Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Sep 1983, p. 17

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) Now Uierefore, mmm z j . / • . ' ' Legal notice JSsft' tSJr <KE plaint to the uid wit or otherwise make Quarter Section : red an (EIS) ass Court of the planned OClATION, Plaintiff, known aa located McHeory i. Boone ts the 7 PhfflprhS!S (Pub. Sept, 2 It 8,1983) LEWIS M. ELIOU, UNKN6WN SPOUSE OF LEWIS II. ELIOU, andUNkNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. NO 83CH2M The requisite af- Legal no Sealed proposals will be recdvedstths of Parks ant Recreation, 1111 North Green Street. aiit you, LEWIS M. EUOU, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LEWIS UNKNOWN* oW NE RS Defendants in the above-entitled suit, that the said suit has been commenced to the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry described as follows to wit: Lou l and t to Block 17 to Fos Lake Vista Unit No. 4, a Sub­ division of part of the North Half of the Southeast ' rand the Court of Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, to the Woodstock, on or before the 11th day of Oc­ tober, 1983, default entered t you at anytime "it day and a •H entered in accordance with the of said Com- I: September 6, and rea<f at this time : Bids win be received for construction of a WI _IF _ Building at Park. Instruction to Bidder*, Plans and Specification forms may be obtained from the City Clerk'* Office, 1U1 North Green nihS '̂mn0* •iafc Illinois, 60060.'A 910.00 deposit will be Vernon W.Kays, jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court CODILIS AND ASSOCIATES Attorney for Plaintiff 1 S. S76 Summit AMMIL ' Suite lk Oakbrook Terrace, /> Illinois 00181 V (312) 820-8444 (Pub. Sept. 0.18 It Legal notice JJJfns? Co^Or^ofCity INTHECUtCUT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby ghren that on August 28, 1082, a certificate was filed to the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry Illinois, Qie office of the conducting tranaacting the business known as GREAT LAKES COMPUTER SYSTEMS, located at 5409 Christine Avenue, McHenry, DL, 60060 which certificate sets forth the owners as follows: Delmar G. Quarter < Southeast Quarter Section 21 part of ™vi U1W681 of the !# owning, an<i uarter of ection 22, Township . 48 North, Range 0, Eaat of the Third Principal Meridian, Si? cording to the Plat thereof enry McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, (pnllUnnit Corporation, Plaintiff, RANDALL L. GORANSON; etaL, Defendants NO. 83 CH 237 a ted i August brrlebot .rt 26 ty 0.10 A (Pub 1983) November ' 3, 10 2 7 as Document No. 81877 to Book 8 of Plata, Page 8, in fie" County, i Commonly known as: wuKsOtf opnn§ Grove, lli.. which.; NOTICE The requisite af­ fidavit for publication having been filed, (tieine" AND Defendants to the above entitled suit, that said suit __ S at part of the Northeast uarter of ection 4, Township 44 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and part of Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 4S North, Range 8 < East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded Juqr 23, 1070 as Document No. 774302, in County, Illinois. Said property is' commonly known as 101 Heritage Drive, McHenry, Illinois: ttytt the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record In the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County. Illinois as Document Number 774302, On . July 23, 1070; that summons was duly out of the court _jt you ;A as ded by law,, and suit is still pen-, THEREFORE, unless you, the said above namarf Defendants, file your answer to the complaint to said suit pr otherwise make your appearance thereto, to the office of the Clerk of'the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, County Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock. Illinois, on or before the 11th day of October, A.D. 1983, default may be en­ tered against you at any time thereafter and a judgm«t en­ tered to accordance with the prayer of said complaint. .DATED: Wood­ stock, Illinois, Sep­ tember 2, 1083. Vernon W. Kays. Jr., ;OFfiffi development and therefore, since a portion of the project is located to the Boooe lain, HUD to comply with E O. dition, the location of small' of ml... I marsh art* ie provisions' of 1MB. In ad- ivu, the location of tall depressed areas marginal wetland, well as a large into play E. O. 11090. The developer. Residential Development Group, Inc. is developing approximately l, 270 units on 385 acres. There are plans for 790 single family units