Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1983, p. 12

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} • -* I'.tf IK 12 - PI.AINnKAI.KH - FltlDAY, SKPTKMIlKIt 9,1SH3 Business Services. 00 YOUR CON­ CRETE work before winter. You name it, we do it. C &.E Con­ crete, 815-385-3596. 9- 7tfc LAWNMOWER Repair, Giant Oaks Engine Clinic. Pick-up ana delivery, 48 hour service. 815-728-1482. 9-7-94C ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, call Electrical Unlimited. Licensed and Insured, 815-728- 1814. 9-2tfc CRAFTWAY HEATING PLUMBING COOLING 815-385-5591 NEW INSTALLATION FURNACE AIR CONDITIONING WOT WATER TANKS BATHROOM & KITCHEN FIXTURES SALES & SERVICE 24 ML BB6ENCY SERVICE SEMOI CITIZEN DISCOUNT « prouii Whirlpool HUIMt t C00UN6 DEALER 7/lS-tO/TTF2 L •J. AUTO RENTAL laiesf Rates b Tom Day, Week or Month at 491IV.RH. 1M S15-3S5-S240 a/at-n/i *m Aiuurs IARLYM jrn.PT. f* MN 4 Miwki Mr Or Orpeways Over 1000 Sq. Ft. •Parking Lois«New Drwfes •long Lane$*Patchmg •flesurfacmg-Sealcoaiing 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates ^ 81S49MM9 . Cad Now 8 Sov* ' 5 4Tf 'HJ "!•>. ' > 1 " » ,1 AU 1 ' I I i AATHISM SEPTIC SERVICE Now Soptk Inatallotions, and Repairs Bockhoo Work Questions about your soptic systems? Givo us a coll Light Hauling, Driveway Gravel. Top Soil. Sand 8 Fill S15-344-39SO 5 5TF Notices, WANTED VOLUNTEERS to man the 24 hour Stress Line and work as advocates or safe-home providers Required Training 5 Wednesday Nights Beginning Sept. 14th at Woodstock Prosbytorian Church Corner Calhoun 8 Try on Streets Woodstock 7 p.m. Sharp For further information, call TURNING POINT -015-338-8081 LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9388.. 9- 2tfc YARD CARE. Spring clean-up. Mowing, Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5598. 9- 7tfc LICENSED HOR­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385- 2847. 97tfc BASEMENTS ft ATTICS. Cleaned and hauled. F r e e estimates.-" 815-455- 5538.- 9-7tfc HANDYMAN. WILL Fix almost anything. Free estimates, painting, plumbing, electrical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815- 344-4287. 9-7tfc PAINTING, PAT­ CHING, light repairs. Quality work knd materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455-5538. 9- 7tfc Dog BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE . Professional Grooming. All Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 9-7tfc ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and • custom built homes . F ree estimates. 815-653- 6451. 9-7tfc PAINTING PLUS, AU types painting, papering, roofing. Free estimates. In­ sured: Best price around. Bill, 815-385- 2843. 9-7tfc R.W. CONCRETE, Expert work, free estimates. Com­ mercial, residential. Driveways, patios, walls, sidewalks and floors. 815-728-1307. 9- 7tfc ' MARILYN'S Bookkeeping Service, Accounts Receivable and Payable, Payroll, Billing, all quarterly Taxes. 815-385-6015. 9- 2-9-9C REMODELING Specialists, "30 years." Basements, porches, room ad­ ditions, garages, concrete repairs, roofing, siding. Prompt service. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344-0748. 8-31-9-16C PAINTING PLUS, all types painting, papering, roofing. Free estimates. In­ sured. Best price around. Bill, 815-385- 2843. 9-2tfc HANDYMAN, CARPENTRY, Remodeling, roofing and siding, painting, fences, tree removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344- 2384. 9-2tfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good work, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3289. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 9-7tfc 9 mtmm mm WILL DO GARAGE and basemen t cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815463- . 6888,815-728-1833. 9- 7tfC ' SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum Cleaner Repair and parts in home service. Keener ft So* 815-7284672. 9- 7tfc « WASHING! 9-7tfc CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living roometeamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.9* Bauman Carpet Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 9-2tfc GARAGE DOOR Sales, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815485- 2662. • 9-2tfc TYPEWRITER _J REPAIR Manual and \ Electric. Free pick-up and delivery. Keener ft Son, 815-728-0672. 