h o t o g r a p h e r a n d realize that Don was framed but keep the news to themselves. Renee learns that Alex only married her because there was a se cond will leaving the en tire DiMera fortune to her and her alone. She announces to all about the second will, tells Alex she doesn't want to see him again and goes to bed with Tony. Final ly, a maid lets out a scream with blood drip- ?ing from her hands. HIS WEEK: Hope feels guilty about keep ing quiet. There's a murder mystery to be special discount fare to New York being adver tised. "It sounded like a good idea!" Obviously, the producers of AW couldn't agree more. Patricia brings a wealth of experience and a long list of theatrical credits to N B C ' s " A n o t h e r World." Most recently, she appeared as Lina in the Actors Theatre of Louisville production of Shaw's "Misalliance." Recap: 8-29,9-2 Preview: 9-5,9-9 ANOTHER WORLD - solved. ALL MY CHILDREN - Donna runs away and stays with Candy. Dottle comes on to Jesse but he turns her down. Tony and Jenny grow closer and he promises to make her forget about Greg. Lois is spying for Lars as well as Palmer. Tad is sleeping with L i z a a n d M i r i a m without letting either one of them know. THIS WEEK: Benny continues to search for Donna. Enid hopes Greg is serious about Aman da. ONE LIFE TO LIVE -- Ed decides to stay on the police force. Dorian is afraid that Cassie will recognize David. She is also afraid that Herb will find out the extent of Dorian's involvement wiht David. Viki and Clint stage a breakup so that Viki can investigate Echo. She finds out that Echo is an excellent swimmer though she would have everyone believe she could not swim. Viki also finds out Gezelle fell off a bridge and drowned. Giles is arrested for breaking Into Asa's mansion. THIS WEEK: Clint is as confused as ever about Echo. Giles pressures Echo to step up their plan. G U I D I N G L I G H T : Bradley tells Phillip he is not a Spaulding. Justin admits the truth t o P h i l l i p . N o l a overhears H.B. and Henry talking about a secret and she asks him what he's talking about. Phillip packs a bag and leaves. SEARCH FOR TOMOR ROW -- Wendy plans to get an abortion until she hears that Suzi will be moving in with her and Stephanie until Jo is found. She then makes one last attempt to get Warren to marry her and divorce Suzi but Warren won't. Jo sets fire to the cabin in her a t t e m p t t o a l e r t rescuers to where she is. Lloyd digs for informa tion about a friend of M a r t i n ' s . W a r r e n suspects Vargas has kidnapped Jo and tells Ringo to hire an in competent private in vestigator who will give t h e m t i m e t o f i n d Vargas. THIS WEEK: Wendy waits to make her move. Warren puts pressure on Suzi. R Y A N ' S H O P E - Maggie fakes a back in jury to stay on at the Coleridge house. Delia schemes to scare LJ in to thinking Frank will take him far away from Maeve and Johnny. Frank cautions Millian not to let Maggie depend t o o m u c h o n h e r . Siobhan is happy for her promotion and for her new assignment as B i l l ' s p a r t n e r b u t wonders if she is being unfaithful to Joe. Mag gie flirts with Pat and Faith gently tells her that Pat and Faith are an item. THIS WEEK: Roger r e t u r n s . M a g g i e i s caught in a lie. G E N E R A L HOSPITAL- Lesley is exhausted and edgy because of worry over Rick and an increased work load. Bobbie is almost raped by two dock workers who have read about her past as a h o o k e r . B r o c k , however, saves her. Celia and Grant are almost killed by a motorcycle accident. Later, Grant is told that Celia will only stay alive if he agrees to help Natalie and Gregory. Claudia tries to reunite Rose and Jake but bot ches things. THIS WEEK: Monica goads Alan into a fight. Grant tries to stall for a time. LOVING -- Roger pro mises to divorce Ann when Merrill refuses to become his mistress. Mike is acting a bit strange and talking to himself. Billy told Rita Mae to stay away from the men in town. CAPITOL t Sloane vows to get even with Trey for trying to have her fired. Trey hoped to p r o v e t h a t M a r k fathered Amy so he could ruin his political career. Brenda travels in dangerous company to get a rise out of Wal- iy. THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS -- Andy and Paul are neary killed when Tony unleashes his computer flan on them. Jack goep home but is worried th|t Patty will go off the deep end again. Eric and Ashley plan to get married as soon as Dina goes back to Paris which they assume will be very soon. Nikki tries to trick Tony into giving her back the porno tape but he is too fast for her. Carl ties some loose ends together and nar- r o w s t h e f i e l d o f suspects in the shooting. THIS WEEK: Danny g e t s i n v o l v e d w i t h Lauren. Tract is burn ing the candle at both ends. EDGE OF NIGHT - Robbie gives Davey Oakes' mother money to keep quiet. Mayhew takes a leap out of the 26th floor of the Isis Building after Derek questions him about the limping man. Raven opens a 'dating service' o f f i c e i n t h e I s i s Building as a front for her detective business. Preacher is concerned when Jody screams at him to let go of her so she can dance with Rob bie. Cliff interrupts Hext taking something from Mayhew's desk. THIS WEEK: Was it murder or suicide? Preacher Wonderi what hold Robbie hafs on Jody.