and 528 multi-family units, as well as 12 acres of commercially zoned property (B-l), a 90 acre park and school site and another 0 acres of Open space and 4 acres of large lot single family (R4). The ] ment is located to Southwest section the City of McHeinry along Crystal Lake Road! Both wetland available tgage in indtvidi Etto are located on the site. Construction haa begun and is con­ tinuing on the project using private funds. The proneeed federal action Is to make r FHA mor- insurance for vidual home buyers under Sections 208(b) and 245 of the National Housing Act of 1984. Regarding the floodplain and wetland issues: 1. HUD hereby m a k e s a determination of no - prac­ ticable alter­ native for: a) fill of and construction on the small Legal notice INTHECIRCUT COURT OF THE 10th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an Illinois Corporation, Dlotnfdf r uunm~, BILLY FREEMAN; " etal., Defendants. No. 83 CH 78 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE , NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, toJNOIS FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN M. EUOU M A N N I N G SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION as mortgagee and recorded to the Office of Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County. Illinois as Document No. 041001. And for other relief, that summons was duly issued out of the said Court against you as provided by law, and that the said suit is Circuit. McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforeaaid Piafntiff against you and other Defendants, praying fo rthe foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by RANDALL L. GORANSON and RAVEN GORANSON, to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Mortgagee, conveying t h e ^ T o l l o w i n g described premises to wit: Lot 40 to Win- ding Creek. Unit No. 1, being a CLERK i CIRCUIT COURT Cappetta A Shadle Attorneys for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Illinois 60603 312) 728-0800 (Pub. Sept. 0,10 A Sept. 23,1883) No. 830907 Legal notice NOTICE OF EXPLANATION TO TAKE ACTION IN A FLOODPLAIN AND WETLAND AREA Winding Creek McHenry County, Illinois HUD Project No. 510 are with b) Marginal fill of the Boone Creek floodplain to avoid steep slopes- end enhance the jamta^ 2. HUD hereby m a k A s a determination of practicable alternative for: a) En­ croachment u p o n t h e wetland to the northwest portion of the site. b) Construction of structures nCE-TDOR-m APPLES PICKING SCHEDULE Beginning Data* Mcintosh Saptambar 8* Jonathans Saptamhar 22 • Red Delicious September 29' Golden Delicious October#' •Lasting until aH are picked VISIT OUR FAMOUS RED BARN 'Ready picked apples...Freshly graded in easy to carry containers •Caramel apples •Fresh sweet apple cider & home­ made donuts beginning Sept. 10 •Pumpkins beginning October 1 COUNTRY SMOKEHOUSE ^ Country Smoked Hams 9 Slab Bacon Smoked Sausage * Famous Wisconsin Cheeses * Taste a bite of our 1 ton of cheese RIOLE SPRINGS ORCHARDS OPEN DAILY 9 to 8 34920 128th St .«Twin Lakes .Wis.* 414-877-2438 Take Hwy. 172 East out of Richmond, turn left on 1st rood going North . (iokeview Bond) right at 1st road flotof lest (Stotellne H.) I'AfSK 17 - I'LAINDRALER - FRIDAY. 8EPTEMBBR•, MB notices™ and Legalsi part of Southeast Quarter Section Township North, Range monnc Quarter Section Townshii of s!i of 5, hip 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat _ thereof recorded July 28, 1888 as Document No. 74254 to Book 5 of Plats, page 81, to McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL 2: Lot 27 and the West Half of Lot 28 to Block 7 in Sampson, Sex and Co?s Lily Lake Subdi­ vision, being a Subdivision of of the part of southeast Quarter Section of 22, Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 44 - North, Range 8 E a s t o f t h e Third Principal Meridian, - ac­ cording to the Plat (hereof recorded July • 28, 1928 as Document No. 74254 in Book 5 . of Plats, page 81, to McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is commonly known as 440 Riverside Drive, McHenry, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County. Illinois as Documtsit Number 882491, on May 5, 1978; that summons was duly issued outof the court against you ss provided by law, and said suit is still pen- d%w, ' THEREFORE, unless you, the said above nanwH Defendants, file your answer to the complaint to said suit or otherwise make your appearance the Clerkof theCiradt Court of the • Nineteenth Judicial Cireuit, McHenry County, Count] Building, Seminary A Woodstock. Dili or before the 11 n£& norm Uth dey of October, A J). 