7tfc » THINK GREEN landscaping and Lawn - Maintenance Stop, Think, Call and Compare Prices Complete Lawn Maintenance. Weed and Feed fertilizing. Thatching, Sod. Black Dirt Sand Gravel, Decorative Stone. Tree and Shrub Planting*lnstalled or Delivered Oak Firewood $45. dropped off 815-385-6103 BUILDINS SUPPLIES 1903 W. Rte. 120-McHenry 815-385-6445 Durafonn-Simpkx-SyiMCM Fan* Tic* Wire Mtsh k Rabat 1 Drain Tile & Fitting* Culvert* Senco 6t Bostitch Cuna, Nail a 4c Staple* Tools-Sealer-Fonn Oil Sump Pkunpa 8c Piu Open 7 - 5 Mon. - Fri. Sat 7 -12 T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 New Garages, Room Additions, Dormers, Alum. S/Windows, S/Doors, Seamless Gutters, Siding, Re-Placement Windows, Soffitt, Fascia Any Type Roofing. All Types of Remodeling Inside and Outside. We Also Build Complete New Buildings, Wood Decks and Patios Co. Fully Insured Siding Wood Docks 2" S. Slake CotuttuctioH Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Exports Will design and draw pions for your new home or remodeling needs Free Estimates Coll John Bioko 385-5593 Concrete ofter 5 P.M. Patios . 9/JTF2 -U Roofing isn SERVICE All Typos Welding SPECIALIZING IN •IsalftatkNirs v •Cmkm Irate NMts ItllW.M*. IM •15-3SS-49M MITCH & SONS SIDWGCO. AI«nimii**Sleei*Viflvl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Res iden t ! a I Commerc i a l - Indus t r i a l Biq s av ings on Res id rn t i a ! work P roven by t housonds o f s a t i s f i ed cus tomers SPRING DISCOUNT •Mach ine l a id 'New Dr ives •Resu r fac ing •Pa rk ingLo t s • Sea l Coa t ing Al l wor t gua ran teed F ree Es t ima te s 312 -546-5600 _ I Mo-, ; • FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS .1 SPRING R A Best time for iree care. Now offering 15% Off trimming and removals Free estimates Fully Insured 815-38541318 9/ZTF Grays l ake w Notices. WILL BABYSIT days in my Crystal Lake (Prairie Grove) home, large playroom, hot lunches and con­ structive fun For more information, call Kathi after 5pm, 815- 455-1903. 9-9-9-16C WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Scrra* year area- 21 furs uperiesci. Weart now taking1 orders. Deal Arad with owner 8 we!! COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL looting Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 LIBERTY VILL! 312-367-0676 3 2TF Instructions. OIL PAINTING Classes in Landscape and Tole Art. Contact 815-344-3387. 9-7-9-9C Notices. RELOCATED PIANO TEACHER 17 year* teaching ex­ perience In Palatine. Degree in Music, North­ western University. If in- toreatod in lessons, pleaao call 815-344-3502 Mrs. Carole Duron -- 1 '.50* COQFQl CLASSIFIED SPECIAL .50' DISCOUNT On Propoid Lino Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer Citizen Package Deadline: Monday before 3:30 PM IS words or less for only $4.60, Reg. price $5.10 .34' each additional word RKAOMM 43,See MMES M NUMKMIT COUNTY The McHenry Plaindealer 3S12 W. Elm Street, McHenry. Illinois 60050 I I I I BASEBALL CARDS, Comics, Football cards and Non Sports Hobby Meet. Buy-Sell- Trade. Sunday Sep­ tember 11, I0am-5pm. Mason Hall in Cary, Rte. 14 at Ross Street. Corky 312-858-4981, John 312-888-1283. 9-9 DISCOURAGED over Health Insurance costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can afford. Permanent or temporary. Sun­ der lage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328. 9-7-9-9C , • ?. Amount Enclosed. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE___ Jnsert for •^usrP.u.NTc3u^5B Child Core UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISE D According to the Child Care Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for 4 or more other person's children in your home unless that home licensed by the Sate of llliri^is. It is olso illegal to adver tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information ond Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN 8 FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villaf ield Office . P.O. Bo* 269. 