1882, default may be en­ tered against you at any time * ' and a tered to with the prayer of said complaint DATED: Wood­ stock, Illinois, Sep­ tember, 1882. Vernon W.~ CLERK I CIRCUIT! i IT COURT Cappetta km Attorneys for SevwMhl Street Dearborn Townehipr-- 45 North, Range 9 and part of the PAST 65 (212) 7288808 (Pub. Sept t, 181 ScntS, 1883) Ao. 8*888 He that byCarlRiblet Jr. Here to a problem of old age lat could be beaded (or serious trouble. Question--"My wife and I are pact 65-and I am retired. My parents are both past 90 and are still living in their own house a block away from us. Tbey have lived in that house for more than "40 years, but they are failing and situation is at an >le standoff. Snmetwdj have to give in and that's a ipmossibl Will have fact NOTICE The requisite af­ fidavit for publication having been filed, notice is berate given you. UNKNOWN H E I R S O R DEVISEES OF BILLY G. FREEMAN, DECEASED Defen­ dants to entitled suit, suit has been to the Circuit of the Circuit. McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforeaaid Piafntiff against you and other Defendants, praying for theforeckeure of a certain mortgage made by BILLY G. FREE! McHenry Savings and Loan .. Association, Mortaaaee. cot tbV^iol I o defKTibed premises wit: PARCEL 1: Lot 22 and toe East Half of Lot 21 to Block 5 in Sampeou, Sex and Co.'s Lily Lake Sub­ division, being a Subdivision of to move to a nursing home or some place where they can be taken care of all the time around the clock. "It all presents a problem that we don't lmow how to solve. The parents don't want to go to a nursing home and they don't want to live with us or any other of their children, all of whom still live nearby. Anyhow, my wife says we can't have them with Us because it would be too difficult for her. It makes me feel had but that's the way it is. After all, she's my wife. "What can we do? How can we put them in a place where they will want to stay, where they /will be safe and a place all of us can afford? We nave to help them with money every month, but that's okay. I can afford it. "Every time my wife and I try . to talk to them about it, my mother walks out of the room. l4My fythw Just sits and bis mouth shut Nobody has' solution. Everybody id\ miserable and yet they can't live, alone much longer. "--Phillip L. \ Answer--If the aging parents Can't long continue to live in their ownhouse, if they will not go into a retirement home, if they wont live with any of their children, who don't seem to want than anyhow, then the The parents .are alive and well, although failing. They will have to live some place. Tbey feel as many ddecs feel about retirement homes. Tbey are afraid of " always been fearful of the unknown. > The important answer is: why don* to live with any children? The ansi seem to be simple. Maybe the children dont want them, a fact the parents can senae with all their familial instincts. A compassionate solution must be found. Either the parents go to a retirement heme, to live with one of tbe they of Otherwise, the whole problem will wind up for others to solve iWnn nsnfcnnslalj and that may mart an unhappy day. that may Phillip and his wife need to have a conference with the other children, and their wives and husbands. A moderator, or* referee at the conference could „ be the pastor of one of the they go to, or a 1 local Judge who may be interested m solving problems of those who are aging, or the ombudsman for their local Council on Aging, or someone in a Write to Carl Riblet Jr. at Box 40757, Tucson, Ac. 85717 for information and advice on problems of aging. No identities are revealed. Arctic animals survive Me at the top of tbe vorid by MOM & DAI COMI ACK to SCHOOL and SAVE! LEARN HOW AND WHY PADDLE FANS SAVE MONEY AND ENERGY! HOURS: 9:00am'1:00pm DATE 9/10/83 A NUTONE FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE ON HANO TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS * a/ ALLFANSBY 40 % OFF ***** Cash & Carry All Salts Final li^i i*i A a®*® I etectncal supply an ESMAfW Company Ml, Crystal Ul» t l l w guj WSQlMB the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 par hoar..for every hour thoroafte.r (Exampla 2 hours... total charge $1 plus tar^ Sp*ct«l Rental till Good Monday thru TkuiUtf RINSiNVAC cloani Hi* wroy protostionolt •I • traction of tha SAT 8 SUN HOUR OVERNIGHT SPCCIAU 8:OOPM • 9:00AM SI0 00 4400W.RTI. 120 McHENRY. HI-

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