215 N. Milwoukee Ave Lake Villa 111.60046 312-3S61011 HOME CAftf F0K 4 HOURS N HOURS 7 DATS A Nil* Mul Prtpsrstie* Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Cere ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nana* Licensed Practical Nurses Home Cert Assistants eeee 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES S15S6854S8 TRULY CAKING -SERVICES, inc. Rm. 206 100 M. Washington SL, Mirengo, IL I jmnad A ttnrftf - ne**! .t 5 )0 arrs PLUMBING, New work, remodeling, r a p a i r a , w a t e r heaters, sump pumps, watgr softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tor®. 815-653-9725. 9- 2tfc R.T.A R PAINTING CO. Commercial ft ResidentiaTtaterior k Exterior. LOW prices. I n s u r e d : F r e e estimatea. Ron 815-728- 0178. , , > ; Htfc * • * r- • J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate a n d e e r e f u l restoration of An- tiquea. furniture and kitchen cabtneta. Also chair re-glueing. 815- 385-4024 Gary Jenaen. 9>2tfc CONNIE'S coinn SERVICE FAST Happy, Anniversary. for Prompt Pick-Up ond Delivery of Roosonoble Rotes Discount Avg.lpble Serving McHenry, Loko, Coolt Koneft DuPoge Counties hmflSthh^tmjOk -.81 ir tt^i, AP IVE WW I El | iffH Trnim< Ooodi eMMNMIsr Enrir^erl M. lit oonoto m vnsurva Doys-Nltes-7 Days 815-344-1497 »/2TF2 Happy Birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barb, Bobby, Greg and Joabua. Love and Hogs, The Fun City North Gang. 9-9 HAPPY 75IB BIRTHDAY (Wlw Cares) BLACK LABRADOR Puppies, Just weaned, mdly and healthy, .00.815-385-9445 9- AMERICAN Eskimoe (white Spits) U.K.C. registered puppies, $150.00; alao atud service. 815-728-1428. -\ 9-9 9 WEEK FROST- POINT Siamese, male kitten, cuddly and playful, excellent dispoeition, $85.00.815- 385-8443. 9-7-9-9C GIVEAWAY, 14 year old golden * «nd v will 818468-1188. GIVE AWAY to loving home, 8 month A.K.C. Springer Spaniel, housebroken, all ahota. 815-344-3482. 9 ̂ Horses. BUCKSKIN Quarter Hone, 10 years old, 18 b a n d s , w e s t e r n pleasure, excellent temperment, tack negotiable, $1^00. 818- 385-0687. 9-9 25 Years , Of Marital Bliss Ken & Marie Piedricb Congratulations Autos. Love, Jenny & Sue Love Moa,M,NI & Wmdr 1975 PLYMOUTH, Fury, excellent con­ dition, 52,000 milea, air, apert wheels, $2,500. Call 818-344-5080 after 5pm. 99 1978 MUSTANG, high performance, gaugee, very good condition, first $1,900 takee it. 818-344-1037. 94 1977 CHEVY NOVA, new valve Job, some rust, eharp looking. Beat offer; 1979 Mercury Bobcat, 4 apeed, excellent condition, new tiree, $2,200 or beat 815-385- 0887. 9-9-9-18C BUICK SKYLARK, 1980,4 door Limited, 6 cylinder, p.b., p.a., am4m stereo, a.c., cruise control, new tires, excellent con­ dition, $8,000. 815-458- 0754. 9-9-9-16C 1974 MUSTANG IL runs good, $450.00 cash. Call after 5pm, 815-653-9381. 99 1980 PINTO PONY, anr-fm 8 track, 4 apeed, excellent condition, must sell, $2,500. 815-344-5093 afternoons 94-9-16C 1989 DODGE Super Bee, good condition, modified for high performance)in runs 1987 MGB; 1971 MGB GT, needs work. Beat offer. 815-883-8874 evenings. J 9-9 STUDENT SPECIAL, 1972 VW Squareback, 4 speed, runs good needs bettery, ^75.00 or best offer. 818-388- 8892 Bob. 94 1977 BUICK REGAL,' loaded, automatic, p.a., p.b., air, tear defogger, excellent running ' condition, $2^50.815-653-4356. 9- 9-9-16C -- 1980 PINTO PONY, bhie, am-fm ft track, excellent condition, $2,500 or beat offer. 815-344-5098 evenings. 1973 AMC HORNET, 6 cylinder, air, fair condition, $880.00. 815- 853-5876 after 5:80pm. 9-99-16C 1976 RABBIT $650.00 or beat offer. Call after 5pm, 815-385-8045. 99 MUST SELL, 1968 SS Chevelle 396, all original, near mint condition, must see to appreciate. 818-728- 1909 days. 9-9-9-16C Card Of Thnnlfa THANK YOU TO ST. Jude for request granted through ^the mercy of the Sacred Heartof Jeaua. P.O. 9- 9 THANKS TO ST. Jude for favora granted. G.J. 9-9 THANKS TO OUR Blessed Mother and our Father in Heaven. •V.A.S. 9-9 19 7 2 C CAPRICE, 4 hardtop, automatic, p.a., air, good con­ dition, 8500.00. 815-385- 2808. 94 1978 DODGE Walk-in Van, 81,000. Call after 4pm, 818-728-1310. 94- 9-16C OR ALIVE CARS TRUCKS VANS 815-7281887 7/22-I0/I4TM 7/ao-io/uc SUNROOFS Top Quality Smoked Glass $225.00 Installed Most Cars Jim Adams v Auto Body Call for appointment 815-385-4640 t/im -» • 6/irr WE BUY CARS and TRUCKS i n o i ly ( onH11 ion 815 338 0270 Froo Towing Motorcycles. Help Wanted, 1975 HARLEY DavidsonSX 128, Very good condition, low -.^mileage. Asking 8375.00 or beat offer. 815-728^)168. 94 Auction. AUCtlON Sept. 11,1063,1:00 p.m. - 4522 Barreville Rd., Crystal Lake. 5 m|. south of Mc.Htnry; V2 mi. north of Rt. 176; 1 mi. east of Rt. 31; 4 mi. weet of the Fox Rlveir ANTIQUES: 2 blow torches wiUv^oldering irons, barn pulleys, hand potato planter, 2 potato plows, Cross cut saws, buck saws, hay Knife, foot pedal wet atone, corn shelter, 55 gal. wood barrel, milk cans Iron wheels, sml. iron wheel wacfori, milk stool. 2 scythes, egg crate, horse shoes, copper boiler, old butcher block, iron shoe repair kit w/stand, scalding kettle, enamel cast iron kettle, buttdr churn, mirrors. 2 walnut beds. 1 walnut crib, trunks, curtain stretcher, swivel desk chair, handgnnd console victrola and records, metal ice box .wood chairs, arm-chair, iron legg­ ed sml tables, wood dressing table, pictures, lamps, wood medicine cabinet. 2 barn lanterns FARM: 2 sml ponies. 2 wood steer troughs. 1 hay rope;, post hole digger, sledge hammer, 2 steel win­ dows 50"x 60" w/openings. clevises, rods of wire.' welded chicken wire, snow fence. 20' of V link log chain, chicken crate, chicken brooder 4 supplies, roll of felt paper * • OUTDOORS: Shovels, forks, rakes, ladders house jack, redwood lawn set. oil stove, block & tackle, kg. tool chest, auto tires, steel & wood doors. 6 umbrella w stand, Jacobsen self-propelled lawn mower, tripod Stand for T V antenna, paint gun HOUSEHOLD: 2 re frigs . 1 bath vanity 2 pore bath sinks, armed school chair folding bed uphol rocker, old floor lamps arm chair Underwood manual typewriter: modular bar bookcase, record cabinet chest of drawers, glass & chrome decorator shell glass 4 chrome cocktail table. co,nsole color TV 2 portable TVs prints 4 pictures wood chairs rolls of butcher paper Samsonite wardrobe suitcase steam wrinkle remover 2 children s oak chairs, wood h»gh chair Christmas ornaments sev >ml household articles Usual small items found on nay rack ' Auctioneer Bill Russei Terms Cash or good cnec* Owner Glenn Peterson . f 9 r 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY- Responsible sitter for ,10 year old, Friday thru Monday, nighte, my borne, Sunnyside, at least 16 years. 815- 385-6099 before 4pm. 9- 244c MONTY HALL thinks Genesis is the best deal in town. Earn extra income for Christmas now. Ex­ c i t i ng ne twork marketing program. Greets is a nutritional and weight control program ueed in local fltness centers.- Must see and taste the products to ap­ preciate. Call 815444- 0786 or come to M & M Health and Fitness Body Shoppe, 2906 W. Rte. 120, McHenry, September 14th, 8- 8pm. 9-744c POSITIONS AVAILABLE, Ap­ pliance Outlet in Crystal Lake area, needs to All positions in display ai)d in­ stallation. Permanent part-time, 85.00 to start, Monday thru Friday, 6:30-10pm, Saturday I0am-5pm. These are entry level poeitions and may lead to more responsibility with a higher rat* of pay. Call 4 to 8pm, 818- 485-3005. 94 PART-TIME Work in the McHennr area for High School students, between 15 and 20 hours per week, $3.35 an hour. Pleaae send personal information and available working -koura to Harmony Producta, P.O. Box 172, Wauconda, Illinois 60084. 9-244C EXPERIENCED Breakfast Cook for Sunday, 8amWioon. Call for appointment, 312-5874690 or 312-497- 3 7 6 6 P i a t a k e e Highlands. 9-7-94c RETIRED FORMER Police Officers or Security Guards for our "{rick your own operation," (outdoor work); next 4 weeks, including weekends. Call for an ap­ pointment, 312-438-2211 or 312-438-2333. 9-9 McHENRY HIGH Schoo l S tuden t s needed, part-time help. Sales. If you can work 3 hours in the evenings twice a week and during the day Saturday, we have a job for you with high earnings. XtfU 815-344- 0726 or 385 3643 ask for Mr. Crystal. 9-744c

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